All Classes and Interfaces

Results comprised of multiple, ordered ranges are provided via this interface.
Encapsulate some hacky conventions we use to "standardize" absolute value sorting directives from the UI.
Base class for arrow column sources
Common class for CategoryDataSeriesInternal.
Partial ColumnLocation implementation for use by TableDataService implementations.
Base class for immutable byte[]-backed String replacements.
Abstract base implementation of DataIndex that provides common functionality.
Base class for DataSeriesInternal.
A SelectColumn that implements a formula computed from the existing columns in the table and a query scope.
Base class for computing moving averages.
Base class for server implementations to offer their own hook to read the current certificates
Creates and holds a DataSeriesInternal for every key in a PartitionedTable.
Common base class for notifications.
A filter that determines if a column value is between an upper and lower bound (which each may either be inclusive or exclusive).
This class exists to make all script sessions to be liveness artifacts, and provide a default implementation for evaluateScript which handles liveness and diffs in a consistent way.
Abstract implementation of the base series that all data series inherit from.
Partial TableDataService implementation.
Partial TableLocation implementation for use by TableDataService implementations.
Partial TableLocationProvider implementation for standalone use or as part of a TableDataService.
Base class for the XYDataSeriesInternal.
RowSetBuilderRandom implementation that uses an adaptive pattern based on workload.
This class provides a single method to adapt an add-only or append-only table to a blink table.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AddTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AddTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AddTableResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AddTableResponse
Computes the columns to exclude from aggregation output
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggregateAllRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggregateAllRequest
ColumnSource and UngroupableColumnSource interface for aggregation result columns.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggregateRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggregateRequest
A ring buffer which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function.
A ring buffer which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function.
A ring buffer which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function.
A ring buffer which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function.
A ring buffer which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function.
A ring buffer which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function.
A ring buffer which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function.
A ring buffer which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function.
Represents an aggregation that can be applied to a table.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation.AggregationColumns
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation.AggregationColumns
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation.AggregationCount
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation.AggregationCount
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation.AggregationFormula
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation.AggregationFormula
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation.AggregationPartition
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation.AggregationPartition
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation.AggregationRowKey
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation.AggregationRowKey
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation
Visitor interface.
Encapsulates the operators and inputs for an aggregation operation.
Produces an AggregationContext for aggregations given a table and the names of the group by columns.
Transformer to adjust aggregation results for operation building.
Stateless "control" class for giving external code (e.g.
A visitor to describe the input and aggregation column name pairs for aggregations.
This exception provides more context when an aggregation operator throws an Exception.
Optimizes a collection of aggregations by grouping like-specced aggregations together.
A visitor to get the ordered output column names for aggregations.
A visitor to get the ordered input/output column name pairs for aggregations.
Conversion tool to generate an AggregationContextFactory for a collection of aggregations.
Tool to identify the aggregation result row key (also row position) from a logical key representing a set of values for the aggregation's group-by columns.
Aggregations is an Aggregation that is a collection of two or more aggregations.
An aggregation specification represents the configurable options for singular and compound column aggregations.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecAbsSum
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecAbsSum
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecApproximatePercentile
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecApproximatePercentile
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecAvg
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecAvg
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecCountDistinct
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecCountDistinct
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecDistinct
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecDistinct
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecFirst
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecFirst
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecFormula
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecFormula
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecFreeze
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecFreeze
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecGroup
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecGroup
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecLast
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecLast
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecMax
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecMax
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecMedian
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecMedian
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecMin
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecMin
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecNonUniqueSentinel
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecNonUniqueSentinel
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecPercentile
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecPercentile
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecSorted
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecSorted
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecSortedColumn
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecSortedColumn
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecStd
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecStd
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecSum
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecSum
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecTDigest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecTDigest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecUnique
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecUnique
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecVar
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecVar
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecWeighted
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecWeighted
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the sum of absolute input values for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs a percentile approximated using a T-Digest with the specified AggSpecApproximatePercentile.compression().
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the arithmetic mean for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the count of distinct values for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the distinct values for each group as a Deephaven vector (io.deephaven.vector.Vector).
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the first value in the input column for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that freezes the first value for each group and ignores subsequent changes.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs each group of input values as a Deephaven vector (io.deephaven.vector.Vector).
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the last value in the input column for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the maximum value in the input column for each group.
Specifier for a column aggregation that produces a median value from the input column's values for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the minimum value in the input column for each group.
