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Version: Java (Groovy)

Cumulative, rolling, and moving statistics with update_by

This guide explains how to use Deephaven's updateBy table operation and the updateby Groovy module to add cumulative, rolling, and moving statistics to a table.

updateBy vs updateby

This document refers to updateBy and updateby throughout. They are not identical:

  • updateBy always refers to theupdateBy table operation. This is always invoked as a method on a table:
result = source.updateBy(...)
  • updateby refers to the Groovy package module housing all of the functions and related plumbing. The UpdateByOperation interface contains the updateBy operations themselves, such as EmMax and RollingFormula.

This distinction will be important to keep in mind as you progress through the document.

Cumulative statistics

Cumulative statistics are the simplest UpdateByOperations. They are ordinary statistics computed over all previous data. The following cumulative statistics are currently supported:

Cumulative statisticupdateBy function

Cumulative sum

To illustrate a cumulative statistic, consider the cumulative sum. This operation computes the sum of all previous data points for every row in a table. Here's an illustration of the cumulative sum:


The fourth element of the cumulative sum column is the sum of the first four data points, the fifth element is the sum of the first five data points, and so on.

This calculation is implemented in Deephaven with the CumSum function and the updateBy table operation:

source = emptyTable(8).update("X = ii")

result = source.updateBy(CumSum("SumX=X"))

Here, the "SumX=X" argument indicates that the resulting column will be renamed SumX.

Cumulative average

The updateby module does not directly support a function to compute the cumulative average of a column. However, you can still compute the cumulative average by using two CumSum operations, where one of them is applied over a column of ones:

source = emptyTable(8).update("X = ii")

result = (
source.update("Ones = 1")
.updateBy(CumSum("SumX=X", "Ones"))
.update("CumAvgX = SumX / Ones")
.dropColumns("SumX", "Ones")

This demonstrates the flexibility of the update_by table operation. If a particular kind of calculation is unavailable, it's almost always possible to accomplish with Deephaven.

Time-based vs tick-based operations

updateby functions use a window of data that is measured either by ticks (number of rows) or by specifying a time window. When using tick-based operators, the window is fixed in size and contains the data elements within the specified number of rows relative to the current row. Ticks can be specified as backward ticks (rev_ticks), forward ticks (fwd_ticks), or both. Here are some examples:

  • revTicks = 1, fwdTicks = 0 - Contains only the current row.
  • revTicks = 10, fwdTicks = 0 - Contains 9 previous rows and the current row.
  • revTicks = 0, fwdTicks = 10 - Contains the following 10 rows; excludes the current row.
  • revTicks = 10, fwdTicks = 10 - Contains the previous 9 rows, the current row and the 10 rows following.
  • revTicks = 10, fwdTicks = -5 - Contains 5 rows, beginning at 9 rows before, ending at 5 rows before the current row (inclusive).
  • revTicks = 11, fwdTicks = -1 - Contains 10 rows, beginning at 10 rows before, ending at 1 row before the current row (inclusive).
  • revTicks = -5, fwdTicks = 10 - Contains 5 rows, beginning 5 rows following, ending at 10 rows following the current row (inclusive).

For time-based operators, a timestamp column must be specified. The window will contain the data elements within the specified time period of the current row's timestamp. The number of rows in a time-based window will not be fixed and may actually be empty depending on the sparsity of the data. Time can be specified in terms of backward-looking time (revTime), forward-looking time (fwdTime), or both. Here are some examples:

  • revTime = "PT00:00:00", fwdTime = "PT00:00:00" - Contains rows that exactly match the current timestamp.
  • revTime = "PT00:10:00", fwdTime = "PT00:00:00" - Contains rows from 10m earlier through the current timestamp (inclusive).
  • revTime = "PT00:00:00", fwdTime = "PT00:10:00" - Contains rows from the current timestamp through 10m following the current row timestamp (inclusive).
  • revTime = int(60e9), fwdTime = int(60e9) - Contains rows from 1m earlier through 1m following the current timestamp (inclusive).
  • revTime = "PT00:10:00", fwdTime = "-PT00:05:00" - Contains rows from 10m earlier through 5m before the current timestamp (inclusive). This is a purely backward-looking window.
  • revTime = int(-5e9), fwdTime = int(10e9) - Contains rows from 5s following through 10s following the current timestamp (inclusive). This is a purely forward-looking window.

