Interface Axes

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AxesImpl, FigureImpl, FigureWidget, ScatterPlotMatrix

public interface Axes extends Serializable
Chart's axes.
  • Method Details

    • axesRemoveSeries

      Axes axesRemoveSeries(String... removeSeriesNames)
      Removes the series with the specified names from this Axes.
      removeSeriesNames - series names
      this Chart
    • series

      Series series(int id)
      Gets a data series.
      id - series id.
      selected data series.
    • series

      Series series(Comparable name)
      Gets a data series.
      name - series name.
      selected data series.
    • plotStyle

      Axes plotStyle(PlotStyle plotStyle)
      Sets the PlotStyle of this Axes.
      plotStyle - style
      this Axes
    • plotStyle

      Axes plotStyle(String plotStyle)
      Sets the PlotStyle of this Axes.
      plotStyle - style
      this Axes
    • twin

      Axes twin()
      Creates a new Axes instance which shares the same Axis objects as this Axes. The resultant Axes has the same range, ticks, etc. as this Axes (as these are fields of the Axis) but may have, for example, a different PlotStyle.
      the new Axes instance. The axes name will be equal to the string representation of the axes id.
    • twin

      Axes twin(String name)
      Creates a new Axes instance which shares the same Axis objects as this Axes. The resultant Axes has the same range, ticks, etc. as this Axes (as these are fields of the Axis) but may have, for example, a different PlotStyle.
      name - Name for the axes
      the new Axes instance
    • twin

      Axes twin(int dim)
      Creates a new Axes instance which shares the same Axis objects as this Axes. The resultant Axes has the same range, ticks, etc. as this Axes (as these are fields of the Axis) but may have, for example, a different PlotStyle.
      dim - Axis dimension to share. The x-axis is dimension 0, y-axis is dimension 1.
      the new Axes instance. The axes name will be equal to the string representation of the axes id.
    • twin

      Axes twin(String name, int dim)
      Creates a new Axes instance which shares the same Axis objects as this Axes. The resultant Axes has the same range, ticks, etc. as this Axes (as these are fields of the Axis) but may have, for example, a different PlotStyle.
      name - name for the axes
      dim - Axis dimension to share. The x-axis is dimension 0, y-axis is dimension 1.
      the new Axes instance
    • twinX

      Axes twinX()
      Creates a new Axes instance which shares the same x-Axis as this Axes.

      The resultant Axes has the same x-axis range, ticks, etc. as this Axes (as these are properties of the Axis) but may have, for example, a different PlotStyle.

      the new Axes instance. The axes name will be equal to the string representation of the axes id.
    • twinX

      Axes twinX(String name)
      Creates a new Axes instance which shares the same x-Axis as this Axes.

      The resultant Axes has the same x-axis range, ticks, etc. as this Axes (as these are properties of the Axis) but may have, for example, a different PlotStyle.

      name - Name for the axes
      the new Axes instance
    • twinY

      Axes twinY()
      Creates a new Axes instance which shares the same y-Axis as this Axes.

      The resultant Axes has the same y-axis range, ticks, etc. as this Axes (as these are properties of the Axis) but may have, for example, a different PlotStyle.

      the new Axes instance. The axes name will be equal to the string representation of the axes id.
    • twinY

      Axes twinY(String name)
      Creates a new Axes instance which shares the same y-Axis as this Axes.

      The resultant Axes has the same y-axis range, ticks, etc. as this Axes (as these are properties of the Axis) but may have, for example, a different PlotStyle.

      name - Name for the axes
      the new Axes instance
    • axis

      Axis axis(int dim)
      Gets the Axis at dimension dim. The x-axis is dimension 0, y-axis dimension 1.
      dim - dimension of the Axis
      Axis at dimension dim
    • xAxis

      Axis xAxis()
      Gets the Axis representing the x-axis
      x-dimension Axis
    • yAxis

      Axis yAxis()
      Gets the Axis representing the y-axis
      y-dimension Axis
    • xFormat

      Axes xFormat(AxisFormat axisFormat)
      Sets the AxisFormat of the x-Axis
      axisFormat - format
      this Axes
    • yFormat

      Axes yFormat(AxisFormat axisFormat)
      Sets the AxisFormat of the y-Axis
      axisFormat - format
      this Axes
    • xFormatPattern

      Axes xFormatPattern(String axisFormatPattern)
      Sets the format pattern of the x-Axis
      axisFormatPattern - pattern
      this Axes
    • yFormatPattern

      Axes yFormatPattern(String axisFormatPattern)
      Sets the format pattern of the y-Axis
      axisFormatPattern - pattern
      this Axes
    • xColor

      Axes xColor(Paint color)
      Sets the color of the x-Axis
      color - color
      this Axes
    • xColor

      Axes xColor(String color)
      Sets the color of the x-Axis
      color - color
      this Axes
    • yColor

      Axes yColor(Paint color)
      Sets the color of the y-Axis
      color - color
      this Axes
    • yColor

      Axes yColor(String color)
      Sets the color of the y-Axis
      color - color
      this Axes
    • xLabel

      Axes xLabel(String label)
      Sets the label of the x-Axis
      label - label
      this Axes
    • yLabel

      Axes yLabel(String label)
      Sets the label of the y-Axis
      label - pattern
      this Axes
    • xLabelFont

      Axes xLabelFont(Font font)
      Sets the font for the x-Axis label.
      font - font
      this Axis
    • yLabelFont

      Axes yLabelFont(Font font)
      Sets the font for the y-Axis label.
      font - font
      this Axis
    • xLabelFont

      Axes xLabelFont(String family, String style, int size)
      Sets the font for the x-Axis label.
      family - font family; if null, set to Arial
      style - font style; if null, set to Font.FontStyle PLAIN
      size - the point size of the Font
      this Axis
    • yLabelFont

      Axes yLabelFont(String family, String style, int size)
      Sets the font for the y-Axis label.
      family - font family; if null, set to Arial
      style - font style; if null, set to Font.FontStyle PLAIN
      size - the point size of the Font
      this Axis
    • xTicksFont

      Axes xTicksFont(Font font)
      Sets the font for the x-Axis ticks.
      font - font
      this Axis
    • yTicksFont

      Axes yTicksFont(Font font)
      Sets the font for the y-Axis ticks.
      font - font
      this Axis
    • xTicksFont

      Axes xTicksFont(String family, String style, int size)
      Sets the font for the x-Axis ticks.
      family - font family; if null, set to Arial
      style - font style; if null, set to Font.FontStyle PLAIN
      size - the point size of the Font
      this Axis
    • yTicksFont

      Axes yTicksFont(String family, String style, int size)
      Sets the font for the y-Axis ticks.
      family - font family; if null, set to Arial
      style - font style; if null, set to Font.FontStyle PLAIN
      size - the point size of the Font
      this Axis
    • xTransform

