Create a markdown widget
This guide shows you how to add a Markdown Widget to your workspace in the Deephaven IDE.
The Markdown Widget is a useful tool for including text or images alongside your data. These notes can include references to the queries running in a layout, code snippets/explanations, instructions/comments, messages to other users, contact info, etc.
To create a Markdown Widget, use the Controls menu:
Once the widget opens, you can edit its content by double-clicking in the panel:
Content contained in the widget can be styled using the Markdown syntax. Examples of this syntax follows:
Syntax |
# Heading 1 Text |
## Heading 2 Text |
### Heading 3 Text |
This is **bold text** |
This is *italic text* |
> This is a block quote |
This is `inline code` |
<img src="url" width="e.g., 250"> |
Markdown syntax
Additional styling options are available in Markdown, including code blocks, tables, links, lists, horizontal lines, etc.
To learn more, please refer to [].
Manage Markdown Widgets
When you close a Markdown Widget, it will be automatically saved.
To reopen a widget, select Markdown Widget from the Controls menu, then click its name from the Recently Closed list:
To delete a widget, hover your cursor over the name of a widget to reveal the trash can icon.