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Version: Java (Groovy)

User-defined functions

Groovy closures can be used in Deephaven queries. This guide explains what a closure is and how it is used in Deephaven. These closures can be from libraries, or they can be user-defined.


The list of default Java imports can be reviewed in the deephaven-core repository on GitHub.

In cases where you need to apply the same operations to many tables in a query - for example, something like ("filter to where Y < 5, then sum by Letter") - it can be helpful to define those operations as a single function. Then, you can call that function multiple times for each table you want to transform, rather than duplicating the operations many times in the query. The simplest way to define a function in Groovy is with a closure.

In Groovy, a closure is enclosed with curly braces ({}). The following closure, f, adds two integer values:

f = { int a, int b -> a + b }

Closures can take an arbitrary number of input parameters but must only have one return value. Multiple returns must be wrapped in a single object, such as a list, array, etc.

User-defined functions in table operations

Closures can be called in query strings. The query below calls the f closure that we defined above.


Calling f in the query string below is shorthand for, Y).

source = emptyTable(10).update("X = i", "Y = 2 * i", "Z = f(X, Y)")

Query language methods

One thing to consider before creating and calling a closure from the query language is:

Can I perform the same operation using a built-in query language method?

For instance, the function sin from the java.lang.Math library is imported and called in the query below:

import java.lang.Math

sine = { Double X -> Math.sin(X) }

source = emptyTable(100).update("X = 0.1 * ii", "Y = sine(X)")

Always define the expected argument types when defining a closure that will be called from the query language. This allows errors to be caught at compile time rather than at runtime, and often improves performance. For instance, if we define the sine function above as sine = { X -> Math.sin(X) }, omitting the Double specification, the query will take 285 milliseconds to complete instead of 7.


Closures used in query strings should perform null checks on their arguments, e.g., with isNull(). If null values are not handled, closures may yield undesirable results when nulls are encountered.

Deephaven has a built-in sin method that can be used from the query language with no imports. It handles null values by default: a call to sin(NULL_DOUBLE) will return NULL_DOUBLE; Math.sin will return -0.004961954789184062 -- not what we're looking for.

source = emptyTable(100).update("X = 0.1 * ii", "Y = sin(X)")

Familiarity with Deephaven's built-in methods can speed up your workflow. Deephaven has a large number of built-in methods that can be called from query strings without any imports or classpaths. For more information and a complete list of what's available, see auto-imported functions in Deephaven.

Passing tables to functions

Groovy closures can take tables as input and return tables as output. Some Deephaven operations specifically require this usage pattern.

The following example uses the closure doAgg to perform multiple aggregations on a table.

import static io.deephaven.api.agg.Aggregation.AggSum
import static io.deephaven.api.agg.Aggregation.AggAvg

source = emptyTable(20).update("Letter = (i % 2 == 0) ? `A` : `B`", "X = i", "Y = randomDouble(0.0, 10.0)")

doAgg = {t -> t.aggBy([AggSum("SumX = X", "SumY = Y"), AggAvg("AvgX = X", "AvgY = Y")], "Letter")}

result = doAgg(source)

Partitioned tables

Some partitioned table operations require the use of Groovy functions that modify tables:

  • transform
  • partitionedTransform

Function from a library

In the following example, a function from a library is called.

result = emptyTable(2).update("Home = java.lang.System.getenv(`HOME`)")

Deephaven tables are immutable. A function or closure that modifies a table will have no effect unless a table is returned.

Imported Java methods

In the following example, imported Java methods are used inside the query string.


For details on how to install Java packages, see this guide.

source = newTable(
intCol("X", 2, 4, 6)

result = source.update("Z = sqrt(X)")

Import packages with user-defined functions

It's common in Groovy to use custom closures from a separate Groovy file or package. To make these closures available for import in Deephaven, you can add files or folders to the classpath by modifying your docker-compose.yml file. For example, say we want to import a closure from a file called MyClass.groovy, located at /data/groovyscripts/com/example/MyClass.groovy.

We can add the whole groovyscripts folder to our classpath by adding the EXTRA_CLASSPATH environment variable to our docker-compose.yml file, like so:

- 10000:10000
- ./data:/data
- EXTRA_CLASSPATH=/data/groovyscripts
- START_OPTS=-Xmx4g -DAuthHandlers=io.deephaven.auth.AnonymousAuthenticationHandler

Now, from the IDE, we can import the class containing the closure we want to call:

import com.example.MyClass

When running Deephaven from Docker, the path must be visible inside the Docker container. For more information, see Docker volumes.