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Version: Java (Groovy)

Import CSV or other delimited files

This guide will show you how to import data from CSV (and other delimited) files into Deephaven tables by using the readCsv method.


CSV files can also be imported into Deephaven with drag-and-drop uploading in the UI.


The two most common ways to load a CSV file are using the file path or the file URL. The header of the CSV file determines the column names.

The basic syntax for readCsv follows:

import static io.deephaven.csv.CsvTools.readCsv

readCsv(path, csvSpecs)
readCsv(url, csvSpecs)

Let's dive into some simple examples. So that we don't have to create a new CSV file from scratch, we'll use some CSV files from Deephaven's examples repository. We encourage you to use your own files by replacing the file paths in our queries.

readCsv with a file path

The readCsv method can be used to import a CSV file from a file path. In this example, we will import a CSV file containing R.A. Fisher's classic iris flower dataset commonly used in machine learning applications.

import static io.deephaven.csv.CsvTools.readCsv

iris = readCsv("/data/examples/Iris/csv/iris.csv")

The /data mount point

If you are using Docker-installed Deephaven, you can find a /data folder inside your Deephaven installation's main folder, on the same level as your docker-compose.yml file. This folder is mounted to the /data volume in the running Deephaven container. This means that if the Deephaven console is used to write data to /data/abc/file.csv, that file will be visible at ./data/abc/file.csv on the local file system of your computer.


If the ./data directory does not exist when Deephaven is launched, it will be created.

See Docker data volumes to learn more about the relation between locations in the container and the local file system.


If you're using our files, follow the directions in the README to mount the content from Deephaven's examples repository onto /data in the Deephaven Docker container.

readCsv with a URL

Now, we will import the same CSV file, but this time we will use a URL instead of a file path.

import static io.deephaven.csv.CsvTools.readCsv

iris = readCsv(

This method works with any public URL that points to a CSV file.

Headerless CSV files

CSV files don't always have headers. The example below uses the headerless DeNiro CSV and CsvSpecs' hasHeaderRow set to false.

import static io.deephaven.csv.CsvTools.readCsv
import io.deephaven.csv.CsvSpecs

specs = CsvSpecs.builder().hasHeaderRow(false).build()

deniro = readCsv(

Because no column names are provided, the table will produce default column names (Column1, Column2, etc.). You can explicitly set the column names, as shown below.

import static io.deephaven.csv.CsvTools.readCsv
import io.deephaven.csv.CsvSpecs

headers = List.of("Year", "Score", "Title")

specs = CsvSpecs.builder().hasHeaderRow(false).headers(headers).build()
deniroHeader = readCsv("", specs)

Other formats

Tab-delimited data

Deephaven allows you to specify other delimiters if your file is not comma-delimited. In the example below, we import a tab-delimited file, which requires the use of CsvSpecs.tsv().

import static io.deephaven.csv.CsvTools.readCsv
import io.deephaven.csv.CsvSpecs

specs = CsvSpecs.tsv()

deniroTSV = readCsv("", specs)

Pipe-delimited data

Any character can be used as a delimiter. The pipe character (|) is common. In the example below, we supply a CsvSpecs with the delimiter set to |.

import static io.deephaven.csv.CsvTools.readCsv
import io.deephaven.csv.CsvSpecs

specs = CsvSpecs.builder().delimiter('|' as char).build()

deniroPSV = readCsv("", specs)


By default, quoted values that have leading and trailing white space include the white space when reading the CSV file. For example, if " Taxi Driver " is in the CSV file, it will be read as Taxi Driver.

By setting trim to true when reading the CSV file, these leading and trailing white space will be removed. So " Taxi Driver " will be read as Taxi Driver.

