Interface TreeViewportData

Similar to ViewportData, but with additional properties to reflect the tree structure.



  • get columns(): Column[]
  • Returns Column[]

  • get offset(): number
  • The position of the first returned row within the tree.

    Returns number

  • get rows(): TreeRow[]
  • A lazily computed array of all rows available on the client.

    Returns TreeRow[]

  • get treeSize(): number
  • Returns number


  • Reads a row object from the table, from which any subscribed column can be read.


    • index: number | LongWrapper

      the position or key to access

    Returns TreeRow

    the row at the given location

  • Reads a specific cell from the table, by row key and column.


    • index: number | LongWrapper

      the row in the table to get data from

    • column: Column

      the column to read

    Returns any

    the value in the table

  • The server-specified Format to use for the cell at the given position.


    Returns Format

    a Format instance with any server-specified details