      Axes xTransform(AxisTransform transform)
      Sets the AxisTransform of the x-Axis
      transform - transform
      this Axes
    • yTransform

      Axes yTransform(AxisTransform transform)
      Sets the AxisTransform of the y-Axis
      transform - transform
      this Axes
    • xLog

      Axes xLog()
      Sets the AxisTransform of the x-Axis to log base 10
      this Axes
    • yLog

      Axes yLog()
      Sets the AxisTransform of the y-Axis to log base 10
      this Axes
    • xLog

      Axes xLog(boolean useLog)
      Sets the AxisTransform of the x-Axis to log base 10
      useLog - true to use a log axis transform; false to use a linear axis transform.
      this Axes
    • yLog

      Axes yLog(boolean useLog)
      Sets the AxisTransform of the y-Axis to log base 10
      useLog - true to use a log axis transform; false to use a linear axis transform.
      this Axes
    • xBusinessTime

      Axes xBusinessTime(BusinessCalendar calendar)
      calendar - business calendar for the AxisTransformBusinessCalendar
      this Axes using the calendar for the x-Axis business calendar.
    • yBusinessTime

      Axes yBusinessTime(BusinessCalendar calendar)
      calendar - business calendar for the AxisTransformBusinessCalendar
      this Axes using the calendar for the y-Axis business calendar.
    • xBusinessTime

      Axes xBusinessTime(SelectableDataSet sds, String calendar)
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table) containing the business calendar.
      calendar - name of a column containing String values, where each value is the name of a BusinessCalendar.
      this Axes using the business calendar from row 0 of the filtered sds for the x-Axis business calendar. If no value is found, no transform will be applied.
    • yBusinessTime

      Axes yBusinessTime(SelectableDataSet sds, String calendar)
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table) containing the business calendar.
      calendar - name of a column containing String values, where each value is the name of a BusinessCalendar.
      this Axes using the business calendar from row 0 of the filtered sds for the y-Axis business calendar. If no value is found, no transform will be applied.
    • xBusinessTime

      Axes xBusinessTime()
      this Axes using the default BusinessCalendar for the x-Axis.
    • yBusinessTime

      Axes yBusinessTime()
      this Axes using the default BusinessCalendar for the y-Axis.
    • xBusinessTime

      Axes xBusinessTime(boolean useBusinessTime)
      useBusinessTime - true to use a business time axis transform; false to use a linear axis transform.
      this Axes using the default BusinessCalendar for the x-Axis.
    • yBusinessTime

      Axes yBusinessTime(boolean useBusinessTime)
      useBusinessTime - true to use a business time axis transform; false to use a linear axis transform.
      this Axes using the default BusinessCalendar for the y-Axis.
    • xInvert

      Axes xInvert()
      Inverts the x-Axis so that larger values are closer to the origin.
      this Axes
    • xInvert

      Axes xInvert(boolean invert)
      Inverts the x-Axis so that larger values are closer to the origin.
      invert - if true, larger values will be closer to the origin
      this Axes
    • yInvert

      Axes yInvert()
      Inverts the y-Axis so that larger values are closer to the origin.
      this Axes
    • yInvert

      Axes yInvert(boolean invert)
      Inverts the y-Axis so that larger values are closer to the origin.
      invert - if true, larger values will be closer to the origin
      this Axes
    • xRange

      Axes xRange(double min, double max)
      Sets the range of the x-Axis
      min - minimum of the range
      max - maximum of the range
      this Axes
    • yRange

      Axes yRange(double min, double max)
      Sets the range of the y-Axis
      min - minimum of the range
      max - maximum of the range
      this Axes
    • xMin

      Axes xMin(double min)
      Sets the minimum of the x-Axis.
      min - minimum of the x-range
      this Axes
    • yMin

      Axes yMin(double min)
      Sets the minimum of the y-Axis.
      min - minimum of the y-range
      this Axes
    • xMin

      Axes xMin(SelectableDataSet sds, String min)
      Sets the minimum of the x-Axis.
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      min - column in sds. The value in row 0 is used for the minimum.
      this Axes
    • yMin

      Axes yMin(SelectableDataSet sds, String min)
      Sets the minimum of the y-Axis.
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      min - column in sds. The value in row 0 is used for the minimum.
      this Axes
    • xMax

      Axes xMax(double max)
      Sets the maximum of the x-Axis.
      max - maximum of the x-range
      this Axes
    • yMax

      Axes yMax(double max)
      Sets the maximum of the y-Axis.
      max - maximum of the y-range
      this Axes
    • xMax

      Axes xMax(SelectableDataSet sds, String max)
      Sets the maximum of the x-Axis.
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      max - column in sds. The value in row 0 is used for the maximum.
      this Axes
    • yMax

      Axes yMax(SelectableDataSet sds, String max)
      Sets the maximum of the y-Axis.
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      max - column in sds. The value in row 0 is used for the maximum.
      this Axes
    • xTicksVisible

      Axes xTicksVisible(boolean visible)
      Sets whether the x-Axis ticks are visible.
      visible - whether the ticks are visible
      this Axes
    • yTicksVisible

      Axes yTicksVisible(boolean visible)
      Sets whether the y-Axis ticks are visible.
      visible - whether the ticks are visible
      this Axes
    • xTicks

      Axes xTicks(double gapBetweenTicks)
      Sets the x-Axis ticks.
      gapBetweenTicks - spacing between major ticks
      this Axes
    • yTicks

      Axes yTicks(double gapBetweenTicks)
      Sets the y-Axis ticks.
      gapBetweenTicks - spacing between major ticks
      this Axes
    • xTicks

      Axes xTicks(double[] tickLocations)
      Sets the x-Axis ticks.
      tickLocations - locations of the major ticks
      this Axes
    • yTicks

      Axes yTicks(double[] tickLocations)
      Sets the y-Axis ticks.
      tickLocations - locations of the major ticks
      this Axes
    • xMinorTicksVisible

      Axes xMinorTicksVisible(boolean visible)
      Sets whether the x-Axis minor ticks are visible.
      visible - whether the minor ticks are visible
      this Axes
    • yMinorTicksVisible

      Axes yMinorTicksVisible(boolean visible)
      Sets whether the y-Axis minor ticks are visible.
      visible - whether the minor ticks are visible
      this Axes
    • xMinorTicks

      Axes xMinorTicks(int nminor)
      Sets the number of minor ticks between consecutive major ticks in the x-Axis. These minor ticks are equally spaced.
      nminor - number of minor ticks between consecutive major ticks.
      this Axes
    • yMinorTicks

      Axes yMinorTicks(int nminor)
      Sets the number of minor ticks between consecutive major ticks in the y-Axis. These minor ticks are equally spaced.
      nminor - number of minor ticks between consecutive major ticks.
      this Axes
    • xTickLabelAngle

      Axes xTickLabelAngle(double angle)
      Sets the angle the tick labels the x-Axis are drawn at.
      angle - angle in degrees
      this Axes
    • yTickLabelAngle

