All Classes and Interfaces

Results comprised of multiple, ordered ranges are provided via this interface.
Encapsulate some hacky conventions we use to "standardize" absolute value sorting directives from the UI.
Base class for arrow column sources
Common class for CategoryDataSeriesInternal.
Partial ColumnLocation implementation for use by TableDataService implementations.
Base class for immutable byte[]-backed String replacements.
Abstract base implementation of DataIndex that provides common functionality.
Base class for DataSeriesInternal.
A SelectColumn that implements a formula computed from the existing columns in the table and a query scope.
Base class for computing moving averages.
Base class for server implementations to offer their own hook to read the current certificates
Creates and holds a DataSeriesInternal for every key in a PartitionedTable.
Common base class for notifications.
A filter that determines if a column value is between an upper and lower bound (which each may either be inclusive or exclusive).
This class exists to make all script sessions to be liveness artifacts, and provide a default implementation for evaluateScript which handles liveness and diffs in a consistent way.
Abstract implementation of the base series that all data series inherit from.
Partial TableDataService implementation.
Partial TableLocation implementation for use by TableDataService implementations.
Partial TableLocationProvider implementation for standalone use or as part of a TableDataService.
Base class for the XYDataSeriesInternal.
RowSetBuilderRandom implementation that uses an adaptive pattern based on workload.
This class provides a single method to adapt an add-only or append-only table to a blink table.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AddTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AddTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AddTableResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AddTableResponse
Computes the columns to exclude from aggregation output
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggregateAllRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggregateAllRequest
ColumnSource and UngroupableColumnSource interface for aggregation result columns.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggregateRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggregateRequest
A ring buffer which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function.
A ring buffer which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function.
A ring buffer which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function.
A ring buffer which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function.
A ring buffer which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function.
A ring buffer which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function.
A ring buffer which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function.
A ring buffer which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function.
Represents an aggregation that can be applied to a table.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation.AggregationColumns
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation.AggregationColumns
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation.AggregationCount
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation.AggregationCount
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation.AggregationPartition
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation.AggregationPartition
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation.AggregationRowKey
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation.AggregationRowKey
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Aggregation
Visitor interface.
Encapsulates the operators and inputs for an aggregation operation.
Produces an AggregationContext for aggregations given a table and the names of the group by columns.
Transformer to adjust aggregation results for operation building.
Stateless "control" class for giving external code (e.g.
A visitor to describe the input and aggregation column name pairs for aggregations.
This exception provides more context when an aggregation operator throws an Exception.
Optimizes a collection of aggregations by grouping like-specced aggregations together.
A visitor to get the ordered output column names for aggregations.
A visitor to get the ordered input/output column name pairs for aggregations.
Conversion tool to generate an AggregationContextFactory for a collection of aggregations.
Tool to identify the aggregation result row key (also row position) from a logical key representing a set of values for the aggregation's group-by columns.
Aggregations is an Aggregation that is a collection of two or more aggregations.
An aggregation specification represents the configurable options for singular and compound column aggregations.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecAbsSum
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecAbsSum
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecApproximatePercentile
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecApproximatePercentile
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecAvg
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecAvg
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecCountDistinct
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecCountDistinct
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecDistinct
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecDistinct
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecFirst
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecFirst
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecFormula
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecFormula
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecFreeze
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecFreeze
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecGroup
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecGroup
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecLast
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecLast
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecMax
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecMax
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecMedian
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecMedian
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecMin
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecMin
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecNonUniqueSentinel
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecNonUniqueSentinel
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecPercentile
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecPercentile
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecSorted
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecSorted
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecSortedColumn
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecSortedColumn
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecStd
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecStd
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecSum
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecSum
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecTDigest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecTDigest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecUnique
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecUnique
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecVar
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecVar
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecWeighted
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec.AggSpecWeighted
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AggSpec
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the sum of absolute input values for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs a percentile approximated using a T-Digest with the specified AggSpecApproximatePercentile.compression().
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the arithmetic mean for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the count of distinct values for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the distinct values for each group as a Deephaven vector (io.deephaven.vector.Vector).
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the first value in the input column for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that applies a formula to each input group (as a Deephaven vector (io.deephaven.vector.Vector)) to produce the corresponding output value.
Specifies an aggregation that freezes the first value for each group and ignores subsequent changes.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs each group of input values as a Deephaven vector (io.deephaven.vector.Vector).
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the last value in the input column for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the maximum value in the input column for each group.
Specifier for a column aggregation that produces a median value from the input column's values for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the minimum value in the input column for each group.
Specifier for a column aggregation that produces a percentile value from the input column's values for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the first value in the input column for each group, after sorting the group on the sort columns.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the last value in the input column for each group, after sorting the group on the sort columns.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the sample standard deviation of the input column values for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the sum of input values for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs a T-Digest (com.tdunning.math.stats.TDigest) with the specified AggSpecTDigest.compression().
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the single unique input value for groups that have one, null if all input values are null, or AggSpecUnique.nonUniqueSentinel() if there is more than one distinct value.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the sample variance of the input column values for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the average (arithmetic mean) of the input column values weighted by the weight column values for each group.
Specifies an aggregation that outputs the sum of the input column values weighted by the weight column values for each group.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AjRajTablesRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AjRajTablesRequest
An "allow all" authorization provider.
Annotation to allow nulls in Value.Immutable collections.
ColumnSource implementation that delegates to the main and alternate sources for our incremental open addressed hash table key columns that swap back and forth between a "main" and "alternate" source.
Dummy StringCache implementation for code that won't benefit from caching, just wants to use the StringCompatible mechanisms for efficient String creation.
merge AND and OR into one and give them an "operation"?
merge AND and OR into one and give them an "operation"?
Handler to accept an empty payload and accept that user as anonymous.
Base Chunk attribute.
Processes a JSON value as an implementation-specific object.
An in-memory table that allows you to add rows as if it were an InputTable, which can be updated on the UGP.
Region implementation that provides access to append-only pages with a fixed maximum size.
Region implementation that provides access to append-only pages with a fixed maximum size.
Region implementation that provides access to append-only pages with a fixed maximum size.
Region implementation that provides access to append-only pages with a fixed maximum size.
Region implementation that provides access to append-only pages with a fixed maximum size.
Region implementation that provides access to append-only pages with a fixed maximum size.
Region implementation that provides access to append-only pages with a fixed maximum size.
Region implementation that provides access to append-only pages with a fixed maximum size.
Minimal interface for an append-only flat data source, with contiguous rows from 0, inclusive, to size, exclusive.
Our unique identifier for a field.
This application context can be used to get access to the application state from within script applications.
An opaque holder for an application field ID.
The application table resolver is able to resolve application URIs.
This interface provides type-safe authorization hooks for ApplicationServiceGrpc.
Allows clients to list fields that are accessible to them.
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service ApplicationService.
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service ApplicationService.
Base class for the server implementation of the service ApplicationService.
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service ApplicationService.
Allows clients to list fields that are accessible to them.
A Deephaven application field URI.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ApplyPreviewColumnsRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ApplyPreviewColumnsRequest
Generate approximate percentile aggregations of a table.
Utilities for validating that plotting arguments are acceptable.
Provides strong typing around an array-like object.
Base class for all array and vector transfer objects
A ColumnSource backed by in-memory arrays of data.
Caching data structure for caching int (offset) to Object mappings.
Simple container made of an array of 16-bit integers
A simple wrapper for string-to-array parsing.
A Preview Type for Arrays and Vector.
Array-backed StringSet implementation.
N-Tuple key class backed by an array of elements.
An array-like type.
This annotation indicates that the annotated class in some way represents an array of the specified type.
A utility interface that allows strongly typed access to an array.
This annotation marks a specific method within a class that has been annotated with ArrayType as the means to retrieve an array of the type indicated.
Common utilities for interacting generically with arrays.
A "typed array", where all the elements in the JsonValueTypes.ARRAY have the same ArrayValue.element() type.
Arrow Vector: BitVector Deephaven Type: boolean
Arrow Vector: TinyIntVector Deephaven Type: byte
Arrow Vector: UInt2Vector Deephaven Type: char
Arrow Vector: Float8Vector Deephaven Type: double
Helper class that maintains a subscription whether it was created by a bi-directional stream request or the no-client-streaming request.
This is a stateful observer; a DoPut stream begins with its schema.
Arrow Vector: Float4Vector Deephaven Type: float
Arrow Vector: TimeStampVector Deephaven Type: java.time.Instant
Arrow Vector: IntVector Deephaven Type: int
Arrow Vector: TimeMilliVector Deephaven Type: java.time.LocalTime
Arrow Vector: BigIntVector Deephaven Type: long
Arrow Vector: ValueVector Deephaven Type: java.lang.Object
Arrow Vector: SmallIntVector Deephaven Type: short
Arrow Vector: VarCharVector Deephaven Type: java.lang.String
This class allows the incremental making of a BarrageTable from Arrow IPC messages, starting with an Arrow Schema message followed by zero or more RecordBatches
Arrow Vector: UInt1Vector Deephaven Type: short
Arrow Vector: UInt4Vector Deephaven Type: long
Arrow Vector: UInt8Vector Deephaven Type: java.math.BigInteger
This class contains tools for dealing apache arrow data.
The match condition rule for the final match column of as-of-join.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AsOfJoinTablesRequest
Assertion methods for simple runtime program verification.
RuntimeException to be thrown on assertion failures.
Dataset which has values associated with keys.
AssociativeData dataset backed by a HashMap.
An AssociativeData dataset backed by a SwappableTable.
An AssociativeData dataset backed by a Table.
Dataset which has values associated with keys.
When we get an error from a table in the listener tree, we want to send an appropriate command to the clients indicating that something has gone wrong with the table.
A set of conventions for logging exceptions and asynchronously exiting the JVM.
Interface for objects (mostly tables and similar) that act as an immutable map of key-value attribute pairs.
A trivial auth context that allows a user to do everything the APIs allow.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AuthenticationConstantsRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AuthenticationConstantsRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AuthenticationConstantsResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.AuthenticationConstantsResponse
An error occurred and this handshake to authenticate has failed for some reason.
Represents the authentication information required for a Session.
Simple interface to handle incoming authentication requests from flight/barrage clients, via Handshake or the Flight Authentication header.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.AutoCompleteRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.AutoCompleteRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.AutoCompleteResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.AutoCompleteResponse
Filter that releases the required number of rows from a table to saturate the UGP cycle.
Lock that implements AwareLock and FunctionalLock.
Extension to the Lock interface to make awareness of the current thread's state accessible.
Chart's axes.
Chart's axes.
Represents an axis.
Format for axis tick labels.
Represents an axis.
Location of Axis within a figure.
Function applied to transform data before plotting.
AxisTransform into business time.
Transformations from dataset space to axis space and back.
Common AxisTransforms.
Directives for how to handle null and NaN values while processing EMAs
Directives for how to handle {@code null} and {@code NaN} values
A client side Table that mirrors an upstream/server side blink Table.
This exception is thrown when Barrage encounters unexpected state while marshalling a gRPC message.
This is a structured object that represents the barrage update record batch.
The server-side implementation of a Barrage replication source.
Helper to convert from SubscriptionRequest to Options and from MessageView to InputStream.
Enable barrage performance metrics by setting the BarragePerformanceLog.enableAll configuration property, or by adding the table key as an AttributeMap.withAttributes(Map) attribute} to the table.
A client side Table that mirrors an upstream/server side Table.
A BarrageSnapshot represents a snapshot of a table that may or may not be filtered to a viewport of the remote source table.
This class is an intermediary helper class that uses a DoExchange to populate a BarrageTable using snapshot data from a remote server.
A StreamGenerator takes a BarrageMessage and re-uses portions of the serialized payload across different subscribers that may subscribe to different viewports and columns.
Represents a single update, which might be sent as multiple distinct payloads as necessary based in the implementation.
This factory writes data in Arrow's IPC format which has a terse header and no room for metadata.
A BarrageSubscription represents a subscription over a table that may or may not be filtered to a viewport of the remote source table.
This class is an intermediary helper class that uses a DoExchange to populate a BarrageTable using subscription data from a remote server, propagating updates if the request is a subscription.
A client side Table that mirrors an upstream/server side Table.
The barrage table resolver is able to resolve remote URIs into tables.
Base ColumnSource implementation for sliced rowset aggregation result columns.
Base class with shared boilerplate for BlinkFirstChunkedOperator and BlinkLastChunkedOperator.
The Baseboard represents the system board, also called motherboard, logic board, etc.
Container for Charts.
Container for Charts.
Default implementation for GridAttributes.
Base class for filters that will release more rows of a table on each UGP cycle.
A concrete generic ThreadMXBean-based ThreadProfiler implementation, with support for baseline measurements available on all JVMs only.
A smaller entry that simply records usage data, meant for aggregating into the larger entry.
Base abstract class all standard table implementations.
Simplest appropriate InstrumentedShiftAwareListener implementation for BaseTable and descendants.
Simplest appropriate legacy ShiftObliviousInstrumentedListener implementation for BaseTable and descendants.
A supertype for our generated token class.
The BaseUpdateGraph contains common code for other UpdateGraph implementations and a map of named UpdateGraph instances.
Basic functions that can be applied to primitive types.
Manually decode the payload as a BasicAuth message, confirm that only tags 2 and 3 are present as strings, otherwise pass.
Handler for "Basic" auth types.
Implementations of BasicDataIndex provide a data index for a Table.
RowSetBuilderRandom implementation that uses an OrderedLongSetBuilderSequential internally.
If the user isn't found or the password doesn't match, reject with an exception.
Contains the configurable assumptions of this project - the JDBC connection string, properties to pass to that connection, basic structure of the tables to use.
Common base interface for table data listeners.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.BatchTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.BatchTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.BatchTableRequest.Operation
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.BatchTableRequest.Operation
As a ClientInterceptor, this parser the responses for the bearer token.
BigDecimal encoder, with fixed and variable width support.
Compute an exponential moving standard deviation for a BigDecimal column source.
Utilities to support BigDecimal exhaust.
Computes the square root of a BigDecimal using Babylonian method.
Immutable way to store and pass precision and scale values.
Immutable way to store and pass properties to get precision and scale for a given named column.
Processes a JSON value as a BigDecimal.
Simple ObjectCodec for BigIntegers.
Compute an exponential moving standard deviation for a BigInteger column source.
NOTE: The output column for RollingAvg(BigInteger) is BigDecimal
Processes a JSON value as a BigInteger.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.BindTableToVariableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.BindTableToVariableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.BindTableToVariableResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.BindTableToVariableResponse
Functions for performing binary searches.
Algorithm used to resolve ties when performing a binary search.
Simple bitset-like container.
The output RowSet of an aggregation is fairly special.
A generalized Black-Scholes model for European options.
A firstBy aggregation operator for blink tables.
Creates a blink input-table.
A lastBy aggregation operator for blink tables.
Tools for manipulating blink tables.
Materializer for binary data.
A BooleanType array.
TODO: Re-implement this with better compression (only need 2 bits per value, or we can pack 5 values into 1 byte if we're feeling fancy).
Reinterpret result ColumnSource implementations that translates Boolean to byte values.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Boolean, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Character, and Short.
Chunk implementation for boolean data.
Iterative Boolean Sum.
ChunkPool implementation for chunks of booleans.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Double, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Float, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Instant, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Integer, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Object, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Long, and Short.
Rolling formula operator for source byte columns.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Boolean, Short, and Short.
Single value source for Boolean.
Sparse array source for Boolean.
The primitive boolean type.
Utilities for translating boxed Booleans to/from primitive bytes.
Processes a JSON value as a boolean.
BoundedIntrusiveMappingCache<KEY_TYPE,MAPPING_TYPE extends io.deephaven.util.datastructures.cache.BoundedIntrusiveMappingCache.Mapping<KEY_TYPE,MAPPING_TYPE>>
An LRU mapping cache that relies on an queue of intrusively doubly-linked nodes for keeping track of eviction policy details.
Mapping cache for Object->int mappings, with FIFO eviction.
Mapping cache for Object->int mappings, with LRU eviction.
The Boolean type.
The Byte type.
The Character type.
The Double type.
The Float type.
The Integer type.
The Long type.
The Short type.
