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Version: Java (Groovy)

Updating Deephaven

This guide will show you how to update your Deephaven deployment.

It is typically recommended to keep up-to-date with the latest versions of software. Deephaven is no different. Each release brings new features, fixes, and quality-of-life improvements to the Deephaven experience. Updating is a quick and easy process.

Deephaven versioning

Each new Deephaven release increases the version number. Versions follow a nomenclature of three numbers separated by periods (e.g. 0.26.1).

Deephaven's release and version history can be found here.

A major update is released approximately once per month, with occasional spot releases in between to roll out bug fixes and improvements to new features. Both release types are driven primarily by our user base.

Primary releases bump the middle of the three numbers (e.g., 0.25.0 -> 0.26.0), whereas spot releases bump the last number (e.g., 0.26.0 -> 0.26.1).

Update Deephaven

When using Deephaven run from Docker, a user will build the application from a docker-compose.yml file or a Dockerfile. In both cases, you can specify a version via one of the following:

  • A specific version number, e.g. 0.26.1.
  • latest: The latest version to be released. The first release shown in the releases page should always have this tag.
  • edge: Everything merged into deephaven-core prior to midnight ET (US Eastern Time) on the previous day.

Most users will use a specific version number or latest for their deployment. The edge version is typically used for internal testing, as it has undocumented features not included in the latest release.

If deploying with docker compose, the docker-compose.yml file specifies the version based on the image in the Deephaven service:


The version is set at the end of this line, after the :. In this case, the version is 0.26.1, but it could be any other release number, latest, or edge.

The file above creates the deephaven docker image from the Deephaven server container. The version is specified at the end of the image line. In this case, it sets the image to the environment variable VERSION. If VERSION is not set, it uses latest.

The version can also be set with an environment variable:


In this case, the version is equal to the VERSION environment variable. If it is not set, latest is used.

If deploying with a Dockerfile, the syntax remains the same. The version is set after the image from which the container is built, separated by the : character.