Specifier for a column aggregation that produces a percentile value from the input column's values for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the first value in the input column for each group, after sorting the group on the sort columns.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the last value in the input column for each group, after sorting the group on the sort columns.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the sample standard deviation of the input column values for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the sum of input values for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs a T-Digest (com.tdunning.math.stats.TDigest) with the specified AggSpecTDigest.compression().
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the single unique input value for groups that have one, null if all input values are null, or AggSpecUnique.nonUniqueSentinel() if there is more than one distinct value.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the sample variance of the input column values for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the average (arithmetic mean) of the input column values weighted by the weight column values for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the sum of the input column values weighted by the weight column values for each group.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AjRajTablesRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AjRajTablesRequest
An "allow all" authorization provider.
Annotation to allow nulls in Value.Immutable collections.
ColumnSource implementation that delegates to the main and alternate sources for our incremental open addressed hash table key columns that swap back and forth between a "main" and "alternate" source.
Dummy StringCache implementation for code that won't benefit from caching, just wants to use the StringCompatible mechanisms for efficient String creation.
merge AND and OR into one and give them an "operation"?
merge AND and OR into one and give them an "operation"?
Handler to accept an empty payload and accept that user as anonymous.
Base Chunk attribute.
Processes a JSON value as an implementation-specific object.
An in-memory table that allows you to add rows as if it were an InputTable, which can be updated on the UGP.
Region implementation that provides access to append-only pages with a fixed maximum size.
Region implementation that provides access to append-only pages with a fixed maximum size.
Region implementation that provides access to append-only pages with a fixed maximum size.
Region implementation that provides access to append-only pages with a fixed maximum size.
Region implementation that provides access to append-only pages with a fixed maximum size.
Region implementation that provides access to append-only pages with a fixed maximum size.
Region implementation that provides access to append-only pages with a fixed maximum size.
Region implementation that provides access to append-only pages with a fixed maximum size.
Minimal interface for an append-only flat data source, with contiguous rows from 0, inclusive, to size, exclusive.
Our unique identifier for a field.
This application context can be used to get access to the application state from within script applications.
An opaque holder for an application field ID.
The application table resolver is able to resolve application URIs.
This interface provides type-safe authorization hooks for ApplicationServiceGrpc.
Allows clients to list fields that are accessible to them.
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service ApplicationService.
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service ApplicationService.
Base class for the server implementation of the service ApplicationService.
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service ApplicationService.
Allows clients to list fields that are accessible to them.
A Deephaven application field URI.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ApplyPreviewColumnsRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ApplyPreviewColumnsRequest
Generate approximate percentile aggregations of a table.
Utilities for validating that plotting arguments are acceptable.
Provides strong typing around an array-like object.
Base class for all array and vector transfer objects
A ColumnSource backed by in-memory arrays of data.
Caching data structure for caching int (offset) to Object mappings.
Simple container made of an array of 16-bit integers
A simple wrapper for string-to-array parsing.
A Preview Type for Arrays and Vector.
Array-backed StringSet implementation.
N-Tuple key class backed by an array of elements.
An array-like type.
This annotation indicates that the annotated class in some way represents an array of the specified type.
A utility interface that allows strongly typed access to an array.
This annotation marks a specific method within a class that has been annotated with ArrayType as the means to retrieve an array of the type indicated.
Common utilities for interacting generically with arrays.
A "typed array", where all the elements in the JsonValueTypes.ARRAY have the same ArrayValue.element() type.
Arrow Vector: BitVector Deephaven Type: boolean
Arrow Vector: TinyIntVector Deephaven Type: byte
Arrow Vector: UInt2Vector Deephaven Type: char
Arrow Vector: Float8Vector Deephaven Type: double
Helper class that maintains a subscription whether it was created by a bi-directional stream request or the no-client-streaming request.
This is a stateful observer; a DoPut stream begins with its schema.
Arrow Vector: Float4Vector Deephaven Type: float
Arrow Vector: TimeStampVector Deephaven Type: java.time.Instant
Arrow Vector: IntVector Deephaven Type: int
Arrow Vector: TimeMilliVector Deephaven Type: java.time.LocalTime
Arrow Vector: BigIntVector Deephaven Type: long
Arrow Vector: ValueVector Deephaven Type: java.lang.Object
Arrow Vector: SmallIntVector Deephaven Type: short
Arrow Vector: VarCharVector Deephaven Type: java.lang.String
This class allows the incremental making of a BarrageTable from Arrow IPC messages, starting with an Arrow Schema message followed by zero or more RecordBatches
Arrow Vector: UInt1Vector Deephaven Type: short
Arrow Vector: UInt4Vector Deephaven Type: long
Arrow Vector: UInt8Vector Deephaven Type: java.math.BigInteger
This class contains tools for dealing apache arrow data.