A boxed primitive type.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.flightjs.protocol.BrowserNextResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.flightjs.protocol.BrowserNextResponse
A flight js service is a (non-proper) extension of arrow flight service that augments existing client-streaming (or bidirectional streaming) methods with a pair that can be used to simulate a client stream over unary requests.
A flight js service is a (non-proper) extension of arrow flight service that augments existing client-streaming (or bidirectional streaming) methods with a pair that can be used to simulate a client stream over unary requests.
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service BrowserFlightService.
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service BrowserFlightService.
Base class for the server implementation of the service BrowserFlightService.
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service BrowserFlightService.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.BrowserNextResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.BrowserNextResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.BrowserNextResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.BrowserNextResponse
Creates a BrowserStream based on the current session and the observed passed in to the open stream call.
Interceptor to notice x-deephaven-stream headers in a request and provide them to later parts of BrowserStream tooling so that unary and server-streaming calls can be combined into an emulated bidirectional stream.
Represents a given "pixel" in the downsampled output - the first and last value within that pixel, and the max/min value of each column we're interested in within that pixel.
Utility methods for working with ByteBuffers.
Java proxy module for builtins.
A business calendar, with the concept of business and non-business time.
A runtime exception that is thrown when a date is invalid.
A parser for reading business calendar XML files.
An EMA which can compute aggregated EMAs without grouping and then ungrouping.
An engine aware EMA which can compute "groupBy" emas without grouping and then ungrouping.
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a byte sort-column on add-only tables.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result byte columns.
A ByteType array.
See documentation in the interface and parent class for details.
Simple array source for Byte.
Reinterpret result ColumnSource implementations that translates byte to Boolean values.
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a byte sort-column on blink tables.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Short.
See documentation in the interface and parent class for details.
This is an InputStream implementation which reads from a java.nio.ByteBuffer.
This is an OutputStream implementation which places the output into a java.nio.ByteBuffer.
A pair of stream implementations which write to and read from sequences of byte buffers.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, byte, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, byte, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, byte, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, byte, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, byte, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, byte, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, byte, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, byte, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Bytes.
This implements a timsort kernel for Bytes.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of byte and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, char, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, char, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, char, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, char, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, char, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, char, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, char, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, char, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of byte and char elements.
ByteChunk<ATTR extends Any>
Chunk implementation for byte data.
A column source backed by ByteChunks.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
Iterative sum operator, extended for absolute values and regular sums.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
Creates chunk filters for byte values.
ChunkPool implementation for chunks of bytes.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
ColumnIterator implementation for columns of primitive bytes.
Functional interface to apply an operation to a single byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, double, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, double, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, double, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, double, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, double, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, double, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, double, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, double, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of byte and double elements.
Compute an exponential moving standard deviation for a byte column source.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, float, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, float, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, float, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, float, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, float, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, float, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, float, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, float, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of byte and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, int, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, int, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, int, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, int, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, int, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, int, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, int, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, int, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Bytes.
This implements a timsort kernel for Bytes.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of byte and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, long, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, long, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, long, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, long, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, long, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, long, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, long, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, long, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Bytes.
This implements a timsort kernel for Bytes.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of byte and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, Object, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, Object, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, Object, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, Object, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, Object, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, Object, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, Object, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, Object, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of byte and Object elements.
Common parent for CharSequenceAdapters that store chars as single bytes (for simple encodings).
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Short.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A simple circular buffer for primitive values, like java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue but without the synchronization and collection overhead.
Rolling formula operator for source byte columns.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, short, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, short, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, short, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, short, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, short, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, short, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, short, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of byte, short, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of byte and short elements.
Single value source for Byte.
The SortKernel sorts a chunk of primitive value together with a parallel ByteChunk of RowKeys.
Sparse array source for Byte.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A subset of a ByteVector according to an array of positions.
This implements a timsort kernel for Bytes.
This implements a timsort kernel for Bytes.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int and add the specified offset.
Functional interface to apply a function to a single byte input and produce a single int result.
Cast the values in the input chunk to a long.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an long and add the specified offset.
The primitive byte type.
Processes a JSON value as a byte.
See ReplicateDownsamplingValueTrackers for notes on changing this file.
A Vector of primitive bytes.
Base class for all "indirect" ByteVector implementations.
A ByteVector backed by an array.
A subset of a ByteVector according to a range of positions.
Channel provider that will cache a bounded number of unused channels.
The cache directory is a directory that the application may use for storing data with "cache-like" semantics.
Supplier wrapper that caches the result.
A calendar.
Schedule for a single calendar day.
A collection of business calendars.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CancelAutoCompleteRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CancelAutoCompleteRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CancelAutoCompleteResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CancelAutoCompleteResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CancelCommandRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CancelCommandRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CancelCommandResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CancelCommandResponse
UncheckedDeephavenException used when an action is cancelled or interrupted.
Interface for immutable tuple classes that can produce a new instance of themselves with canonicalized object elements.
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CaseSensitivity
Functions for casting between types.
Cast can not preserve the value.
Dataset with discrete and numeric components.
Dataset with discrete and numeric components.
The core of the Category data series update and indexing.
A dataset for categorical data which maps a category to it's numerical value.
A dataset for table-based categorical data.
A dataset for SwappableTable based categorical data.
An CategoryDataSeries with error bars.
An CategoryDataSeriesInternal with error bars.
The core of the Error Bar Category date series update and indexing.
A dataset for categorical data which maps a category to it's numerical value.
A dataset for SwappableTable based categorical data.
Category data series backed by a Table.
Utility class with methods to support consuming from a Change Data Capture (CDC) Kafka stream (as, eg, produced by Debezium) to a Deephaven table.
Users specify CDC streams via objects satisfying this interface; the objects are created with static factory methods, the classes implementing this interface are opaque from a user perspective.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.ChangeDocumentRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.ChangeDocumentRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.ChangeDocumentRequest.TextDocumentContentChangeEvent
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.ChangeDocumentRequest.TextDocumentContentChangeEvent
Simple array source for Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Boolean, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Character, and Short.
ColumnIterator implementation for columns of primitive chars.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Double, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Float, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Instant, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Integer, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Object, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Long, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Character, Short, and Short.
Single value source for Character.
Sparse array source for Character.
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a char sort-column on add-only tables.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result char columns.
A CharType array.
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a char sort-column on blink tables.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, byte, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, byte, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, byte, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, byte, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, byte, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, byte, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, byte, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, byte, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Characters.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of char and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, char, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, char, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, char, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, char, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, char, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, char, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, char, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, char, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of char and char elements.
CharChunk<ATTR extends Any>
Chunk implementation for char data.
A column source backed by CharChunks.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
Iterative sum operator, extended for absolute values and regular sums.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
Creates chunk filters for char values.
ChunkPool implementation for chunks of chars.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
Functional interface to apply an operation to a single char.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, double, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, double, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, double, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, double, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, double, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, double, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, double, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, double, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of char and double elements.
Compute an exponential moving standard deviation for a char column source.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, float, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, float, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, float, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, float, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, float, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, float, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, float, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, float, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of char and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, int, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, int, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, int, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, int, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, int, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, int, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, int, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, int, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Characters.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of char and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, long, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, long, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, long, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, long, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, long, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, long, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, long, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, long, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Characters.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of char and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, Object, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, Object, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, Object, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, Object, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, Object, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, Object, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, Object, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, Object, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of char and Object elements.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A simple circular buffer for primitive values, like java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue but without the synchronization and collection overhead.
Rolling formula operator for source char columns.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
This class provides base functionality for several implementations of CharSequenceAdapter.
StringBuilder-like CharSequenceAdapter implementation.
Static helpers for hashCode, equality, and comparison of CharSequences.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, short, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, short, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, short, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, short, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, short, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, short, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, short, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of char, short, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of char and short elements.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A SsmBackedColumnSource for Characters.
A subset of a CharVector according to an array of positions.
Represents a graph.
A grid of charts.
Represents a graph.
Possible plot orientations.
This implements a timsort kernel for Characters.
This implements a timsort kernel for Characters.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int and add the specified offset.
Functional interface to apply a function to a single char input and produce a single int result.
Cast the values in the input chunk to a long.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an long and add the specified offset.
Static chart title
Types of Charts.
The primitive char type.
Processes a JSON value as a char.
See ReplicateDownsamplingValueTrackers for notes on changing this file.
A Vector of primitive chars.
Base class for all "indirect" CharVector implementations.
A CharVector backed by an array.
A subset of a CharVector according to a range of positions.
Chunk<ATTR extends Any>
Data structure for a contiguous region of data.
ChunkBase<ATTR extends Any>
A generic object intended to serve as a thin wrapper around an array region.
Convert an arbitrary chunk to a chunk of boxed objects.
Return a chunk that contains boxed Objects representing the primitive values in primitives.
A generic object intended to serve as a thin wrapper around a multidimensional array region.
An immutable ColumnSource that is backed by chunks.
Chunk-backed dictionary for use by ToPage implementations.
Writable sources that use simple arrays to back contiguous regions may implement this interface, allowing callers to reach directly into their storage in order to fill them without the need for additional array copies.
Chunked ByteColumnIterator implementation for chunk sources of primitive bytes.
Chunked CharacterColumnIterator implementation for chunk sources of primitive chars.
Iteration support for values supplied by a ChunkSource.
Chunked DoubleColumnIterator implementation for chunk sources of primitive doubles.
Chunked FloatColumnIterator implementation for chunk sources of primitive floats.
Chunked IntegerColumnIterator implementation for chunk sources of primitive ints.
Chunked LongColumnIterator implementation for chunk sources of primitive longs.
Chunked ShortColumnIterator implementation for chunk sources of primitive shorts.
A function ready to be run in a snapshot, to collect data about a table column.
Uses a ChunkerDocument to lookup user cursor and perform autocompletion.
Token literal values and constants.
Represents an ast node that could be invokable.
Used to extract some reusable token-checking logic from the generated parser.
A stream specialized for "peek ahead" during semantic LOOKAHEAD.
Token Manager.
Implementation helpers for chunks.
Append-only Page implementation that permanently wraps an array for data storage, atomically replacing "view" chunks with larger ones as the page is extended.
Append-only Page implementation that permanently wraps an array for data storage, atomically replacing "view" chunks with larger ones as the page is extended.
Append-only Page implementation that permanently wraps an array for data storage, atomically replacing "view" chunks with larger ones as the page is extended.
Append-only Page implementation that permanently wraps an array for data storage, atomically replacing "view" chunks with larger ones as the page is extended.
Append-only Page implementation that permanently wraps an array for data storage, atomically replacing "view" chunks with larger ones as the page is extended.
Append-only Page implementation that permanently wraps an array for data storage, atomically replacing "view" chunks with larger ones as the page is extended.
Append-only Page implementation that permanently wraps an array for data storage, atomically replacing "view" chunks with larger ones as the page is extended.
Append-only Page implementation that permanently wraps an array for data storage, atomically replacing "view" chunks with larger ones as the page is extended.
Append-only Page implementation that permanently wraps an array for data storage, atomically replacing "view" chunks with larger ones as the page is extended.
Creator of ChunkInputStreamGenerator instances.
Attribute that specifies that a Chunk contains lengths of ranges within some other Chunk.
ChunkPage<ATTR extends Any>
Factory for wrapping native arrays as ChunkPage instances.
Interface for pools of Chunks.
Repository for constants used by ChunkPool implementations.
Static callback holder for pooled chunk allocation.
Support for release tracking, in order to detect chunk release errors.
Attribute that specifies that a Chunk contains positions within some other Chunk.
Consumes Flight/Barrage streams and transforms them into WritableChunks.
Supports creation of ChunkReader instances to use when processing a flight stream.
Describes type info used by factory implementations when creating a ChunkReader.
ChunkSink<ATTR extends Any>
Marker interface for Contexts that are used in ChunkSource.getChunk(GetContext, RowSequence).
Sub-interface for ChunkSources that support previous value retrieval.
Convert an Object chunk to a chunk of primitives.
Return a chunk that contains boxed Objects representing the primitive values in primitives.
The TLS ciphers.
Include the ciphers explicitly defined.
Includes intermediate ciphers for TLSv1.3 and TLSv1.2.
Include the ciphers defined by the JDK.
Includes modern ciphers for TLSv1.3 and TLSv1.2.
Include the ciphers defined by the system properties "https.cipherSuites".
Read a list of classes from a classpath resource.
SimpleReference with an additional cleanup callback.
Utility for draining a reference queue of CleanupReferences and invoking their cleanup methods.
Dedicated ReferenceQueue suppliers for various engine purposes.
A client channel factory that may update ClientConfig values before handing off to a ClientChannelFactoryDefaulter.delegate().
The client configuration encapsulates the configuration to created a ManagedChannel.
Data sent from the client to the server as part of a bidirection message stream.
A generic payload sent from the client to the server.
A generic payload sent from the client to the server.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Integrators are encouraged to provide their own ClientChannelFactory, in particular with respect to BarrageSessionFactoryConfig.userAgent(List).
Provides time-based methods.
The time provider for a TimeTable.
Boilerplate super-class for various clock-oriented filters.
Representation of a contiguous key range with monotonically nondecreasing timestamp values.
Runtime exception thrown by update processing code that observes evidence of clock inconsistencies.
A base implementation of Clock, with all methods being sourced from Clock.currentTimeNanos().
The system time provider.
This interface extends Iterator and AutoCloseable in order to allow for iterators that acquire resources that must be released.
Closeable primitive iterator over elements of type byte.
Closeable primitive iterator over elements of type char.
Closeable primitive iterator over elements of type double.
Closeable primitive iterator over elements of type float.
Closeable primitive iterator over elements of type int.
Closeable primitive iterator over elements of type long.
Closeable primitive iterator over elements of type short.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CloseDocumentRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CloseDocumentRequest
Intentionally empty and is here for backwards compatibility should this API change.
Intentionally empty and is here for backwards compatibility should this API change.
Wraps a SerializableBiFunction with the API of a function.
A serializable closure which maps pair of doubles to doubles.
A serializable closure which maps doubles to doubles.
Wraps a HasClosure with the API of a function.
Cache for ObjectCodec instances.
Exception class for CodecCache item construction issues.
Representation class for codec information stored in key-value metadata for Deephaven-written Parquet files.
Utility class to concentrate ObjectCodec lookups.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
A color.
Functions for mapping between values and Colors or Paints.
Serializable Predicate.
Palette of Colors.
Algorithmically generated ColorPalette.
Algorithm for generating a sequence of Colors.
ColorPalette specified by an array of Colors.
Pre-made color palettes.
Pre-defined Colors available by name.
Colors moved to Color.
Formatting methods from ColorUtil.
Creates distinct and unique coloration for each unique input value.
A column is name and array pair.
A ColumnAggregation is an Aggregation that is composed of a spec and a single input/output column pair.
ColumnAggregations is an Aggregation that is composed of a spec and multiple input/output column pairs.
Used to iterate over column page readers for each page with the capability to set channel context to for reading the pages.
Column definition for all Deephaven columns.
Validates a column expression coming from the web api, to ensure that the included code will use the limited supported API, and no use of `new`.
Container for utilities to work with magic String values used to indicate formatted rows and columns.
Creates ColumnHandlerFactory.ColumnHandler instances with specified data types.
Holds a table column.
A column header is name and type pair.
Data to construct a data column.
Iteration support for values supplied by a column.
Per-TableLocation, per-column key, state, and factory object.
Represents a column name.
A CsvSpecs.Builder.headerLegalizer(Function) that replaces '-' and ' ' with '_'.
Provides the API for reading a single parquet page
Converts large data types to Preview types.
Column region interface for regions that support fetching primitive bytes.
Column region interface for regions that support fetching primitive chars.
ColumnRegionObject implementation for regions that support fetching symbols from a dictionary represented as an ObjectChunk.
Column region interface for regions that support fetching primitive doubles.
Column region interface for regions that support fetching primitive floats.
Column region interface for regions that support fetching primitive ints.
Column region interface for regions that support fetching primitive longs.
Column region interface for regions that support fetching objects.
Column region interface for regions that support fetching primitive shorts.
This exception is thrown when ConstructSnapshot fails to successfully collect snapshot data for a column in parallel.
A "source" for column data - allows cell values to be looked up by (long) keys.
Defaulted interfaces for various base ColumnSource types, in order to avoid having defaults at higher levels in the class hierarchy.
