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Documentation enhancements for Deephaven v0.17.0

· 2 min read
DALL·E prompt: robot reading a book colorful lighting, synthwave, 2001_ A Space Odyssey
Margaret Kennedy
More examples and use cases

We love data, especially when it's freely available. Our video and blog content for the month spotlights how to get your hands on quality data sources. In particularly, we continued our series about working with real-time crypto data and our efforts to prototype the MLB's "Beat the Streak" fantasy game in Deephaven dashboards.


We've started rolling out "Deephaven Shorts" that showcase useful tips and tricks as well as Deephaven's capabilities in one minute or less. Follow us on Twitter or YouTube to see the latest clips, such as JJ's top five sources of free static data.

Beat-the-Streak dashboards

This year's record-breaking season may be over, but we still have baseball on our minds. Want to see single at-bats live in bite-size form? Want MLB's Beat-the-Streak fantasy game to be open and update in real time? We do, too! In our latest YouTube video, we show what the game could look like tweaked for open and real-time engagement.


To maintain a competitive edge in the crypto space, you should be using AI to predict prices and manage investments. Doing so isn't as difficult as you might think. JJ and our intern Jeremiah team up to create a series of posts on how to get up-to-date crypto data and make predictions. Catch up on the first four installments:

  1. Acquire up-to-date crypto data with Apache Airflow
  2. Implement an LSTM model with TensorFlow
  3. Implement a linear regression model with Nvidia RAPIDS
  4. Test the models on simulated real-time data

User guide

We're always looking for ways to make your life easier. Now, Deephaven automagically allows all Python variables that are in scope to be used in queries. No special coding is required. We've updated our Query Scope how-to guide with these changes.

Another update of interest is our revamped EMA how-to, with new examples and plots.