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Version: Java (Groovy)

Parallelizing queries

Deephaven supports using multiple processors to speed up query evaluation. The extent to which Deephaven employs multiple processors depends on both the phase of operation and the query itself.

Query initialization and updates

When considering Deephaven query performance, there are two distinct phases to consider: initialization and updates.

Query initialization

Every table operation method — .where, .update, .naturalJoin, etc. — undergoes an initialization phase when the method is called. Initialization produces a result table based on the data in the source table. For example, with a 100,000-row table called myTable, running myTable.update("X = random()") will run the random() method 100,000 times (once per row).

If an operation's source table is refreshing, then initialization will create a new node in the update graph as well.

Query updates

After initialization, the Update Graph Processor (UGP) monitors source tables for changes and process updates to any table. For example, if 25,000 rows are added to myTable, the UGP will run the random() method 25,000 more times, calculating the value of column X for each of the new rows.

Parallelizing queries

Parallelizing query initialization

Deephaven is a column-oriented query engine — it focuses on handling data one column at a time, instead of one row at a time like many traditional databases. Since Deephaven column sources support random access to data, different segments of a column can be processed in parallel. When possible, the Deephaven engine will do this automatically, based on the number of threads in the Operation Initialization Thread Pool.

Parallelizing query updates

As with query initialization, some operations can process different sections of a column in parallel. However, update processing can also be parallelized across independent nodes of the DAG. Parallel processing of updates depends on the size of the Update Graph Processor Thread Pool.

Consider the following hypothetical example:

// Retrieve a live table:
my_table = get_my_kafka_feed_table()

// Run several independent query operations on 'my_table':
my_table_updated = my_table.update("MyCalculation = computeValue(Col1, Col2, ColRed, ColBlue)")
my_table_filtered1 = my_table.where("ColX < 10000")
my_table_filtered2 = my_table.where("ColY > ColZ")

// Create a result table that depends on the three prior tables:
merged_tables = merge(

The three intermediate tables my_table_updated, my_table_filtered1 and my_table_filtered2 all depend on only one other table — the original my_table. Since they are independent of each other, when my_table is updated with new or modified rows it is possible for the query engine to process the new rows into my_table_updated, my_table_filtered1 and my_table_filtered2 at the same time. However, since merged_tables depends on those three tables, the query engine cannot update the result of the merge operation until after the update() and where()s for those three tables have been processed.

Managing thread pool sizes

The maximum parallelism of query initialization and update processing is determined by the Operation Initialization Thread Pool and the Update Graph Processor Thread Pool. The size of these values is controlled using the properties described in the table below:

Thread Pool PropertyDefault ValueDescription
OperationInitializationThreadPool.threads-1Determines the number of threads available for parallel processing of initialization operations.
PeriodicUpdateGraph.updateThreads-1Determines the number of threads available for parallel processing of the Update Graph Processor refresh cycle.

Setting either of these properties to -1 instructs Deephaven to use all available processors. The number of available processors is retrieved from the Java Virtual Machine at Deephaven startup, using Runtime.availableProcessors().