EVENT_the type of the data that the event will provide
the name of the event to listen for
a function to call when the event occurs
Returns a cleanup function.
Reads an object shared by another client to this server with the sharedTicketBytes
. Until the other
client releases this object (or their session ends), the object will be available on the server.
The type of the object must be passed so that the object can be read from the server correct - the other client should provide this information.
the value provided by another client/user to obtain the object. It may be a unicode string (will be encoded as utf8 bytes), or a Uint8Array value.
The type of the object, so it can be correctly read from the server
A promise that will resolve to the shared object, or will reject with an error if it cannot be read.
Removes an event listener added to this table.
Makes the object
available to another user or another client on this same server which knows the value of
the sharedTicketBytes
. Use that sharedTicketBytes value like a one-time use password - any other client
which knows this value can read the same object.
Shared objects will remain available using the sharedTicketBytes until the client that first shared them releases/closes their copy of the object. Whatever side-channel is used to share the bytes, be sure to wait until the remote end has signaled that it has successfully fetched the object before releasing it from this client.
Be sure to use an unpredictable value for the shared ticket bytes, like a UUID or other large, random value to prevent access by unauthorized clients.
the object to share with another client/user
the value which another client/user must know to obtain the object. It may be a unicode string (will be encoded as utf8 bytes), or a Uint8Array value.
A promise that will resolve to the value passed as sharedTicketBytes when the object is ready to be read by another client, or will reject if an error occurs.
Creates a new table that ticks automatically every "periodNanos" nanoseconds. A start time may be provided; if so the table will be populated with the interval from the specified date until now.
startTime: DateWrapperPromise of Table
Listen for events on this object.