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Version: Java (Groovy)

Ultimate cheat sheet

Necessary data

The named tables in these lines are used throughout this page and should be run first.

lettersUpp = ["A".."Z"].flatten()

rand = new Random()

getRandomString = { length ->
letters = ["a".."z", "A".."Z"].flatten()
StringBuilder resultStr = new StringBuilder()
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++){
r = resultStr.toString()
return r

randChoice = { array ->
return array[rand.nextInt(array.size())]}

// Create static tables
staticSource1 = emptyTable(26300).update(
"X = ii",
"Double1 = randomDouble(1, 100)",
"Int1 = randomInt(1, 100)",
"Timestamp = '2016-01-01T01:00 ET' + i * HOUR",
"Date = Timestamp.toString()",
"String1 = (String)randChoice(lettersUpp)",
"String2 = (String)getRandomString(randomInt(1, 4))",

staticSource2 = emptyTable(26300).update(
"X = ii",
"Double2 = randomDouble(1, 80)",
"Int2 = randomInt(1, 100)",
"Timestamp = '2019-01-01T01:00 ET' + i * HOUR",
"String3 = (String)randChoice(lettersUpp)",
"String4 = (String)getRandomString(randomInt(1, 4))",

// Create a ticking table
tickingSource = timeTable("PT1S").update(
"X = ii",
"Double3 = randomDouble(1, 100)",
"Int3 = randomInt(1, 100)",
"Date = Timestamp.toString()",
"String5 = (String)randChoice(lettersUpp)",
"String6 = (String)getRandomString(randomInt(1, 4))",

Create tables

Empty tables

result = emptyTable(5)

// Empty tables are often followed with a formula
result1 = result.update("X = 5")

New tables

Columns are created using the following methods:

result = newTable(
intCol("IntegerColumn", 1, 2, 3),
stringCol("Strings", "These", "are", "Strings"),

Time tables

The following code makes a timeTable that updates every second.

result = timeTable("PT1S")

Input tables

Use an InputTable when you would like to add or modify data in table cells directly.

import io.deephaven.engine.table.ColumnDefinition
import io.deephaven.engine.table.impl.util.AppendOnlyArrayBackedInputTable
import io.deephaven.engine.table.TableDefinition

myInputTable = AppendOnlyArrayBackedInputTable.make(

Ring tables

A Ring Table is a table that contains the n most recent rows from a source table. If the table is non-static, rows outside of n will disappear from the ring table as the source table updates.

import io.deephaven.engine.table.impl.sources.ring.RingTableTools

tt = timeTable("PT1s")
rt = RingTableTools.of(tt, 5)

Tree tables

A tree table has collapsible subsections that can be be expanded in the UI for more detail.

source = emptyTable(100).updateView("ID = i", "Parent = i == 0 ? NULL_INT : (int)(i / 4)")

result = source.tree("ID", "Parent")

Rollup tables

A rollup table "rolls" several child specifications into one parent specification:

import static io.deephaven.api.agg.Aggregation.AggAvg
import io.deephaven.csv.CsvTools

insurance = CsvTools.readCsv(

aggList = [AggAvg("bmi", "expenses")]

insuranceRollup = insurance.rollup(aggList, true, "region", "age")

Merge tables

To merge tables, the schema must be identical: same column names, same column data types. This applies to both static and updating tables.

copy1 = staticSource1
mergeSameStatic = merge(staticSource1, copy1)

copyUpdating1 = tickingSource
copyUpdating2 = tickingSource
mergeSameDynamic = merge(copyUpdating1, copyUpdating2)

// one can merge static and ticking tables
staticSource1V2 = staticSource1.view("Date", "Timestamp", "SourceRowNum = X")
tickingSourceV2 = tickingSource.view("Date", "Timestamp", "SourceRowNum = X")
mergeStaticAndDynamic = merge(staticSource1V2, tickingSourceV2)

View table metadata

meta shows the column names, data types, partitions, and groups for the table. It is useful to make sure the schema matches before merging.

static1Meta = staticSource1.meta()


Most queries benefit by starting with filters. Less data generally means better performance.

For SQL developers: In Deephaven, joins are not the primary filtering operation. Use where, whereIn, and whereNotIn.


Backticks \`` in query strings denote a string within it. Single quotes '` denote a literal value that gets parsed by the engine.

Date & Time examples

todaysData1 = tickingSource.where(
"Date = calendarDate()"
) // Date for this is a String
todaysData3 = tickingSource.where(
"Date = today('Australia/Sydney')" //note singe quotes used to denote a literal
) // sydney timezone

singleStringDate = staticSource1.where("Date = '2017-01-03'") // HEAVILY USED!
lessThanDate = staticSource1.where("Date < `2017-01-03`") // use >=, etc. as well
oneMonthString = staticSource1.where("Date.startsWith(`2017-02`)") // note backticks used to denote a string within a string

singleDbDate = staticSource2.where(
"formatDate(Timestamp, 'ET') = `2020-03-01`"
afterDbDatetime = staticSource1.where("Timestamp > '2017-01-05T10:30:00 ET'")

justBizTime = staticSource1.where("isBusinessTime(Timestamp)") // HEAVILY USED!
justAugustDatetime = staticSource2.where(
"monthOfYear(Timestamp, timeZone(`ET`)) = 8"
just10AmHour = staticSource1.where(
"hourOfDay(Timestamp, timeZone(`ET`), false) = 10"
justTues = staticSource2.where(
"dayOfWeek(Timestamp, timeZone(`ET`)).getValue() = 2"
) // Tuesdays

time1 = parseInstant("2017-08-21T09:45:00 ET")
time2 = parseInstant("2017-08-21T10:10:00 ET")
trades = staticSource1.where("inRange(Timestamp, time1, time2)")