The match condition rule for the final match column of as-of-join.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AsOfJoinTablesRequest
Assertion methods for simple runtime program verification.
RuntimeException to be thrown on assertion failures.
Dataset which has values associated with keys.
AssociativeData dataset backed by a HashMap.
An AssociativeData dataset backed by a SwappableTable.
An AssociativeData dataset backed by a Table.
Dataset which has values associated with keys.
When we get an error from a table in the listener tree, we want to send an appropriate command to the clients indicating that something has gone wrong with the table.
A set of conventions for logging exceptions and asynchronously exiting the JVM.
Interface for objects (mostly tables and similar) that act as an immutable map of key-value attribute pairs.
A trivial auth context that allows a user to do everything the APIs allow.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AuthenticationConstantsRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AuthenticationConstantsRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AuthenticationConstantsResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AuthenticationConstantsResponse
An error occurred and this handshake to authenticate has failed for some reason.
Represents the authentication information required for a Session.
Simple interface to handle incoming authentication requests from flight/barrage clients, via Handshake or the Flight Authentication header.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.AutoCompleteRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.AutoCompleteRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.AutoCompleteResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.AutoCompleteResponse
Filter that releases the required number of rows from a table to saturate the UGP cycle.
Lock that implements AwareLock and FunctionalLock.
Extension to the Lock interface to make awareness of the current thread's state accessible.
Chart's axes.
Chart's axes.
Represents an axis.
Format for axis tick labels.
Represents an axis.
Location of Axis within a figure.
Function applied to transform data before plotting.
AxisTransform into business time.
Transformations from dataset space to axis space and back.
Common AxisTransforms.
Directives for how to handle null and NaN values while processing EMAs
Directives for how to handle {@code null} and {@code NaN} values
A client side Table that mirrors an upstream/server side blink Table.
This exception is thrown when Barrage encounters unexpected state while marshalling a gRPC message.
This is a structured object that represents the barrage update record batch.
The server-side implementation of a Barrage replication source.
Helper to convert from SubscriptionRequest to Options and from MessageView to InputStream.
Enable barrage performance metrics by setting the BarragePerformanceLog.enableAll configuration property, or by adding the table key as an AttributeMap.withAttributes(Map) attribute} to the table.
A client side Table that mirrors an upstream/server side Table.
A BarrageSnapshot represents a snapshot of a table that may or may not be filtered to a viewport of the remote source table.
This class is an intermediary helper class that uses a DoExchange to populate a BarrageTable using snapshot data from a remote server.
A StreamGenerator takes a BarrageMessage and re-uses portions of the serialized payload across different subscribers that may subscribe to different viewports and columns.
Represents a single update, which might be sent as multiple distinct payloads as necessary based in the implementation.
This factory writes data in Arrow's IPC format which has a terse header and no room for metadata.
A BarrageSubscription represents a subscription over a table that may or may not be filtered to a viewport of the remote source table.
This class is an intermediary helper class that uses a DoExchange to populate a BarrageTable using subscription data from a remote server, propagating updates if the request is a subscription.
A client side Table that mirrors an upstream/server side Table.
The barrage table resolver is able to resolve remote URIs into tables.
Base ColumnSource implementation for sliced rowset aggregation result columns.
Base class with shared boilerplate for BlinkFirstChunkedOperator and BlinkLastChunkedOperator.
The Baseboard represents the system board, also called motherboard, logic board, etc.
Container for Charts.
Container for Charts.
Default implementation for GridAttributes.
Base class for filters that will release more rows of a table on each UGP cycle.
A concrete generic ThreadMXBean-based ThreadProfiler implementation, with support for baseline measurements available on all JVMs only.
A smaller entry that simply records usage data, meant for aggregating into the larger entry.
Base abstract class all standard table implementations.
Simplest appropriate InstrumentedShiftAwareListener implementation for BaseTable and descendants.
Simplest appropriate legacy ShiftObliviousInstrumentedListener implementation for BaseTable and descendants.
A supertype for our generated token class.
The BaseUpdateGraph contains common code for other UpdateGraph implementations and a map of named UpdateGraph instances.
Basic functions that can be applied to primitive types.
Manually decode the payload as a BasicAuth message, confirm that only tags 2 and 3 are present as strings, otherwise pass.
Handler for "Basic" auth types.
Implementations of BasicDataIndex provide a data index for a Table.
RowSetBuilderRandom implementation that uses an OrderedLongSetBuilderSequential internally.
If the user isn't found or the password doesn't match, reject with an exception.
