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Version: Java (Groovy)

Create pie charts

This guide shows you how to use the piePlot method to create pie charts, which show data as sections of a circle to represent the relative proportion for each of the categories that make up the entire dataset being plotted.

Data sourcing

From a table

When data is sourced from a table, the following syntax can be used to create a pie plot:

.piePlot(seriesName, source, categoryCol, valueCol).show()

  • piePlot is the method used to create a pie plot.
  • seriesName is the name (as a string) you want to use to identify the series on the plot itself.
  • source is the table that holds the data you want to plot.
  • categoryCol is the name of the column (as a string) to be used for the categories.
  • valueCol is the name of the column (as a string) to be used for the values.
  • show tells Deephaven to draw the plot in the console.
import static io.deephaven.csv.CsvTools.readCsv

totalInsurance = readCsv("")

regionInsurance = totalInsurance.view("region", "expenses").sumBy("region")

pieChart = piePlot("Expense per region", regionInsurance, "region", "expenses")\
.chartTitle("Expenses per region")\