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The documentation on Deephaven's table update model is highly recommended supplement material.

Row Set

Many of the messages that are sent by Barrage identify the set of rows that this update affects. These are ordered sets of rows in row key space. Sometimes we refer to these as an Index.

To discuss sets of rows we need to be aware that each row of data has two identifiers.

  • Row Position Id
  • Row Key Id

A RowSet is an ordered set of rows and may represent either the table's key-space or the table's position-space. Sometimes we refer to a row set as an Index.

Indexes have a variety of uses. They:

  • describe which rows exist in a table (key-space)
  • describe which rows were added/removed/modified in a table (key-space)
  • describe a viewport (position-space)

Row Positions

If a table has n rows then it has a position space of [0, n-1]. It is simply the ordering of rows if they were to be stored right next to each other in memory. Most user provided Row Sets are, for the convenience of the user, in row position space.

Row Keys

The reality is that it's not efficient to store all of your records smushed together in a tight key space. For example, you cannot perform iterative sort in faster than O(n * k) if you have n records and k adds/mods/removes. However, if the protocol allows for spreading rows out then you can amortize a lot of this cost away. Many of our operations think of rows in the context of their row key identifier.


For example, let table T be defined by the set of rows with keys [0, 9], [100, 109], and [180, 189]. In position space you can identify this set as [0, 29]. Suppose that table T ticks and now is defined by the set of rows with keys [0, 9], [100, 109], and [310, 319]. This is still identified in position space as [0, 29], however the 30th position-space element now refers to key 319 instead of key 189.


Depending on the final destination and use of the data, the developer may not necessarily want to subscribe to the entire dataset at once. If, for example, the data is destined for a human-facing widget then you may only need a slice of the data. We call these slices viewports.

Viewports are in position space because:

  • they are difficult to synchronize with the server as the row key space may vary tick to tick.
  • the api more closely resembles a pagination over n records.


Some operations need to be able to rearrange the keyspace to accommodate changes in data. For example, a sort may need to move rows that are adjacent in keyspace out of the way to accommodate a newly inserted row that sorts directly between them. When rows change in keyspace, we communicate these changes independently from additions, removals, and modifications.

We call a single transformation a shift. A shift is defined by a start, end, and delta. All rows in the range [start, end] (inclusive) change in key-space by delta and are now located at [start + delta, end + delta].

Things get pretty tricky quickly. For practical reasons, there are a few restrictions:

  • shift origins are not allowed to overlap in pre-shift keyspace
  • shift destinations are not allowed to overlap in post-shift keyspace
  • shifts are unable to alter the ordering of rows in position space
  • positive deltas must be applied in high-to-low keyspace order
  • negative deltas must be applied in low-to-high keyspace order

Update Model

In pseudo-code, an update (roughly) looks like:

class Update {
Index added; // post shift key-space
Index removed; // pre shift key-space
IndexShiftData shifted;
Index[] modifiedColumns; // post shift key-space

To properly apply an update you must take care to apply it in order:

  1. remove data for all rows that were removed on this update
  2. apply the index shift data to your current state; your state is now in post-shift keyspace
  • note: positive deltas should be applied in highest to lowest order to avoid losing state
  • note: negative deltas should be applied in lowest to highest order to avoid losing state
  1. add data for all rows that were added on this update
  2. apply any modification that affects your state

Modified columns are independent of each other and may have different sets of modified rows. This is caused by coalescing that must occur when the engine updates more frequently than the subscription allows.


New subscriptions, and subscription changes, warrant a refresh of data that is in the view of their subscription. If the subscription is made without a viewport, it is assumed to be a full table subscription. Due to the asynchronous nature of table subscription, not every subscription change request is required to be responded to. Instead, the message will be marked as being a snapshot.


  • do not remove rows
  • do not modify rows
  • do not shift rows
  • the server may omit data the client has from an existing subscription
  • include the acknowledged viewport and subscribed column set

Scoped Rows

Since viewports are in position-space, we need to be able to communicate data that shifts into view but is otherwise not new.

Imagine the scenario:

  1. Let T be our imaginary table.
  2. Let C be a viewport client of T subscribed to position space [100, 199].
  3. T ticks and removes rows in position space [0, 19].
  4. The client now has data in position space [80, 179]; the server must send the missing [180, 199].

We call these rows scoped rows. They are integrated with added rows in an update, but are distinguishable via the addedRowsIncluded field included in the BarrageRecordBatch. See the Wire Guide for more details.