Contains the configurable assumptions of this project - the JDBC connection string, properties to pass to that connection, basic structure of the tables to use.
Common base interface for table data listeners.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.BatchTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.BatchTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.BatchTableRequest.Operation
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.BatchTableRequest.Operation
As a ClientInterceptor, this parser the responses for the bearer token.
BigDecimal encoder, with fixed and variable width support.
Compute an exponential moving standard deviation for a BigDecimal column source.
Utilities to support BigDecimal exhaust.
Computes the square root of a BigDecimal using Babylonian method.
Immutable way to store and pass precision and scale values.
Immutable way to store and pass properties to get precision and scale for a given named column.
Processes a JSON value as a BigDecimal.
Simple ObjectCodec for BigIntegers.
Compute an exponential moving standard deviation for a BigInteger column source.
NOTE: The output column for RollingAvg(BigInteger) is BigDecimal
Processes a JSON value as a BigInteger.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.BindTableToVariableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.BindTableToVariableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.BindTableToVariableResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.BindTableToVariableResponse
Functions for performing binary searches.
Algorithm used to resolve ties when performing a binary search.
Simple bitset-like container.
The output RowSet of an aggregation is fairly special.
A generalized Black-Scholes model for European options.
A firstBy aggregation operator for blink tables.
Creates a blink input-table.
A lastBy aggregation operator for blink tables.
Tools for manipulating blink tables.
Materializer for binary data.
A BooleanType array.
TODO: Re-implement this with better compression (only need 2 bits per value, or we can pack 5 values into 1 byte if we're feeling fancy).
Reinterpret result ColumnSource implementations that translates Boolean to byte values.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Short.
Chunk implementation for boolean data.
Iterative Boolean Sum.
ChunkPool implementation for chunks of booleans.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Short.
Rolling formula operator for source byte columns.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Short.
Single value source for Boolean.
Sparse array source for Boolean.
The primitive boolean type.
Utilities for translating boxed Booleans to/from primitive bytes.
Processes a JSON value as a boolean.
BoundedIntrusiveMappingCache<KEY_TYPE,MAPPING_TYPE extends io.deephaven.util.datastructures.cache.BoundedIntrusiveMappingCache.Mapping<KEY_TYPE,MAPPING_TYPE>>
An LRU mapping cache that relies on an queue of intrusively doubly-linked nodes for keeping track of eviction policy details.
Mapping cache for Object->int mappings, with FIFO eviction.
Mapping cache for Object->int mappings, with LRU eviction.
The Boolean type.
The Byte type.
The Character type.
The Double type.
The Float type.
The Integer type.
The Long type.
The Short type.
A boxed primitive type.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.flightjs.protocol.BrowserNextResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.flightjs.protocol.BrowserNextResponse
A flight js service is a (non-proper) extension of arrow flight service that augments existing client-streaming (or bidirectional streaming) methods with a pair that can be used to simulate a client stream over unary requests.
A flight js service is a (non-proper) extension of arrow flight service that augments existing client-streaming (or bidirectional streaming) methods with a pair that can be used to simulate a client stream over unary requests.
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service BrowserFlightService.
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service BrowserFlightService.
Base class for the server implementation of the service BrowserFlightService.
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service BrowserFlightService.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.BrowserNextResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.BrowserNextResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.BrowserNextResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.BrowserNextResponse
Creates a BrowserStream based on the current session and the observed passed in to the open stream call.
Interceptor to notice x-deephaven-stream headers in a request and provide them to later parts of BrowserStream tooling so that unary and server-streaming calls can be combined into an emulated bidirectional stream.
Represents a given "pixel" in the downsampled output - the first and last value within that pixel, and the max/min value of each column we're interested in within that pixel.
Utility methods for working with ByteBuffers.
Java proxy module for builtins.
A business calendar, with the concept of business and non-business time.
A runtime exception that is thrown when a date is invalid.
A parser for reading business calendar XML files.
An EMA which can compute aggregated EMAs without grouping and then ungrouping.
An engine aware EMA which can compute "groupBy" emas without grouping and then ungrouping.
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a byte sort-column on add-only tables.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result byte columns.
A ByteType array.
See documentation in the interface and parent class for details.
Simple array source for Byte.
Reinterpret result ColumnSource implementations that translates byte to Boolean values.
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a byte sort-column on blink tables.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Short.
See documentation in the interface and parent class for details.
This is an InputStream implementation which reads from a java.nio.ByteBuffer.
This is an OutputStream implementation which places the output into a java.nio.ByteBuffer.