Default interface for Boolean ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for byte ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for char ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for double ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for float ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for int ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for long ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for Instant ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for Object ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for short ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for long-backed ColumnSource implementations.
Manager for ColumnSources in a Table.
Helper class to support easier to read in-line column definitions.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ColumnStatisticsRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ColumnStatisticsRequest
Convert value columns into labeled rows.
Representation class for per-column type information stored in key-value metadata for Deephaven-written Parquet files.
Values for the ColumnTypeInfo.specialType() field.
Utility methods for constructing Vectors from the columns of a Table, enabling random and bulk access to column data by row position.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ComboAggregateRequest.Aggregate
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ComboAggregateRequest.Aggregate
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ComboAggregateRequest.AggType
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ComboAggregateRequest
The out-of-the-box authorization provider for the Deephaven community server.
The out-of-the-box CommunityComponentFactory.CommunityComponent factory for the Deephaven community server.
The out-of-the-box community Component.
The out-of-the-box community Module.
Includes some of the common modules necessary for creating a DeephavenApiServerComponent / DeephavenApiServer.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CompareCondition
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CompareCondition
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CompareCondition.CompareOperation
An iterator for the complement set over an universe of [0, Long.MAX_VALUE].
An OutputStream that can be marked as done, completed, or rolled back.
A class specifically for completing assignment statements; to be called after the completer has discovered the cursor near an assignment token.
A class specifically for completing column expression; to be called after the completer has discovered the a column expression with an = and the cursor is at or after =.
A class specifically for completing column names; to be called after the completer has discovered the name of the column to match.
A class specifically for completing invocations; to be called with method results when the cursor is somewhere that a method is valid.
A class specifically for completing table names; to be called after the completer has discovered the name of the table.
A class specifically for completing table namespaces; to be called after the completer has discovered the name of the namespace.
A class specifically for completing variable names.
Some basic tools for computing completion results.
Thrown from the document parser if the user has updated the document while an ongoing completion request was blocking on stale input.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CompletionContext
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CompletionContext
A Deephaven-internal completion fragment.
General API for returning a list of completion results from a given offset in a source command.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CompletionItem
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.CompletionItem
A lookup object for various values that the ChunkerCompleter might be interested in.
Various context-sensitive options to use when generating completions.
A specialized parser for autocompletion; maybe better to call it a chunker than a parser...
A stateful object to represent a document search at a given position.
A safe version of CompletableFuture that does not expose the completion API.
A CompletableFuture that prevents users from completing the future by hiding behind CompletionStageFuture.
Provides a structured approach for constructing DeephavenApiServerComponent.
A statistic that represents the composite or rolled-up value of a set of child statistics, as best as possible.
Routing TableDataService that applies a selector function to pick service(s) for each request.
A consistency monitor for use in the CompositeTableDataService.
Immutable byte[]-backed String replacement.
An Intermediate adapter interface between Deephaven column writing and parquet compression.
An InputStream that will not close the underlying stream when InputStream.close() is called.
Computer creates a new deferred calculation plus an offset (FutureOffset) every time computer is called.
The ComputerSystem represents the physical hardware, of a computer system/product and includes BIOS/firmware and a motherboard, logic board, etc.
This cache follows the same design as ConcurrentUnboundedStringCache, but uses a KeyedObjectCache (bounded, concurrent-get, "pseudo-random pseudo-LRU" replacement) for its internal storage.
Indicates that the annotated method should be executed concurrently with respect to the UpdateGraph (UGP).
Common interface for LockFreeArrayQueue and variants.
A very limited interface is specified, in order to decouple typeAdapter pooling and related concerns from the cache itself.
The set of Conditions that can be used with various filters.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Condition
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Condition
A set of multiple models where predicates determine which of the models execute on any iteration.
A condition filter evaluates a formula against a table.
Provides server-specified configuration values to gRPC clients.
This interface provides type-safe authorization hooks for ConfigServiceGrpc.
Provides simple configuration data to users.
Provides simple configuration data to users.
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service ConfigService.
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service ConfigService.
Base class for the server implementation of the service ConfigService.
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service ConfigService.
Serves specified configuration properties to gRPC clients.
Utility class to provide an enhanced view and common access point for java properties files, as well as common configuration pieces.
ONLY the service factory is allowed to get null properties and ONLY for the purposes of using default profiles when one doesn't exist.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ConfigurationConstantsRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ConfigurationConstantsRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ConfigurationConstantsResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ConfigurationConstantsResponse
Standardized runtime exception type for Configuration and related utilities.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ConfigValue
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ConfigValue
First payload to send on a MessageStream, indicating the object to connect to on the server.
First payload to send on a MessageStream, indicating the object to connect to on the server.
This interface provides type-safe authorization hooks for ConsoleServiceGrpc.
Console interaction service
Console interaction service
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service ConsoleService.
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service ConsoleService.
Base class for the server implementation of the service ConsoleService.
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service ConsoleService.
A console session is part of a Session that allows script execution.
A ConstituentDependency is used to establish a dependency relationship between a table and the constituent tables (or table-like things) that fill its columns.
This exception is thrown when a constituent table of a UnionSourceManager encounters an error.
A Set of static utilities for computing values from a table while avoiding the use of an update graph lock.
Interface used to control snapshot behavior, including previous value usage and consistency testing.
Exception thrown for "fail-fast" purposes when it's been detected that a snapshot will fail.
An implementation of ConstructSnapshot.SnapshotControl for sources that cannot update.
Converter from a stream of Kafka records to a Deephaven StreamPublisher.
Base container class.
Various useful methods for roaring bitmaps.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ContainsCondition
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ContainsCondition
Base interface for state/mutable data that needs to be kept over the course of an evaluation session for a Chunk Source, Functor or Sink.
Interface for Object ColumnSources that offer an alternative get method that takes a context.
Simple wrapper around the Jetty Resource type, to grant us control over caching features.
An interface for ColumnSources that indicate that it both represents a time value, and may be converted between other common time values efficiently.
Rewrite any IN-type expression into its corresponding EQUALS if the left side is not a reference or if the right side does have a reference.
Base-class for stream first/last-by chunked operators that need to copy data from source columns to result columns with a permutation on the redirected indices.
An aggregation that provides a single output column with the number of rows in each aggregation group.
A statistic where each value represents a additive quantity, and thus the sum of the values does have meaning.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CreateDirectoryRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CreateDirectoryRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CreateDirectoryResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CreateDirectoryResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CreateInputTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CreateInputTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CreateInputTableRequest.InputTableKind
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CreateInputTableRequest.InputTableKind.Blink
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CreateInputTableRequest.InputTableKind.Blink
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CreateInputTableRequest.InputTableKind
Creates an in-memory append-only table - rows cannot be modified or deleted.
Creates an in-memory append-only table - rows cannot be modified or deleted.
Creates an in-memory table that supports updates and deletes by keys.
Creates an in-memory table that supports updates and deletes by keys.
Implementation for chunk-oriented joins that produce multiple RHS rows per-LHS row, including TableOperations.join(TABLE) (referred to as simply join or "cross join") and a left outer join.
Shift state used by the BitShiftingColumnSource.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CrossJoinTablesRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.CrossJoinTablesRequest
The csv table resolver is able to resolve CSV for schemes csv+http, http+csv, csv+https, https+csv, csv+file, file+csv, and csv into tables.
Utilities for reading and writing CSV files to and from Tables
A UpdateBySpec for performing a Cumulative Min/Max of the specified columns.
A UpdateBySpec for performing a Cumulative Product of the specified columns.
A UpdateBySpec for performing a Cumulative Sum of the specified columns.
A ByteBufferSink that knows and provides a getter for the last buffer it gave out, to avoid unnecessary state in code that uses the buffer.
Allows applications to offer custom autocomplete suggestions.
Factory interface for CustomCompletion instances, allowing the autocomplete internals to manage scope directly of CustomCompletion instances.
A custom server object that may be ObjectService.Fetchable or ObjectService.Bidirectional.
A custom type class.
Expansion of BasicDataIndex to include methods for transforming the index and fast retrieval of row keys from lookup keys.
Provides a lookup function from a lookup key to the row key in the index table.
Indexer that provides single and multi-column clustering indexes for a table, linked to a TrackingRowSet.
Representation class for data index information stored in key-value metadata for Deephaven-written Parquet files.
A subset of the methods of Set, to be used for storing a representation of the keys in a DataIndex.
A transformation to apply to an existing data index in order to produce a transformed BasicDataIndex.
Tools for working with data indices.
A KeyedObjectKey that for values keyed by a lookup key.
A generic data series.
A generic data series.
String formatter for Instant and ZonedDateTime.
Common date time formatters.
Functions for working with time.
Exception type thrown when operations on date time values would exceed the range available by max or min long nanoseconds.
Exception type thrown when date time string representations can not be parsed.
If python is configured as the script language for this server, ensures that threads which may invoke python code will be able to be debugged.
A formatter for converting decimals into formatted strings.
Entrypoint for the Deephaven gRPC server, starting the various engine and script components, running any specified application, and enabling the gRPC endpoints to be accessed by consumers.
A Deephaven service helper for a channel.
A Deephaven-compatible functions holds a native python function with associated typing information, used to help implement AbstractConditionFilter and FormulaColumnPython.
Deephaven flavor of the Hadoop/Parquet CompressionCodec factory, offering support for picking codecs from configuration or from the classpath (via service loaders), while still offering the ability to get a CompressionCodecName enum value having loaded the codec in this way.
TableLocationKeyFinder that will traverse a directory hierarchy laid out in Deephaven's "nested-partitioned" format, e.g.
A Deephaven target represents the information necessary to establish a connection to a remote Deephaven service.
Provides NameResolver support for plaintext DeephavenTarget.
Provides NameResolver support for secure DeephavenTarget.
A Deephaven URI is a structure URI that has a Deephaven-specific scheme, either dh or dh+plain.
JVM implementation of ChunkInputStreamGenerator.Factory, suitable for use in Java clients and servers.
JVM implementation of ChunkReader.Factory, suitable for use in Java clients and servers.
An alternative set of defaults which may typically be used by ChunkSources which support a get method which only works for contiguous ranges.
A defensive Drainable implementation that supports the non-read methods of InputStream.
Base deferred region implementation.
ColumnRegionChar implementation for deferred regions, i.e.
ColumnRegionDouble implementation for deferred regions, i.e.
ColumnRegionFloat implementation for deferred regions, i.e.
ColumnRegionInt implementation for deferred regions, i.e.
ColumnRegionLong implementation for deferred regions, i.e.
ColumnRegionShort implementation for deferred regions, i.e.
ColumnRegionReferencing implementation for deferred regions, i.e.
ColumnRegionShort implementation for deferred regions, i.e.
An uncoalesced table with view and where operations to be applied after UncoalescedTable.coalesce() is forced.
The table reference hides the table underlying table from us.
Re-usable tool for scheduling delayed error notifications to be enqueued on the next update graph cycle.
Util class to allow the complete() call to get some work done (writing trailers as a payload) before calling the actual container implementation.
Allows you to join multiple completion handlers together, and coalesce the final results.
Creates all specified implementation, and sends all queries to each as necessary.
Indicates that this class implements LivenessNode via a member rather than implementing it directly.
The delegating script session delegates all calls to another script session.
Utility class to fan out session events to multiple handlers.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.DeleteItemRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.DeleteItemRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.DeleteItemResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.DeleteItemResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.DeleteTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.DeleteTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.DeleteTableResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.DeleteTableResponse
A clock impl with a delta adjustment.
An object for controlling the behavior of a UpdateByOperation.Delta(String...)} operation.
A class for constructing DeltaControl instances
A UpdateBySpec for performing a Cumulative Sum of the specified columns.
An interface for things that provide a stream of dependencies.
see io.deephaven.server.jetty.CommunityComponentFactory
DescriptorMessageClass<T extends>
A descriptor provider from a class on the classpath.
The configuration options for providing a Descriptors.Descriptor.
A descriptor provider sourced from a Kafka schema registry.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.Diagnostic
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.Diagnostic
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.Diagnostic.CodeDescription
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.Diagnostic.CodeDescription
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.Diagnostic.DiagnosticSeverity
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.Diagnostic.DiagnosticTag
A collection of int constants used for diagnostic messages.
Base class for reading dictionary-encoded string arrays and vectors.
Attribute that specifies that a Chunk contains positions within another Chunk that represents a dictionary of values.
Utilities to assist with file and directory operations.
The preferred watcher type is the built-in Java one as it's more efficient, but it doesn't catch all new files
Range which has been split into indexed bins (subranges).
DiscretizedRange where all bins are equal length.
Wraps Objects that cannot be displayed (e.g.
"Disposable" version of RspBitmap, which allows other instances of RspBitmap to steal its containers.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.DocumentRange
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.DocumentRange
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a double sort-column on add-only tables.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result double columns.
A DoubleType array.
Simple array source for Double.
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a double sort-column on blink tables.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Boolean, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Boolean, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Boolean, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Boolean, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Boolean, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Boolean, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Boolean, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Boolean, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, byte, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, byte, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, byte, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, byte, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, byte, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, byte, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, byte, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, byte, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Doubles.
This implements a timsort kernel for Doubles.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of double and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Character, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Character, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Character, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Character, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Character, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Character, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Character, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Character, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, char, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, char, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, char, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, char, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, char, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, char, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, char, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, char, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of double and char elements.
Chunk implementation for double data.
A column source backed by DoubleChunks.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
Creates chunk filters for double values.
ChunkPool implementation for chunks of doubles.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
ColumnIterator implementation for columns of primitive doubles.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Double, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Double, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, double, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Double, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, double, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Double, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, double, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Double, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, double, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Double, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Double, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, double, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Double, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, double, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Double, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, double, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Double, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, double, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of double and double elements.
Compute an exponential moving standard deviation for a double column source.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Float, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Float, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, float, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Float, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, float, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Float, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, float, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Float, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, float, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Float, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Float, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, float, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Float, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, float, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Float, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, float, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Float, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, float, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of double and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Instant, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Instant, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Instant, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Instant, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Instant, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Instant, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Instant, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Instant, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, int, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, int, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, int, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Integer, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Integer, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Integer, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Integer, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Integer, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Integer, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Integer, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Integer, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, int, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, int, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, int, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, int, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, int, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Doubles.
This implements a timsort kernel for Doubles.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of double and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, long, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, long, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, long, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, long, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, long, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, long, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, long, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, long, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Doubles.
This implements a timsort kernel for Doubles.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of double and long elements.
If you want to expose the internal state of an aggregation and compare it, then the new tables might have nulls where the old tables have zero.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Object, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Object, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, Object, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Object, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, Object, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Object, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, Object, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Object, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, Object, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Object, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Object, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, Object, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Object, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, Object, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Object, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, Object, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Object, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, Object, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of double and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Long, and Short.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A simple circular buffer for primitive values, like java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue but without the synchronization and collection overhead.
Rolling formula operator for source double columns.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Short, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Short, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, short, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Short, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, short, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Short, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, short, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Short, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, short, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Short, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Short, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, short, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Short, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, short, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Short, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, short, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Double, Short, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of double, short, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of double and short elements.
Single value source for Double.
Sparse array source for Double.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A SsmBackedColumnSource for Doubles.
A subset of a DoubleVector according to an array of positions.
This implements a timsort kernel for Doubles.
This implements a timsort kernel for Doubles.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
The primitive double type.
Processes a JSON value as a double.
See ReplicateDownsamplingValueTrackers for notes on changing this file.
A Vector of primitive doubles.
Base class for all "indirect" DoubleVector implementations.
A DoubleVector backed by an array.
A subset of a DoubleVector according to a range of positions.
SimpleReference implementation that allows a downgrade from strongly reachable to weakly reachable.
Provides chunks for given sources so that downsampling can walk several columns at once, allowing GetContext instances to be lazily created as needed, and all tracked together so they can all be closed with a single call.
Utilities for downsampling non-ticking time series data within a query.
Enum to use when selecting downsampling behavior:
A Deephaven-side shim for StatsDriver.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.DropColumnsRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.DropColumnsRequest
Removes the if-modified-since header from any request that contains it.
This signals that our helper should look for a duplicate right hand side row, and then throw an error.
Dynamic chart title created from table columns
A dynamic chart title from oneClick datasets
A dynamic chart title from Table
An abstract class for dynamic chart title from table and oneClick dataset
Utilities for dynamic compilation.