String examples

oneStringMatch = staticSource1.where("String1 = `A`")  // match filter

stringSetMatch = staticSource1.where("String1 in `A`, `M`, `G`")
caseInsensitive = staticSource1.where("String1 icase in `a`, `m`, `g`")
notInExample = staticSource1.where("String1 not in `A`, `M`, `G`") // see "not"

containsExample = staticSource1.where("String2.contains(`P`)")
notContainsExample = staticSource1.where("!String2.contains(`P`)")
startsWithExample = staticSource1.where("String2.startsWith(`A`)")
endsWithExample = staticSource1.where("String2.endsWith(`M`)")

Number examples


Using i and ii is not a good idea in non-static use cases, as calculations based on these variables aren't stable.

equalsExample = staticSource2.where("round(Int2) = 44")
lessThanExample = staticSource2.where("Double2 < 8.42")
someManipulation = staticSource2.where("(Double2 - Int2) / Int2 > 0.05")
modExample1 = staticSource2.where("i % 10 = 0") // every 10th row
modExample2 = staticSource2.where("String4.length() % 2 = 0")
// even char-count Tickers

Multiple filters

conjunctiveComma = staticSource1.where("Date = `2017-08-23`", "String1 = `A`")
conjunctiveAmpersand = staticSource1.where("Date = `2017-08-23` && String1 = `A`")

disjunctiveSameCol = staticSource1.where("Date = `2017-08-23`|| Date = `2017-08-25`")

disjunctiveDiffCol = staticSource1.where("Date = `2017-08-23` || String1 = `A`")

rangeLameWay = staticSource1.where("Date >= `2017-08-21`", "Date <= `2017-08-23`")
inRangeBest = staticSource1.where("inRange(Date, `2017-08-21`, `2017-08-23`)")

inRangeBestString = staticSource1.where(
"inRange((String)String2.substring(0, 1), `A`, `D`)"
// starts with letters A - D



For SQL developers: In Deephaven, filter your data before joining using where operations. Deephaven is optimized for filtering rather than matching.

source = newTable(
stringCol("Letter", "A", "C", "F", "B", "E", "D", "A"),
intCol("Number", NULL_INT, 2, 1, NULL_INT, 4, 5, 3),
"Color", "red", "blue", "orange", "purple", "yellow", "pink", "blue"
intCol("Code", 12, 14, 11, NULL_INT, 16, 14, NULL_INT),

resultSingleFilter = source.where("Color = `blue`")
resultOr = source.where(
FilterOr.of(Filter.from("Color = `blue`", "Number > 2"))
) // OR operation - result will have _either_ criteria
resultAnd = source.where(
"Color = `blue`", "Number > 2"
) // AND operation - result will have Both_ criteria


// run these two queries together
stringSetDriver = staticSource1.renameColumns("String4 = String2").head(10)
whereInExample1 = staticSource2.whereIn(
stringSetDriver, "String4"

whereInExample2 = staticSource2.whereIn(staticSource1, "String4 = String2")
// Ticker in staticSource2 within list of USym of staticSource1

whereNotInExample = staticSource2.whereNotIn(
staticSource1, "String4 = String2"
// see the "not"

Nulls and NaNs

nullExample = staticSource1.where("isNull(Int1)")  // all data types supported
notNullExample = staticSource1.where("!isNull(Int1)")

nanExample = staticSource1.where("isNaN(Int1)")
notNanExample = staticSource1.where("!isNaN(Int1)")

Head and Tail

Used to reduce the number of rows:

first10kRows = staticSource2.head(10_000)
tickingLastRows = tickingSource.tail(100)

first15Percent = tickingSource.reverse().headPct(0.15) // the first 15% of rows
last15Percent = staticSource2.tailPct(0.15) // the last 15% of rows

first10ByKey = staticSource1.headBy(
10, "String1"
) // first 10 rows for each String1-key
last10ByKey = staticSource1.tailBy(
10, "String1"
) // last 10 rows for each String1-key


Single direction sorting:

Sort on multiple columns or directions:

Reverse the order of rows in a table:

import io.deephaven.api.SortColumn
import io.deephaven.api.ColumnName

// works for all data types

sortTimeV1 = staticSource1.sort("Timestamp") // sort ascending
sortTimeV2 = staticSource1.sort("Double1")

sortNumbers = staticSource1.sortDescending("Int1") // sort descending
sortStrings = staticSource1.sortDescending("String2")

sortTimeV1 = staticSource1.sortDescending(
"String1", "Timestamp"
) // multiple
sortMulti = staticSource1.sort("Int1", "String1")

sortMultipleCol = [

multiSort = staticSource1.sort(
) // Int ascending then Double descending

Reversing tables is faster than sorting and is often used in UIs for seeing appending rows at the top of the table.