A pair of stream implementations which write to and read from sequences of byte buffers.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, byte, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, byte, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, byte, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, byte, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, byte, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, byte, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, byte, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, byte, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Bytes.
This implements a timsort kernel for Bytes.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of byte and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, char, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, char, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, char, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, char, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, char, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, char, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, char, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, char, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of byte and char elements.
ByteChunk<ATTR extends Any>
Chunk implementation for byte data.
A column source backed by ByteChunks.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
Iterative sum operator, extended for absolute values and regular sums.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
Creates chunk filters for byte values.
ChunkPool implementation for chunks of bytes.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
ColumnIterator implementation for columns of primitive bytes.
Functional interface to apply an operation to a single byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, double, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, double, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, double, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, double, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, double, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, double, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, double, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, double, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of byte and double elements.
Compute an exponential moving standard deviation for a byte column source.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, float, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, float, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, float, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, float, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, float, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, float, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, float, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, float, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of byte and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, int, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, int, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, int, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, int, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, int, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, int, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, int, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, int, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Bytes.
This implements a timsort kernel for Bytes.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of byte and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, long, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, long, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, long, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, long, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, long, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, long, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, long, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, long, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Bytes.
This implements a timsort kernel for Bytes.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of byte and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, Object, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, Object, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, Object, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, Object, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, Object, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, Object, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, Object, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, Object, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of byte and Object elements.
Common parent for CharSequenceAdapters that store chars as single bytes (for simple encodings).
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Short.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A simple circular buffer for primitive values, like java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue but without the synchronization and collection overhead.
Rolling formula operator for source byte columns.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, short, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, short, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, short, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, short, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, short, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, short, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, short, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, short, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of byte and short elements.
Single value source for Byte.
The SortKernel sorts a chunk of primitive value together with a parallel ByteChunk of RowKeys.
Sparse array source for Byte.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A subset of a ByteVector according to an array of positions.
This implements a timsort kernel for Bytes.
This implements a timsort kernel for Bytes.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int and add the specified offset.
Functional interface to apply a function to a single byte input and produce a single int result.
Cast the values in the input chunk to a long.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an long and add the specified offset.
The primitive byte type.
Processes a JSON value as a byte.
See ReplicateDownsamplingValueTrackers for notes on changing this file.
A Vector of primitive bytes.
Base class for all "indirect" ByteVector implementations.
A ByteVector backed by an array.
A subset of a ByteVector according to a range of positions.
Channel provider that will cache a bounded number of unused channels.
The cache directory is a directory that the application may use for storing data with "cache-like" semantics.
Supplier wrapper that caches the result.
A calendar.
Schedule for a single calendar day.
A collection of business calendars.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CancelAutoCompleteRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CancelAutoCompleteRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CancelAutoCompleteResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CancelAutoCompleteResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CancelCommandRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CancelCommandRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CancelCommandResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CancelCommandResponse
UncheckedDeephavenException used when an action is cancelled or interrupted.
Interface for immutable tuple classes that can produce a new instance of themselves with canonicalized object elements.
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CaseSensitivity
Functions for casting between types.
Cast can not preserve the value.
Dataset with discrete and numeric components.
Dataset with discrete and numeric components.
The core of the Category data series update and indexing.
A dataset for categorical data which maps a category to it's numerical value.
A dataset for table-based categorical data.
A dataset for SwappableTable based categorical data.
An CategoryDataSeries with error bars.
An CategoryDataSeriesInternal with error bars.
The core of the Error Bar Category date series update and indexing.
A dataset for categorical data which maps a category to it's numerical value.
A dataset for SwappableTable based categorical data.
Category data series backed by a Table.
Utility class with methods to support consuming from a Change Data Capture (CDC) Kafka stream (as, eg, produced by Debezium) to a Deephaven table.
Users specify CDC streams via objects satisfying this interface; the objects are created with static factory methods, the classes implementing this interface are opaque from a user perspective.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.ChangeDocumentRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.ChangeDocumentRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.ChangeDocumentRequest.TextDocumentContentChangeEvent
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.ChangeDocumentRequest.TextDocumentContentChangeEvent
Simple array source for Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Short.
ColumnIterator implementation for columns of primitive chars.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Short.
Single value source for Character.
Sparse array source for Character.
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a char sort-column on add-only tables.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result char columns.
A CharType array.
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a char sort-column on blink tables.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, byte, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, byte, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, byte, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, byte, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, byte, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, byte, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, byte, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, byte, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Characters.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of char and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, char, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, char, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, char, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, char, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, char, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, char, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, char, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, char, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of char and char elements.
CharChunk<ATTR extends Any>
Chunk implementation for char data.
