Deephaven Community Core's documentation continues to grow with significant additions to our user guide and a new blog series underway.
This month, we launched our YouTube channel. As of now, you can browse an archive of Learning Sessions and the Community Core team's weekly demos. In our Learning Sessions, a Deephaven developer teaches the dev-rel team about the core concepts foundational to our platform or shows off cool capabilities and new features; in the demos, you'll see the Core platform's evolution as the team discusses recent progress or ideas in the works.
Check out these additions to our user guide:
- a set of plotting how-to guides covering our main chart types.
- introductions to popular UI features, like our File Explorer and Markdown Widgets.
- an overview of the many ways to filter within the UI, no queries required.
- new data import / export cheat sheets specific to data format (CSV, Kafka, and Parquet).
We've kicked off a blog series about the powerful pairing of Prometheus and Deephaven. The first installment, "Monitoring system performance and stability with Deephaven and Prometheus", also features a short video demonstration of the example, which uses Deephaven's Application Mode feature.