reverseTable = staticSource1.reverse()
reverseUpdating = tickingSource.reverse()

Select and create new columns

Option 1: Choose and add new columns - Calculate and write to memory

Use select and update when data is expensive to calculate or accessed frequently. Results are saved in RAM for faster access, but they take more memory.

selectColumns ="Timestamp", "Int2", "Double2", "String3")
// constrain to only those 4 columns, write to memory
selectAddCol =
"Timestamp", "Int2", "Double2", "String3", "Difference = Double2 - Int2"
// constrain and add a new column calculating

selectAndUpdateCol =
"Timestamp", "Int2", "Double2", "String3"
).update("difference = Double2 - Int2")
// add a new column calculating - logically equivalent to previous example

Option 2: Choose and add new columns - Reference a formula and calculate on the fly

Use view and updateView when formula is quick or only a portion of the data is used at a time. Minimizes RAM used.

viewColumns = staticSource2.view("Timestamp", "Int2", "Double2", "String3")
// similar to select(), though uses on-demand formula
viewAddCol = staticSource2.view(
"Timestamp", "Int2", "Double2", "String3", "Difference = Double2 - Int2"
// view set and add a column, though with an on-demand formula

viewAndUpdateViewCol = staticSource2.view(
"Timestamp", "Int2", "Double2", "String3"
).updateView("Difference = Double2 - Int2")
// logically equivalent to previous example

Option 3: Add new columns - Reference a formula and calculate on the fly

Use lazyUpdate when there are a relatively small number of unique values. On-demand formula results are stored in cache and re-used.

lazyUpdateExample = staticSource2.lazyUpdate(
"Timestamp", "Int2", "Double2", "String3", "Difference = Double2 - Int2"

Getting the row number

getRowNum = staticSource2.updateView("RowNumInt = i", "RowNumLong = ii")

Do math

// should use .update() when working with random numbers
simpleMath = staticSource2.update(
"RandomNumber = Math.random()",
"RandomInt100 = new Random().nextInt(100)",
"Arithmetic = Int2 * Double2",
"SigNum = Math.signum(RandomNumber - 0.5)",
"Signed = SigNum * Arithmetic",
"AbsDlrVolume = abs(Signed)",
"Power = Math.pow(i, 2)",
"Exp = Double2 * 1E2",
"Log = Double2 * log(2.0)",
"Round = round(Double2)",
"Floor = floor(Double2)",
"Mod = RandomInt100 % 5",
"CastInt = (int)AbsDlrVolume",
"CastLong = (long)AbsDlrVolume",

Handle arrays

arrayExamples = staticSource2.updateView(
"RowNumber = i",
"PrevRowReference = Double2_[i-1]",
"MultipleRowRef = Double2_[i-2] - Double2_[i-1]",
"SubArray = Double2_.subVector(i-2, i+1)",
"SumSubArray = sum(Double2_.subVector(i-2, i+1))",
"ArraySize = SubArray.size()",
"ArrayMin = min(SubArray)",
"ArrayMax = max(SubArray)",
"ArrayMedian = median(SubArray)",
"ArrayAvg = avg(SubArray)",
"ArrayStd = std(SubArray)",
"ArrayVar = var(SubArray)",
"ArrayLast = last(SubArray)",
"ArrayIndex = SubArray[1]",
"InArray = in(45.71, SubArray)",

Create a slice or sub-vector

sliceAndRolling = staticSource2.update(
"SubVector = Int2_.subVector(i-2,i+1)",
"RollingMean = avg(SubVector)",
"RollingMedian =median(SubVector)",
"RollingSum = sum(SubVector)",

Manipulate time and calendars

timeStuff = staticSource2.view(
"CurrentTime = now()",
"CurrentDateDefault = calendarDate()",
"CurrentDateLon = today('Europe/London')",
"IsAfter = CurrentTime > Timestamp",
"IsBizDay = isBusinessDay(CurrentDateLon)",
"StringDT = formatDateTime(Timestamp, 'ET')",
"StringDate = formatDate(Timestamp, 'ET')",
"StringToTime = parseInstant(StringDate + `T12:00 ET`)",
"AddTime = Timestamp + `PT05:11:04.332`",
"PlusHour = Timestamp + HOUR",
"LessTenMins = Timestamp - 10 * MINUTE",
"DiffYear = diffYears365(Timestamp, CurrentTime)",
"DiffDay = diffDays(Timestamp, CurrentTime)",
"DiffNanos = PlusHour - Timestamp",
"DayWeek = dayOfWeek(Timestamp, 'ET')",
"HourDay = hourOfDay(Timestamp, 'ET', false)",
"DateAtMidnight = atMidnight(Timestamp, 'ET')",
"IsBizDayString = isBusinessDay(StringDate)",
"IsBizDayDatetime = isBusinessDay(Timestamp)",
"IsBizTime = isBusinessDay(Timestamp)",
"FracBizDayDone = fractionBusinessDayComplete(CurrentTime)",
"FracBizDayOpen = fractionBusinessDayRemaining(CurrentTime)",
"NextBizDayString = plusBusinessDays(StringDate, 1).toString()",
"NextBizDayDatetime = plusBusinessDays(Timestamp, 1)",
"PlusFiveBizDayCurrent = futureBusinessDate(5)",
"PlusFBizDayString = plusBusinessDays(StringDate, 5).toString()",
"PlusFBizDayDatetime = plusBusinessDays(Timestamp, 5)",
"PrevBizDayCurrent = pastBusinessDate(1)",
"PrevBizDayString = minusBusinessDays(StringDate, 1).toString()",
"PrevBizDayDatetime = minusBusinessDays(Timestamp, 1)",
"MinusFiveBizDayCurrent = pastBusinessDate(5)",
"MinusFiveBizDayString = minusBusinessDays(StringDate, 5).toString()",
"MinusFiveBizDayDatetime = minusBusinessDays(Timestamp, 5)",
"BizDayArray = businessDates(Timestamp, CurrentTime)",
"NonBizDayArray = nonBusinessDates(Timestamp, CurrentTime)",
"DiffBizDaysCount = numberBusinessDates(Timestamp, CurrentTime)",
"DiffBizDaysExact = diffBusinessDays(Timestamp, CurrentTime)",
"DiffBizDaysString = numberBusinessDates(MinusFiveBizDayString, StringDate)",
"StandardBizDayNanos = standardBusinessNanos()",
"DiffBizSecs = diffBusinessNanos(CurrentTime, CurrentTime + 5 * DAY) / 1E9",
"LastBizOfMonth = isLastBusinessDayOfMonth(StringDate)",
"LastBizOfWeek = isLastBusinessDayOfWeek(CurrentTime)",