A column source backed by CharChunks.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
Iterative sum operator, extended for absolute values and regular sums.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
Creates chunk filters for char values.
ChunkPool implementation for chunks of chars.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
Functional interface to apply an operation to a single char.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, double, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, double, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, double, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, double, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, double, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, double, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, double, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, double, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of char and double elements.
Compute an exponential moving standard deviation for a char column source.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, float, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, float, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, float, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, float, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, float, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, float, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, float, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, float, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of char and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, int, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, int, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, int, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, int, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, int, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, int, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, int, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, int, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Characters.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of char and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, long, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, long, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, long, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, long, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, long, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, long, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, long, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, long, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Characters.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of char and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, Object, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, Object, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, Object, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, Object, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, Object, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, Object, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, Object, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, Object, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of char and Object elements.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A simple circular buffer for primitive values, like java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue but without the synchronization and collection overhead.
Rolling formula operator for source char columns.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
This class provides base functionality for several implementations of CharSequenceAdapter.
StringBuilder-like CharSequenceAdapter implementation.
Static helpers for hashCode, equality, and comparison of CharSequences.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, short, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, short, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, short, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, short, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, short, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, short, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, short, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, short, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of char and short elements.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A SsmBackedColumnSource for Characters.
A subset of a CharVector according to an array of positions.
Represents a graph.
A grid of charts.
Represents a graph.
Possible plot orientations.
This implements a timsort kernel for Characters.
This implements a timsort kernel for Characters.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int and add the specified offset.
Functional interface to apply a function to a single char input and produce a single int result.
Cast the values in the input chunk to a long.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an long and add the specified offset.
Static chart title
Types of Charts.
The primitive char type.
Processes a JSON value as a char.
See ReplicateDownsamplingValueTrackers for notes on changing this file.
A Vector of primitive chars.
Base class for all "indirect" CharVector implementations.
A CharVector backed by an array.
A subset of a CharVector according to a range of positions.
Chunk<ATTR extends Any>
Data structure for a contiguous region of data.
ChunkBase<ATTR extends Any>
A generic object intended to serve as a thin wrapper around an array region.
Convert an arbitrary chunk to a chunk of boxed objects.
Return a chunk that contains boxed Objects representing the primitive values in values.
A generic object intended to serve as a thin wrapper around a multidimensional array region.
An immutable ColumnSource that is backed by chunks.
Chunk-backed dictionary for use by ToPage implementations.
Writable sources that use simple arrays to back contiguous regions may implement this interface, allowing callers to reach directly into their storage in order to fill them without the need for additional array copies.
Chunked ByteColumnIterator implementation for chunk sources of primitive bytes.
Chunked CharacterColumnIterator implementation for chunk sources of primitive chars.
Iteration support for values supplied by a ChunkSource.
Chunked DoubleColumnIterator implementation for chunk sources of primitive doubles.
Chunked FloatColumnIterator implementation for chunk sources of primitive floats.
Chunked IntegerColumnIterator implementation for chunk sources of primitive ints.
Chunked LongColumnIterator implementation for chunk sources of primitive longs.
Chunked ShortColumnIterator implementation for chunk sources of primitive shorts.
A function ready to be run in a snapshot, to collect data about a table column.
Uses a ChunkerDocument to lookup user cursor and perform autocompletion.
Token literal values and constants.
Represents an ast node that could be invokable.
Used to extract some reusable token-checking logic from the generated parser.
A stream specialized for "peek ahead" during semantic LOOKAHEAD.
Token Manager.
Implementation helpers for chunks.
Append-only Page implementation that permanently wraps an array for data storage, atomically replacing "view" chunks with larger ones as the page is extended.
Append-only Page implementation that permanently wraps an array for data storage, atomically replacing "view" chunks with larger ones as the page is extended.
Append-only Page implementation that permanently wraps an array for data storage, atomically replacing "view" chunks with larger ones as the page is extended.
Append-only Page implementation that permanently wraps an array for data storage, atomically replacing "view" chunks with larger ones as the page is extended.
Append-only Page implementation that permanently wraps an array for data storage, atomically replacing "view" chunks with larger ones as the page is extended.
Append-only Page implementation that permanently wraps an array for data storage, atomically replacing "view" chunks with larger ones as the page is extended.
Append-only Page implementation that permanently wraps an array for data storage, atomically replacing "view" chunks with larger ones as the page is extended.
Append-only Page implementation that permanently wraps an array for data storage, atomically replacing "view" chunks with larger ones as the page is extended.
Append-only Page implementation that permanently wraps an array for data storage, atomically replacing "view" chunks with larger ones as the page is extended.
Creator of ChunkInputStreamGenerator instances.
