
AggFormula returns an aggregator that computes a user-defined formula aggregation across specified columns.


AggFormula(formula, paramToken, columnNames...)



The user-defined formula to apply to each group. This formula can contain a combination of any of the following:

  • Built-in functions such as min, max, etc.
  • Mathematical arithmetic such as *, +, /, etc.
  • User-defined functions

The parameter name within the formula. If formula is max(each), then each is the paramToken.


The source column(s) for the calculations.

  • "X" will output the total sum of values in the X column for each group.
  • "Y = X" will output the total sum of values in the X column for each group and rename it to Y.
  • "X, A = B" will output the total sum of values in the X column for each group and the total sum of values in the B value column renaming it to A.


If an aggregation does not rename the resulting column, the aggregation column will appear in the output table, not the input column. If multiple aggregations on the same column do not rename the resulting columns, an error will result, because the aggregations are trying to create multiple columns with the same name. For example, in table.aggBy([agg.AggSum(“X”), agg.AggAvg("X"), both the sum and the average aggregators produce column X, which results in an error.


An aggregator that computes a user-defined formula within an aggregation group, for each input column.


In this example, AggFormula is used to calculate the aggregate minimum across several columns by the Letter column.

import static io.deephaven.api.agg.Aggregation.AggFormula

source = emptyTable(20).update("X = i", "Y = 2 * i", "Z = 3 * i", "Letter = (X % 2 == 0) ? `A` : `B`")

result = source.aggBy([AggFormula("min(each)", "each", "MinX = X", "MinY = Y", "MinZ = Z")], "Letter")

In this example, AggFormula is used to calculate the aggregated average across several column by the Letter and Color column.

import static io.deephaven.api.agg.Aggregation.AggFormula

colors = ["Red", "Green", "Blue"]

source = emptyTable(40).update("X = 0.1 * i", "Y1 = Math.pow(X, 2)", "Y2 = Math.sin(X)", "Y3 = Math.cos(X)", "Letter = (i % 2 == 0) ? `A` : `B`", "Color = (String)colors[i % 3]")

myAgg = [AggFormula("avg(k)", "k", "AvgY1 = Y1", "AvgY2 = Y2", "AvgY3 = Y3")]

result = source.aggBy(myAgg, "Letter", "Color")

In this example, AggFormula is used to calculate the aggregate sum of squares across each of the X, Y and Z columns by the Letter column.

import static io.deephaven.api.agg.Aggregation.AggFormula

source = emptyTable(20).update("X = i", "Y = 2 * i", "Z = 3 * i", "Letter = (X % 2 == 0) ? `A` : `B`")

myAgg = [AggFormula("sum(each * each)", "each", "SumSqrX = X", "SumSqrY = Y", "SumSqrZ = Z")]

result = source.aggBy(myAgg, "Letter")

In this example, AggFormula calls a user-defined closure to compute the range of the X, Y, and Z columns by the Letter column.


The output of an AggFormula is of type java.lang.Object unless an explicit typecast is made in the formula string.

import static io.deephaven.api.agg.Aggregation.AggFormula

source = emptyTable(20).update("X = i", "Y = 2 * i", "Z = 3 * i", "Letter = (X % 2 == 0) ? `A` : `B`")

rangeX = {x -> x.max() - x.min()}

myAgg = [AggFormula("(int)rangeX(each)", "each", "RangeX = X", "RangeY = Y", "RangeZ = Z")]

result = source.aggBy(myAgg, "Letter")