Source code for deephaven.experimental.s3

# Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Deephaven Data Labs and Patent Pending
import datetime
from typing import Optional, Union

import jpy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from deephaven import time, DHError
from deephaven._wrapper import JObjectWrapper
from deephaven.dtypes import Duration

# If we move S3 to a permanent module, we should remove this try/except block and just import the types directly.
    _JCredentials = jpy.get_type("io.deephaven.extensions.s3.Credentials")
    _JS3Instructions = jpy.get_type("io.deephaven.extensions.s3.S3Instructions")
except Exception:
    _JCredentials = None
    _JS3Instructions = None

    This module is useful for reading files stored in S3-compatible APIs.
    Importing this module requires the S3 specific deephaven extensions (artifact name deephaven-extensions-s3) to be
    included in the package. This is an opt-out functionality included by default. If not included, importing this
    module will fail to find the java types.
[docs]class S3Instructions(JObjectWrapper): """ S3Instructions provides specialized instructions for reading from S3-compatible APIs. """ j_object_type = _JS3Instructions or type(None) def __init__(self, region_name: str, max_concurrent_requests: Optional[int] = None, read_ahead_count: Optional[int] = None, fragment_size: Optional[int] = None, max_cache_size: Optional[int] = None, connection_timeout: Union[ Duration, int, str, datetime.timedelta, np.timedelta64, pd.Timedelta, None] = None, read_timeout: Union[ Duration, int, str, datetime.timedelta, np.timedelta64, pd.Timedelta, None] = None, access_key_id: Optional[str] = None, secret_access_key: Optional[str] = None, anonymous_access: bool = False, endpoint_override: Optional[str] = None): """ Initializes the instructions. Args: region_name (str): the region name for reading parquet files, mandatory parameter. max_concurrent_requests (int): the maximum number of concurrent requests for reading files, default is 50. read_ahead_count (int): the number of fragments to send asynchronous read requests for while reading the current fragment. Default to 1, which means fetch the next fragment in advance when reading the current fragment. fragment_size (int): the maximum size of each fragment to read, defaults to 5 MB. If there are fewer bytes remaining in the file, the fetched fragment can be smaller. max_cache_size (int): the maximum number of fragments to cache in memory while reading, defaults to 32. This caching is done at the Deephaven layer for faster access to recently read fragments. connection_timeout (Union[Duration, int, str, datetime.timedelta, np.timedelta64, pd.Timedelta]): the amount of time to wait when initially establishing a connection before giving up and timing out, can be expressed as an integer in nanoseconds, a time interval string, e.g. "PT00:00:00.001" or "PT1s", or other time duration types. Default to 2 seconds. read_timeout (Union[Duration, int, str, datetime.timedelta, np.timedelta64, pd.Timedelta]): the amount of time to wait when reading a fragment before giving up and timing out, can be expressed as an integer in nanoseconds, a time interval string, e.g. "PT00:00:00.001" or "PT1s", or other time duration types. Default to 2 seconds. access_key_id (str): the access key for reading files. Both access key and secret access key must be provided to use static credentials, else default credentials will be used. secret_access_key (str): the secret access key for reading files. Both access key and secret key must be provided to use static credentials, else default credentials will be used. anonymous_access (bool): use anonymous credentials, this is useful when the S3 policy has been set to allow anonymous access. Can't be combined with other credentials. By default, is False. endpoint_override (str): the endpoint to connect to. Callers connecting to AWS do not typically need to set this; it is most useful when connecting to non-AWS, S3-compatible APIs. Raises: DHError: If unable to build the instructions object. """ if not _JS3Instructions or not _JCredentials: raise DHError(message="S3Instructions requires the S3 specific deephaven extensions to be included in " "the package") try: builder = self.j_object_type.builder() builder.regionName(region_name) if max_concurrent_requests is not None: builder.maxConcurrentRequests(max_concurrent_requests) if read_ahead_count is not None: builder.readAheadCount(read_ahead_count) if fragment_size is not None: builder.fragmentSize(fragment_size) if max_cache_size is not None: builder.maxCacheSize(max_cache_size) if connection_timeout is not None: builder.connectionTimeout(time.to_j_duration(connection_timeout)) if read_timeout is not None: builder.readTimeout(time.to_j_duration(read_timeout)) if ((access_key_id is not None and secret_access_key is None) or (access_key_id is None and secret_access_key is not None)): raise DHError("Either both access_key_id and secret_access_key must be provided or neither") if access_key_id is not None: if anonymous_access: raise DHError("Only one set of credentials may be used, requested both key and anonymous") builder.credentials(_JCredentials.basic(access_key_id, secret_access_key)) elif anonymous_access: builder.credentials(_JCredentials.anonymous()) if endpoint_override is not None: builder.endpointOverride(endpoint_override) self._j_object = except Exception as e: raise DHError(e, "Failed to build S3 instructions") from e @property def j_object(self) -> jpy.JType: return self._j_object