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Version: Java (Groovy)


The transform method applies the supplied transformer to all constituent tables and produces a new PartitionedTable containing the results.


If no ExecutionContext is provided, the transformer will be executed in the enclosing ExecutionContext. In this case, the method will expect the transformer to produce refreshing results if and only if this PartitionedTable's underlying table is refreshing.


transform(transformer, dependencies...)
transform( executionContext, transformer, expectRefreshingResults, dependencies...)



The BinaryOperator to apply to all pairs of constituent tables.


Additional dependencies that must be satisfied before applying transformer to added, modified, or newly-matched constituents during update processing; use this when transformer uses additional Table or PartitionedTable inputs besides the constituents of this or other.


The ExecutionContext to use for the transformer. If provided, the transformer must be stateless, safe for concurrent use, and able to return a valid result for an empty input table.


Whether to expect the results of applying transformer to be refreshing. If true, the resulting PartitionedTable will always be backed by a refreshing table. This hint is important for transforms to static inputs that might produce refreshing output, in order to ensure correct liveness management; incorrectly specifying false will result in exceptions.


A new PartitionedTable containing the results of applying transformer to all constituent tables.


In this example, we create a table with five rows and two columns, IntCol and StrCol. We then partition the table by IntCol and apply a transformation that adds one to the IntCol values, renaming the resulting column to IntCol2. Finally, we retrieve the third constituent table.

import io.deephaven.engine.context.ExecutionContext
import io.deephaven.util.SafeCloseable

source = emptyTable(5).update('IntCol = i', 'StrCol = `value`')
sourcePartitioned = source.partitionBy('IntCol')

defaultCtx = ExecutionContext.getContext()

addOne = { t ->
try (SafeCloseable ignored = {
return t.update('IntCol2 = IntCol + 1')

resultPartitioned = sourcePartitioned.transform(addOne)

result3 = resultPartitioned.constituentFor(3)

In this example, we create a table with 100 rows and three columns, Sym, X, and Y. We then partition the table by Sym and apply aggregations to the partitioned table. Finally, we retrieve the constituent table for symbol A.

import static io.deephaven.api.agg.Aggregation.AggSum
import static io.deephaven.api.agg.Aggregation.AggCount
import static io.deephaven.api.agg.Aggregation.AggAvg
import io.deephaven.engine.context.ExecutionContext
import io.deephaven.util.SafeCloseable

source = emptyTable(100).update('Sym = (i % 2 == 0) ? `A` : `B`', 'X = randomInt(0, 100)', 'Y = randomDouble(-50.0, 50.0)')

defaultCtx = ExecutionContext.getContext()

applyAggs = { t ->
try (SafeCloseable ignored = {
return t.update('Z = X % 5').aggBy([AggSum('SumX = X'), AggCount('Z'), AggAvg('AvgY = Y')], 'Sym')

partitionedSource = source.partitionBy('Sym')
partitionedResult = partitionedSource.transform(applyAggs)
resultA = partitionedResult.constituentFor('A')