EVENT_event.detail is the currently visible viewport data based on the active viewport configuration.
EVENT_event.detail is the currently visible viewport data based on the active viewport configuration.
EVENT_event.detail is the currently visible viewport data based on the active viewport configuration.
EVENT_event.detail is the currently visible viewport data based on the active viewport configuration.
EVENT_event.detail is the currently visible viewport data based on the active viewport configuration.
The current filter configuration of this Tree Table.
FilterCondition array
True if this is a roll-up and will provide the original rows that make up each grouping.
True if this table has been closed.
True if this table may receive updates from the server, including size changed events, updated events after initial snapshot.
The current number of rows given the table's contents and the various expand/collapse states of each node. (No totalSize is provided at this time; its definition becomes unclear between roll-up and tree tables, especially when considering collapse/expand states).
Listen for events on this object.
the type of the data that the event will provide
the name of the event to listen for
a function to call when the event occurs
Returns a cleanup function.
Listen for events on this object.
Returns a cleanup function.
Applies the given filter to the contents of the tree in such a way that if any node is visible, then any parent node will be visible as well even if that parent node would not normally be visible due to the filter's condition. Returns the previous sort in use.
FilterCondition array
Collapses the given node, so that its children and descendants are not visible in the size or the viewport. The parameter can be the row index, or the row object itself. Equivalent to setExpanded(row, false, false).
a new copy of this treetable, so it can be sorted and filtered separately, and maintain a different viewport. Unlike Table, this will not copy the filter or sort, since tree table viewport semantics differ, and without a viewport set, the treetable doesn't evaluate these settings, and they aren't readable on the properties. Expanded state is also not copied.
Promise of dh.TreeTable
Expands the given node, so that its children are visible when they are in the viewport. The parameter can be the
row index, or the row object itself. The second parameter is a boolean value, false by default, specifying if the
row and all descendants should be fully expanded. Equivalent to setExpanded(row, true)
with an optional third
boolean parameter.
expandDescendants: booleanOptional
config: objectOptional
config: objectTests if the specified row is expanded.
the row to test, either the absolute row index or the row object
boolean true if the row is expanded, false otherwise
Removes an event listener added to this table.
Provides Table-like selectDistinct functionality, but with a few quirks, since it is only fetching the distinct values for the given columns in the source table:
Specifies if the given node should be expanded or collapsed. If this node has children, and the value is changed, the size of the table will change. If node is to be expanded and the third parameter, expandDescendants, is true, then its children will also be expanded.
the row to expand or collapse, either the absolute row index or the row object
true to expand the row, false to collapse
expandDescendants: booleantrue to expand the row and all descendants, false to expand only the row, defaults to false
columns: Column[]Optional
updateInterval: number
Behaves like a Table externally, but data, state, and viewports are managed by an entirely different mechanism, and so reimplemented here.
Any time a change is made, we build a new request and send it to the server, and wait for the updated state.
Semantics around getting updates from the server are slightly different - we don't "unset" the viewport here after operations are performed, but encourage the client code to re-set them to the desired position.
The table size will be -1 until a viewport has been fetched.
Similar to a table, a Tree Table provides access to subscribed viewport data on the current hierarchy. A different Row type is used within that viewport, showing the depth of that node within the tree and indicating details about whether it has children or is expanded. The Tree Table itself then provides the ability to change if a row is expanded or not. Methods used to control or check if a row should be expanded or not can be invoked on a TreeRow instance, or on the number of the row (thus allowing for expanding/collapsing rows which are not currently visible in the viewport).
Events and viewports are somewhat different from tables, due to the expense of computing the expanded/collapsed rows and count of children at each level of the hierarchy, and differences in the data that is available.