Attribute that specifies that a Chunk contains lengths of ranges within some other Chunk.
ChunkPage<ATTR extends Any>
Factory for wrapping native arrays as ChunkPage instances.
Interface for pools of Chunks.
Repository for constants used by ChunkPool implementations.
Static callback holder for pooled chunk allocation.
Support for release tracking, in order to detect chunk release errors.
Attribute that specifies that a Chunk contains positions within some other Chunk.
Consumes Flight/Barrage streams and transforms them into WritableChunks.
Supports creation of ChunkReader instances to use when processing a flight stream.
Describes type info used by factory implementations when creating a ChunkReader.
ChunkSink<ATTR extends Any>
Marker interface for Contexts that are used in ChunkSource.getChunk(GetContext, RowSequence).
Sub-interface for ChunkSources that support previous value retrieval.
Convert an Object chunk to a chunk of primitives.
Return a chunk that contains boxed Objects representing the primitive values in primitives.
The TLS ciphers.
Include the ciphers explicitly defined.
Includes intermediate ciphers for TLSv1.3 and TLSv1.2.
Include the ciphers defined by the JDK.
Includes modern ciphers for TLSv1.3 and TLSv1.2.
Include the ciphers defined by the system properties "https.cipherSuites".
Read a list of classes from a classpath resource.
SimpleReference with an additional cleanup callback.
Utility for draining a reference queue of CleanupReferences and invoking their cleanup methods.
Dedicated ReferenceQueue suppliers for various engine purposes.
A client channel factory that may update ClientConfig values before handing off to a ClientChannelFactoryDefaulter.delegate().
The client configuration encapsulates the configuration to created a ManagedChannel.
Data sent from the client to the server as part of a bidirection message stream.
A generic payload sent from the client to the server.
A generic payload sent from the client to the server.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Integrators are encouraged to provide their own ClientChannelFactory, in particular with respect to BarrageSessionFactoryConfig.userAgent(List).
Provides time-based methods.
The time provider for a TimeTable.
Boilerplate super-class for various clock-oriented filters.
Representation of a contiguous key range with monotonically nondecreasing timestamp values.
Runtime exception thrown by update processing code that observes evidence of clock inconsistencies.
A base implementation of Clock, with all methods being sourced from Clock.currentTimeNanos().
The system time provider.
This interface extends Iterator and AutoCloseable in order to allow for iterators that acquire resources that must be released.
Closeable primitive iterator over elements of type byte.
Closeable primitive iterator over elements of type char.
Closeable primitive iterator over elements of type double.
Closeable primitive iterator over elements of type float.
Closeable primitive iterator over elements of type int.
Closeable primitive iterator over elements of type long.
Closeable primitive iterator over elements of type short.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CloseDocumentRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CloseDocumentRequest
Intentionally empty and is here for backwards compatibility should this API change.
Intentionally empty and is here for backwards compatibility should this API change.
Wraps a SerializableBiFunction with the API of a function.
A serializable closure which maps pair of doubles to doubles.
A serializable closure which maps doubles to doubles.
Wraps a HasClosure with the API of a function.
Cache for ObjectCodec instances.
Exception class for CodecCache item construction issues.
Representation class for codec information stored in key-value metadata for Deephaven-written Parquet files.
Utility class to concentrate ObjectCodec lookups.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
A color.
Functions for mapping between values and Colors or Paints.
Serializable Predicate.
Palette of Colors.
Algorithmically generated ColorPalette.
Algorithm for generating a sequence of Colors.
ColorPalette specified by an array of Colors.
Pre-made color palettes.
Pre-defined Colors available by name.
Colors moved to Color.
Formatting methods from ColorUtil.
Creates distinct and unique coloration for each unique input value.
A column is name and array pair.
A ColumnAggregation is an Aggregation that is composed of a spec and a single input/output column pair.
ColumnAggregations is an Aggregation that is composed of a spec and multiple input/output column pairs.
Used to iterate over column page readers for each page with the capability to set channel context to for reading the pages.
Column definition for all Deephaven columns.
Validates a column expression coming from the web api, to ensure that the included code will use the limited supported API, and no use of `new`.
Container for utilities to work with magic String values used to indicate formatted rows and columns.
Creates ColumnHandlerFactory.ColumnHandler instances with specified data types.
Holds a table column.
A column header is name and type pair.
Data to construct a data column.
Iteration support for values supplied by a column.
Per-TableLocation, per-column key, state, and factory object.
Represents a column name.
A CsvSpecs.Builder.headerLegalizer(Function) that replaces '-' and ' ' with '_'.
Provides the API for reading a single parquet page
Converts large data types to Preview types.