Bin data

Binning is a great pre-step for aggregating to support the down-sampling or other profiling of data.

bins = tickingSource.updateView(
"PriceBin = upperBin(Double3, 5)",
"SizeBin = lowerBin(Int3, 10)",
"TimeBin = upperBin(Timestamp, 200)",
aggBin = bins.view("TimeBin", "Total = Int3 * Double3").sumBy("TimeBin")

Manipulate strings

You can use any of the standard Java String operators in your queries, as the following examples show:

stringStuff = staticSource2.view(
"StringDate = formatDate(Timestamp, 'ET')",
"NewString = `new_string_example_`",
"ConcatV1 = NewString + String4",
"ConcatV2 = NewString + `NoteBackticks!!`",
"ConcatV3 = NewString.concat(String4)",
"ConcatV4 = NewString.concat(`NoteBackticks!!`)",
"StartBool = String4.startsWith(`M`)",
"NoEndBool = !String4.endsWith(`G`)",
"ContainedBool = String4.contains(`AA`)",
"NoContainBool = !String4.contains(`AA`)",
"FirstChar = String4.substring(0,1)",
"LengthString = String4.length()",
"CharIndexPos = ConcatV1.charAt(19)",
"SubstringEx = ConcatV1.substring(11,20)",
"FindIt = NewString.indexOf(`_`)",
"FindItMiddle = NewString.indexOf(`_`, FindIt + 1)",
"FindLastOf = NewString.lastIndexOf(`_`)",
"SplitToArrays = NewString.split(`_`)",
"SplitWithMax = NewString.split(`_`, 2)",
"SplitIndexPos = NewString.split(`_`)[1]",
"LowerCase = String4.toLowerCase()",
"UpperCase = NewString.toUpperCase()",
"DoubleToStringv1 = Double2 + ``",
"DoubleToStringv2 = String.valueOf(Double2)",
"DoubleToStringv3 = Double.toString(Double2)",
"StringToDoublev1 = Double.valueOf(DoubleToStringv1)",
source = newTable(
stringCol("Letter", "A", "a", "B", "b", "C", "c", "AA", "Aa", "bB", "C"),

oneStrMatch = source.where("Letter = `A`") // match filter
strSetMatch = source.where("Letter in `A`, `B`, `C`")
caseInsensitive = source.where("Letter icase in `a`, `B`, `c`")
notInExample = source.where("Letter not in `A`, `B`, `C`") // see "not"
containsExample = source.where("Letter.contains(`A`)")
notContainsExample = source.where("!Letter.contains(`AA`)")
startsWithExample = source.where("Letter.startsWith(`A`)")
endsWithExample = source.where("Letter.endsWith(`C`)")

Use Ternaries (If-Thens)

ifThenExample1 = staticSource2.updateView(
"SimpleTernary = Double2 < 50 ? `smaller` : `bigger`"

ifThenExample2 = staticSource2.updateView(
"TwoLayers = Int2 <= 20 ? `small` : Int2 < 50 ? `medium` : `large`"

Create and use custom variables

a = 7

result = emptyTable(5).update("Y = a")

Create and use a custom function

See our guides:

// Create and Use a custom function
mult = { a, b ->
return a * b

grFuncExample = staticSource2.update(
"M_object = mult(Double2,Int2)", "M_double = (double)mult(Double2,Int2)"

Type casting

(type) casting is used to cast from one numeric primitive type handled by Java to another.

