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Version: Java (Groovy)


The isFailed method returns a boolean value that is true if the table is in a failure state or false if the table is healthy.




This method takes no arguments.


A boolean value that is true if the table is in a failure state, or false if the table is healthy.


In this example, we will create two tables: a regular time table, and a time table that will fail after two rows. Then, we use Java's Timer class to define a method that will print the status of the tables after 5 seconds.

import java.util.Timer

tt = timeTable("PT1S")
fail_tt = tt.update("X=ii", "Y=ii > 1 ? null : `a` + Long.toString(X)", "BooBoo = Y.toLowerCase()")

def getStatus = new Timer()
getStatus.runAfter(5000) {
println tt.isFailed()
println fail_tt.isFailed()