Column region interface for regions that support fetching primitive bytes.
Column region interface for regions that support fetching primitive chars.
ColumnRegionObject implementation for regions that support fetching symbols from a dictionary represented as an ObjectChunk.
Column region interface for regions that support fetching primitive doubles.
Column region interface for regions that support fetching primitive floats.
Column region interface for regions that support fetching primitive ints.
Column region interface for regions that support fetching primitive longs.
Column region interface for regions that support fetching objects.
Column region interface for regions that support fetching primitive shorts.
This exception is thrown when ConstructSnapshot fails to successfully collect snapshot data for a column in parallel.
A "source" for column data - allows cell values to be looked up by (long) keys.
Defaulted interfaces for various base ColumnSource types, in order to avoid having defaults at higher levels in the class hierarchy.
Default interface for Boolean ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for byte ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for char ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for double ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for float ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for int ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for long ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for Instant ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for Object ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for short ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for long-backed ColumnSource implementations.
Manager for ColumnSources in a Table.
Helper class to support easier to read in-line column definitions.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ColumnStatisticsRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ColumnStatisticsRequest
Convert value columns into labeled rows.
Representation class for per-column type information stored in key-value metadata for Deephaven-written Parquet files.
Values for the ColumnTypeInfo.specialType() field.
Utility methods for constructing Vectors from the columns of a Table, enabling random and bulk access to column data by row position.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ComboAggregateRequest.Aggregate
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ComboAggregateRequest.Aggregate
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ComboAggregateRequest.AggType
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ComboAggregateRequest
A specialization of TicketResolver that signifies this resolver supports Flight descriptor commands.
The out-of-the-box authorization provider for the Deephaven community server.
Includes some of the common modules necessary for creating a DeephavenApiServerComponent / DeephavenApiServer.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CompareCondition
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CompareCondition
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CompareCondition.CompareOperation
An iterator for the complement set over an universe of [0, Long.MAX_VALUE].
An OutputStream that can be marked as done, completed, or rolled back.
A class specifically for completing assignment statements; to be called after the completer has discovered the cursor near an assignment token.
A class specifically for completing column expression; to be called after the completer has discovered the a column expression with an = and the cursor is at or after =.
A class specifically for completing column names; to be called after the completer has discovered the name of the column to match.
This class is used as a return POJO for the result of a Parquet write operation.
A class specifically for completing invocations; to be called with method results when the cursor is somewhere that a method is valid.
A class specifically for completing table names; to be called after the completer has discovered the name of the table.
A class specifically for completing table namespaces; to be called after the completer has discovered the name of the namespace.
A class specifically for completing variable names.
Some basic tools for computing completion results.
Thrown from the document parser if the user has updated the document while an ongoing completion request was blocking on stale input.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CompletionContext
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CompletionContext
A Deephaven-internal completion fragment.
General API for returning a list of completion results from a given offset in a source command.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CompletionItem
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CompletionItem
A lookup object for various values that the ChunkerCompleter might be interested in.
Various context-sensitive options to use when generating completions.
A specialized parser for autocompletion; maybe better to call it a chunker than a parser...
A stateful object to represent a document search at a given position.
A safe version of CompletableFuture that does not expose the completion API.
A CompletableFuture that prevents users from completing the future by hiding behind CompletionStageFuture.
Provides a structured approach for constructing DeephavenApiServerComponent.
A statistic that represents the composite or rolled-up value of a set of child statistics, as best as possible.
Routing TableDataService that applies a selector function to pick service(s) for each request.
A consistency monitor for use in the CompositeTableDataService.
Immutable byte[]-backed String replacement.
An Intermediate adapter interface between Deephaven column writing and parquet compression.
An InputStream that will not close the underlying stream when InputStream.close() is called.
Computer creates a new deferred calculation plus an offset (FutureOffset) every time computer is called.
The ComputerSystem represents the physical hardware, of a computer system/product and includes BIOS/firmware and a motherboard, logic board, etc.
This cache follows the same design as ConcurrentUnboundedStringCache, but uses a KeyedObjectCache (bounded, concurrent-get, "pseudo-random pseudo-LRU" replacement) for its internal storage.
Indicates that the annotated method should be executed concurrently with respect to the UpdateGraph (UGP).
Common interface for LockFreeArrayQueue and variants.
A very limited interface is specified, in order to decouple typeAdapter pooling and related concerns from the cache itself.
The set of Conditions that can be used with various filters.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Condition
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Condition
A set of multiple models where predicates determine which of the models execute on any iteration.
A condition filter evaluates a formula against a table.
Provides server-specified configuration values to gRPC clients.