Cumulative operators like CumSum are special cases of tick-based operators, where the window begins at the first table row and continues through to the current row.

Simple moving (rolling) statistics

Simple moving (or rolling) statistics are ordinary statistics computed over a moving data window. Here are the simple moving statistics that Deephaven supports and the updateby functions that implement them:

Simple moving statisticTick-based
Weighted AverageRollingWavg
Standard DeviationRollingStd

Deephaven also offers the RollingGroup function for creating rolling groups, and the RollingFormula function for implementing custom rolling operations using DQL.

Rolling average

To illustrate a simple moving statistic, consider the simple moving average. It is the average of all data points inside of a given window, and that window moves across the dataset to generate the simple moving average for each row. Here is an illustration of a 4-tick moving average:


The fourth element of the moving average column is the average of the first four data points, the fifth element is the average of the second through fifth data points, and so on.

This calculation is implemented in Deephaven using the RollingAvg function and the updateBy table operation:

source = emptyTable(8).update("X = ii")

result = source.updateBy(RollingAvg(4, "AvgX=X"))

When creating a tick-based rolling operation, the revTicks parameter can configure how far the window extends behind the row. The current row is considered to belong to the backward-looking window, so setting revTicks=10 includes the current row and previous 9 rows.

The following example creates 2, 3, and 5-row backward-looking tick-based simple moving averages. These averages are computed by group, as specified with the by argument:

source = emptyTable(10).update("Letter = (i % 2 == 0) ? `A` : `B`", "X = randomInt(0, 100)")

sma2 = RollingAvg(2, "AvgX2=X")
sma3 = RollingAvg(3, "AvgX3=X")
sma5 = RollingAvg(5, "AvgX5=X")

result = source.updateBy([sma2, sma3, sma5], "Letter")

Here's another example that creates 3, 5, and 9-row windows, centered on the current row:

source = emptyTable(10).update("Letter = (i % 2 == 0) ? `A` : `B`", "X = randomInt(0, 100)")

// using fwdTicks gives windows that extend into the future
sma3 = RollingAvg(2, 1, "AvgX2=X")
sma5 = RollingAvg(3, 2, "AvgX3=X")
sma9 = RollingAvg(5, 4, "AvgX5=X")

result = source.updateBy([sma3, sma5, sma9], "Letter")

Time-based rolling average

Time-based rolling operations use a syntax similar to tick-based operations but require a timestamp column to be specified. This example uses the RollingAvg function to compute 2-second, 3-second, and 5-second moving averages:

source = emptyTable(10).update(
"Timestamp = '2023-01-01T00:00:00 ET' + i * SECOND",
"Letter = (i % 2 == 0) ? `A` : `B`",
"X = randomInt(0, 25)",

sma2sec = RollingAvg("Timestamp", parseDuration("PT00:00:02"), "AvgX2Sec=X")
sma3sec = RollingAvg("Timestamp", parseDuration("PT3s"), "AvgX3Sec=X")
sma5sec = RollingAvg("Timestamp", parseDuration("PT3s"), "AvgX5Sec=X")

result = source.updateBy([sma2sec, sma3sec, sma5sec], "Letter")

Like before, you can use fwdTime to create windows into the future. Here's an example that creates 2-second, 5-second, and 10-second windows, centered on the current row:

source = emptyTable(10).update(
"Timestamp = '2023-01-01T00:00:00 ET' + i * SECOND",
"Letter = (i % 2 == 0) ? `A` : `B`",
"X = randomInt(0, 25)",

sma2sec = RollingAvg("Timestamp", parseDuration("PT00:00:01"), parseDuration("PT00:00:01"), "AvgX2Sec=X")
sma5sec = RollingAvg("Timestamp", parseDuration("PT2.5s"), parseDuration("PT2.5s"), "AvgX3Sec=X")
sma10sec = RollingAvg("Timestamp", parseDuration("PT5s"), parseDuration("PT5s"), "AvgX5Sec=X")

result = source.updateBy([sma2sec, sma5sec, sma10sec], "Letter")

