Write data to an in-memory, real-time table
This guide will show you how to use DynamicTableWriter
to write data to real-time, in-memory Deephaven tables.
Deephaven's DynamicTableWriter
writes data into live, in-memory tables by specifying the name and data types of each column. The use of DynamicTableWriter
to write data to an in-memory ticking table generally follows a formula:
- Create the
. - Get the table that
will write data to. - Write data to the table (done in a separate thread).
- Close the table writer.
Example: Getting started
The following example creates a table with two columns (A
and B
). The columns contain randomly generated integers and strings, respectively. Every second, for ten seconds, a new row is added to the table.
import io.deephaven.engine.table.impl.util.DynamicTableWriter
chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890".toCharArray()
// Create a DynamicTableWriter with two columns: `A` (int) and `B` (String)
columnNames = ["A", "B"] as String[]
columnTypes = [int.class, char.class] as Class[]
tableWriter = new DynamicTableWriter(columnNames, columnTypes)
result = tableWriter.getTable()
def rng = new Random()
// Thread to log data to the dynamic table
def thread = Thread.start {
// for loop that defines how much data to populate to the table
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// the data to put into the table
a = rng.nextInt(100)
b = chars[rng.nextInt(62)]
// The logRow method adds a row to the table
tableWriter.logRow(a, b)
// milliseconds between new rows inserted into the table
Example: Financial data feed
The following example uses APIs to pull real-time cryptocurrency prices from CryptoCompare
and writes them to a live table. Prices for three different coins are logged ten times.
See How to install Java packages for more information on implementing this example in groovy.
import com.crypto.cryptocompare.api.CryptoCompareApi
import com.google.gson.JsonObject
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import io.deephaven.engine.table.impl.util.DynamicTableWriter
sleep_time = 2000
CryptoCompareApi api = new CryptoCompareApi()
columnNames = ["Timestamp", "Bitcoin", "Dogecoin", "Ethereum"] as String[]
columnTypes = [DateTime.class, double.class, double.class, double.class] as Class[]
tableWriter = new DynamicTableWriter(columnNames, columnTypes)
cryptoPrices = tableWriter.getTable()
// Thread to log data to the dynamic table
def thread = Thread.start {
// for loop that defines how much data to populate to the table
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// the data to put into the table
// Get timestamp and crypto prices
timestamp = currentTime()
JsonObject response = api.priceMulti(
new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>() {{
put("extraParams", "TestProject");
bitcoin_price = response.get("BTC").get("USD").getAsDouble()
dogecoin_price = response.get("DOGE").get("USD").getAsDouble()
ethereum_price = response.get("ETH").get("USD").getAsDouble()
// The logRow method adds a row to the table
tableWriter.logRow(timestamp, bitcoin_price, dogecoin_price, ethereum_price)
// milliseconds between new rows inserted into the table