      Axes yTickLabelAngle(double angle)
      Sets the angle the tick labels the y-Axis are drawn at.
      angle - angle in degrees
      this Axes
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, Table t, String x, String xLow, String xHigh, String y, String yLow, String yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      x - column in t that holds the x-variable data
      xLow - column in t that holds the low value in the x dimension
      xHigh - column in t that holds the high value in the x dimension
      y - column in t that holds the y-variable data
      yLow - column in t that holds the low value in the y dimension
      yHigh - column in t that holds the high value in the y dimension
      dataset created for plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, SelectableDataSet sds, String x, String xLow, String xHigh, String y, String yLow, String yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      sds - selectable dataset (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      x - column in sds that holds the x-variable data
      xLow - column in sds that holds the low value in the x dimension
      xHigh - column in sds that holds the high value in the x dimension
      y - column in sds that holds the y-variable data
      yLow - column in sds that holds the low value in the y dimension
      yHigh - column in sds that holds the high value in the y dimension
      dataset created for plot
    • errorBarXYBy

      MultiSeries errorBarXYBy(Comparable seriesName, Table t, String x, String xLow, String xHigh, String y, String yLow, String yHigh, String... byColumns)
      Creates an errorBar plot per distinct grouping value specified in byColumns.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      x - column in t that holds the x-variable data
      xLow - column in t that holds the low value in the x dimension
      xHigh - column in t that holds the high value in the x dimension
      y - column in t that holds the y-variable data
      yLow - column in t that holds the low value in the y dimension
      yHigh - column in t that holds the high value in the y dimension
      byColumns - column(s) in t that holds the grouping data
      dataset created for plot
    • errorBarXYBy

      MultiSeries errorBarXYBy(Comparable seriesName, SelectableDataSet sds, String x, String xLow, String xHigh, String y, String yLow, String yHigh, String... byColumns)
      Creates an errorBar plot per distinct grouping value specified in byColumns.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      sds - selectable dataset (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      x - column in sds that holds the x-variable data
      xLow - column in sds that holds the low value in the x dimension
      xHigh - column in sds that holds the high value in the x dimension
      y - column in sds that holds the y-variable data
      yLow - column in sds that holds the low value in the y dimension
      yHigh - column in sds that holds the high value in the y dimension
      byColumns - column(s) in sds that holds the grouping data
      dataset created for plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, Table t, String x, String xLow, String xHigh, String y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      x - column in t that holds the x-variable data
      xLow - column in t that holds the low value in the x dimension
      xHigh - column in t that holds the high value in the x dimension
      y - column in t that holds the y-variable data
      dataset created for plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, SelectableDataSet sds, String x, String xLow, String xHigh, String y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      sds - selectable dataset (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      x - column in sds that holds the x-variable data
      xLow - column in sds that holds the low value in the x dimension
      xHigh - column in sds that holds the high value in the x dimension
      y - column in sds that holds the y-variable data
      dataset created for plot
    • errorBarXBy

      MultiSeries errorBarXBy(Comparable seriesName, Table t, String x, String xLow, String xHigh, String y, String... byColumns)
      Creates an errorBarX plot per distinct grouping value specified in byColumns.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      x - column in t that holds the x-variable data
      xLow - column in t that holds the low value in the x dimension
      xHigh - column in t that holds the high value in the x dimension
      y - column in t that holds the y-variable data
      byColumns - column(s) in t that holds the grouping data
      dataset created for plot
    • errorBarXBy

      MultiSeries errorBarXBy(Comparable seriesName, SelectableDataSet sds, String x, String xLow, String xHigh, String y, String... byColumns)
      Creates an errorBarX plot per distinct grouping value specified in byColumns.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      sds - selectable dataset (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      x - column in sds that holds the x-variable data
      xLow - column in sds that holds the low value in the x dimension
      xHigh - column in sds that holds the high value in the x dimension
      y - column in sds that holds the y-variable data
      byColumns - column(s) in sds that holds the grouping data
      dataset created for plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, Table t, String x, String y, String yLow, String yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      x - column in t that holds the x-variable data
      y - column in t that holds the y-variable data
      yLow - column in t that holds the low value in the y dimension
      yHigh - column in t that holds the high value in the y dimension
      dataset created for plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, SelectableDataSet sds, String x, String y, String yLow, String yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      sds - selectable dataset (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      x - column in sds that holds the x-variable data
      y - column in sds that holds the y-variable data
      yLow - column in sds that holds the low value in the y dimension
      yHigh - column in sds that holds the high value in the y dimension
      dataset created for plot
    • errorBarYBy

      MultiSeries errorBarYBy(Comparable seriesName, Table t, String x, String y, String yLow, String yHigh, String... byColumns)
      Creates a errorBarY plot per distinct grouping value specified in byColumns.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      x - column in t that holds the x-variable data
      y - column in t that holds the y-variable data
      yLow - column in t that holds the low value in the y dimension
      yHigh - column in t that holds the high value in the y dimension
      byColumns - column(s) in t that holds the grouping data
      dataset created for plot
    • errorBarYBy

      MultiSeries errorBarYBy(Comparable seriesName, SelectableDataSet sds, String x, String y, String yLow, String yHigh, String... byColumns)
      Creates a errorBarY plot per distinct grouping value specified in byColumns.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      sds - selectable dataset (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      x - column in sds that holds the x-variable data
      y - column in sds that holds the y-variable data
      yLow - column in sds that holds the low value in the y dimension
      yHigh - column in sds that holds the high value in the y dimension
      byColumns - column(s) in sds that holds the grouping data
      dataset created for plot
    • catErrorBar

      CategoryDataSeries catErrorBar(Comparable seriesName, Table t, String categories, String y, String yLow, String yHigh)
      Creates a category error bar plot with whiskers in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      categories - column in t that holds the discrete data
      y - column in t that holds the numeric data
      yLow - column in t that holds the low value in the y dimension
      yHigh - column in t that holds the high value in the y dimension
      dataset created for plot
    • catErrorBar

      CategoryDataSeries catErrorBar(Comparable seriesName, SelectableDataSet sds, String categories, String y, String yLow, String yHigh)
      Creates a category error bar plot with whiskers in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      sds - selectable dataset (e.g. OneClick filterable table).
      categories - column in sds that holds the discrete data
      y - column in sds that holds the numeric data
      yLow - column in sds that holds the low value in the y dimension
      yHigh - column in sds that holds the high value in the y dimension
      dataset created for plot
    • catErrorBarBy

      MultiSeries catErrorBarBy(Comparable seriesName, Table t, String categories, String y, String yLow, String yHigh, String... byColumns)
      Creates a catErrorBar plot for each distinct grouping value specified in byColumns.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      categories - column in t that holds the discrete data
      y - column in t that holds the numeric data
      yLow - column in t that holds the low value in the y dimension
      yHigh - column in t that holds the high value in the y dimension
      byColumns - column(s) in t that holds the grouping data
      dataset created for plot
    • catErrorBarBy

