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Version: Java (Groovy)


OperationControl is a Java class that defines the control parameters of some UpdateByOperations used in an updateBy table operation. The UpdateByOperations that can use OperationControl to handle erroneous data are:


opControl = OperationControl.builder().onNullValue(BadDataBehavior.SKIP).onNanValue(BadDataBehavior.SKIP).bigValueContext(MathContext.DECIMAL128).build()


OperationControl is constructed using a builder pattern. The builder can set parameters on how to handle nulls, NaNs, and large values, respectively, with the following methods:

The first two take an enum value from BadDataBehavior, whereas the third takes a value from MathContext.

BadDataBehavior has four enum values:

  • POISON: Allow bad data to poison the result.
  • RESET: Reset the state of the bucket to null when any bad data is encountered.
  • SKIP: Skip and do not process invalid data without changing state.
  • THROW: Throw an exception and abort processing when bad data is encountered.

The default value is SKIP.

MathContext has four values:

  • DECIMAL128: Precision matching IEEE 754R Decimal128 format. Has 34 digits and rounding mode of HALF_EVEN.
  • DECIMAL32: Precision matching the IEEE 754R Decimal32 format. Has 7 digits and rounding mode of HALF_EVEN.
  • DECIMAL64: Precision matching the IEEE 754R Decimal64 format. Has 16 digits and a rounding mode of HALF_EVEN.
  • UNLIMITED: Unlimited precision arithmetic.


An instance of an OperationControl class that can be used in an updateBy operation.


The following example does not set control. It uses the default settings of BadDataBehavior.SKIP and MathContext.DECIMAL128. Null values in the source table are skipped.

source = emptyTable(25).update("Letter = (i % 2 == 0) ? `A` : `B`", "X = (i % 5 == 0) ? NULL_INT : randomInt(0, 100)")

result = source.updateBy(Ema(5, "EmaX = X"), "Letter")

The following example sets control to use BadDataBehavior.RESET when null values occur, so that the EMA is reset when null values are encountered.

ctrl = OperationControl.builder().onNullValue(BadDataBehavior.RESET).build()

source = emptyTable(25).update("Letter = (i % 2 == 0) ? `A` : `B`", "X = (i % 5 == 0) ? NULL_INT : randomInt(0, 100)")

result = source.updateBy(Ema(ctrl, 5, "EmaX = X"), "Letter")

The following example sets op_control to use BadDataBehavior.RESET when NaN values occur, so that the EMA is reset when NaN values are encountered.

ctrl = OperationControl.builder().onNanValue(BadDataBehavior.RESET).build()

source = emptyTable(25).update("Letter = (i % 2 == 0) ? `A` : `B`", "X = (i % 5 == 0) ? (0/0) : randomInt(0, 100)")

result = source.updateBy(Ema(ctrl, 5, "EmaX = X"), "Letter")

The following example sets op_control to use BadDataBehavior.POISON when NaN values occur. This results in the EMA being poisoned with NaN values.

ctrl = OperationControl.builder().onNanValue(BadDataBehavior.POISON).build()

source = emptyTable(25).update("Letter = (i % 2 == 0) ? `A` : `B`", "X = (i % 5 == 0) ? (0/0) : randomInt(0, 100)")

result = source.updateBy(Ema(ctrl, 5, "EmaX = X"), "Letter")

The following example sets op_control to BadDataBehavior.THROW when null values occur. The query throws an error when it encounters a null value in the first row.

ctrl = OperationControl.builder().onNullValue(BadDataBehavior.THROW).build()

source = emptyTable(25).update("Letter = (i % 2 == 0) ? `A` : `B`", "X = (i % 5 == 0) ? NULL_INT : randomInt(0, 100)")

result = source.updateBy(Ema(ctrl, 5, "EmaX = X"), "Letter")