  • byte
  • short
  • int
  • long
  • float
  • double

This is useful when working with operations that require more or less precision than the pre-cast data type. See casting.

cast numeric types

numbersMax = newTable(
(2 - 1 / (2**52)) * (2**1023),
(2 - 1 / (2**23)) * (2**127),
(2**63) - 1,
(2**31) - 1,
(2**15) - 1,
(2**7) - 1,
"DoubleMax = (double)MaxNumbers",
"FloatMax = (float)MaxNumbers",
"LongMax = (long)MaxNumbers",
"IntMax = (int)MaxNumbers",
"ShortMax = (short)MaxNumbers",
"ByteMax = (byte)MaxNumbers",

numbersMin = newTable(
1 / (2**1074),
1 / (2**149),
-(2**63) + 513,
-(2**31) + 2,
-1 * (2**15) + 1,
-(2**7) + 1,
"DoubleMin = (double)MinNumbers",
"FloatMin = (float)MinNumbers",
"LongMin = (long)MinNumbers",
"IntMin = (int)MinNumbers",
"ShortMin = (short)MinNumbers ",
"ByteMin = (byte)MinNumbers ",

numbersMinMeta = numbersMin.meta().view("Name", "DataType")
numbersMaxMeta = numbersMax.meta().view("Name", "DataType")

Casting strings

import static io.deephaven.api.agg.Aggregation.AggFormula

colors = ["Red", "Blue", "Green"]

formulas = [
"X = 0.1 * i",
"Y1 = Math.pow(X, 2)",
"Y2 = Math.sin(X)",
"Y3 = Math.cos(X)",
groupingCols = ["Letter = (i % 2 == 0) ? `A` : `B`", "Color = (String)colors[i % 3]"]

source = emptyTable(40).update(*(formulas + groupingCols))

myAgg = AggFormula(
"AvgY1 = Y1",
"AvgY2 = Y2",
"AvgY3 = Y3"

result = source.aggBy(myAgg, "Letter", "Color")

Manipulate columns

uniqueValues = staticSource2.selectDistinct("String4")  // show unique set
// works on all data types - careful with doubles, longs
uniqueValuesCombo = staticSource2.selectDistinct("Timestamp", "String4")
// unique combinations of Time with String4

renameStuff = staticSource2.renameColumns("Symbol = String4", "Price = Double2")
dropColumn = staticSource2.dropColumns("X") // same for drop one or many
dropColumns = staticSource2.dropColumns("X", "Int2", "String3")

putColsAtStart = staticSource2.moveColumnsUp(
"String4", "Int2"
) // Makes 1st col(s)
putColsWherever = staticSource2.moveColumns(1, "String4", "Int2")
// makes String4 the 2nd and Int2 the 3rd column

Group and aggregate

See How to group and ungroup data for more details.

Simple grouping

groupToArrays = staticSource1.groupBy("String2")
// one row per key (i.e. String2), all other columns are arrays
groupMultipleKeys = staticSource1.groupBy("String1", "Date")
// one row for each key-combination (i.e. String1-Date pairs)


Expands each row so that each value in any array inside that row becomes itself a new row.

// Run these lines together
aggByKey = staticSource1.groupBy("Date")
// one row per Date, other fields are arrays from staticSource1
ungroupThatOutput = aggByKey.ungroup() // no arguments usually
// each array value becomes its own row
// in this case turns aggByDatetimeKey back into staticSource1


countOfEntireTable = staticSource1.countBy(
) // single arg returns tot count, you choose name of column output
countOfGroup = staticSource1.countBy("N", "String1") // N is naming choice

firstOfGroup = staticSource1.firstBy("String1")
lastOfGroup = staticSource1.lastBy("String1")

sumOfGroup = staticSource1.view("String1", "Double1").sumBy("String1")
// non-key field(s) must be numerical
avgOfGroup = staticSource1.view("String1", "Double1", "Int1").avgBy("String1")
stdOfGroup = staticSource1.view("String1", "Double1", "Int1").stdBy("String1")
varOfGroup = staticSource1.view("String1", "Double1", "Int1").varBy("String1")
medianOfGroup = staticSource1.view("String1", "Double1", "Int1").medianBy("String1")
minOfGroup = staticSource1.view("String1", "Double1", "Int1").minBy("String1")
maxOfGroup = staticSource1.view("String1", "Double1", "Int1").maxBy("String1")
// combine aggregations in a single method (using the same key-grouping)

Join data

See Choose the right join method for more details.


For SQL developers: in Deephaven, joins are normally used to enrich a data set, not filter. Use where to filter your data instead of using a join.

Joins that get used a lot

Natural Join


  • Returns all the rows of the left table, along with up to one matching row from the right table.
  • If there is no match in the right table for a given row, nulls will appear for that row in the columns from the right table.
  • If there are multiple matches in the right table for a given row, the query will fail.

leftTable.naturalJoin(rightTable, columnsToMatch, columnsToAdd)


The right table of the join needs to have only one match based on the key(s).