Interface for dynamic nodes in a query's directed acyclic graph.
Provide unique names for series.
The DynamicTableWriter creates an in-memory table using ArrayBackedColumnSources of the type specified in the constructor.
This annotation indicates that a field is used in dynamically generated code.
A where filter that extracts a set of inclusion or exclusion keys from a set table.
An object type plugin named "Echo" that echos back the received contents back to the client.
A source of element data within a table.
An array of EMAs with different timescales.
A UpdateBySpec for performing an Exponential Moving Average across the specified columns
A UpdateBySpec for performing an Exponential Moving Average across the specified columns
A NotificationQueue.ErrorNotification that does not actually notify anything.
A NotificationQueue.Notification that does not actually notify anything.
An empty table with EmptyTable.size() rows and 0 columns.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.EmptyTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.EmptyTableRequest
0-Tuple key class.
A UpdateBySpec for performing an Exponential Moving Sum across the specified columns
A UpdateBySpec for performing an Exponential Moving Average across the specified columns
This interface is a slightly weaker version of, in that it only allows the use of the DataInput and -Output interfaces for reading and writing, not ObjectInput and -Output.
Attribute that specifies that a Chunk contains the bytes of objects which need to be decoded.
Encoding info enum, to help code determine what assumptions it can make about a CharSet, as well as simplification for encode/decode operations.
Provides the factory for providing engine table loggers.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
An EventDrivenUpdateGraph provides an isolated refresh processor.
Builds or retrieves a new EventDrivenUpdateGraph.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ExactJoinTablesRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ExactJoinTablesRequest
Class to help with determining details from Throwable instances.
String utility methods related to assertions.
An interface for prioritizing the execution of table rows.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.ExecuteCommandRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.ExecuteCommandRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.ExecuteCommandResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.ExecuteCommandResponse
Container for context-specific objects, that can be activated on a thread or passed to certain operations.
This exception is thrown when the ThreadLocal ExecutionContext or any of its components are accessed if they have not been properly initialized.
A sum where the values are decayed at an exponential rate to zero.
An export represents a server-side Table that is being kept alive.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ExportedTableCreationResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ExportedTableCreationResponse
Manage the lifecycle of exports that are Tables.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ExportedTableUpdateMessage
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ExportedTableUpdateMessage
Intentionally empty and is here for backwards compatibility should this API change.
Intentionally empty and is here for backwards compatibility should this API change.
Utility to export objects while writing a payload to send to the client.
A reference.
An opaque holder for a session export ID.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ExportNotification
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ExportNotification
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ExportNotification.State
Intentionally empty and is here for backwards compatibility should this API change.
Intentionally empty and is here for backwards compatibility should this API change.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ExportRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ExportRequest
Intentionally empty and is here for backwards compatibility should this API change.
Intentionally empty and is here for backwards compatibility should this API change.
Note that the export ticket resolver does not run the export results through the auth table transformation.
Represents an evaluate-able expression structure.
An unchecked exception indicating a problem with a parsed expression, for example in TableOperations.where(String...) or TableOperations.update(String...).
A parser that will try a set of ExpressionFactorys and attempt to parse the expression until one of them succeeds.
This annotation indicates that a class or method is used externally.
Utility methods used for writing/reading RowSets.
A generic interface for signaling a fatal error fatal errors.
Tool for centralizing error reports that should result in process termination.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.FetchFileRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.FetchFileRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.FetchFileResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.FetchFileResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.FetchObjectRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.FetchObjectRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.FetchObjectResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.FetchObjectResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.FetchTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.FetchTableRequest
Utilities for creating a Field.
Copy fields from a chunk of Kafka key or value objects to a chunk that will be published to a blink table.
A lightweight object describing the exposed field.
A lightweight object describing the exposed field.
The behavior when handling a protobuf bytes field.
The behavior when handling a protobuf map field.
The behavior when handling a protobuf message type.
The FieldPath.path() to a Descriptor's field.
Represents a batch of fields.
Represents a batch of fields.
A Deephaven field URI.
Utilities for manipulating object fields.
Utilities for creating FieldVector.
An interface for constructing plots.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.AxisDescriptor
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.AxisDescriptor.AxisFormatType
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.AxisDescriptor.AxisPosition
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.AxisDescriptor.AxisType
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.AxisDescriptor
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.BoolMapWithDefault
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.BoolMapWithDefault
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.BusinessCalendarDescriptor
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.BusinessCalendarDescriptor
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.BusinessCalendarDescriptor.BusinessPeriod
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.BusinessCalendarDescriptor.BusinessPeriod
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.BusinessCalendarDescriptor.DayOfWeek
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.BusinessCalendarDescriptor.Holiday
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.BusinessCalendarDescriptor.Holiday
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.BusinessCalendarDescriptor.LocalDate
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.BusinessCalendarDescriptor.LocalDate
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.ChartDescriptor
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.ChartDescriptor
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.ChartDescriptor.ChartType
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.DoubleMapWithDefault
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.DoubleMapWithDefault
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.MultiSeriesDescriptor
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.MultiSeriesDescriptor
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.MultiSeriesSourceDescriptor
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.MultiSeriesSourceDescriptor
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.OneClickDescriptor
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.OneClickDescriptor
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.SeriesDescriptor
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.SeriesDescriptor
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.SeriesPlotStyle
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.SourceDescriptor
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.SourceDescriptor
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.SourceType
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.StringMapWithDefault
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.FigureDescriptor.StringMapWithDefault
A factory for creating a new Figure.
An interface for constructing plots.
Applies a series transform to a given FigureImpl.
Displayable version of a Figure.
Marker interface for Controller to understand that it is looking at a plot/figure, and how it should be handled in the open api.
An object type named "Figure" of java class type FigureWidget.
A representation of an open file.
Base class for accessors that wrap a FileHandle with support for interruption and asynchronous close.
Factory interface for producing FileHandles.
Utility/helper methods for file operations.
Give callers of FileHelper.deleteRecursivelyOnNFS(File, Pattern) a better exception to catch.
Location finder that will take a directory file, traverse the directory hierarchy and infer partitions from key-value pairs in the directory names, for example:
Default implementation for the StorageService gRPC service, which will use the filesystem to store files on behalf of authenticated clients.
gRPC Storage Service implementation based on the filesystem.
Base ImmutableTableLocationKey implementation for table locations that may be enclosed by partitions and described by a File.
A UpdateBySpec for performing a forward fill of the specified columns.
Represents an evaluate-able filter.
Evaluates to true when all of the filters evaluate to true, and false when any of the filters evaluates to false.
Evaluates to true based on the specific operator applied to the left-hand side and right-hand side expressions.
TableDataService implementation with support to filter the provided TableLocations.
Evaluates to true when FilterIn.expression() is equal to any value in FilterIn.values().
Evaluates to true when the given expression evaluates to null.
FilterNot<F extends Filter>
Evaluates to true when the given filter evaluates to false.
Records filter operations to be applied to individual nodes of a hierarchical table for presentation.
Evaluates to true when any of filters evaluates to true, and false when none of the filters evaluates to true
A filter based on a regular-expression Pattern, compatible with any column types that are compatible with CharSequence.
The pattern mode
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.FilterTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.FilterTableRequest
Indicates that a defaulted method should be treated as final and never overridden.
The Firmware represents the low level BIOS or equivalent
An aggregation that provides a single output column with the first row key from the input table for each aggregation group in the result.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.FlattenRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.FlattenRequest
Extension that exposes middleware for construction of FlightClient.
Reads the provided flight token and uses it to build a profile.
Enforces that all IN-type expressions have a reference on the left side and only literals on the right side.
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a float sort-column on add-only tables.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result float columns.
A FloatType array.
Simple array source for Float.
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a float sort-column on blink tables.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Boolean, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Boolean, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Boolean, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Boolean, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Boolean, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Boolean, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Boolean, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Boolean, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, byte, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, byte, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, byte, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, byte, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, byte, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, byte, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, byte, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, byte, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Floats.
This implements a timsort kernel for Floats.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of float and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Character, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Character, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Character, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Character, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Character, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Character, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Character, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Character, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, char, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, char, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, char, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, char, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, char, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, char, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, char, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, char, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of float and char elements.
Chunk implementation for float data.
A column source backed by FloatChunks.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
Creates chunk filters for float values.
ChunkPool implementation for chunks of floats.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
ColumnIterator implementation for columns of primitive floats.
Functional interface to apply an operation to a single float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Double, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Double, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, double, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Double, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, double, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Double, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, double, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Double, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, double, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Double, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Double, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, double, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Double, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, double, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Double, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, double, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Double, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, double, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of float and double elements.
Compute an exponential moving standard deviation for a float column source.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Float, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Float, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, float, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Float, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, float, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Float, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, float, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Float, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, float, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Float, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Float, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, float, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Float, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, float, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Float, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, float, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Float, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, float, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of float and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Instant, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Instant, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Instant, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Instant, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Instant, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Instant, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Instant, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Instant, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, int, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, int, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, int, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Integer, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Integer, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Integer, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Integer, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Integer, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Integer, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Integer, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Integer, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, int, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, int, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, int, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, int, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, int, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Floats.
This implements a timsort kernel for Floats.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of float and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, long, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, long, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, long, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, long, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, long, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, long, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, long, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, long, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Floats.
This implements a timsort kernel for Floats.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of float and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Object, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Object, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, Object, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Object, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, Object, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Object, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, Object, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Object, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, Object, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Object, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Object, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, Object, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Object, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, Object, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Object, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, Object, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Object, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, Object, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of float and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Long, and Short.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A simple circular buffer for primitive values, like java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue but without the synchronization and collection overhead.
Rolling formula operator for source float columns.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Short, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Short, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, short, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Short, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, short, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Short, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, short, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Short, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, short, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Short, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Short, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, short, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Short, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, short, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Short, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, short, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Float, Short, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of float, short, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of float and short elements.
Single value source for Float.
Sparse array source for Float.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A SsmBackedColumnSource for Floats.
A subset of a FloatVector according to an array of positions.
This implements a timsort kernel for Floats.
This implements a timsort kernel for Floats.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Functional interface to apply a function to a single float input and produce a single double result.
The primitive float type.
Processes a JSON value as a float.
See ReplicateDownsamplingValueTrackers for notes on changing this file.
A Vector of primitive floats.
Base class for all "indirect" FloatVector implementations.
A FloatVector backed by an array.
A subset of a FloatVector according to a range of positions.
A font used to represent text.
Style of font.
Implementation of OperationInitializer that delegates to a ForkJoinPool.
Records format operations to be applied to individual nodes of a hierarchical table for presentation.
Formatters to transform strings into more usable forms.
The Formula class is used within a FormulaColumn to compute individual table cell values.
A container to hold a single copy of imports required to compile formulas for one operation.
A formula column for python native code.
Exception while compiling user formulas.
Exception while evaluating user formulas.
Extends FormulaKernel for specifically typed destination WritableChunks.
FreezeBy records the first value for a given key in the output table and ignores subsequent changes.
Represents a function call.
Extension to the Lock interface to enable locking for the duration of a lambda or other FunctionalInterface invocation.
ReentrantLock that adds the FunctionalLock default features.
A supplier that uses a FunctionConsistencyMonitor to ensure that multiple invocations to the same function always return the same value, even if underlying conditions (like the date) change.
An abstract table that represents the result of a function.
Future performs a deferred computation on a portion of a table.
FutureOffset pairs a deferred calculation with an offset, an index that indicates the location in the calculated result.
A list-like object that performs fuzzy sorting on the edit distance of strings.
The "Garbage-Collection Application", application id "", produces stream tables "notification_info" and "pools"; and derived tables "notification_info_stats", "notification_info_ring", and "pools_stats".
Java proxy module for gc.
An array-like object for non-primitive types.
Base ColumnRegion implementation.
Convert an Avro GenericRecord to Deephaven rows.
A non-primitive object type.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetCompletionItemsRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetCompletionItemsRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetCompletionItemsResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetCompletionItemsResponse
left empty for future compatibility
left empty for future compatibility
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetConsoleTypesResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetConsoleTypesResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetDiagnosticRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetDiagnosticRequest
left empty for future compatibility
left empty for future compatibility
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetHeapInfoResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetHeapInfoResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetHoverRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetHoverRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetHoverResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetHoverResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetPublishDiagnosticResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetPublishDiagnosticResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetPullDiagnosticResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetPullDiagnosticResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetSignatureHelpRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetSignatureHelpRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetSignatureHelpResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.GetSignatureHelpResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.GetTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.GetTableRequest
Attribute-driven functionality shared by Table and other grid-like components.
Represents an import that can be added to an ImportCustomizer, as a valid return from GroovyDeephavenSession.createImport(String).
Functions statically imported into Groovy.
The GroupedWritableRowRedirection is intended for situations where you have several row sets that represent contiguous rows of your output table and a flat output RowSet.
Representation class for grouping column information stored in key-value metadata for Deephaven-written Parquet files.
Deephaven-core's own handler for registering handlers for various grpc endpoints.
This interface handles the lifecycle of Netty and Jetty servers in a unified way, while still supporting the use cases that Deephaven expects: Deephaven wants to initiate stop early in the shutdown process, and block on it after all services have begun to stop. gRPC+Netty supports a non-blocking stop, a "stop now", and a pair of await methods, one of which takes a timeout. gRPC+Jetty supports a blocking stop with a timeout, and a join() method. In order to not block on the initial stop call, the Jetty implementation will run stop() in another thread.
A simple servlet backed by a gRPC server.
Servlet filter that translates grpc-web on the fly to match what is expected by GrpcServlet.
Wraps the usual ServletOutputStream so as to allow downstream writers to use it according to the servlet spec, but still make it easy to write trailers as a payload instead of using HTTP trailers at the end of a stream.
Wraps an incoming gRPC-web request so that a downstream filter/servlet can read it instead as a gRPC payload.
Wraps the outgoing gRPC-web response in a way that lets the gRPC servlet/filter write normal gRPC payloads to it, and let them be translated to gRPC-web.
Supports multiple endpoints, based on the negotiated sub-protocol.
The request that a client provides to a server on handshake.
The request that a client provides to a server on handshake.
Servers respond with information needed to make subsequent requests tied to this session.
Servers respond with information needed to make subsequent requests tied to this session.
Strongly-held SimpleReference.
A serializable closure.
Attribute that specifies that a Chunk contains integer hash codes.
Finds runs of the same slot, and fills in the chunkPositions, runStarts, and runLengths arrays.
Callback from generated hash table code.
When building, this operation is never invoked.
When probing, these operations are never invoked.
An abstract table that represents a hash set of array-backed tuples.
HashSet-backed StringSet implementation.
Annotations library for the column-oriented hash tables used by join and aggregation operations.
We tag the empty state variable with this annotation, so we know what its name is in the source and destination.
We tag the overflow state ColumnSource with this annotation, so we know what its name is in the source and destination.
We tag the state ColumnSource with this annotation, so we know what its name is in the source and destination.
ColumnSource implementation that delegates to the main and overflow sources for a hash table column.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.HeadOrTailByRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.HeadOrTailByRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.HeadOrTailRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.HeadOrTailRequest
This interface provides type-safe authorization hooks for HealthGrpc.
A simple method for generating a Heap dump for this JVM.
Base interface for the results of operations that produce a hierarchy of table nodes.
Opaque interface for objects used to cache snapshot state across multiple invocations of HierarchicalTable.snapshot(SnapshotState, Table, ColumnName, BitSet, RowSequence, WritableChunk[]).
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.HierarchicalTableApplyRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.HierarchicalTableApplyRequest
Deliberately empty response, use /ObjectService/FetchObject to access the result_hierarchical_table_id ticket as a HierarchicalTableDescriptor.
Deliberately empty response, use /ObjectService/FetchObject to access the result_hierarchical_table_id ticket as a HierarchicalTableDescriptor.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.HierarchicalTableDescriptor
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.HierarchicalTableDescriptor
Utilities for creating schemas from HierarchicalTable instances.
This interface provides type-safe authorization hooks for HierarchicalTableServiceGrpc.
A default implementation that allows all requests.
A default implementation that funnels all requests to invoke checkPermission.
A default implementation that denies all requests.
This service provides tools to create and view hierarchical tables (rollups and trees).
This service provides tools to create and view hierarchical tables (rollups and trees).