Exponential moving statistics

Exponential moving statistics are another form of moving statistics that depart from the concept of a sliding window of data. Instead, these statistics utilize all of the data that comes before a given data point, as cumulative statistics do. However, they place more weight on recent data points and down-weight distant ones. This means that distant observations have little effect on the moving statistic, while closer observations carry more weight. The larger the decay_rate parameter is, the more weight distant observations carry. Here are the exponential moving statistics that Deephaven supports and the updateby functions that implement them:

Exponential moving statisticTick-based
Minimum (EMMin)EmMin
Maximum (EMMax)EmMax
Sum (EMS)Ems
Average (EMA)Ema
Standard Deviation (EMStd)EmStd

Tick-based exponential moving average

To illustrate an exponential moving statistic, consider the exponential moving average (EMA). Here's a visualization of the EMA:


Each element in the new column depends on every data point that came before it, but distant data points only have a very small effect. Check out the reference documentation for Ema for the formula used to compute this statistic.

This calculation is implemented in Deephaven using the Ema function and the updateBy table operation:

source = emptyTable(8).update("X = ii")

result = source.updateBy(Ema(2, "EmaX=X"))

The following example shows how to create exponential moving averages with decay rates of 2, 3, and 5. These averages are computed by group, as specified with the by argument:

source = emptyTable(10).update("Letter = (i % 2 == 0) ? `A` : `B`", "X = randomInt(0, 100)")

ema2 = Ema(2, "EMAX2=X")
ema3 = Ema(3, "EMAX3=X")
ema5 = Ema(5, "EMAX5=X")

result = source.updateBy([ema2, ema3, ema5], "Letter")

Time-based exponential moving average

Time-based exponential moving statistics are conceptually similar to tick-based exponential moving statistics but measure the distance between observations in terms of time rather than the number of rows between them. Check out the reference documentation for Ema for the formula used to compute this statistic.

Here is an example similar to the time-based simple moving average that utilizes the EMA with decay times of 2 seconds, 3 seconds, and 5 seconds:

source = emptyTable(50).update(
"Timestamp = '2023-01-01T00:00:00 ET' + i * SECOND",
"Letter = (i % 2 == 0) ? `A` : `B`",
"X = randomInt(0, 25)",

ema2sec = Ema("Timestamp", parseDuration("PT2s"), "EmaX2Sec=X")
ema3sec = Ema("Timestamp", parseDuration("PT00:00:03"), "EmaX3=X")
ema5sec = Ema("Timestamp", parseDuration("PT5s"), "EmaX5=X",)

result = source.updateBy([ema2sec, ema3sec, ema5sec], "Letter")

Bollinger Bands

Bollinger bands are an application of moving statistics frequently used in financial applications.

To compute Bollinger Bands:

  1. Compute the moving average.
  2. Compute the moving standard deviation.
  3. Compute the upper and lower envelopes.

Tick-based Bollinger Bands using simple moving statistics

When computing tick-based Bollinger bands, updateBy, RollingAvg and RollingStd are used to compute the average and envelope. Here, revTicks is the moving average decay rate in ticks and is used to specify the size of the rolling window.

// Generate some random example data

source = emptyTable(1000).update(
"Timestamp='2023-01-13T12:00 ET' + i*MINUTE",
"Ticker = i%2==0 ? `ABC` : `XYZ`",
"Price = i%2==0 ? 100*sin(i/40)+100*random() : 100*cos(i/40)+100*random()+i/2",

// Compute the Bollinger Bands

revTicks = 20

// Coverage parameter - determines the width of the bands
w = 2

result = source.updateBy(
RollingAvg(revTicks, "AvgPrice=Price"),
RollingAvg(revTicks, "StdPrice=Price"),
).update("Upper = AvgPrice + w*StdPrice", "Lower = AvgPrice - w*StdPrice")

// Plot the Bollinger Bands

def plotBollinger = { t, ticker ->
d = t.where("Ticker=`${ticker}`")
plot = plot("Price", d, "Timestamp", "Price")
.plot("AvgPrice", d, "Timestamp", "AvgPrice")
.plot("Upper", d, "Timestamp", "Upper")
.plot("Lower", d, "Timestamp", "Lower")
return d

fAbc = plotBollinger(result, "ABC")
fXyz = plotBollinger(result, "XYZ")

Time-based Bollinger Bands using simple moving statistics

When computing time-based Bollinger Bands, updateBy, RollingAvg and RollingStd are used to compute the average and envelope. Here, revTime is the moving average window time.