      MultiSeries catErrorBarBy(Comparable seriesName, SelectableDataSet sds, String categories, String y, String yLow, String yHigh, String... byColumns)
      Creates a catErrorBar plot for each distinct grouping value specified in byColumns.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      sds - selectable dataset (e.g. OneClick filterable table).
      categories - column in sds that holds the discrete data
      y - column in sds that holds the numeric data
      yLow - column in sds that holds the low value in the y dimension
      yHigh - column in sds that holds the high value in the y dimension
      byColumns - column(s) in sds that holds the grouping data
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      function - function to plot
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T extends Number> XYDataSeriesFunction plot(Comparable seriesName, groovy.lang.Closure<T> function)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T - function input type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      function - function to plot
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, IndexableNumericData x, IndexableNumericData y, boolean hasXTimeAxis, boolean hasYTimeAxis)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      hasXTimeAxis - whether to treat the x-values as time data
      hasYTimeAxis - whether to treat the y-values as time data
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, Table t, String x, String y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      x - column in t that holds the x-variable data
      y - column in t that holds the y-variable data
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, SelectableDataSet sds, String x, String y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      x - column in sds that holds the x-variable data
      y - column in sds that holds the y-variable data
      dataset created for plot
    • plotBy

      MultiSeries plotBy(Comparable seriesName, Table t, String x, String y, String... byColumns)
      Creates an XY plot per distinct grouping value specified in byColumns.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      x - column in t that holds the x-variable data
      y - column in t that holds the y-variable data
      byColumns - column(s) in t that holds the grouping data
      dataset created for plot
    • plotBy

      MultiSeries plotBy(Comparable seriesName, SelectableDataSet sds, String x, String y, String... byColumns)
      Creates an XY plot per distinct grouping value specified in byColumns.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      x - column in sds that holds the x-variable data
      y - column in sds that holds the y-variable data
      byColumns - column(s) in t that holds the grouping data
      dataset created for plot
    • ohlcPlot

      Creates an open-high-low-close plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      time - time data
      open - open data
      high - high data
      low - low data
      close - close data
      dataset created for plot
    • ohlcPlot

      OHLCDataSeries ohlcPlot(Comparable seriesName, Table t, String time, String open, String high, String low, String close)
      Creates an open-high-low-close plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      time - column in t that holds the time data
      open - column in t that holds the open data
      high - column in t that holds the high data
      low - column in t that holds the low data
      close - column in t that holds the close data
      dataset created for plot
    • ohlcPlot

      OHLCDataSeries ohlcPlot(Comparable seriesName, SelectableDataSet sds, String time, String open, String high, String low, String close)
      Creates an open-high-low-close plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      time - column in sds that holds the time data
      open - column in sds that holds the open data
      high - column in sds that holds the high data
      low - column in sds that holds the low data
      close - column in sds that holds the close data
      dataset created for plot
    • ohlcPlotBy

      MultiSeries ohlcPlotBy(Comparable seriesName, Table t, String time, String open, String high, String low, String close, String... byColumns)
      Creates an open-high-low-close plot per distinct grouping value specified in byColumns.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      time - column in t that holds the time data
      open - column in t that holds the open data
      high - column in t that holds the high data
      low - column in t that holds the low data
      close - column in t that holds the close data
      byColumns - column(s) in t that holds the grouping data
      dataset created for plot
    • ohlcPlotBy

      MultiSeries ohlcPlotBy(Comparable seriesName, SelectableDataSet sds, String time, String open, String high, String low, String close, String... byColumns)
      Creates an open-high-low-close plot per distinct grouping value specified in byColumns.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      time - column in sds that holds the time data
      open - column in sds that holds the open data
      high - column in sds that holds the high data
      low - column in sds that holds the low data
      close - column in sds that holds the close data
      byColumns - column(s) in sds that holds the grouping data
      dataset created for plot
    • histPlot

      IntervalXYDataSeries histPlot(Comparable seriesName, Table t)
      Creates a histogram.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      dataset created for plot
      IllegalArgumentException - counts must contain columns "BinMin", "BinMid", "BinMax", "Count"
    • histPlot

      IntervalXYDataSeries histPlot(Comparable seriesName, Table t, String x, int nbins)
      Creates a histogram.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      x - column in t
      nbins - number of bins in the resulting histogram
      dataset created for plot
      IllegalArgumentException - columnName must be a numeric column in t
    • histPlot

      IntervalXYDataSeries histPlot(Comparable seriesName, Table t, String x, double xmin, double xmax, int nbins)
      Creates a histogram.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      x - column in t
      xmin - minimum of the range
      xmax - maximum of the range
      nbins - number of bins in the resulting histogram
      dataset created for plot
      IllegalArgumentException - columnName must be a numeric column in t
    • histPlot

      IntervalXYDataSeries histPlot(Comparable seriesName, SelectableDataSet sds, String x, int nbins)
      Creates a histogram.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      x - column in sds
      nbins - number of bins in the resulting histogram
      dataset created for plot
      IllegalArgumentException - columnName must be a numeric column in sds
    • histPlot

      IntervalXYDataSeries histPlot(Comparable seriesName, SelectableDataSet sds, String x, double xmin, double xmax, int nbins)
      Creates a histogram.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      x - column in sds
      xmin - minimum of the range
      xmax - maximum of the range
      nbins - number of bins in the resulting histogram
      dataset created for plot
      IllegalArgumentException - columnName must be a numeric column in sds
    • catHistPlot

      CategoryDataSeries catHistPlot(Comparable seriesName, Table t, String categories)
      Creates a histogram with discrete axis. Charts the frequency of each unique element in the input data.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      categories - column in t
      dataset created for plot
    • catHistPlot

      CategoryDataSeries catHistPlot(Comparable seriesName, SelectableDataSet sds, String categories)
      Creates a histogram with discrete axis. Charts the frequency of each unique element in the input data.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      categories - column in sds
      dataset created for plot
    • catHistPlot

      <T extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catHistPlot(Comparable seriesName, T[] categories)
      Creates a histogram with discrete axis. Charts the frequency of each unique element in the input data.
      Type Parameters:
      T - data type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - data
      dataset created for plot
    • catHistPlot

      CategoryDataSeries catHistPlot(Comparable seriesName, int[] categories)
      Creates a histogram with discrete axis. Charts the frequency of each unique element in the input data.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - data
      dataset created for plot
    • catHistPlot

      CategoryDataSeries catHistPlot(Comparable seriesName, long[] categories)
      Creates a histogram with discrete axis. Charts the frequency of each unique element in the input data.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - data
      dataset created for plot
    • catHistPlot