// run these together
lastByKeyTable = staticSource1.view("String1", "Int1", "Timestamp")
.renameColumns("Renamed = Int1", "RenamedTime = Timestamp")

// creates 3-column table of String1 + last record of the other 2 cols
joinWithLastPrice = staticSource1.naturalJoin(lastByKeyTable, "String1")
// arguments are (rightTableOfJoin, "JoinKey(s)")
// will have same number of rows as staticSource1 (left table)
// brings all non-key columns from last_price_table to staticSource1

specifyColsFromR = staticSource1.naturalJoin(
lastByKeyTable, "String1", "Renamed"
// nearly identical to joinWithLastPrice example
// args are (rightTableOfJoin, "JoinKey(s)", "Cols from R table")

renameColsOnJoin = staticSource1.naturalJoin(
lastByKeyTable, "String1", "RenamedAgain = Renamed, RenamedTime"
// nearly identical to specifyColsFromR example
// can rename column on the join
// sometimes this is necessary…
// if there would be 2 cols of same name
// Note the placement of quotes

keysOfDiffNames = staticSource2.view("String3", "Double2").naturalJoin(
lastByKeyTable, "String3 = String1"
// note that String2 in the L table is mapped as the key to String1 in R
// this result has many null records, as there are many String2
// without matching String1

Multiple Keys

// run these together
lastPriceTwoKeys = staticSource1.view("Date", "String1", "Int1").lastBy(
"Date", "String1"
// creates 3-column table of LastDouble for each Date-String1 pair
natJoinTwoKeys = staticSource1.naturalJoin(
lastPriceTwoKeys, "Date, String1, Int1"
// arguments are (rightTableOfJoin, "JoinKey1, JoinKey2", "Col(s)")
// Note the placement of quotes

AJ (As-Of Join)

As-of joins are time series joins. They can also be used with other ordered numerics as the join key(s). It is often wise to make sure the Right-table is sorted (based on the key). aj is designed to find "the exact match" of the key or "the record just before". For timestamp aj-keys, this means "that time or the record just before".

leftTable = rightTable.aj(columnsToMatch, columnsToAdd)

Reverse As-of joins raj find "the exact match" of the key or "the record just after". For timestamp reverse aj-keys, this means "that time or the record just after".

result = leftTable.raj(rightTable, columnsToMatch, columnsToAdd)

tickingSource2 = timeTable("PT10.5S").update(
"X = ii",
"Double4 = randomDouble(1, 100)",
"Int4 = randomInt(1, 100)",
"Date = Timestamp.toString()",
"String7 = randChoice(lettersUpp)",
"String8 = getRandomString(randomInt(1, 4))",

ajJoin = tickingSource2.aj(
"String5, String6, JoinTime = Timestamp",

rajJoin = tickingSource2.raj(
"String5, String6, JoinTime = Timestamp",

rajJoin = tickingSource2.raj(
"String7 = String5, Timestamp",
"String6, JoinTime = Timestamp",

Less common joins

join returns all rows that match between the left and right tables, potentially with duplicates. Similar to SQL inner join.

  • Returns only matching rows.
  • Multiple matches will have duplicate values, which can result in a long table.


  • Returns all rows of leftTable.
  • If there are no matching keys, the result will fail.
  • Multiple matches will fail.
// exact joins require precisely one match in the right table for each key
lastString1Aug23 = staticSource1.where("Date = `2017-08-23`").lastBy("String1")
lastString1Aug24 = staticSource1.where("Date = `2017-08-24`")
.whereIn(lastString1Aug23, "String1")

// filters for String1 in last_string_1aug23
exactJoinEx = lastString1Aug24.exactJoin(
lastString1Aug23, "String1", "RenamedDouble = Double1"

// join will find all matches from left in the right table
// if a match is not found, that row is omitted from the result
// if the Right-table has multiple matches, then multiple rows are included in result
lastSs1 = staticSource1.lastBy("String1").view("String1", "Double1")
lastSs2 = staticSource2.lastBy("String3").view(
"String1 = String3", "RenamedDouble = Double2"
firstSs2 = staticSource2.firstBy("String3").view(
"String1 = String3", "RenamedDouble = Double2"

mergeFirstAndLastSs2 = merge(firstSs2, lastSs2)
// the table has two rows per String1
joinExample = lastSs1.join(mergeFirstAndLastSs2, "String1", "RenamedDouble")
// note that the resultant set has two rows per String1

Use columns as arrays and cells as variables

getAColumn = staticSource1.getColumnSource("String1")
println getAColumn
getACell = getAColumn.get(0)
println getACell

Read and write files

It is very easy to import files and to export any table to a CSV via the UI.

CSVs and Parquet files imported from a server-side directory should be done via the script below - these are NOT working examples. The code below provides syntax, but the filepaths are unknown.

// CSV
import io.deephaven.csv.CsvTools
import io.deephaven.csv.CsvSpecs

// import CSV from a URL
csvImported = CsvTools.readCsv(

specs = CsvSpecs.builder().hasHeaderRow(false).build()

// import headerless CSV
csvHeaderless = CsvTools.readCsv(

// import headerless CSV then add headings
headers = List.of("Year", "Score", "Title")
specs = CsvSpecs.builder().hasHeaderRow(false).headers(headers).build()
csvManualHeader = CsvTools.readCsv(

// !!! WRITE CSV !!!
// export / write CSV to local /data/ directory

CsvTools.writeCsv(csvManualHeader, "/data/outputFile.csv")

// import the local CSV you just exported
csvLocalRead = CsvTools.readCsv("/data/outputFile.csv")

// full syntax
csvSpecsFullMonty = CsvSpecs.builder().headers(headers).hasHeaderRow(false).ignoreSurroundingSpaces(true).trim(false).build()

csvFullMonty = CsvTools.readCsv("", csvSpecsFullMonty)