// Generate some random example data

source = emptyTable(1000).update(
"Timestamp='2023-01-13T12:00 ET' + i*MINUTE",
"Ticker = i%2==0 ? `ABC` : `XYZ`",
"Price = i%2==0 ? 100*sin(i/40)+100*random() : 100*cos(i/40)+100*random()+i/2"

// Compute the Bollinger Bands

revTime = "PT00:20:00"
// Coverage parameter - determines the width of the bands
w = 2

result = source.updateBy(
RollingAvg("Timestamp", parseDuration(revTime), "AvgPrice=Price"),
RollingStd("Timestamp", parseDuration(revTime), "StdPrice=Price"),
).update("Upper = AvgPrice + w*StdPrice", "Lower = AvgPrice - w*StdPrice")

// Plot the Bollinger Bands

def plotBollinger = { t, ticker ->
d = t.where("Ticker=`${ticker}`")
plot = plot("Price", d, "Timestamp", "Price")
.plot("AvgPrice", d, "Timestamp", "AvgPrice")
.plot("Upper", d, "Timestamp", "Upper")
.plot("Lower", d, "Timestamp", "Lower")
return d

fAbc = plotBollinger(result, "ABC")
fXyz = plotBollinger(result, "XYZ")

Tick-based Bollinger Bands using exponential moving statistics

When computing tick-based Bollinger Bands, updateBy, Ema and EmStd are used to compute the average and envelope. Here, decayTicks is the moving average decay rate in ticks and is used to specify the weighting of previous data points.

// Generate some random example data

source = emptyTable(1000).update(
"Timestamp='2023-01-13T12:00 ET' + i*MINUTE",
"Ticker = i%2==0 ? `ABC` : `XYZ`",
"Price = i%2==0 ? 100*sin(i/40)+100*random() : 100*cos(i/40)+100*random()+i/2"

// Compute the Bollinger Bands

decayTicks = 20
// Coverage parameter - determines the width of the bands
w = 2

result = source.updateBy(
Ema(decayTicks, "EmaPrice=Price"),
EmStd(decayTicks, "StdPrice=Price"),
).update("Upper = EmaPrice + w*StdPrice", "Lower = EmaPrice - w*StdPrice")

// Plot the Bollinger Bands

def plotBollinger = { t, ticker ->
d = t.where("Ticker=`${ticker}`")
plot = plot("Price", d, "Timestamp", "Price")
.plot("AvgPrice", d, "Timestamp", "EmaPrice")
.plot("Upper", d, "Timestamp", "Upper")
.plot("Lower", d, "Timestamp", "Lower")
return d

fAbc = plotBollinger(result, "ABC")
fXyz = plotBollinger(result, "XYZ")

Time-based Bollinger Bands using exponential moving statistics

When computing time-based Bollinger Bands, updateBy, Ema and EmStd are used to compute the average and envelope. Here, decayTime is the moving average decay rate in time and is used to specify the weighting of new data points.

// Generate some random example data

source = emptyTable(1000).update(
"Timestamp='2023-01-13T12:00 ET' + i*MINUTE",
"Ticker = i%2==0 ? `ABC` : `XYZ`",
"Price = i%2==0 ? 100*sin(i/40)+100*random() : 100*cos(i/40)+100*random()+i/2",

// Compute the Bollinger Bands

decayTime = "PT00:20:00"

// Coverage parameter - determines the width of the bands
w = 2

result = source.updateBy(
Ema("Timestamp", parseDuration(decayTime), "EmaPrice=Price"),
Ema("Timestamp", parseDuration(decayTime), "StdPrice=Price"),
).update("Upper = EmaPrice + w*StdPrice", "Lower = EmaPrice - w*StdPrice")

// Plot the Bollinger Bands

def plotBollinger = { t, ticker ->
d = t.where("Ticker=`${ticker}`")
plot = plot("Price", d, "Timestamp", "Price")
.plot("AvgPrice", d, "Timestamp", "EmaPrice")
.plot("Upper", d, "Timestamp", "Upper")
.plot("Lower", d, "Timestamp", "Lower")
return d

fAbc = plotBollinger(result, "ABC")
fXyz = plotBollinger(result, "XYZ")