Using CsvSpecs

The CsvSpecs class allows you to specify additional options when reading a CSV file. The CsvSpecs' class methods are:

  • allowMissingColumns(boolean): Whether the library should allow missing columns in the input. If true, allows the CSV file to have fewer columns than specified in the header. If false, no missing columns will be permitted.
  • build(): Returns the CsvSpecs object.
  • concurrent(boolean): Whether or not to run concurrently.
  • customDoubleParser(): The custom double parser.
  • customTimeZoneParser(): An optional low-level "timezone parser" that understands custom time zone strings.
  • delimiter(char): The field delimiter character (the character that separates one column from the next).
  • from(CsvSpecs): Copy all of the parameters from supplied CsvSpecs object into this builder.
  • hasHeaderRow(boolean): Whether the input file has a header row.
  • headerLegalizer(Function<String[],String[]>): An optional legalizer for column headers.
  • headers(Iterable<String>): Client-specified headers that can be used to override the existing headers in the input (if CsvSpecs.hasHeaderRow() is true), or to provide absent headers (if CsvSpecs.hasHeaderRow() is false).
  • headerValidator(Predicate<String>): An optional validator for column headers.
  • ignoreEmptyLines(boolean): Whether the library should skip over empty lines in the input.
  • ignoreExcessColumns(boolean): Whether the library should allow excess columns in the input.
  • ignoreSurroundingSpaces(boolean): Whether to trim leading and trailing blanks from non-quoted values.
  • nullParser(Parser<?>): The parser to use when all values in the column are null.
  • nullValueLiterals(Iterable<String>): The default collection of strings that means "null value" in the input.
  • numRows(long): Max number of rows to process.
  • parsers(Iterable<? extends Parser<?>>): The parsers that the user wants to participate in type inference.
  • putHeaderForIndex(int, String): Override a specific column header by 0-based column index.
  • putNullValueLiteralsForIndex(int, List<String>): The null value literal for specific columns, specified by 0-based column index.
  • putNullValueLiteralsForName(String, List<String>): The null value literal for specific columns, specified by column name.
  • putParserForIndex(int, Parser<?>): Used to force a specific parser for a specific column, specified by 0-based column index.
  • putParserForName(String, Parser<?>): Used to force a specific parser for a specific column, specified by column name.
  • quote(char): The quote character (used when you want field or line delimiters to be interpreted as literal text).
  • skipHeaderRows(long): Number of rows to skip before reading the header row from the input.
  • skipRows(long): Number of data rows to skip before processing data.
  • trim(boolean): Whether to trim leading and trailing blanks from inside quoted values.

In the following example, we want to read in the deniro_poorly_formatted.csv file from the Deephaven Examples repo. This file has a number of issues that we need to address, but readCsv can handle them if we give the right CsvSpecs parameters:

import static io.deephaven.csv.CsvTools.readCsv
import io.deephaven.csv.CsvSpecs

headers = List.of("Release Year", "Rating", "Movie Title")

specs = CsvSpecs.builder().headers(headers).hasHeaderRow(true).skipRows(5).numRows(20).ignoreEmptyLines(true).allowMissingColumns(true).ignoreExcessColumns(true).trim(true).build()

deniroHeader = readCsv("/data/examples/DeNiro/csv/deniro_poorly_formatted.csv", specs)

In the example above, we:

  • Use headers to override and replace the files's header row.
  • Set hasHeaderRow to true to indicate that the CSV file has a header row.
  • Use skipRows to omit the first 5 rows of the CSV file.
  • Set numRows to 20 to limit our table to 20 rows.
  • Set ignoreEmptyLines to true to avoid throwing an exception due to an empty line in the CSV file.
  • Set allowMissingColumns to true to avoid throwing an exception due to a missing column in the CSV file. Note that the 1983 entry in our table has null in the missing column.
  • Set ignoreExcessColumns to true to avoid throwing an exception due to an extra column in the CSV file - 1984's Brazil entry has an extra column containing a brief review that we don't need in our table.
  • Set trim to true to remove leading and trailing white space from inside quoted strings - such as our movie titles.

For a complete list of optional arguments, see the readCsv reference documentation.