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Version: Python


consume reads a Kafka stream into an in-memory table.


kafka_config: dict,
topic: str,
partitions: list[int],
offsets: dict[int, int],
key_spec: KeyValueSpec,
value_spec: KeyValueSpec,
table_type: TableType,
) -> Table



Configuration for the associated Kafka consumer and the resulting table. Once the table-specific properties are stripped, the remaining one is used to call the constructor of org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer; pass any KafkaConsumer-specific desired configuration here.


The Kafka topic name.

partitions optionallist[int]

An int list of partition numbers to subscribe to. The default is to subscribe to all partitions. Specify partitions as a comma-separated list; e.g.,partitions=[1, 3, 5 ] to only listen to partitions 1, 3, and 5.

offsets optionaldict[int, int]
  • ALL_PARTITIONS_DONT_SEEK (default) - Only recieve new messages produced after this call is processed (default). This matches the default if offsets is not specified.
  • ALL_PARTITIONS_SEEK_TO_END - Go to the newest available message for every partition.
  • ALL_PARTITIONS_SEEK_TO_BEGINNING - Go to the oldest available message for every partition.
  • { _number_ : _offset_, ... } Map partition numbers to numeric offsets or one of the constants DONT_SEEK, SEEK_TO_END, SEEK_TO_BEGINNING.
    • For example, { 1 : SEEK_TO_END, 3 : SEEK_TO_BEGINNING, 5 : 27 } means:
      • Start from the last message sent in partition 1.
      • Go to the oldest available message in partition 3.
      • Start with offset 27 in partition 5.
key_spec optionalKeyValueSpec

Specifies how to map the Key field in Kafka messages to table column(s). Any of the following found in can be used:

  • simple_spec - Creates a spec that defines how a single column receives a key or value field from a Kafka message when consuming a Kafka stream.
  • avro_spec - Creates a spec that defines how to use an Avro schema when consuming a Kafka stream.
  • json_spec - Creates a spec for how to use JSON data when consuming a Kafka stream.
  • protobuf_spec - Creates a spec for parsing a Kafka protobuf stream. Uses the schema, schema_version, and schema_message_name to fetch the schema from the schema registry, or uses message_class to get the schema from the classpath.
  • object_processor_spec - Creates a Kafka key-value spec implementation from a named object processor provider.
  • KeyValueSpec.IGNORE - Ignore the field in the Kafka event.
  • KeyValueSpec.FROM_PROPERTIES (default) - The kafka_config parameter should include values for dictionary keys and deephaven.key.column.type for the single resulting column name and type.
value_spec optionalKeyValueSpec

Specifies how to map the Value field in Kafka messages to table column(s). Any of the following found in can be used:

  • simple_spec - Creates a spec that defines how a single column receives a key or value field from a Kafka message when consuming a Kafka stream.
  • avro_spec - Creates a spec that defines how to use an Avro schema when consuming a Kafka stream.
  • json_spec - Creates a spec for how to use JSON data when consuming a Kafka stream.
  • protobuf_spec - Creates a spec for parsing a Kafka protobuf stream. Uses the schema, schema_version, and schema_message_name to fetch the schema from the schema registry, or uses message_class to get the schema from the classpath.
  • object_processor_spec - Creates a Kafka key-value spec implementation from a named object processor provider.
  • KeyValueSpec.IGNORE - Ignore the field in the Kafka event.
  • KeyValueSpec.FROM_PROPERTIES (default) - The kafka_config parameter should include values for dictionary keys and deephaven.key.column.type for the single resulting column name and type.
table_type optionalTableType

One of the following TableType enums:

  • TableType.append() - Create an append-only table.
  • TableType.blink() (default) - Create a blink table.
  • TableType.ring(N) - Create a ring table of size N.


An in-memory table.


In the following example, consume is used to read the Kafka topic testTopic into a Deephaven table. Only the first two positional arguments are required to read a Kafka stream into a Deephaven table.

  • The first positional argument, {'bootstrap.servers': 'redpanda:9092'}, is a Python dictionary that is standard for any Python library consuming messages from Kafka. This dictionary gives the underlying Kafka library information about the Kafka infrastructure.
    • Here, the host and port for the Kafka server to use to bootstrap the subscription are specified. This is the minimal amount of required information.
    • The value redpanda:9092 corresponds to the current setup for development testing with Docker images (which uses an instance of redpanda).
  • The second positional argument is the name of the topic (testTopic).
from deephaven import kafka_consumer as kc
from import TableType, KeyValueSpec

result = kc.consume(
"bootstrap.servers": "redpanda:9092",
"deephaven.key.column.type": "String",
"deephaven.value.column.type": "String",


In the following example, consume is used to read Kafka topic share_price with additional settings enabled and a specific key_spec spec and value_spec defined.

  • partitions is set to ALL_PARTITIONS, which listens to all partitions.
  • offsets is set to ALL_PARTITIONS_DONT_SEEK, which only listens to new messages produced after this call is processed.
  • key_spec is set to simple_spec('Symbol', dht.string), which expects messages with a Kafka key field of type string, and creates a Symbol column to store the information.
  • value_spec is set to simple_spec('Price', dht.double), which expects messages with a Kafka value field of type double, and creates a Price column to store the information.
  • table_type is set to TableType.append(), which creates an append-only table.
from deephaven import kafka_consumer as kc
from import TableType, KeyValueSpec
import deephaven.dtypes as dht

result = kc.consume(
{"bootstrap.servers": "redpanda:9092"},
key_spec=kc.simple_spec("Symbol", dht.string),
value_spec=kc.simple_spec("Price", dht.double),


In the following example, consume reads the Kafka topic share_price with an additional dictionary set and keys ignored.

  • is set to None. The result table will not include a column for the partition field.
  • key_spec is set to IGNORE. The result table will not include a column associated with the Kafka field key.
from deephaven import kafka_consumer as kc
from import TableType, KeyValueSpec
import deephaven.dtypes as dht

result = kc.consume(
{"bootstrap.servers": "redpanda:9092", "": None},
value_spec=kc.simple_spec("Price", dht.double),


In the following example, consume reads the Kafka topic share_price in JSON format.

from deephaven import kafka_consumer as kc
from import TableType, KeyValueSpec
import deephaven.dtypes as dht

result = kc.consume(
{"bootstrap.servers": "redpanda:9092"},
"Symbol": dht.string,
"Side": dht.string,
"Price": dht.double,
"Qty": dht.int64,
"jsymbol": "Symbol",
"jside": "Side",
"jprice": "Price",
"jqty": "Qty",


The following example also reads the Kafka topic orders in JSON format, but this time, uses a Jackson provider object processor specification.

from deephaven import kafka_consumer as kc
from import (
from deephaven.json import jackson

result = kc.consume(
{"bootstrap.servers": "redpanda:9092"},
"jsymbol": str,
"jside": str,
"jprice": float,
"jqty": int,
).rename_columns(["Symbol=jsymbol", "Side=jside", "Price=jprice", "Qty=jqty"])

In the following example, consume reads the Kafka topic share_price in Avro format.

from deephaven import kafka_consumer as kc
from import TableType, KeyValueSpec

result = kc.consume(
"bootstrap.servers": "redpanda:9092",
"schema.registry.url": "http://redpanda:8081",
value_spec=kc.avro_spec("share_price_record", schema_version="1"),

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