Install and use Java packages
This guide discusses how to install Java packages and use them in Deephaven queries.
Java packages are installed for use with Deephaven by adding them to the Deephaven Docker images. This way, they are available every time Deephaven is launched.
Once a package is installed, it can be imported and used like any other Java package.
If a Java package has dependencies that Deephaven does not have, those packages will not work unless the required dependencies are installed as well. Java packages can also have dependencies that conflict with Deephaven's, so it's important to be careful when adding Java packages.
Add packages to a custom Docker image
In order to use Java packages within Deephaven, you must put the associated .jar
files in the /apps/libs
directory of your server
image. (The /apps/libs
directory is the default EXTRA_CLASSPATH
location in the Docker images.)
In this section, we add the Java CryptoCompare API client to a custom Dockerfile and reference it from Deephaven so that we can use it in more than one session.
In order to use packages more than once, you can create a custom Docker image, and then use that image in Deephaven. The steps for accomplishing this differ slightly depending on how you launch Deephaven. Let's start with the steps that are common between both.
Before a custom Docker image can be built, you must acquire the necessary base images. This process differs based upon how you launch Deephaven:
- If you launch from pre-built images, ensure you have run the following command to download the necessary base images:
docker compose pull
- If you launch from source code, ensure you have built the project so that you have the necessary base images.
Create a custom Dockerfile
To begin, create a new directory. This directory should not be in a Deephaven deployment directory. You can name it whatever you'd like. For this guide, we'll name ours deephaven-custom
mkdir deephaven-custom
cd deephaven-custom
Now, in this directory, create a file called Dockerfile
. Dockerfile
should use
as the base image and should contain a recipe for installing the new package. When adding the Java CryptoCompare API client, it looks like this:
RUN curl --output /apps/libs
Create a custom Docker image
Now that we have the Dockerfile
in place, we need to create the custom Docker image. To do so, run a command from the directory with Dockerfile
that looks like:
docker build --tag <user>/server-<custom> .
This creates a new Docker image named <user>/server-<custom>
. For this guide, we will call the image guide/server-cryptocompare
docker build --tag guide/server-cryptocompare .
When the command finishes running, you can see the new image in your system:
docker image ls
Reference the new image
To put it all together, we now need to reference this new image in the docker-compose
file we use to launch Deephaven. The particular file depends on how you build and launch Deephaven:
If you launch from pre-built images, the file is
and can be found in yourdeephaven-deployment
directory. -
If you launch from source code, the file is
and can be found in yourdeephaven-core
In the Docker Compose file, there are three lines of text that look like:
image: <IMAGE_NAME>
The image used by default depends on how you build and launch Deephaven. Regardless, this line is where you need to insert your custom image name. Modify the image
line to use your new image:
image: guide/server-cryptocompare:latest
Now, when you launch Deephaven again, you can use the package!
import com.crypto.cryptocompare.api.CryptoCompareApi
CryptoCompareApi api = new CryptoCompareApi()
JsonObject response = api.priceMulti(
new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>() {{
put("extraParams", "TestProject");
bitcoin_price = response.get("BTC").get("USD").getAsFloat()
println bitcoin_price
When base images are updated by rebuilding source code or redownloading pre-built images, custom images must be rebuilt to incorporate the base image changes.
List all available Java packages
You can check what Java packages are available to Deephaven by running the following command from your Deephaven installation while Deephaven is running.
docker-compose exec server ls /apps/libs
Use Java packages in query strings
Installed Java packages can be used in query strings. We'll use the Apache Commons Lang RandomUtils
class to create a table with ten rows of random integers in a range.
t = emptyTable(10).update("X = org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomUtils.nextInt(1, 99)")