      CategoryDataSeries catHistPlot(Comparable seriesName, float[] categories)
      Creates a histogram with discrete axis. Charts the frequency of each unique element in the input data.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - data
      dataset created for plot
    • catHistPlot

      CategoryDataSeries catHistPlot(Comparable seriesName, double[] categories)
      Creates a histogram with discrete axis. Charts the frequency of each unique element in the input data.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - data
      dataset created for plot
    • catHistPlot

      <T extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catHistPlot(Comparable seriesName, List<T> categories)
      Creates a histogram with discrete axis. Charts the frequency of each unique element in the input data.
      Type Parameters:
      T - data type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - data
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      <T1 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, IndexableData<T1> categories, IndexableNumericData y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - numeric data
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, Table t, String categories, String y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      categories - column in t holding discrete data
      y - column in t holding numeric data
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, SelectableDataSet sds, String categories, String y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      categories - column in sds holding discrete data
      y - column in sds holding numeric data
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlotBy

      MultiSeries catPlotBy(Comparable seriesName, Table t, String categories, String y, String... byColumns)
      Creates a category plot per distinct grouping value specified in byColumns.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      categories - column in t holding discrete data
      y - column in t holding numeric data
      byColumns - column(s) in t that holds the grouping data
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlotBy

      MultiSeries catPlotBy(Comparable seriesName, SelectableDataSet sds, String categories, String y, String... byColumns)
      Creates a category plot per distinct grouping value specified in byColumns.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      categories - column in sds holding discrete data
      y - column in sds holding numeric data
      byColumns - column(s) in sds that holds the grouping data
      dataset created for plot
    • piePlot

      <T1 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries piePlot(Comparable seriesName, IndexableData<T1> categories, IndexableNumericData y)
      Creates a pie plot. Categorical data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - categories
      y - data values
      dataset created for plot
    • piePlot

      CategoryDataSeries piePlot(Comparable seriesName, Table t, String categories, String y)
      Creates a pie plot. Categorical data must not have duplicates.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      categories - column in t with categorical data
      y - column in t with numerical data
      dataset created for plot
    • piePlot

      CategoryDataSeries piePlot(Comparable seriesName, SelectableDataSet sds, String categories, String y)
      Creates a pie plot. Categorical data must not have duplicates.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      categories - column in sds with categorical data
      y - column in sds with numerical data
      dataset created for plot
    • treemapPlot

      CategoryDataSeries treemapPlot(Comparable seriesName, Table t, String ids, String parents, @Nullable @Nullable String values, @Nullable @Nullable String labels, @Nullable @Nullable String hoverTexts, @Nullable @Nullable String colors)
      Creates a treemap plot. Required columns are ids and parents, the rest can be null.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      t - table
      ids - column in t holding ID data
      parents - column in t holding parent ID data
      values - column in t holding value data
      labels - column in t holding label data
      hoverTexts - column in t holding hover text data
      colors - column in t holding color data
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, Date[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, Instant[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, short[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, int[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, long[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, float[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, double[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T1 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, T1[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T1 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, List<T1> y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, Date[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, Instant[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, short[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, int[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, long[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, float[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, double[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T1 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, T1[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T1 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, List<T1> y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, Date[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, Instant[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, short[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, int[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, long[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, float[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, double[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T1 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, T1[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T1 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, List<T1> y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, Date[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, Instant[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, short[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, int[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, long[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, float[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, double[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T1 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, T1[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T1 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, List<T1> y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, Date[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, Instant[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, short[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, int[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, long[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, float[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, double[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T1 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, T1[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T1 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, List<T1> y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, Date[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, Instant[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, short[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, int[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, long[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, float[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, double[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T1 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, T1[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T1 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, List<T1> y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, Date[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, Instant[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, short[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, int[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, long[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, float[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, double[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T1 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, T1[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T1 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, List<T1> y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T0 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, Date[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T0 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, Instant[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T0 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, short[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T0 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, int[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T0 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, long[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T0 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, float[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T0 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, double[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T0 extends Number, T1 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, T1[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      T1 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T0 extends Number, T1 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, List<T1> y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      T1 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T0 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, Date[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T0 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, Instant[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T0 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, short[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T0 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, int[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T0 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, long[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T0 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, float[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T0 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, double[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T0 extends Number, T1 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, T1[] y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      T1 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • plot

      <T0 extends Number, T1 extends Number> XYDataSeries plot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, List<T1> y)
      Creates an XY plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      T1 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • ohlcPlot

      OHLCDataSeries ohlcPlot(Comparable seriesName, Date[] time, short[] open, short[] high, short[] low, short[] close)
      Creates an open-high-low-close plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      time - time data
      open - open data
      high - high data
      low - low data
      close - close data
      dataset created by the plot
    • ohlcPlot

      OHLCDataSeries ohlcPlot(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] time, short[] open, short[] high, short[] low, short[] close)
      Creates an open-high-low-close plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      time - time data
      open - open data
      high - high data
      low - low data
      close - close data
      dataset created by the plot
    • ohlcPlot

      OHLCDataSeries ohlcPlot(Comparable seriesName, Date[] time, int[] open, int[] high, int[] low, int[] close)
      Creates an open-high-low-close plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      time - time data
      open - open data
      high - high data
      low - low data
      close - close data
      dataset created by the plot
    • ohlcPlot

      OHLCDataSeries ohlcPlot(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] time, int[] open, int[] high, int[] low, int[] close)
      Creates an open-high-low-close plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      time - time data
      open - open data
      high - high data
      low - low data
      close - close data
      dataset created by the plot
    • ohlcPlot

      OHLCDataSeries ohlcPlot(Comparable seriesName, Date[] time, long[] open, long[] high, long[] low, long[] close)
      Creates an open-high-low-close plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      time - time data
      open - open data
      high - high data
      low - low data
      close - close data
      dataset created by the plot
    • ohlcPlot

      OHLCDataSeries ohlcPlot(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] time, long[] open, long[] high, long[] low, long[] close)
      Creates an open-high-low-close plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      time - time data
      open - open data
      high - high data
      low - low data
      close - close data
      dataset created by the plot
    • ohlcPlot

      OHLCDataSeries ohlcPlot(Comparable seriesName, Date[] time, float[] open, float[] high, float[] low, float[] close)
      Creates an open-high-low-close plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      time - time data
      open - open data
      high - high data
      low - low data
      close - close data
      dataset created by the plot
    • ohlcPlot

      OHLCDataSeries ohlcPlot(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] time, float[] open, float[] high, float[] low, float[] close)
      Creates an open-high-low-close plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      time - time data
      open - open data
      high - high data
      low - low data
      close - close data
      dataset created by the plot
    • ohlcPlot

      OHLCDataSeries ohlcPlot(Comparable seriesName, Date[] time, double[] open, double[] high, double[] low, double[] close)
      Creates an open-high-low-close plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      time - time data
      open - open data
      high - high data
      low - low data
      close - close data
      dataset created by the plot
    • ohlcPlot