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service HierarchicalTableService.
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service HierarchicalTableService.
Base class for the server implementation of the service HierarchicalTableService.
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service HierarchicalTableService.
Wrapper exception class for failures in snapshot.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.HierarchicalTableSourceExportRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.HierarchicalTableSourceExportRequest
An object type named "HierarchicalTable" of java class type HierarchicalTable.
Server-side "view" object representing a client's snapshot target for HierarchicalTable data.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.HierarchicalTableViewKeyTableDescriptor
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.HierarchicalTableViewKeyTableDescriptor
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.HierarchicalTableViewRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.HierarchicalTableViewRequest
Deliberately empty response, use /FlightService/DoExchange to snapshot or subscribe to snapshots from the result result_view_id
Deliberately empty response, use /FlightService/DoExchange to snapshot or subscribe to snapshots from the result result_view_id
Tool that manages an active subscription to a HierarchicalTableView.
Utility for calculating histogram plot information: bin locations and data frequencies within these bins.
Iceberg location finder for tables without partitions that will discover data files from a Snapshot
This class provides instructions intended for reading Iceberg catalogs and tables.
Iceberg location finder for tables with partitions that will discover data files from a Snapshot
TableLocationKey implementation for use with data stored in Iceberg tables.
TableLocationKey implementation for use with data stored in Iceberg tables in the parquet format.
Tools for accessing tables in the Iceberg table format.
Tools for accessing tables in the Iceberg table format.
The identity material configuration.
Key implementation for objects keyed by their own identity.
The identity material configuration from a key store.
An identity materials list.
The identity material configuration from a certificate and private key.
Include the identity material defined by the system properties "", "", "", and "".
Simple almost flat array source that supports fillFromChunk for initial creation.
Simple almost flat array source that supports fillFromChunk for initial creation.
Simple almost flat array source that supports fillFromChunk for initial creation.
Simple almost flat array source that supports fillFromChunk for initial creation.
Immutable2DArraySource for Instants.
Simple almost flat array source that supports fillFromChunk for initial creation.
Simple almost flat array source that supports fillFromChunk for initial creation.
Simple almost flat array source that supports fillFromChunk for initial creation.
Simple almost flat array source that supports fillFromChunk for initial creation.
ImmutableArraySource for ZonedDateTimes.
Simple flat array source that supports fillFromChunk for initial creation.
Simple flat array source that supports fillFromChunk for initial creation.
Sub-interface of ColumnSource for implementations that always use return true from ImmutableColumnSource.isImmutable() and delegate all getPrev* methods to their current (non-previous) equivalents.
Defaulted interfaces for various immutable ColumnSource types, in order to avoid having defaults at higher levels in the class hierarchy.
Default interface for immutable Boolean ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for immutable byte ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for immutable char ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for immutable double ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for immutable float ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for immutable int ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for immutable long ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for immutable Instant ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for immutable Object ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for immutable short ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for immutable long-backed ColumnSource implementations.
Constant-value immutable ColumnSource of byte.
Constant-value immutable ColumnSource of char.
Constant-value immutable ColumnSource of double.
Constant-value immutable ColumnSource of float.
Constant ImmutableColumnSource for Instants.
Constant-value immutable ColumnSource of int.
Constant-value immutable ColumnSource of long.
Constant-value immutable ColumnSource of Object.
Constant-value immutable ColumnSource of short.
Constant ImmutableColumnSource for ZonedDateTimes.
Simple flat array source that supports fillFromChunk for initial creation.
Simple flat array source that supports fillFromChunk for initial creation.
ImmutableArraySource for Instants.
Simple flat array source that supports fillFromChunk for initial creation.
Simple flat array source that supports fillFromChunk for initial creation.
Simple flat array source that supports fillFromChunk for initial creation.
Simple flat array source that supports fillFromChunk for initial creation.
Sub-interface of TableKey to mark immutable implementations.
Sub-interface of TableLocationKey to mark immutable implementations.
ImmutableArraySource for ZonedDateTimes.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.InCondition
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.InCondition
Interface for ChunkedOperatorAggregationHelper to process incremental updates.
This will filter a table starting off with the first N rows, and then adding new rows to the table on each run.
Simple utility class for managing the indentation of generated code.
Dataset where values can be retrieved via an integer index.
IndexableData dataset backed by an array.
IndexableData dataset backed by an array.
IndexableData dataset with Byte values.
IndexableData dataset with Integer values.
IndexableData with Double values.
IndexableData dataset which ensures no IndexOutOfBoundsExceptions are thrown.
IndexableData dataset with Instant values.
IndexableData dataset with Integer values.
IndexableData dataset backed by an array.
IndexableData dataset whose data is a column in a SwappableTable and whose indices are the row numbers of the column.
IndexableData dataset whose data is a column in a SwappableTable and whose indices are the row numbers of the column.
IndexableData dataset whose data is a column in a table and whose indices are the row numbers of the column.
IndexableData with a default value for missing indices and nulls.
Dataset with indexed numeric values.
IndexableNumericData dataset comprised of an array of Dates.
IndexableNumericData dataset backed by an array of doubles.
IndexableNumericData dataset backed by an array of floats.
IndexableNumericData dataset comprised of an array of instants.
IndexableNumericData dataset backed by an array of ints.
IndexableNumericData dataset backed by an array of longs.
IndexableNumericData dataset backed by an array of Numbers.
IndexableNumericData dataset backed by an array of shorts.
IndexableNumericData dataset backed by a list of Numbers.
IndexableData dataset whose data is a column in a SwappableTable and whose indices are the row numbers of the column.
IndexableData dataset whose data is a column in a table and whose indices are the row numbers of the column.
Attribute that specifies that a Chunk contains indices, e.g.
A Raw table snapshot.
Creates an in-memory, append-only input table.
This is a marker interface for a column source that might be entirely within memory; therefore select operations should not try to copy it into memory a second time.
Creates an in-memory, append-only input table, with editable key rows.
Input specifies how to gather data from a table into a Python object.
An input table creation specification.
This interface provides type-safe authorization hooks for InputTableServiceGrpc.
A default implementation that allows all requests.
A default implementation that funnels all requests to invoke checkPermission.
A default implementation that denies all requests.
This service offers methods to manipulate the contents of input tables.
This service offers methods to manipulate the contents of input tables.
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service InputTableService.
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service InputTableService.
Base class for the server implementation of the service InputTableService.
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service InputTableService.
A listener to be used with asynchronous input table methods to receive status notifications.
A minimal interface for mutable shared tables, providing the ability to write to the table instance this is attached to.
Array-backed ColumnSource for Instants.
Reinterpret result ColumnSource implementations that translates Instant to long values.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Boolean, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Boolean, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Boolean, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Boolean, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Boolean, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Boolean, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Boolean, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Boolean, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Character, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Character, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Character, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Character, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Character, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Character, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Character, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Character, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Double, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Double, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Double, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Double, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Double, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Double, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Double, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Double, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Float, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Float, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Float, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Float, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Float, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Float, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Float, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Float, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Instant, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Instant, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Instant, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Instant, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Instant, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Instant, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Instant, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Instant, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Integer, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Integer, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Integer, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Integer, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Integer, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Integer, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Integer, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Integer, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Short.
PageMaterializer implementation for Instants stored as Int96s representing an Impala format Timestamp (nanoseconds of day and Julian date encoded as 8 bytes and 4 bytes, respectively)
Processes a JSON number as an Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Object, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Object, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Object, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Object, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Object, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Object, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Object, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Object, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Long, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Short, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Short, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Short, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Short, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Short, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Short, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Short, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Instant, Short, and Short.
Sparse Array-backed ColumnSource for Instants.
A SsmBackedColumnSource for Instants.
The Instant type.
Processes a JSON string as an Instant.
This class is used for ShiftAwareListeners that represent "leaf" nodes in the update propagation tree.
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a int sort-column on add-only tables.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result int columns.
An IntType array.
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a int sort-column on blink tables.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, byte, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, byte, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, byte, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, byte, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, byte, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, byte, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, byte, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, byte, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Integers.
This implements a timsort kernel for Integers.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of int and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, char, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, char, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, char, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, char, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, char, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, char, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, char, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, char, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of int and char elements.
IntChunk<ATTR extends Any>
Chunk implementation for int data.
A column source backed by IntChunks.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
Iterative sum operator, extended for absolute values and regular sums.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
Creates chunk filters for int values.
ChunkPool implementation for chunks of ints.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
RowRedirection implementation that wraps a ColumnSource of ints.
WritableRowRedirection implementation that wraps a WritableColumnSource of ints.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, double, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, double, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, double, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, double, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, double, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, double, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, double, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, double, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of int and double elements.
Simple array source for Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Boolean, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Boolean, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Boolean, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Boolean, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Boolean, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Boolean, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Boolean, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Boolean, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Character, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Character, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Character, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Character, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Character, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Character, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Character, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Character, and Short.
ColumnIterator implementation for columns of primitive ints.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Double, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Double, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Double, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Double, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Double, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Double, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Double, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Double, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Float, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Float, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Float, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Float, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Float, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Float, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Float, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Float, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Instant, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Instant, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Instant, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Instant, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Instant, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Instant, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Instant, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Instant, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Integer, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Integer, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Integer, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Integer, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Integer, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Integer, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Integer, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Integer, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Object, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Object, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Object, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Object, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Object, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Object, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Object, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Object, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Long, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Short, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Short, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Short, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Short, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Short, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Short, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Short, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Integer, Short, and Short.
Single value source for Integer.
Sparse array source for Integer.
Compute an exponential moving standard deviation for a int column source.
Indicates that a particular method is for internal use only and should not be used by client code.
A clean interface for performing interpolations.
XYDataSeriesInternal suitable for bar charts.
An XYDataSeriesArray suitable for bar charts.
XYDataSeriesInternal suitable for bar charts.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, float, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, float, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, float, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, float, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, float, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, float, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, float, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, float, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of int and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, int, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, int, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, int, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, int, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, int, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, int, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, int, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, int, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Integers.
This implements a timsort kernel for Integers.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of int and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, long, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, long, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, long, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, long, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, long, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, long, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, long, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, long, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Integers.
This implements a timsort kernel for Integers.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of int and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, Object, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, Object, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, Object, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, Object, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, Object, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, Object, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, Object, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, Object, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of int and Object elements.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A simple circular buffer for primitive values, like java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue but without the synchronization and collection overhead.
Rolling formula operator for source int columns.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
An intrusive set that uses an array for its backing storage.
Adapter interface for elements to be entered into the set.
A pool for "free" entries to be use with IntrusiveChainedHash structures, implemented as a stack using the same adapter and intrusive fields.
Interface for allowing sub-interfaces to enforce a common interface for intrusive doubly-linked nodes.
Generic IntrusiveDoublyLinkedStructureBase.Adapter usable with any implementing class.
Basic implementation for classes that can simply extend it rather than implement the interface directly.
A simple queue based on circular intrusive doubly linked nodes (for O(1) random removal).
Circular doubly-linked structure base.
Adapter interface for nodes with intrusively-stored previous and next nodes.
Singly-linked queue.
Adapter interface for nodes with intrusively-stored next nodes.
A Caching structure that uses simple arrays with doubling, until a threshold is reached.
An interface defining the required intrusive property getters and setters.
An intrusive node for storing items in the cache.
A basic adapter class for IntrusiveSoftLRU.Node items in the cache.
The base node implementation for items in the cache.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, short, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, short, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, short, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, short, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, short, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, short, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, short, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of int, short, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of int and short elements.
The SortKernel sorts a chunk of primitive value together with a parallel IntChunk of RowKeys.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A SsmBackedColumnSource for Integers.
A subset of a IntVector according to an array of positions.
This implements a timsort kernel for Integers.
This implements a timsort kernel for Integers.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int and add the specified offset.
Cast the values in the input chunk to a long.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an long and add the specified offset.
The primitive int type.
Processes a JSON value as an int.
See ReplicateDownsamplingValueTrackers for notes on changing this file.
A Vector of primitive ints.
Base class for all "indirect" IntVector implementations.
A IntVector backed by an array.
A subset of a IntVector according to a range of positions.
Exception thrown when trying to read an invalid Parquet file.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.InvokeCondition
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.InvokeCondition
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.IsNullCondition
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.IsNullCondition
A common interface for ChunkerIdent, ChunkerInvoke, ChunkerNew and ChunkerArray which are the only ast nodes that can be "scope objects": thing.field.callMethod()[0] SomeClass().why.would() Ever()
Item<V extends Value>
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ItemInfo
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ItemInfo
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ItemType
A chunked, iterative operator that processes row keys and/or data from one input column to produce one or more output columns.
Context interface for bucketed operator updates.
Context interface for singleton (that is, one aggregation state) operator updates.
A JSON value processor implementation using Jackson>.
Autocomplete handling for JVM languages, that directly can interact with Java instances without any name mangling, and are able to use our flexible parser.
Helpful class which parses expressions and performs extra "this is exactly one expression" validation
Tool to wrap Python Callables into Java functional interfaces.
The JdbcToTableAdapter class provides a simple interface to convert a Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) ResultSet to a Deephaven Table.
String formatting styles for use when standardizing externally supplied column names.
Options applicable when reading JDBC data into a Deephaven in-memory table.
A catch-all bucket for settings used when converting Deephaven column values to and from JDBC values.
An abstraction for mapping a JDBC type to a Deephaven column type.
Provides a SQL decimal/numeric to double precision Deephaven type mapping
Provides a mapping from SQL decimal/numeric to Deephaven BigDecimal type.
A mapping that converts SQL double precision floating point to Deephaven BigDecimal
A mapping that converts SQL single precision floating point to Deephaven BigDecimal
A mapping for backward compatibility, converts a string column to a double array with a specified delimiter
A mapping for backward compatibility, converts a string column to a long array with a specified delimiter
Jetty pre-packages the certificates for us, no need to convert them
The jetty server configuration.
Values to indicate what kind of websocket support should be offered.
An interface for submitting jobs to be executed.
Helper interface for iterateSerial() and iterateParallel().
A default context for the scheduled job actions.
A join addition represents a new column that should be added as the result of a join, brought over from an existing column.
This is a listener that writes down the indices that were updated on a given clock cycle, and then notifies another listener.
A join match represents one column from a left table and one column from a right table.
Makes a redirection index based on the type provided by the join control.
This class encapsulates the configuration data and invocation of {/@link PyLibInitializer#initPyLib(String, String, String)}, {/@link PyLib#setProgramName(String)}, {/@link PyLib#setPythonHome(String)}, and {/@link PyLib#startPython(int, String...)}.
We can't reference the values in {/@link Diag} directly - that would cause {/@link org.jpy.PyLib} to prematurely initialize.
Represents the source for creating a JpyConfig.
Initializes Jpy.
AWT implementation of Shape
The JSON value types.
A JS plugin is a Plugin that allows for custom javascript and related content to be served, see io.deephaven.plugin.js.
Registers the JS plugins sourced from the manifest root located at ConfigDir / "js-plugins" (if "manifest.json" exists).
Registers the JS plugins sourced from the manifest root configuration property "deephaven.jsPlugins.resourceBase".
Includes the modules JsPluginManifestRegistration.Module, JsPluginConfigDirRegistration.Module, and JsPluginNpmPackageRegistration.Module; these modules add various means of configuration support for producing and registering JsPlugin.
Provides a no-op JsPluginRegistration for servers that don't host JS content.
Registers the JS plugins sourced from the NPM package roots as specified via the configuration properties that start with "deephaven.jsPlugins.".
Observes registration of JsPlugin instances.
Jetty-specific implementation of JsPluginRegistration to collect plugins and advertise their contents to connecting client.
Utility class to facilitate obtaining data for safepoint pauses count and time between two points in code.
An ingester that consumes an Apache Kafka topic and a subset of its partitions via one or more stream consumers.
A predicate for handling a range of partitions.
A predicate for evenly distributing partitions among a set of ingesters.
A predicate for handling a single partition.
This exception is thrown when there is a failure to consume a Kafka record during Kafka to Deephaven ingestion.
This exception is thrown when there is a failure to produce a Kafka record during Deephaven to Kafka publication.
The options to produce a Kafka stream from a Deephaven table.
Consumer for lists of ConsumerRecords coming from Kafka.
An adapter that maps keys and values, possibly each with multiple fields, to single Deephaven columns.
Class to specify conversion of Kafka KEY or VALUE fields to table columns.