// write Parquet
import io.deephaven.parquet.table.ParquetTools

tableSample = staticSource1.head(100)
ParquetTools.writeTable(tableSample, "/data/outputGeneric.parquet")

ParquetTools.writeTable(tableSample, "/data/outputGzip.parquet", ParquetTools.GZIP)
// other compression codes are available

// read Parquet

parquetRead = ParquetTools.readTable("/data/outputGeneric.parquet")
parquetOkIfZipped = ParquetTools.readTable("/data/outputGzip.parquet")

Do Cum-Sum and Rolling Average

hasOthers = { array, target ->
for (x in array) {
if (x != target) {
return true
return false

makeArrays = staticSource2.sort("String3").updateView(
"String3Array10 = String3_.subVector(i-5, i-1)",
"Int2Array10 = Int2_.subVector(i-5, i-1)",
"Double2Array10 = Double2_.subVector(i-5, i-1)",
cumAndRoll10 = makeArrays.update(
"ArrayHasOtherString3s = \, String3)",
"CumSum10 = ArrayHasOtherString3s = false ? \
(int)sum(Double2Array10) : NULL_INT",
"RollAvg10 = ArrayHasOtherString3s = false ? \
avg(Int2Array10) : NULL_DOUBLE",

Another example of creating a rolling sum

sums = trades.updateBy(RollingSum(20, 0, "RollingSumInt1 = Int1"), "String1")

Set up an EMA

import io.deephaven.numerics.movingaverages.ByEmaSimple
import io.deephaven.numerics.movingaverages.ByEma.BadDataBehavior
import io.deephaven.numerics.movingaverages.AbstractMa.Mode
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

ema30sec = new ByEmaSimple(BadDataBehavior.BD_SKIP, BadDataBehavior.BD_SKIP, Mode.TIME, (double)30, TimeUnit.valueOf("SECONDS"))

emaData = tickingSource.view(
"EmaData = ema30sec.update(Timestamp, Int3)"
emaDataGrouped = (
"String5", "EmaData = ema30sec.update(Timestamp, Int3, String5)"
ctrl = OperationControl.builder().onNullValue(BadDataBehavior.SKIP).build()

ema30sec = Ema(
ctrl, "TIME", 30, "LEVEL"

Format tables

Datetime formatting

timeFormatting = staticSource1.view(
"Time1 = Timestamp",
"Time2 = Timestamp",
"Time3 = Timestamp",
"Time4 = Timestamp",
"Time5 = Timestamp",
"Time6 = Timestamp",
"Time1=Date(`yyyy_MM_dd'T'HH-mm-ss.S z`)",
"Time2 = Date(`yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm t`)",
"Time3 = Date(`HH:mm:ss`)",
"Time4 = Date(`HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSS`)",
"Time5 = Date(`EEE dd MMM yy HH:MM:ss`)",
"Time6 = Date(`yyyy-MM-dd`)",
.updateView("Time7_string = formatDate(Time6, 'ET')")

Number formatting

numberFormatting = staticSource1.view(
"BigNum1 = Double1 * 1000",
"BigNum2 = Double1 * 1000",
"BigNum3 = Double1 * 1000",
"Price1 = Double1",
"Price2 = Double1",
"Price3 = Double1",
"SmallNum1 = Double1 / 1000",
"SmallNum2 = Double1 / 1000",
"SmallNum3 = Double1 / 1000",
"TinyNum = Double1 / 1_000_000_000",
"BigNum1 = Decimal(`###,#00`)",
"BigNum2 = Decimal(`##0.00`)",
"BigNum3 = Decimal(`0.####E0`)",
"Price1 = Decimal(`###,###.##`)",
"Price2 = Decimal(`###,##0.00`)",
"SmallNum1 = Decimal(`##0.000000`)",
"SmallNum2 = Decimal(`##0.00%`)",
"SmallNum3 = Decimal(`##0%`)",
"TinyNum = Decimal(`0.00E0`)",

Color formatting

// set a background color for an entire table
backgroundFormat = staticSource1.formatColumns("* = bgfga(colorRGB(0,0,128))")

// set a color column by column
justColors = staticSource1.formatColumns(
"X = `#90F060`",
"Double1 = LIGHTBLUE",
"Int1 = colorRGB(247,204,0)",
"Timestamp = colorRGB(247,204,204)",
"Date = bgfg(colorRGB(57,43,128),colorRGB(243,247,122))",
"String1 = bgfga(MEDIUMVIOLETRED)",
"String2 = colorHSL(0, 24, 36)",

// column formatting
columnColors = staticSource1.updateView("RowMod10 = i % 10")
.formatColumnWhere("String1", "Int1 > 35", "DEEP_RED")
.formatColumnWhere("Double1", "Double1 > Double1_[i-1]", "LIMEGREEN")
"Int1 = (X % 5 !=0) ? ORANGE : BLACK",
"Date = (String1 = `A`) ? colorRGB(253, 31, 203) : colorRGB(171, 254, 42)",
"RowMod10 = heatmap(RowMod10, 1.0, 10.0, BRIGHT_GREEN, BRIGHT_RED)",

// row formatting
rowColors = staticSource1.formatRowWhere("Int1 > 45", " PALE_BLUE")

// one can formatColumns() for numbers and colors together
numberAndColor = staticSource1.formatColumns(
"Double1 = Decimal(`##0.00`)",
"Double1 = (Double1 > Double1_[i-1]) ? FUCHSIA : GREY",

You will find an itemization of stock colors in the docs.