      OHLCDataSeries ohlcPlot(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] time, double[] open, double[] high, double[] low, double[] close)
      Creates an open-high-low-close plot.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      time - time data
      open - open data
      high - high data
      low - low data
      close - close data
      dataset created by the plot
    • ohlcPlot

      <T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number, T3 extends Number, T4 extends Number> OHLCDataSeries ohlcPlot(Comparable seriesName, Date[] time, T1[] open, T2[] high, T3[] low, T4[] close)
      Creates an open-high-low-close plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - open data type
      T2 - high data type
      T3 - low data type
      T4 - close data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      time - time data
      open - open data
      high - high data
      low - low data
      close - close data
      dataset created by the plot
    • ohlcPlot

      <T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number, T3 extends Number, T4 extends Number> OHLCDataSeries ohlcPlot(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] time, T1[] open, T2[] high, T3[] low, T4[] close)
      Creates an open-high-low-close plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - open data type
      T2 - high data type
      T3 - low data type
      T4 - close data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      time - time data
      open - open data
      high - high data
      low - low data
      close - close data
      dataset created by the plot
    • ohlcPlot

      <T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number, T3 extends Number, T4 extends Number> OHLCDataSeries ohlcPlot(Comparable seriesName, Date[] time, List<T1> open, List<T2> high, List<T3> low, List<T4> close)
      Creates an open-high-low-close plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - open data type
      T2 - high data type
      T3 - low data type
      T4 - close data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      time - time data
      open - open data
      high - high data
      low - low data
      close - close data
      dataset created by the plot
    • ohlcPlot

      <T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number, T3 extends Number, T4 extends Number> OHLCDataSeries ohlcPlot(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] time, List<T1> open, List<T2> high, List<T3> low, List<T4> close)
      Creates an open-high-low-close plot.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - open data type
      T2 - high data type
      T3 - low data type
      T4 - close data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      time - time data
      open - open data
      high - high data
      low - low data
      close - close data
      dataset created by the plot
    • histPlot

      IntervalXYDataSeries histPlot(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, int nbins)
      Creates a histogram.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - data
      nbins - number of bins
      dataset created by the plot
    • histPlot

      IntervalXYDataSeries histPlot(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, int nbins)
      Creates a histogram.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - data
      nbins - number of bins
      dataset created by the plot
    • histPlot

      IntervalXYDataSeries histPlot(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, int nbins)
      Creates a histogram.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - data
      nbins - number of bins
      dataset created by the plot
    • histPlot

      IntervalXYDataSeries histPlot(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, int nbins)
      Creates a histogram.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - data
      nbins - number of bins
      dataset created by the plot
    • histPlot

      IntervalXYDataSeries histPlot(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, int nbins)
      Creates a histogram.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - data
      nbins - number of bins
      dataset created by the plot
    • histPlot

      <T0 extends Number> IntervalXYDataSeries histPlot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, int nbins)
      Creates a histogram.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - data
      nbins - number of bins
      dataset created by the plot
    • histPlot

      <T0 extends Number> IntervalXYDataSeries histPlot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, int nbins)
      Creates a histogram.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - data
      nbins - number of bins
      dataset created by the plot
    • histPlot

      IntervalXYDataSeries histPlot(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, double xmin, double xmax, int nbins)
      Creates a histogram.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - data
      xmin - minimum of the range
      xmax - maximum of the range
      nbins - number of bins
      dataset created by the plot
    • histPlot

      IntervalXYDataSeries histPlot(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, double xmin, double xmax, int nbins)
      Creates a histogram.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - data
      xmin - minimum of the range
      xmax - maximum of the range
      nbins - number of bins
      dataset created by the plot
    • histPlot

      IntervalXYDataSeries histPlot(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, double xmin, double xmax, int nbins)
      Creates a histogram.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - data
      xmin - minimum of the range
      xmax - maximum of the range
      nbins - number of bins
      dataset created by the plot
    • histPlot

      IntervalXYDataSeries histPlot(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, double xmin, double xmax, int nbins)
      Creates a histogram.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - data
      xmin - minimum of the range
      xmax - maximum of the range
      nbins - number of bins
      dataset created by the plot
    • histPlot

      IntervalXYDataSeries histPlot(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, double xmin, double xmax, int nbins)
      Creates a histogram.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - data
      xmin - minimum of the range
      xmax - maximum of the range
      nbins - number of bins
      dataset created by the plot
    • histPlot

      <T0 extends Number> IntervalXYDataSeries histPlot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, double xmin, double xmax, int nbins)
      Creates a histogram.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - data
      xmin - minimum of the range
      xmax - maximum of the range
      nbins - number of bins
      dataset created by the plot
    • histPlot

