EVENT_The table size has updated, so live scrollbars and the like can be updated accordingly.
EVENT_The table size has updated, so live scrollbars and the like can be updated accordingly.
EVENT_The table size has updated, so live scrollbars and the like can be updated accordingly.
EVENT_The table size has updated, so live scrollbars and the like can be updated accordingly.
EVENT_The table size has updated, so live scrollbars and the like can be updated accordingly.
EVENT_The table size has updated, so live scrollbars and the like can be updated accordingly.
EVENT_The table size has updated, so live scrollbars and the like can be updated accordingly.
EVENT_The table size has updated, so live scrollbars and the like can be updated accordingly.
EVENT_The table size has updated, so live scrollbars and the like can be updated accordingly.
EVENT_The table size has updated, so live scrollbars and the like can be updated accordingly.
EVENT_The table size has updated, so live scrollbars and the like can be updated accordingly.
EVENT_The table size has updated, so live scrollbars and the like can be updated accordingly.
EVENT_The table size has updated, so live scrollbars and the like can be updated accordingly.
SIZE_The size the table will have if it is uncoalesced.
The columns that are present on this table. This is always all possible columns. If you specify fewer columns in .setViewport(), you will get only those columns in your ViewportData. Number size The total count of rows in the table. The size can and will change; see the sizechanged event for details. Size will be negative in exceptional cases (eg. the table is uncoalesced, see the isUncoalesced property for details).
Column array
An ordered list of custom column formulas to add to the table, either adding new columns or replacing existing ones. To update, call applyCustomColumns().
CustomColumn array
An ordered list of Filters to apply to the table. To update, call applyFilter(). Note that this getter will return the new value immediately, even though it may take a little time to update on the server. You may listen for the filterchanged event to know when to update the UI.
FilterCondition array
True if this table represents a user Input Table (created by InputTable.newInputTable). When true, you may call .inputTable() to add or remove data from the underlying table.
True if this table has been closed.
True if this table may receive updates from the server, including size changed events, updated events after initial snapshot.
Read-only. True if this table is uncoalesced, indicating that work must be done before the table can be used.
Uncoalesced tables are expensive to operate on - filter to a single partition or range of partitions before subscribing to access only the desired data efficiently. A subscription can be specified without a filter, but this can be very expensive. To see which partitions are available, check each column on the table to see which have isPartitionColumn as `true`, and filter those columns. To read the possible values for those columns, use selectDistinct.
True if the table is uncoaleced and should be filtered before operating on it, otherwise false.
The total count of rows in the table. If there is a viewport subscription active, this size will be updated when the subscription updates. If not, and Table.uncoalesced is true, the size will be SIZE_UNCOALESCED. Otherwise, the size will be updated when the server's update graph processes changes.
When the size changes, the EVENT_SIZECHANGED event will be fired.
the size of the table, or SIZE_UNCOALESCED if there is no subscription and the table is uncoalesced.
An ordered list of Sorts to apply to the table. To update, call applySort(). Note that this getter will return the new value immediately, even though it may take a little time to update on the server. You may listen for the sortchanged event to know when to update the UI.
Sort array
The total count of the rows in the table, excluding any filters. Unlike size, changes to this value will not result in any event. If the table is unfiltered, this will return the same size as size. If this table was uncoalesced before it was filtered, this will return SIZE_UNCOALESCED.
the size of the table before filters, or SIZE_UNCOALESCED
The default configuration to be used when building a TotalsTable for this table.
Listen for events on this object.
the type of the data that the event will provide
the name of the event to listen for
a function to call when the event occurs
Returns a cleanup function.
Listen for events on this object.
Returns a cleanup function.
used when adding new filter and sort operations to the table, as long as they are present.
CustomColumn array
Replace the currently set filters on the table. Returns the previously set value. Note that the filter property will immediately return the new value, but you may receive update events using the old filter before the new one is applied, and the filterchanged event fires. Reusing existing, applied filters may enable this to perform better on the server. The updated event will also fire, but rowadded and rowremoved will not.
FilterCondition array
Replace the currently set sort on this table. Returns the previously set value. Note that the sort property will immediately return the new value, but you may receive update events using the old sort before the new sort is applied, and the sortchanged event fires. Reusing existing, applied sorts may enable this to perform better on the server. The updated event will also fire, but rowadded and rowremoved will not.
Sort array
Performs an inexact timeseries join, where rows in this table will have columns added from the closest matching row from the right table.
The `asOfMatchRule` value can be one of:
the table to match to values in this table
the columns that should match, according to the asOfMatchRole
columnsToAdd: string[]columns from the right table to add to the resulting table, empty/null/absent to add all columns
asOfMatchRule: stringthe match rule to use, see above
a promise that will resolve to the joined table
dropKeys: booleana promise that will be resolved with the newly created table holding the results of the specified cross join operation. The columnsToAdd parameter is optional, not specifying it will result in all columns from the right table being added to the output. The reserveBits optional parameter lets the client control how the key space is distributed between the rows in the two tables, see the Java Table class for details.
the table to match to values in this table
the columns that should match exactly
columnsToAdd: string[]columns from the right table to add to the resulting table, empty/null/absent to add all columns
reserveBits: numberthe number of bits of key-space to initially reserve per group, null/absent will let the server select a value
a promise that will resolve to the joined table
a promise that will be resolved with the newly created table holding the results of the specified exact join
operation. The columnsToAdd
parameter is optional, not specifying it will result in all columns from the right
table being added to the output.
the table to match to values in this table
the columns that should match exactly
columnsToAdd: string[]columns from the right table to add to the resulting table, empty/null/absent to add all columns
a promise that will resolve to the joined table
a "frozen" version of this table (a server-side snapshot of the entire source table). Viewports on the frozen table will not update. This does not change the original table, and the new table will not have any of the client side sorts/filters/columns. New client side sorts/filters/columns can be added to the frozen copy.