A callback which is invoked from the consumer loop, enabling clients to inject logic to be invoked by the Kafka consumer thread.
Determines the initial offset to seek to for a given KafkaConsumer and TopicPartition.
Enum to specify operations that may apply to either of Kafka KEY or VALUE fields.
Class to specify conversion of table columns to Kafka KEY or VALUE fields.
Marker interface for StreamConsumer registrar provider objects.
Type for the result Table returned by kafka consumers.
Consume data into an in-memory append-only table.
Consume data into an in-memory blink table, which will present only newly-available rows to downstream operations and visualizations.
Consume data into an in-memory ring table.
An in-memory table that has keys for each row, which can be updated on the UGP.
The central idea is that we can use an open-addressed map as a bounded cache with concurrent get and synchronized put access.
A priority blocking queue that maintains one element per key.
Base key implementation for objects that should be hashed and compared by the identity of their key.
Chunk-oriented serializer that supplies keys or values for stream publishing.
Context interface.
Base class for location finders that traverse file hierarchy to infer partitions.
Interface for implementations to perform type coercion and specify a table of partition values for observed table locations.
Location finder that delivers a known set of keys.
Dataset with data point labels.
A labeled table is label and table pair.
Labeled tables is a list of labeled tables.
An aggregation that provides a single output column with the last row key from the input table for each aggregation group in the result.
The builder class for use in assembling layout hints suitable for use with LayoutHintBuilder.applyToTable(Table) or GridAttributes.setLayoutHints(String).
The display mode for the search bar.
This interface represents a table that will not update itself on the run cycle, but instead run itself when the run for snapshot is called.
The right hand side table of a V2 snapshot must be an QueryTable (otherwise it fails with a class cast exception), but there are certain cases where we may not want that to be true (e.g., a WnUnsubscribedTable).
A leaf node style is suitable for leaf nodes.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.LeftJoinTablesRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.LeftJoinTablesRequest
Specifications for the style of a line.
Style for shapes drawn at the end of a line.
Style for drawing the connections between line segments.
Provides a potentially descriptive label for the parents of a TableSpec.
A listener recorder stores references to added, removed, modified, and shifted indices; and then notifies a MergedListener that a change has occurred.
Intentionally empty and is here for backwards compatibility should this API change.
Intentionally empty and is here for backwards compatibility should this API change.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ListItemsRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ListItemsRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ListItemsResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ListItemsResponse
Represents a literal value.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Literal
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Literal
An AssociativeData backed by a table.
Re-usable AttributeMap implementation that is also a LivenessArtifact.
An IndexableData backed by a table.
An IndexableNumericData backed by a table.
Utility class for liveness-related instrumentation.
A query engine artifact that is also a LivenessNode.
Interface for objects that retainReference LivenessReferents until such time as they are no longer necessary.
A LivenessReferent that is also a LivenessManager, transitively enforcing liveness on its referents.
Interface for objects that continue to "live" while retained by a LivenessManager.
LivenessNode implementation for providing external scope to one or more LivenessReferents.
Support for a thread-local stack of LivenessScopes to allow the preferred programming model for scoping of LivenessArtifacts.
Exception class thrown when incorrect usage of a LivenessReferent is detected.
Provides a mapping between Python refcount and Deephaven's liveness mechanism, allowing liveness scopes to manage the single strong reference that the PyObject instance represents.
Marker interface for dynamic GUI widgets.
LiveWidgets may implement this interface to restrict the users who can see a particular widget.
LocalDate codec, with support for "full" and "compact" encodings.
Processes a JSON string as an LocalDate.
A ColumnSource for LocalDates that is backed by an inner ColumnSource of ZonedDateTime.
LocalTime codec, with support for nanosecond, millisecond, or second precision.
A ColumnSource for LocalTimes that is backed by an inner ColumnSource of ZonedDateTime.
LocationTableBuilder implementation that uses the default Deephaven CSV parser for type inference and coercion.
LocationTableBuilder implementation that uses the a TableDefinition and PartitionParsers to assemble location tables.
A Java implementation of the algorithm described in: Philippas Tsigas, Yi Zhang, "A simple, fast and scalable non-blocking concurrent FIFO queue for shared memory multiprocessor systems", Proceedings of the thirteenth annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms and architectures, p.134-143, July 2001, Crete Island, Greece This version modifies the way we choose which NULL to use when dequeuing: 1) We let the head and tail pointers range over the entire set of 32-bit unsigned values.
Allocationless logger interface For testing help, see ConsolidatingLogEntry.
An implementation that always returns a single cached Logger.
OutputStream implementation for outputting data to a Logger.
Logic functions.
A logical update clock interface that has two states, Updating and Idle.
The state component of a logical timestamp.
A logical update clock that has two states, Updating and Idle.
Collects output for efficient textual logging.
Allows objects to be smart about appending themselves to LogOutput instances...
A LogOutput implementation, designed solely as an adapter for LogOutputAppendable's to produce Strings.
One element of a log sink - guaranteed to be logged without being split over rolling file boundaries, etc.
An interceptor is called with each element logged, *and* with the formatted output.
Shutdown helpers to force flush of outstanding elements
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.LogSubscriptionData
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.LogSubscriptionData
Presently you get _all_ logs, not just your console.
Presently you get _all_ logs, not just your console.
Note this is similar to java.util.function.LongPredicate; we don't use that since it could create confusion as for intended semantics for use.
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a long sort-column on add-only tables.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result long columns.
A LongType array.
Simple array source for Long.
Reinterpret result ColumnSource implementations that translates long to Instant values.
Reinterpret result ColumnSource implementations that translates long to LocalDate values.
Reinterpret result ColumnSource implementations that translates long to LocalTime values.
Reinterpret result ColumnSource implementations that translates long values to various Time types.
Reinterpret result ColumnSource implementations that translates long to ZonedDateTime values.
StringSet that wraps a long bitmap decoded with a lookup function.
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a long sort-column on blink tables.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, byte, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, byte, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, byte, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, byte, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, byte, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, byte, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, byte, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, byte, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Longs.
This implements a timsort kernel for Longs.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of long and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, char, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, char, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, char, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, char, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, char, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, char, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, char, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, char, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of long and char elements.
LongChunk<ATTR extends Any>
Chunk implementation for long data.
LongConsumer that appends successive longs to a WritableLongChunk without mutating the destination's size.
A column source backed by LongChunks.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
Iterative sum operator, extended for absolute values and regular sums.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
Creates chunk filters for long values.
ChunkPool implementation for chunks of longs.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
ColumnIterator implementation for columns of primitive longs.
RowRedirection implementation that wraps a ColumnSource of longs.
WritableRowRedirection implementation that wraps a WritableColumnSource of longs.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, double, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, double, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, double, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, double, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, double, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, double, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, double, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, double, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of long and double elements.
Compute an exponential moving standard deviation for a long column source.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, float, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, float, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, float, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, float, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, float, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, float, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, float, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, float, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of long and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, int, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, int, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, int, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, int, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, int, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, int, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, int, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, int, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Longs.
This implements a timsort kernel for Longs.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of long and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, long, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, long, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, long, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, long, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, long, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, long, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, long, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, long, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Longs.
This implements a timsort kernel for Longs.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of long and long elements.
The LongMegaMergeKernel merges sorted chunks into a column source, with a parallel long array of row keys.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, Object, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, Object, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, Object, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, Object, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, Object, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, Object, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, Object, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, Object, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of long and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Short.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A simple circular buffer for primitive values, like java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue but without the synchronization and collection overhead.
Rolling formula operator for source long columns.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, short, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, short, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, short, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, short, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, short, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, short, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, short, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of long, short, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of long and short elements.
Single value source for Long.
Common interface for Deephaven data structures with a long (64-bit signed integer) size.
The SortKernel sorts a chunk of primitive value together with a parallel LongChunk of RowKeys.
Sparse array source for Long.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A subset of a LongVector according to an array of positions.
This implements a timsort kernel for Longs.
This implements a timsort kernel for Longs.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int and add the specified offset.
Cast the values in the input chunk to a long.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an long and add the specified offset.
The primitive long type.
Processes a JSON value as a long.
See ReplicateDownsamplingValueTrackers for notes on changing this file.
A Vector of primitive longs.
Base class for all "indirect" LongVector implementations.
A LongVector backed by an array.
A subset of a LongVector according to a range of positions.
A very simple Map for small maps with Integer keys (uses direct array access) that creates no garbage (except when expanding).
This is a special version of ArrayList that can be substituted for a regular Array list but produces no garbage.
A very simple Set for small sets (uses linear time algorithms) that creates no garbage (except when expanding).
Rewrites logical expressions into an actual version that does what would be expected.
ObjectCodec implementation for Maps of type K to V.
This is a ridiculously simple, light-as-I-can-make-it, but decidedly single-purpose data structure.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.MarkupContent
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.MarkupContent
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.MatchesCondition
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.MatchesCondition
Holds a pair of column names.
Parses strings of the form "Column" or "Column1=Column2" into a MatchPair (or array of them).
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.MatchType
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.MathContext
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.MathContext
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.MathContext.RoundingMode
A handful of simple mathematical utilities.
Indices for memoized operations on QueryTable.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
A merged listener has a collection of ListenerRecorders.
Any AND nested within another AND or OR nested within another OR should be flattened into just a single level.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.MergeRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.MergeRequest
Utility to take a set of tables, each of which is sorted; and merge them together into a single table, which will also be sorted.
Concatenates multiple tables into a single table.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.MergeTablesRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.MergeTablesRequest
The interface for creating message protobuf functions.
A specialized / simplified version of MessageParser that produces a single unnamed function.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.MetaTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.MetaTableRequest
Represents a method call.
A data driven model.
A multithreaded resource to execute data driven models.
A multithreaded resource to execute data driven models.
Type of locking used when loading data from the data manager.
Run state of the farm.
A ModelFarm implementation for evaluating a model upon request, retrieving a snapshot of data for all keys under a single PeriodicUpdateGraph lock.
A multithreaded resource to execute data driven models.
A multithreaded resource to execute data driven models.
Utilities for building model farms.
Deserialize model inputs to a file.
Serialize model inputs to a file.
A model for executing multiple models.
An interface for determining which models get executed for each model data instance.
Data structure to represent a subset of columns, used for propagating modifications via TableUpdate instances.
A helper utility that simplifies propagating modified columns to a child table.
Requests to move a file to a new path, which may be in a different directory.
Requests to move a file to a new path, which may be in a different directory.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.MoveItemResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.MoveItemResponse
Provides access to the Context key to read the current client cert, if any.
A AbstractMultiSeries collection that holds and generates CategoryErrorBarDataSeriesInternal.
MultiSeries suitable for category error bar plots on a swappable data set.
A AbstractMultiSeries collection that holds and generates CategoryDataSeriesInternal.
A AbstractMultiSeries collection that holds and generates CategoryDataSeriesInternal.
Provides a set of per-type ChunkPools.
An exception to use when a series of operations must all be executed, but may all throw exceptions themselves.
Join unique rows from a set of tables onto a set of common keys.
Creator interface for runtime-supplied implementation.
Creator provider to supply the implementation at runtime.
An input to a multiJoin.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.MultiJoinInput
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.MultiJoinInput
This is a common interface for the static and incremental state manager so that our bucketed MultiJoinTable system is capable of using them interchangeably to build the table.
Engine-specific implementation of MultiJoinFactory.Creator.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.MultiJoinTablesRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.MultiJoinTablesRequest
A AbstractMultiSeries collection that holds and generates OHLCDataSeriesInternal.
A AbstractMultiSeries collection that holds and generates OHLCDataSeriesInternal.
Each instance of this type represents a single active websocket, which can allow several concurrent/overlapping gRPC streams.
Callback to initiate a graceful shutdown of this websocket instance, as an alternative to just closing the websocket.
A parent data series that spawns a DataSeries for each unique key in the parent series.
A parent data series that spawns a DataSeries for each unique key in the parent series.
A AbstractMultiSeries collection that holds and generates XYErrorBarDataSeriesInternal.
XY MultiSeries suitable for error bar plots.
A AbstractMultiSeries collection that holds and generates XYDataSeriesInternal.
A AbstractMultiSeries collection that holds and generates XYDataSeriesInternal.
Sub-interface of ColumnSource for implementations that always use return false from MutableColumnSource.isImmutable().
Defaulted interfaces for various mutable ColumnSource types, in order to avoid having defaults at higher levels in the class hierarchy.
Default interface for mutable Boolean ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for mutable byte ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for mutable char ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for mutable double ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for mutable float ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for mutable int ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for mutable long ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for mutable Instant ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for mutable Object ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for mutable short ColumnSource implementations.
Default interface for mutable long-backed ColumnSource implementations.
Minimal mutable wrapper for an int value.
Minimal mutable wrapper for a long value.
Shape enums
A formatter for converting nanoseconds into formatted strings.
Array-backed ColumnSource for TIME_TYPEs.
A java native array type.
A tracker for modified join hash table slots.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.NaturalJoinTablesRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.NaturalJoinTablesRequest
The netty server configuration.
NetworkParams presents network parameters of running OS, such as DNS, host name etc.
A new table is a list of columns of equal size.
The node style is suitable for nested / recursive structures.
ScriptSession implementation that simply allows variables to be exported.
TableLocation implementation for locations that are found to not actually exist when accessed.
Tools to create filter conditions
Normalizes expressions, with the goal of removing as many as possible and simplifying the expression tree.
Exception thrown when a column is not found.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.NotCondition
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.NotCondition
Implementation of NotificationQueue.Notification that wraps another, in order to allow overrides.
Interface for notification of update graph node changes.
Marker interface for error notifications, only relevant to unit testing framework.
A notification that may be enqueued.
Used by OperationSnapshotControl to set the notification step of elements in our DAG.
Elements of a Deephaven query DAG that can supply their notification step.
This implements a timsort kernel for Characters.
This implements a timsort kernel for Characters.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
This implements a timsort kernel for Characters.
This implements a timsort kernel for Characters.
This implements a timsort kernel for Characters.
This implements a timsort kernel for Characters.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
This implements a timsort kernel for Characters.
This implements a timsort kernel for Characters.
The action that should be taken when the previous value is null
Null category implementation.
RollupAggregation that allows columns to be nulled-out at higher aggregation levels.
Logger implementation that calls Interceptors on log entries, but doesn't write them to anything.
Comparator which is aware of NaN and Null values, in the Deephaven convention.
A no-op implementation of MetadataFileWriterBase when we don't want to write metadata files for Parquet files.
A SelectColumn implementation that can be used to replace columns with NullValueColumnSources
A lightweight statistics object that does nothing.
The "null" ThreadProfiler implementation, which supports no actual measurements.
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.NullValue
A column source that returns null for all keys.
A set of commonly used numeric functions that can be applied to numeric types.
Gatherer takes Deephaven columnar data and places it into a buffer to be used by Python.
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a Object sort-column on add-only tables.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result Object columns.
Use the allocation instrumenter from to produce stats To use make sure you set -Dallocation.stats.enabled=true -javaagent:/opt/deephaven/server/lib/java-allocation-instrumenter-3.3.0.jar
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a Object sort-column on blink tables.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Boolean, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Boolean, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Boolean, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Boolean, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Boolean, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Boolean, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Boolean, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Boolean, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, byte, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, byte, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, byte, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, byte, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, byte, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, byte, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, byte, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, byte, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Objects.
This implements a timsort kernel for Objects.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of Object and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Character, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Character, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Character, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Character, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Character, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Character, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Character, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Character, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, char, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, char, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, char, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, char, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, char, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, char, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, char, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, char, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of Object and char elements.
Chunk implementation for Object data.
A column source backed by ObjectChunks.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
ChunkPool implementation for chunks of objects.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
Codec interface for Object translation to/from byte arrays for serialization and deserialization.
ColumnIterator implementation for columns of objects.
Thrown when errors occur when communicating with the client.
Codec superinterface for Object translation from byte arrays for serialization and deserialization.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Double, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Double, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, double, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Double, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, double, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Double, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, double, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Double, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, double, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Double, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Double, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, double, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Double, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, double, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Double, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, double, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Double, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, double, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of Object and double elements.
Represents a JSON object of variable size with a given key and value type.