      <T0 extends Number> IntervalXYDataSeries histPlot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, double xmin, double xmax, int nbins)
      Creates a histogram.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - data
      xmin - minimum of the range
      xmax - maximum of the range
      nbins - number of bins
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, short[] xLow, short[] xHigh, short[] y, short[] yLow, short[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, int[] xLow, int[] xHigh, int[] y, int[] yLow, int[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, long[] xLow, long[] xHigh, long[] y, long[] yLow, long[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, float[] xLow, float[] xHigh, float[] y, float[] yLow, float[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, double[] xLow, double[] xHigh, double[] y, double[] yLow, double[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      <T0 extends Number, T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number, T3 extends Number, T4 extends Number, T5 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, T1[] xLow, T2[] xHigh, T3[] y, T4[] yLow, T5[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      T1 - data type
      T2 - data type
      T3 - data type
      T4 - data type
      T5 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      <T0 extends Number, T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number, T3 extends Number, T4 extends Number, T5 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, List<T1> xLow, List<T2> xHigh, List<T3> y, List<T4> yLow, List<T5> yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      T1 - data type
      T2 - data type
      T3 - data type
      T4 - data type
      T5 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, Date[] xLow, Date[] xHigh, Date[] y, Date[] yLow, Date[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, Instant[] xLow, Instant[] xHigh, Instant[] y, Instant[] yLow, Instant[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, Date[] xLow, Date[] xHigh, short[] y, short[] yLow, short[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, short[] xLow, short[] xHigh, Date[] y, Date[] yLow, Date[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, Date[] xLow, Date[] xHigh, int[] y, int[] yLow, int[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, int[] xLow, int[] xHigh, Date[] y, Date[] yLow, Date[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, Date[] xLow, Date[] xHigh, long[] y, long[] yLow, long[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, long[] xLow, long[] xHigh, Date[] y, Date[] yLow, Date[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, Date[] xLow, Date[] xHigh, float[] y, float[] yLow, float[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, float[] xLow, float[] xHigh, Date[] y, Date[] yLow, Date[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, Date[] xLow, Date[] xHigh, double[] y, double[] yLow, double[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, double[] xLow, double[] xHigh, Date[] y, Date[] yLow, Date[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      <T3 extends Number, T4 extends Number, T5 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, Date[] xLow, Date[] xHigh, T3[] y, T4[] yLow, T5[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      Type Parameters:
      T3 - data type
      T4 - data type
      T5 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      <T0 extends Number, T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, T1[] xLow, T2[] xHigh, Date[] y, Date[] yLow, Date[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      T1 - data type
      T2 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      <T3 extends Number, T4 extends Number, T5 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, Date[] xLow, Date[] xHigh, List<T3> y, List<T4> yLow, List<T5> yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      Type Parameters:
      T3 - data type
      T4 - data type
      T5 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      <T0 extends Number, T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, List<T1> xLow, List<T2> xHigh, Date[] y, Date[] yLow, Date[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      T1 - data type
      T2 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, Instant[] xLow, Instant[] xHigh, short[] y, short[] yLow, short[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, short[] xLow, short[] xHigh, Instant[] y, Instant[] yLow, Instant[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, Instant[] xLow, Instant[] xHigh, int[] y, int[] yLow, int[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, int[] xLow, int[] xHigh, Instant[] y, Instant[] yLow, Instant[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, Instant[] xLow, Instant[] xHigh, long[] y, long[] yLow, long[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, long[] xLow, long[] xHigh, Instant[] y, Instant[] yLow, Instant[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, Instant[] xLow, Instant[] xHigh, float[] y, float[] yLow, float[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, float[] xLow, float[] xHigh, Instant[] y, Instant[] yLow, Instant[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, Instant[] xLow, Instant[] xHigh, double[] y, double[] yLow, double[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, double[] xLow, double[] xHigh, Instant[] y, Instant[] yLow, Instant[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      <T3 extends Number, T4 extends Number, T5 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, Instant[] xLow, Instant[] xHigh, T3[] y, T4[] yLow, T5[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      Type Parameters:
      T3 - data type
      T4 - data type
      T5 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      <T0 extends Number, T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, T1[] xLow, T2[] xHigh, Instant[] y, Instant[] yLow, Instant[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      T1 - data type
      T2 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      <T3 extends Number, T4 extends Number, T5 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, Instant[] xLow, Instant[] xHigh, List<T3> y, List<T4> yLow, List<T5> yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      Type Parameters:
      T3 - data type
      T4 - data type
      T5 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarXY

      <T0 extends Number, T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarXY(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, List<T1> xLow, List<T2> xHigh, Instant[] y, Instant[] yLow, Instant[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in both the x and y directions.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      T1 - data type
      T2 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, short[] xLow, short[] xHigh, short[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, int[] xLow, int[] xHigh, int[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, long[] xLow, long[] xHigh, long[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, float[] xLow, float[] xHigh, float[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, double[] xLow, double[] xHigh, double[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      <T0 extends Number, T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number, T3 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, T1[] xLow, T2[] xHigh, T3[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      T1 - data type
      T2 - data type
      T3 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      <T0 extends Number, T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number, T3 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, List<T1> xLow, List<T2> xHigh, List<T3> y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      T1 - data type
      T2 - data type
      T3 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, Date[] xLow, Date[] xHigh, Date[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, Instant[] xLow, Instant[] xHigh, Instant[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, Date[] xLow, Date[] xHigh, short[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, short[] xLow, short[] xHigh, Date[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, Date[] xLow, Date[] xHigh, int[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, int[] xLow, int[] xHigh, Date[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, Date[] xLow, Date[] xHigh, long[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, long[] xLow, long[] xHigh, Date[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, Date[] xLow, Date[] xHigh, float[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, float[] xLow, float[] xHigh, Date[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, Date[] xLow, Date[] xHigh, double[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, double[] xLow, double[] xHigh, Date[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      <T3 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, Date[] xLow, Date[] xHigh, T3[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T3 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      <T0 extends Number, T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, T1[] xLow, T2[] xHigh, Date[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      T1 - data type
      T2 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      <T3 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, Date[] xLow, Date[] xHigh, List<T3> y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T3 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      <T0 extends Number, T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, List<T1> xLow, List<T2> xHigh, Date[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      T1 - data type
      T2 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, Instant[] xLow, Instant[] xHigh, short[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, short[] xLow, short[] xHigh, Instant[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, Instant[] xLow, Instant[] xHigh, int[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, int[] xLow, int[] xHigh, Instant[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, Instant[] xLow, Instant[] xHigh, long[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, long[] xLow, long[] xHigh, Instant[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, Instant[] xLow, Instant[] xHigh, float[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, float[] xLow, float[] xHigh, Instant[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, Instant[] xLow, Instant[] xHigh, double[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, double[] xLow, double[] xHigh, Instant[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      <T3 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, Instant[] xLow, Instant[] xHigh, T3[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T3 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      <T0 extends Number, T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, T1[] xLow, T2[] xHigh, Instant[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      T1 - data type
      T2 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      <T3 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, Instant[] xLow, Instant[] xHigh, List<T3> y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T3 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarX

      <T0 extends Number, T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarX(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, List<T1> xLow, List<T2> xHigh, Instant[] y)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the x direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      T1 - data type
      T2 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      xLow - low value in x dimension
      xHigh - high value in x dimension
      y - y-values
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, short[] y, short[] yLow, short[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, int[] y, int[] yLow, int[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, long[] y, long[] yLow, long[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, float[] y, float[] yLow, float[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, double[] y, double[] yLow, double[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      <T0 extends Number, T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number, T3 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, T1[] y, T2[] yLow, T3[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      T1 - data type
      T2 - data type
      T3 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      <T0 extends Number, T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number, T3 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, List<T1> y, List<T2> yLow, List<T3> yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      T1 - data type
      T2 - data type
      T3 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, Date[] y, Date[] yLow, Date[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, Instant[] y, Instant[] yLow, Instant[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, short[] y, short[] yLow, short[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, Date[] y, Date[] yLow, Date[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, int[] y, int[] yLow, int[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, Date[] y, Date[] yLow, Date[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, long[] y, long[] yLow, long[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, Date[] y, Date[] yLow, Date[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, float[] y, float[] yLow, float[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, Date[] y, Date[] yLow, Date[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, double[] y, double[] yLow, double[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, Date[] y, Date[] yLow, Date[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      <T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number, T3 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, T1[] y, T2[] yLow, T3[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type
      T2 - data type
      T3 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      <T0 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, Date[] y, Date[] yLow, Date[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      <T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number, T3 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, Date[] x, List<T1> y, List<T2> yLow, List<T3> yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type
      T2 - data type
      T3 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      <T0 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, Date[] y, Date[] yLow, Date[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, short[] y, short[] yLow, short[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, short[] x, Instant[] y, Instant[] yLow, Instant[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, int[] y, int[] yLow, int[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, int[] x, Instant[] y, Instant[] yLow, Instant[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, long[] y, long[] yLow, long[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, long[] x, Instant[] y, Instant[] yLow, Instant[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, float[] y, float[] yLow, float[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, float[] x, Instant[] y, Instant[] yLow, Instant[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, double[] y, double[] yLow, double[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, double[] x, Instant[] y, Instant[] yLow, Instant[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      <T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number, T3 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, T1[] y, T2[] yLow, T3[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type
      T2 - data type
      T3 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      <T0 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, T0[] x, Instant[] y, Instant[] yLow, Instant[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      <T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number, T3 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, Instant[] x, List<T1> y, List<T2> yLow, List<T3> yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - data type
      T2 - data type
      T3 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • errorBarY