Plot programmatically

Substantial documentation about plotting exists. The following example intends to show the basics, and everything about styling and labeling is omitted.

Time series plots

timeSeries = plot(
"Time_series", staticSource1.head(100), "Timestamp", "Int1"

timeSeries2axis = plot(
staticSource1.where("X < 100", "Int1 < 70 "),
staticSource1.where("X < 100", "Double1 > 30"),

timeSeries3axis = plot(
"Int1", staticSource1.where("X < 25"), "Timestamp", "Int1"
staticSource1.where("X < 25"),
staticSource1.where("X < 25").update("DoubleN = pow(Double1,2)"),

Bar chart

barChart = plot(
staticSource1.where("X < 41"),

Plot-by-some key

table3Keys = (
.where("String1 in `A`, `B`, `C`")
"New_Row = i", "Y = Int1 * (String1 = `A` ? 2 : String1 = `B` ? 0.5 : 1.0)"

p = plotBy(
"partitioned", table3Keys, "New_Row", "Y", "String1"


histogram = histPlot(
"Histogram Values",
staticSource1.where("X < 41"),
.chartTitle("Histogram of Values")

Area graph

areaGraph = plot(
staticSource1.where("X < 41"),

Stacked Area

stackedAreaGraph = plot(
staticSource1.where("X < 1000", "String1 = `A`"),
staticSource1.where("X < 1000", "String1 = `B`"),


plotXYScatter = plot("Double1", staticSource1.head(50), "Timestamp", "Double1")
.pointLabel("Big Point")
.plot("ii", staticSource1.head(50), "Timestamp", "X")
.pointLabel("Big Triangle")

Use layout hints

The setLayoutHints method creates a new table with the layout specified by the parameters.

import io.deephaven.engine.util.LayoutHintBuilder

source = newTable(
stringCol("A", "A", "a"),
stringCol("B", "B", "b"),
stringCol("C", "C", "c"),
stringCol("D", "D", "d"),
stringCol("E", "E", "e"),
stringCol("Y", "Y", "y"),
intCol("Even", 2, 4),
intCol("Odd", 1, 3),

result = source.setLayoutHints(
LayoutHintBuilder.get().freeze("Even").atFront("Odd").atBack("B").hide("C").columnGroup("Vowels", ["A", "E"]).build()

Other useful methods

Wait for table updates

Use awaitUpdate to instruct Deephaven to wait for updates to a specified table before continuing.

source = timeTable("PT1S")

println source.awaitUpdate(0)
println source.awaitUpdate(1000)

result = source.update("renamedTimestamp = Timestamp")

Convert dynamic tables to static tables

Uses snapshot to create a static, in-memory copy of a source table.

source = timeTable("PT1S")

// Some time later...
result = source.snapshot()

Reduce ticking frequency

Uses snapshotWhen to reduce the ticking frequency.

rand = new Random()

source = timeTable("PT0.5S").update(
"X = (int) rand.nextInt(0, 100)", "Y = sqrt(X)"
trigger = timeTable("PT5S").renameColumns("TriggerTimestamp = Timestamp")

result = source.snapshotWhen(trigger)

Capture the history of ticking tables

Uses snapshotWhen to capture the history of ticking tables.

import io.deephaven.api.snapshot.SnapshotWhenOptions

rand = new Random()

myOpts = SnapshotWhenOptions.of(false, false, true, "TriggerTimestamp")

source = timeTable("PT0.01S")
"X = i%2 == 0 ? `A` : `B`",
"Y = (int) rand.nextInt(0, 100)",
"Z = sqrt(Y)",

trigger = timeTable("PT1S").renameColumns("TriggerTimestamp = Timestamp")
result = source.snapshotWhen(trigger, myOpts)

Use DynamicTableWriter

See our guide How to write data to an in-memory, real-time table.

import io.deephaven.engine.table.impl.util.DynamicTableWriter

ySquareF = { double x ->
if (x % 2 < 1) {
return 1.0
} else {
return -1.0

yTriangleF = { double x ->
if (x % 2 >= 1) {
return (x % 1 - 0.5) * 2
} else {
return -((x % 1 - 0.5) * 2)

columnNames = ["X", "SawToothWave", "SquareWave", "TriangleWave"] as String[]
columnTypes = [double.class, double.class, double.class, double.class] as Class[]
tableWriter = new DynamicTableWriter(columnNames, columnTypes)

waveforms = tableWriter.getTable()

for (int i = 1; i < 201; i++) {
x = (double)(0.1 * i)
ySawtooth = (double)((x % 1 - 0.5) * 2)
ySquare = (double)ySquareF(x)
yTriangle = (double)yTriangleF(x)
map = [ "X" : x, "SawToothWave": ySawtooth, "SquareWave": ySquare, "TriangleWave": yTriangle ]
dur = parseDuration("PT0.2s")

newPlot = plot("Sawtooth Wave", waveforms, "X", "SawToothWave")
.plot("Square Wave", waveforms, "X", "SquareWave")
.plot("Triangle Wave", waveforms, "X", "TriangleWave")