The behavior when a repeated field is encountered in a JSON object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Float, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Float, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, float, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Float, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, float, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Float, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, float, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Float, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, float, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Float, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Float, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, float, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Float, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, float, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Float, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, float, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Float, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, float, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of Object and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Instant, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Instant, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Instant, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Instant, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Instant, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Instant, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Instant, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Instant, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, int, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, int, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, int, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Integer, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Integer, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Integer, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Integer, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Integer, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Integer, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Integer, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Integer, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, int, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, int, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, int, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, int, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, int, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Objects.
This implements a timsort kernel for Objects.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of Object and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, long, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, long, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, long, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, long, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, long, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, long, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, long, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, long, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Objects.
This implements a timsort kernel for Objects.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of Object and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Object, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Object, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, Object, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Object, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, Object, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Object, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, Object, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Object, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, Object, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Object, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Object, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, Object, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Object, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, Object, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Object, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, Object, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Object, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, Object, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of Object and Object elements.
An interface for processing data from one or more input objects into output chunks on a 1-to-1 input record to output row basis.
An abstraction over ObjectProcessor that provides the same logical object processor for different input types.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Long, and Short.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A simple circular buffer for primitive values, like java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue but without the synchronization and collection overhead.
Rolling formula operator for source char columns.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
A server object that supports a bidirectional message stream.
A server object that supports fetching.
The sending and receiving interface for ObjectService.connect(HasTypedTicket, MessageStream).
This interface provides type-safe authorization hooks for ObjectServiceGrpc.
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service ObjectService.
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service ObjectService.
Base class for the server implementation of the service ObjectService.
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service ObjectService.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Short, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Short, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, short, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Short, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, short, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Short, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, short, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Short, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, short, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Short, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Short, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, short, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Short, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, short, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Short, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, short, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Object, Short, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of Object, short, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of Object and short elements.
Single value source for Object.
Sparse array source for Object.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A SsmBackedColumnSource for Objects.
A subset of a ObjectVector according to an array of positions.
This implements a timsort kernel for Objects.
This implements a timsort kernel for Objects.
An "object type" plugin.
A stream of messages, either sent from the server to the client, or client to the server.
Abstract base class for object type plugins, providing some simple implementation details.
Abstract base class for object type plugins that can only be fetched (and will not have later responses or accept later requests).
An implementation that uses strict Class equality for the ObjectTypeClassBase.isType(Object) check.
Abstract base class for object type plugins that can only be fetched (and will not have later responses or accept later requests).
The object type lookup.
The ObjectType specific registration.
Provides synchronized object type registration and lookup.
Processes a JSON object as set of named fields.
Base class for all "indirect" ObjectVector implementations.
An ObjectVector backed by an array.
A subset of an ObjectVector according to a range of positions.
Interface for reading the offset index for a column chunk.
Lookup function interface for OffsetLookupCaches and ReverseOffsetLookupCaches to use.
Caching data structure interface for caching int (offset) to Object mappings.
XYDataSeriesInternal for open-high-low-close charts.
An implementation of OHLCDataSeriesInternal.
XYDataSeriesInternal for open-high-low-close charts.
Functionally behaves as a pac4j DirectClient, but can lean on a profile creator as HeaderClient does.
Framework for a class which modifies a chart on a OneClick event
At what level in the Figure hierarchy the series of a plot will be restricted, e.g.
Update source that combines multiple sources.
An object canonicalization cache, suitable for use with objects that define equals(...) in such a way as to identify objects that can be mutually substituted in a manner appropriate for the application using the cache.
Allows cache users to supercede the equals() and hashCode() methods of their input items, and supply an alternative object to cache.
Unbounded StringCache built around a OpenAddressedCanonicalizationCache, which only enforces weak reachability on its STRING_LIKE_TYPE members.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.OpenDocumentRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.OpenDocumentRequest
Control parameters for performing operations with Table#updateBy()
Implementation of OperationInitializer that delegates to a pool of threads.
Provides guidance for initialization operations on how they can parallelize.
A simple implementation of ConstructSnapshot.SnapshotControl that uses the last notification step of the source table to determine whether to use previous values during initialization and to evaluate success.
Variant of OperationSnapshotControl that considers "extra" dependencies in addition to the source BaseTable when determining whether to use previous values during initialization or evaluating success.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.OrCondition
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.OrCondition
An ordered sequence of long values with set operations.
Attribute that specifies that a Chunk contains ordered row key ranges, which must be in strictly ascending order.
Attribute that specifies that a Chunk contains individual ordered row keys, which must be in strictly ascending order.
Provides static methods to perform SQL-style left outer and full outer joins.
An out-of-band test is a test that is not typically run on a commit-by-commit basis; usually because it is expensive and will delay the typical CI feedback cycle.
Some operations can pre-compute the necessary key-space needed to correctly maintain the intended result.
Operations that require input to conform to ordering requirements may throw this exception when out of order data is encountered.
Output specifies how to scatter data from a Python object into a table column.
Page<ATTR extends Any>
Pages are PagingChunkSources that can supply values from a subset of a contiguous block of row key space beginning at Page.firstRowOffset() and continuing to Page.firstRowOffset() + PagingChunkSource.maxRow(long).
Helper defaults for general pages.
Helper defaults for pages that represent a repeating value, e.g.
PageCache<ATTR extends Any>
A cache for IntrusivePages.
Intrusive data structure for page caching.
PageStore<ATTR extends Any,INNER_ATTR extends ATTR,PAGE extends Page<INNER_ATTR>>
PageStores are a collection of non-overlapping Pages, providing a single PagingChunkSource across all the pages.
In order to be able to cache and reuse ChunkSources across multiple tables (or other references), PagingChunkSource adds a PagingChunkSource.mask() to ChunkSource and supports some additional ChunkSource.fillChunk(io.deephaven.engine.table.ChunkSource.FillContext, io.deephaven.chunk.WritableChunk<? super ATTR>, io.deephaven.engine.rowset.RowSequence) methods.
ChunkSource.FillContext implementation for use by PagingChunkSource implementations.
Color abstraction.
A column pair represents an input and an output column.
A Simple generic pair.
Marker interface for Controller to understand that it is looking at a Pandas Widget and how it should be handled in the open api.
A JUnit category for tests that can be run in parallel.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.ParameterInformation
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.ParameterInformation
A visitor that returns the parent tables (if any) of the given table.
ColumnRegionByte implementation for regions that support fetching primitive bytes from column chunk page stores.
ColumnRegionChar implementation for regions that support fetching primitive chars from column chunk page stores.
ColumnRegionDouble implementation for regions that support fetching primitive doubles from column chunk page stores.
ColumnRegionFloat implementation for regions that support fetching primitive floats from column chunk page stores.
ColumnRegionInt implementation for regions that support fetching primitive ints from column chunk page stores.
ColumnRegionLong implementation for regions that support fetching primitive longs from column chunk page stores.
ColumnRegionObject implementation for regions that support fetching objects from column chunk page stores.
ColumnRegionShort implementation for regions that support fetching primitive shorts from column chunk page stores.
Top level accessor for a parquet file which can read both from a file path string or a CLI style file URI, ex."s3://bucket/key".
Parquet location finder that will discover multiple files in a single directory.
This class provides instructions intended for read and write parquet operations (which take it as an optional argument) specifying desired transformations.
KeyValuePartitionLayout for Parquet data.
Location finder that will examine a parquet metadata file to discover locations.
Used to write "_metadata" and "_common_metadata" files for Parquet.
TableLocationKey implementation for use with data stored in the parquet format.
The parquet table resolver is able to resolve local parquet files, or directories for the scheme "parquet", into tables.
API for writing DH tables in parquet format
Internal library with utility methods for converting time data between Deephaven and Parquet.
Tools for managing and manipulating tables on disk in parquet format.
Functions for parsing strings to primitive values.
Thrown from the parser if the thread interrupt status is set.
Represents a parsed document.
Class for reading in a customized properties file, applying only the locally-relevant properties and keeping track of which properties may not be further modified.
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
Represents the state of a "currently being parsed node".
An Aggregation that provides a single output column with sub-tables of the input table for each aggregation group in the result.
A source table that can filter partitions before coalescing.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.PartitionByRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.PartitionByRequest
Deliberately empty response, use /ObjectService/FetchObject to read the object by ticket.
Deliberately empty response, use /ObjectService/FetchObject to read the object by ticket.
Interface for working with partitioned tables.
Interface for proxies created by PartitionedTable.proxy().
PartitionedTableHandle with an underlying PartitionedTable.
Engine-specific implementation of PartitionedTableFactory.Creator.
A message that describes a partitioned table, able to be sent as a plugin object to a client.
A message that describes a partitioned table, able to be sent as a plugin object to a client.
Factory for producing Deephaven engine PartitionedTable instances.
Creator interface for runtime-supplied implementation.
Creator provider to supply the implementation at runtime.
PartitionedTable implementation.
Base ImmutableTableLocationKey implementation for table locations that may be enclosed by partitions.
Compares two maps of partitions by key-value pairs.
Formats a map of partitions as key-value pairs.
This interface provides type-safe authorization hooks for PartitionedTableServiceGrpc.
A default implementation that allows all requests.
A default implementation that funnels all requests to invoke checkPermission.
A default implementation that denies all requests.
This service provides tools to create and query partitioned tables.
This service provides tools to create and query partitioned tables.
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service PartitionedTableService.
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service PartitionedTableService.
Base class for the server implementation of the service PartitionedTableService.
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service PartitionedTableService.
Protobuf serialization of all PartitionedTable subtypes.
This class takes a partition value object and formats it to a String.
Re-usable parsers for partition values encountered as strings, e.g.
An opaque holder that represents a flight descriptor path.
The subset of paths to serve, see JsPlugin.paths().
An object to represent the operation of parsing documents from users.
Percentile and output column pair, used when specifying that a given input column should be aggregated into multiple exact or approximate percentiles.
Entry class for tracking the performance characteristics of a single recurring update event.
Generalizes PerformanceQueries to accept table parameters and make evaluation number parameter optional.
This class uses a thread (or pool of threads) to periodically update a set of monitored update sources at a specified target cycle interval.
A LivenessManager implementation that will never release its referents.
This annotation indicates that a class or method is created by the Java Security Manager.
Cause of a plotting exception.
IllegalArgumentException that contains information about the plot.
IllegalStateException that contains information about the plot.
Information about a plot.
RuntimeException which occurs when rendering the plot.
RuntimeException which contains information about the plot.
The style of a plot (e.g.
A library of methods for constructing plots.
UnsupportedOperationExcetion which contains information about the plot.
Utilities class for plotting.
A plugin is a structured extension point for user-definable behavior.
Provides the set of Registration from ServiceLoader.load(Class) against the classes Registration, Plugin, ObjectType, and JsPlugin.
Provides a PluginRegistration.registerAll() entrypoint to invoke all registrations with a Registration.Callback.
Includes the modules necessary to provide PluginRegistration.
Polling-driven TableLocationProvider implementation that delegates location key discovery to a TableLocationKeyFinder and location creation to a TableLocationFactory.
Provides a pool of reusable items.
Must implement at least: Multiple threads may call give(), one thread may call take()
Must implement at least: Multiple threads may call give(), multiple threads may call take()
Must implement at least: Multiple threads may call take(), one thread may call give()
Must implement at least: One thread may call give(), one thread may call take()
Marker interface for Chunk subclasses that can be kept with in a ChunkPool, and whose SafeCloseable.close() method will return them to the appropriate pool.
SimpleReference implementation with built-in reference-counting and pooling support.
Indicates that a Pool is empty and no more items can be Pool.take()n.
Indicates that a Pool is full and can't be given more items.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.Position
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.Position
An interface for ColumnSources that can be marked immutable by the creator rather than as a fundamental property of their implementation.
This is a niche class that allows an existing rowset to masquerade as a RowSetBuilderRandom for the sake of efficient processing.
A layer that copies a column from our input to our output.
Wrapper ColumnSource that maps current data accessors to previous data accessors (and disables previous data accessors).
A Preview Type is used for columns that should be previewed rather than sending all of the data for each value.
A primitive array-like object.
General purpose helper methods for array conversion methods from specific object types to/from primitive types.
A primitive type.
The primitive array types under the package io.deephaven.vector.
A simple listener that prints out each update received from a table.
Captures System.out and System.err.
Logs events out to PrintStreamGlobals.getOut().
A ReferenceCounted implementation that takes a Runnable onReferenceCountAtZero procedure, in order to avoid relying on inheritance where necessary or desirable.
Interface for installation-specific environment.
Factory interface for constructing instances of ProcessEnvironment implementations.
State and private methods for maintaining a shared global instance of ProcessEnvironment.
Logs data that describes JVM parameters.
Logs data that gives insight to process statistics such as heap usage and page fault counts.
Preserve some of the simplicity of StreamLoggerImpl while also retaining the formatting functionality of LoggerImpl.
Basis for LIFO, FIFO, Pool, and variants
Must implement at least: Multiple threads may call consume(), one thread may call produce()
Must implement at least: Multiple threads may call produce(), one thread may call consume()
Must implement at least: Multiple threads may call produce(), multiple threads may call consume()
Must implement at least: One thread may call produce(), one thread may call consume()
Utilities for working with Properties.
Standardized runtime exception type for PropertyFile and related utilities.
A simple datastore to record one step in the history of a property.
An abstraction for opening property files.
Uses ServiceLoader.load(Class) to find the best PropertyInputStreamLoader (the loader with the smallest priority).
A PropertyInputStreamLoader implementation that first searches for the property file as a classpath resource, and then via the filesystem.
A property set represents a set of property keys and values.
A property visitor is the generic interface for reading property keys and values from a PropertySet.
A PropertyVisitor whose methods all throw IllegalStateException with the relevant key and value context.
An PropertyVisitor base which converts the non-String valued calls into PropertyVisitor.visit(String, String).
The kafka protobuf options.
Encapsulates the logic to extract a result from a Message.
The serialization / deserialization protocol.
The TLS protocols.
Include the protocols explicitly defined.
Includes the protocols "TLSv1.3" and "TLSv1.2".
Include the protocols defined by the JDK.
Includes the protocol "TLSv1.3".
Include the protocols defined by the system properties "https.protocols".
On startup, check if a PSK was set by config, otherwise generate a new one and log it.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.PublishRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.PublishRequest
Intentionally empty and is here for backwards compatibility should this API change.
Intentionally empty and is here for backwards compatibility should this API change.
This class is an internal implementation detail for io.deephaven.kafka; is not intended to be used directly by client code.
Created by rbasralian on 8/12/23
When given a pyObject that is a callable, we stick it inside the callable wrapper, which implements a call() varargs method, so that we can call it using __call__ without all of the JPy nastiness.
Simple output stream that redirects all writes to a python io.TextIOBase type.
Autocomplete handling for python that will use the jedi library, if it is installed.
A BiFunction implementation which calls a Python callable.
A ScriptSession that uses a JPy cpython interpreter internally.
The PythonEvaluator encapsulates the evaluation around a Python library instance.
The sole implementation of the PythonEvaluator, using Jpy to create a cpython interpreter instance inside of our JVM.
A Function implementation which calls a Python callable.
A class which calls a Python callable.
A Deephaven table listener which passes update events to a Python listener object.
A Deephaven merged listener which fires when any of its bound listener recorders has updates and all of its dependencies have been satisfied.
This is a helper class for wrapping a Java object in a Python wrapper and unwrapping a Python wrapper to a raw Java object.
Registers all Plugin found via python method "deephaven.plugin:register_all_into".
A Deephaven table listener which passes update events to a Python listener object.
A Deephaven table listener which passes update events to a Python listener object.
A Runnable implementation which calls a Python callable.
A collection of methods around retrieving objects from the given Python scope.
A Deephaven table listener which passes update events to a Python listener object.
An efficient reader for a Python table listener to extract columnar data based on the RowSequence in the TableUpdate
A ThrowingRunnable implementation which executes a Python callable.
Utility functions for to extract java.time components in a single call.
Functions to support interfacing to python from java
A request to compile a java class.
A QueryCompilerRequestProcessor that batches requests and compiles them all at once.
A QueryCompilerRequestProcessor that immediately compiles requests.
Constants for primitive types within the Deephaven engine.
Logs data that describes performance details on initialization times and memory usage of specific operations within queries.
Logs data that describes the query-level performance for each worker.
This class encapsulates the parameters that control whether a given item (nugget or entry interval) is logged to one of our three performance logs.
Per-operation instrumentation node for hierarchical performance recording.