Promise of dh.Table
a promise that will resolve to ColumnStatistics for the column of this table.
Promise of dh.ColumnStatistics
a promise that will resolve to a Totals Table of this table, ignoring any filters. See getTotalsTable() above for more specifics.
config: TotalsTableConfigpromise of dh.TotalsTable
a promise that will resolve to a Totals Table of this table. This table will obey the configurations provided as a parameter, or will use the table's default if no parameter is provided, and be updated once per second as necessary. Note that multiple calls to this method will each produce a new TotalsTable which must have close() called on it when not in use.
config: TotalsTableConfigPromise of dh.TotalsTable
Gets the currently visible viewport. If the current set of operations has not yet resulted in data, it will not resolve until that data is ready. If this table is closed before the promise resolves, it will be rejected - to separate the lifespan of this promise from the table itself, call getViewportData on the result from setViewport.
Promise of TableData
If .hasInputTable is true, you may call this method to gain access to an InputTable object which can be used to mutate the data within the table. If the table is not an Input Table, the promise will be immediately rejected.
Promise of dh.InputTable
Joins this table to the provided table, using one of the specified join types:
, ReverseAJ
(or RAJ
) - inexact timeseries joins, based on the
provided matching rule.CROSS_JOIN
(or Join
) - cross join of all rows that have matching values in both
(or ExactJoin
- matches values in exactly one row in the right table,
with errors if there is not exactly one.NATURAL_JOIN
(or Natural
- matches values in at most one row in the right table,
with nulls if there is no match or errors if there are multiple matches.Note that Left
join is not supported here, unlike DHE.
See the Choose a join method document for more guidance on picking a join operation.
The type of join to perform, see the list above.
The table to match to values in this table
Columns that should match
columnsToAdd: string[]Columns from the right table to add to the result - empty/null/absent to add all columns
asOfMatchRule: stringIf joinType is AJ/RAJ/ReverseAJ, the match rule to use
a promise that will resolve to the joined table
Instead, call the specific method for the join type.
a promise that will be resolved with the newly created table holding the results of the specified natural join operation. The columnsToAdd parameter is optional, not specifying it will result in all columns from the right table being added to the output.
the table to match to values in this table
the columns that should match exactly
columnsToAdd: string[]columns from the right table to add to the resulting table, empty/null/absent to add all columns
a promise that will resolve to the joined table
Creates a new PartitionedTable from the contents of the current table, partitioning data based on the specified keys.
dropKeys: booleanPromise dh.PartitionedTable
Removes an event listener added to this table.
a promise that will resolve to a new roll-up TreeTable of this table. Multiple calls to this method will each produce a new TreeTable which must have close() called on it when not in use.
Promise of dh.TreeTable
Seek the row matching the data provided
Row to start the seek from
Column to seek for value on
Type of value provided
Value to seek
insensitive: booleanOptional value to flag a search as case-insensitive. Defaults to false
contains: booleanOptional value to have the seek value do a contains search instead of exact equality. Defaults to
isBackwards: booleanOptional value to seek backwards through the table instead of forwards. Defaults to false
A promise that resolves to the row value found.
a new table containing the distinct tuples of values from the given columns that are present in the original table. This table can be manipulated as any other table. Sorting is often desired as the default sort is the order of appearance of values from the original table.
Promise of dh.Table
If the columns parameter is not provided, all columns will be used. If the updateIntervalMs parameter is not
provided, a default of one second will be used. Until this is called, no data will be available. Invoking this
will result in events to be fired once data becomes available, starting with an updated
event and a
rowadded event per row in that range. The returned object allows the viewport to be closed when no longer
columns: Column[]Optional
updateIntervalMs: numberOptional
isReverseViewport: booleanCreates a subscription to the specified columns, across all rows in the table. The optional parameter updateIntervalMs may be specified to indicate how often the server should send updates, defaulting to one second if omitted. Useful for charts or taking a snapshot of the table atomically. The initial snapshot will arrive in a single event, but later changes will be sent as updates. However, this may still be very expensive to run from a browser for very large tables. Each call to subscribe creates a new subscription, which must have close() called on it to stop it, and all events are fired from the TableSubscription instance.
updateIntervalMs: numbera promise that will resolve to a new TreeTable
of this table. Multiple calls to this method will each produce a
new TreeTable
which must have close() called on it when not in use.
Promise dh.TreeTable
Provides access to data in a table. Note that several methods present their response through Promises. This allows the client to both avoid actually connecting to the server until necessary, and also will permit some changes not to inform the UI right away that they have taken place.