      <T0 extends Number> XYErrorBarDataSeries errorBarY(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> x, Instant[] y, Instant[] yLow, Instant[] yHigh)
      Creates an XY plot with error bars in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - data type
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      x - x-values
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • catErrorBar

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catErrorBar(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, short[] y, short[] yLow, short[] yHigh)
      Creates a category error bar plot with whiskers in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • catErrorBar

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catErrorBar(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, int[] y, int[] yLow, int[] yHigh)
      Creates a category error bar plot with whiskers in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • catErrorBar

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catErrorBar(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, long[] y, long[] yLow, long[] yHigh)
      Creates a category error bar plot with whiskers in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • catErrorBar

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catErrorBar(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, float[] y, float[] yLow, float[] yHigh)
      Creates a category error bar plot with whiskers in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • catErrorBar

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catErrorBar(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, double[] y, double[] yLow, double[] yHigh)
      Creates a category error bar plot with whiskers in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • catErrorBar

      <T0 extends Comparable, T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number, T3 extends Number> CategoryDataSeries catErrorBar(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, T1[] y, T2[] yLow, T3[] yHigh)
      Creates a category error bar plot with whiskers in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      T1 - type of the numeric data
      T2 - type of the numeric data
      T3 - type of the numeric data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • catErrorBar

      <T0 extends Comparable, T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number, T3 extends Number> CategoryDataSeries catErrorBar(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, List<T1> y, List<T2> yLow, List<T3> yHigh)
      Creates a category error bar plot with whiskers in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      T1 - type of the numeric data
      T2 - type of the numeric data
      T3 - type of the numeric data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • catErrorBar

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catErrorBar(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, short[] y, short[] yLow, short[] yHigh)
      Creates a category error bar plot with whiskers in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • catErrorBar

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catErrorBar(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, int[] y, int[] yLow, int[] yHigh)
      Creates a category error bar plot with whiskers in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • catErrorBar

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catErrorBar(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, long[] y, long[] yLow, long[] yHigh)
      Creates a category error bar plot with whiskers in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • catErrorBar

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catErrorBar(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, float[] y, float[] yLow, float[] yHigh)
      Creates a category error bar plot with whiskers in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • catErrorBar

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catErrorBar(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, double[] y, double[] yLow, double[] yHigh)
      Creates a category error bar plot with whiskers in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • catErrorBar

      <T0 extends Comparable, T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number, T3 extends Number> CategoryDataSeries catErrorBar(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, T1[] y, T2[] yLow, T3[] yHigh)
      Creates a category error bar plot with whiskers in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      T1 - type of the numeric data
      T2 - type of the numeric data
      T3 - type of the numeric data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • catErrorBar

      <T0 extends Comparable, T1 extends Number, T2 extends Number, T3 extends Number> CategoryDataSeries catErrorBar(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, List<T1> y, List<T2> yLow, List<T3> yHigh)
      Creates a category error bar plot with whiskers in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      T1 - type of the numeric data
      T2 - type of the numeric data
      T3 - type of the numeric data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • catErrorBar

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catErrorBar(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, Date[] y, Date[] yLow, Date[] yHigh)
      Creates a category error bar plot with whiskers in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • catErrorBar

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catErrorBar(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, Instant[] y, Instant[] yLow, Instant[] yHigh)
      Creates a category error bar plot with whiskers in the y direction.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      yLow - low value in y dimension
      yHigh - high value in y dimension
      dataset created by the plot
    • catPlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, Date[] y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, Instant[] y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, short[] y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, int[] y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, long[] y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, float[] y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, double[] y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      <T0 extends Comparable, T1 extends Number> CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, T1[] y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      T1 - type of the numeric data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      <T0 extends Comparable, T1 extends Number> CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, List<T1> y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      T1 - type of the numeric data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, Date[] y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, Instant[] y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, short[] y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, int[] y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, long[] y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, float[] y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, double[] y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      <T0 extends Comparable, T1 extends Number> CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, T1[] y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      T1 - type of the numeric data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • catPlot

      <T0 extends Comparable, T1 extends Number> CategoryDataSeries catPlot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, List<T1> y)
      Creates a plot with discrete axis. Discrete data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      T1 - type of the numeric data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - discrete data
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • piePlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries piePlot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, short[] y)
      Creates a pie plot. Categorical data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - categories
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • piePlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries piePlot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, int[] y)
      Creates a pie plot. Categorical data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - categories
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • piePlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries piePlot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, long[] y)
      Creates a pie plot. Categorical data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - categories
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • piePlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries piePlot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, float[] y)
      Creates a pie plot. Categorical data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - categories
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • piePlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries piePlot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, double[] y)
      Creates a pie plot. Categorical data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - categories
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • piePlot

      <T0 extends Comparable, T1 extends Number> CategoryDataSeries piePlot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, T1[] y)
      Creates a pie plot. Categorical data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      T1 - type of the numeric data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - categories
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • piePlot

      <T0 extends Comparable, T1 extends Number> CategoryDataSeries piePlot(Comparable seriesName, T0[] categories, List<T1> y)
      Creates a pie plot. Categorical data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      T1 - type of the numeric data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - categories
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • piePlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries piePlot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, short[] y)
      Creates a pie plot. Categorical data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - categories
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • piePlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries piePlot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, int[] y)
      Creates a pie plot. Categorical data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - categories
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • piePlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries piePlot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, long[] y)
      Creates a pie plot. Categorical data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - categories
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • piePlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries piePlot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, float[] y)
      Creates a pie plot. Categorical data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - categories
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • piePlot

      <T0 extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries piePlot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, double[] y)
      Creates a pie plot. Categorical data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - categories
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • piePlot

      <T0 extends Comparable, T1 extends Number> CategoryDataSeries piePlot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, T1[] y)
      Creates a pie plot. Categorical data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      T1 - type of the numeric data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - categories
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot
    • piePlot

      <T0 extends Comparable, T1 extends Number> CategoryDataSeries piePlot(Comparable seriesName, List<T0> categories, List<T1> y)
      Creates a pie plot. Categorical data must not have duplicates.
      Type Parameters:
      T0 - type of the categorical data
      T1 - type of the numeric data
      seriesName - name of the created dataset
      categories - categories
      y - y-values
      dataset created for plot