Query performance instrumentation tools.
Query performance instrumentation implementation.
Variable scope used to resolve parameter values during query execution and to expose named objects to users.
A type of RuntimeException thrown when a variable referenced within the QueryScope is not defined or, more likely, has not been added to the scope.
Utilities for expanding QueryScope parameter classes.
The query scope table resolver is able to resolve query scope URIs.
A Deephaven query scope URI.
Primary coalesced table implementation.
The resulting table and listener of the operation.
Functions for the generation random numbers.
A deque, which also supports get() to an arbitrary index.
Builder for constructing groupings from one or more <value, key range> pairs, with no requirement that key ranges be sequential.
Continuous range.
Base ColumnSource implementation for range join group aggregation columns.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result byte columns.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result char columns.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result double columns.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result float columns.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result int columns.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result long columns.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result char columns.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result short columns.
Results comprised of multiple, ordered ranges are provided via this interface.
Each output row of a range join corresponds to exactly one left table row and one or more aggregations over a range of responsive right table rows.
A filter for comparable types (including Instant) for Condition values:
A RangeJoinMatch specifies the columns and relationships used to determine a bucket's responsive rows from the right table for each row in the left table of a range join.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.RangeJoinTablesRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.RangeJoinTablesRequest
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.RangeJoinTablesRequest.RangeEndRule
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.RangeJoinTablesRequest.RangeStartRule
A BuilderRandom type that uses a priority queue of ranges.
Each output row of a range join corresponds to exactly one left table row and one or more aggregations over a range of responsive right table rows.
A "random-access" priority queue.
the queue adapter
An un-parsed string; used for cases where the server has string-parsing that hasn't been structurally represented at the api layer yet.
Abstract class for ModelFarm implementations that will take data from a RowDataManager.
Location finder that will record and expose the output of another for subsequent delivery to an observer.
An uncoalesced table that may be redefined without triggering a UncoalescedTable.coalesce().
A ColumnSource that uses a RowRedirection to direct access into an underlying wrapped ColumnSource.
A layer that maintains the row redirection for future SelectColumnLayers.
This class enables a pattern of use where objects can be shared from multiple references/identities while they are used read-only.
Encapsulates an object reference so it can be passed and modified.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Reference
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.Reference
Implements a recurring reference counting pattern - a concurrent reference count that should refuse to go below zero, and invokes ReferenceCounted.onReferenceCountAtZero() exactly once when the count returns to zero.
LivenessNode implementation that relies on reference counting to determine its liveness.
LivenessReferent implementation that relies on reference counting to determine its liveness.
This annotation indicates that a field exists simply for referential integrity to the object it's holding.
Tagging attribute to indicate a method or class is used reflexively and should not be deleted.
Regioned column source interface.
Manage column sources made up of regions in their own row key address space.
Class to calculate and encapsulate the parameters of a RegionedPageStore.
A regioned page store for use when the full set of regions and their sizes are known.
Factory interface for regioned source table components.
Factory that assembles modular components for regioned source tables.
Result enum for region-visit patterns.
The registration interface for plugins.
This interface marks WhereFilters that return a result set that should be the full set for subsequent filters.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Boolean, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Character, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Double, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Float, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Instant, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Integer, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Object, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Long, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Byte, Short, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Boolean, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Double, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Float, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Instant, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Integer, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Object, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Long, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Short, and Short.
Interface for regions and regioned column sources that support releasing cached resources.
Interface for LivenessManager instances that support a ReleasableLivenessManager.release() method to initiate retained referent release callback invocation.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ReleaseRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ReleaseRequest
Intentionally empty and is here for backwards compatibility should this API change.
Intentionally empty and is here for backwards compatibility should this API change.
Instrumentation tool for detecting missing resource releases.
A AbstractDataIndex that remaps the key columns of another AbstractDataIndex.
A remote Deephaven URI represents a structured link for resolving remote Deephaven resources.
Replay historical data as simulated real-time data.
A handle to a replayer.
A handle to a replayer, where the replayer and handle exist in the same JVM instance.
An interface for replaying historical data as simulated real-time data.
This exception is used when a result cannot be returned because the request was cancelled.
Requirement methods for simple runtime program verification.
RuntimeException to be thrown on requirement failures.
ResettableReadOnlyChunk implementation for boolean data.
ResettableReadOnlyChunk implementation for byte data.
ResettableReadOnlyChunk implementation for char data.
WritableChunk that may have its backing storage reset to a slice of that belonging to another WritableChunk or a native array.
ChunkChunk that may have its backing storage reset to a slice of that belonging to another ChunkChunk or a native array.
Resettable Context interface, for contexts that must be reset between steps of an operation (e.g.
ResettableReadOnlyChunk implementation for double data.
ResettableReadOnlyChunk implementation for float data.
ResettableReadOnlyChunk implementation for int data.
ResettableReadOnlyChunk implementation for long data.
ResettableReadOnlyChunk implementation for Object data.
Chunk that may have its backing storage reset to a slice of that belonging to another Chunk or a native array.
ResettableReadOnlyChunk implementation for short data.
ResettableWritableChunk implementation for boolean data.
ResettableWritableChunk implementation for byte data.
ResettableWritableChunk implementation for char data.
WritableChunk that may have its backing storage reset to a slice of that belonging to another WritableChunk or a native array.
WritableChunkChunk that may have its backing storage reset to a slice of that belonging to another WritableChunkChunk or a native array.
ResettableWritableChunk implementation for double data.
ResettableWritableChunk implementation for float data.
ResettableWritableChunk implementation for int data.
ResettableWritableChunk implementation for long data.
ResettableWritableChunk implementation for Object data.
ResettableWritableChunk implementation for short data.
The top-level entrypoint for resolving URIs into objects.
Utility for holding strong references to otherwise unreachable classes (e.g.
This column source wraps another column source, and returns the values in the opposite order.
Common interface for column sources that provide a reverse-lookup function (value to int key).
Caching data structure interface for caching Object to int (offset) mappings returned by an expensive, idempotent lookup function from int to Object.
A trivial circular buffer, like java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue but without all the synchronization and collection cruft.
A UpdateBySpec for performing a windowed rolling average across the specified columns
An UpdateBySpec for performing a windowed rolling count operation
An UpdateBySpec for performing a windowed rolling formula operation.
An UpdateBySpec for performing a windowed rolling group operation
A UpdateBySpec for performing a windowed rolling sum across the specified columns
An UpdateBySpec base class for performing a windowed rolling operation
An UpdateBySpec for performing a windowed rolling sum operation
This will filter a table starting off with the first N rows, and then adding new rows to the table on each run.
An UpdateBySpec for performing a windowed rolling sum operation
An UpdateBySpec for performing a windowed rolling sum operation
A UpdateBySpec for performing a windowed rolling weighted average across the specified columns
Rollup-specific aggregations.
A visitor to get the ordered output column names for aggregations, including rollup aggregations.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.RollupRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.RollupRequest
Deliberately empty response, use /ObjectService/FetchObject to access the result_rollup_table_id ticket as a HierarchicalTableDescriptor.
Deliberately empty response, use /ObjectService/FetchObject to access the result_rollup_table_id ticket as a HierarchicalTableDescriptor.
Interface for the result of rollup operations.
Recorder for node-level operations to be applied when gathering snapshots.
Node types for a rollup.
RollupTable implementation.
Interface for writing out values in a row.
Per-row transaction flags.
An interface for accessing and querying data contained in rows of a dynamic table.
Interface for loading data for extra columns.
Provides read access to a parquet Row Group
This is a marker interface for chunk sources that are agnostic of the row key when evaluating the value for a given row key.
Utilities for working with chunks of row keys.
This is a column source that uses no additional memory and is an identity mapping from row key to row key.
Functional interface to pass to RowSetShiftData.apply(RowKeyRangeShiftCallback) or RowSetShiftData.unapply(RowKeyRangeShiftCallback) to get information about each shift recorded.
Attribute that specifies that a Chunk contains row keys, which may be ordered or unordered.
This is a column source that uses no additional memory and maps from row key to row position in the supplied row set.
Data structure for mapping one "outer" row key space to another "inner" row key space.
An ordered collection of long row keys.
Iterator for consuming an RowSequence by ordered subsets.
Helper methods for constructing RowSequence instances.
RowSequence with additional set and set-like capabilities.
Builder interface for RowSet construction in arbitrary order.
Builder interface for RowSet construction in strict sequential order.
A codec to encode and decode generic row set to a column.
This class wraps a ColumnSource of RowSet and returns TrackingRowSet.prev() when previous values are requested and the accessed value is tracking.
Repository of factory methods for constructing row sets.
Callback interface for propagating shifts over entire RowSets.
A set of sorted shifts.
Helper utility to build instances of RowSetShiftData with internally consistent data.
Helper utility to build instances of RowSetShiftData with internally consistent data.
Converts table updates used for standard table update listeners's into row sets compatible with legacy-style shift-oblivious listeners by expanding keyspace shifts.
Type-safe interface for setting cell values in individual columns of a row to allow a row to be written.
A set representation for long values using Regular Space Partitioning (RSP) of the long space in "blocks" of (2^16) elements.
See header comment on RspArray for explanation on space partitioning.
Downsamples a table assuming its contents will be rendered in a run chart, with the each subsequent row holding a later X value (i.e.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.RunChartDownsampleRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.RunChartDownsampleRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.RunChartDownsampleRequest.ZoomRange
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.RunChartDownsampleRequest.ZoomRange
This container takes the form of runs of consecutive values (effectively, run-length encoding).
Cache memory utilization.
This class provides instructions intended for reading from and writing to S3-compatible APIs.
SeekableChannelsProviderPlugin implementation used for reading files from S3.
This interface specifies a safe clone operation that never throws a CloneNotSupported exception, and also allows a bound to be placed on the result object's type.
AutoCloseable sub-interface that does not throw a checked exception.
SafeCloseable that will close non-null values inside an array.
SafeCloseable that will close an internal list of AutoCloseables.
Deephaven safety checks.
A safety check for JDK-8287432.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SaveFileRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SaveFileRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SaveFileResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SaveFileResponse
Scatterer applies scatter functions to the result of a deferred calculation so that the results can be scattered into new table columns.
Creates a scatter plot matrix by graphing each variable against every other variable.
The Scheduler is used to schedule tasks that should execute at a future time.
Provides a Scheduler.
Utilities for creating Schema.
NumberFormat which formats numbers in scientific notation if they are outside the given range.
An ast node which can have scope nodes.
An opaque holder for a query scope variable ID.
This annotation indicates that a class or method is used externally via scripts.
Interface for interactive console script sessions.
Provides a ScriptSession.
Context object for reading and writing to channels created by SeekableChannelsProvider.
A service loader class for loading SeekableChannelsProviderPlugin implementations at runtime and provide SeekableChannelsProvider implementations for different URI schemes, e.g., S3.
A plugin interface for providing SeekableChannelsProvider implementations for different URI schemes, e.g.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SeekRowRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SeekRowRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SeekRowResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SeekRowResponse
Re-usable data structure for a segmented stack of pooled elements which tries to strike a balance between GC-sensitivity and element reuse.
MultiSet of primitive or object values stored as parallel arrays of counts and values.
Represents a selectable assignment for an Expression.
A Table with a view on a selectable subset.
A OneClick filtered table.
Method for creating SelectableDataSets.
The interface for a query table to perform retrieve values from a column for select like operations.
A factory to create SelectColumns from an input expression.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SelectDistinctRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SelectDistinctRequest
A set of constants used to build consistent patterns to process query parameters.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SelectOrUpdateRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SelectOrUpdateRequest
Serial ByteColumnIterator implementation for column sources of primitive bytes.
Serial CharacterColumnIterator implementation for column sources of primitive chars.
Iteration support for values supplied by a ColumnSource.
Serial DoubleColumnIterator implementation for column sources of primitive doubles.
Serial FloatColumnIterator implementation for column sources of primitive floats.
Serial IntegerColumnIterator implementation for column sources of primitive ints.
A serializable binary function.
A serializable function.
Utility class for faster type-specific Object serialization and deserialization.
Serial LongColumnIterator implementation for column sources of primitive longs.
Serial ObjectColumnIterator implementation for column sources of objects.
Serial ShortColumnIterator implementation for column sources of primitive shorts.
A JUnit category for tests that must be run in serial.
Base series that all data series inherit from.
A collection of data series.
Description of a data series.
Type of data series.
Base series that all data series inherit from.
Location of Series within a figure.
The server configuration.
Data sent from the server to the client as part of a fetch or bidirectional message stream.
A generic payload sent from the server to the client.
A generic payload sent from the server to the client.
A server object is a client-owned reference to a server-side object.
Like a TableHandle, but not constrained to tables (i.e.
Logs data that describes the top-level view of the free and total memory available to the process.
This class is a marker interface for the generated service auth wiring classes.
An adapter that transforms HttpServletRequest into gRPC request and lets a gRPC server process it, and transforms the gRPC response into HttpServletResponse.
Builder to build a gRPC server that can run as a servlet.
A session represents a client-side connection to a Deephaven server.
The configuration values for a specific Session, typically used along with a channel configuration.
A Session implementation that uses batch requests and memoizes based on TableSpec equality.
Callbacks for the SessionService, to observe session lifecycles.
Implementations of error transformer give the server one last chance to convert errors to useful messages before responding to gRPC users.
This interface provides type-safe authorization hooks for SessionServiceGrpc.
User supplied Flight.Ticket(s) should begin with 'e' byte followed by an signed little-endian int.
User supplied Flight.Ticket(s) should begin with 'e' byte followed by an signed little-endian int.
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service SessionService.
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service SessionService.
Base class for the server implementation of the service SessionService.
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service SessionService.
SessionState manages all exports for a single session.
This class represents one unit of content exported in the session.
InputStream that can read 7zip archives (.7z) (partial implementation).
Shape objects
Utilities for Shape.
ResettableContext used as a holder for other ResettableContexts that may be shared across components.
Abstract SharedContext.Key implementation for use when a simple Object reference coupled with sub-class identity can determine equality for sharing purposes.
Key marker interface.
An opaque holder for a shared object ID.
Tools for creating a new ShiftedColumn(s) for a given input table and a source column(s)
A ColumnSource that provides internal shifted redirectionIndex logic to access into an underlying wrapped ColumnSource.
Helper utility for inverting row key shifts.
This class is used for Listeners that represent "leaf" nodes in the update propagation tree.
Shift-oblivious listener for table changes.
Helper utility for coalescing multiple updates.
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a short sort-column on add-only tables.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result short columns.
A ShortType array.
Simple array source for Short.
Chunked aggregation operator for sorted first/last-by using a short sort-column on blink tables.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Boolean, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Boolean, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Boolean, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Boolean, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Boolean, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Boolean, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Boolean, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Boolean, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Boolean, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Boolean, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, byte, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, byte, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, byte, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, byte, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, byte, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, byte, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, byte, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, byte, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Shorts.
This implements a timsort kernel for Shorts.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of short and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Character, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Character, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Character, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Character, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Character, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Character, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Character, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Character, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Character, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Character, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, char, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, char, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, char, and double elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, char, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, char, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, char, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, char, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, char, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of short and char elements.
Chunk implementation for short data.
A column source backed by ShortChunks.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
Iterative sum operator, extended for absolute values and regular sums.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
Creates chunk filters for short values.
ChunkPool implementation for chunks of shorts.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
ColumnIterator implementation for columns of primitive shorts.
Functional interface to apply an operation to a single short.
A ShortConsumer receives the short values contained in a data structure.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Double, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Double, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, double, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Double, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, double, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Double, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, double, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Double, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, double, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Double, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Double, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, double, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Double, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, double, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Double, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, double, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Double, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Double, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Double, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, double, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of short and double elements.
Compute an exponential moving standard deviation for a short column source.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Float, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Float, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, float, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Float, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, float, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Float, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, float, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Float, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, float, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Float, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Float, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, float, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Float, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, float, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Float, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, float, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Float, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Float, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Float, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, float, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of short and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Instant, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Instant, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Instant, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Instant, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Instant, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Instant, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Instant, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Instant, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Instant, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Instant, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, int, and byte elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, int, and char elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, int, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Integer, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Integer, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Integer, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Integer, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Integer, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Integer, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Integer, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Integer, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Integer, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Integer, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, int, and float elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, int, and int elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, int, and long elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, int, and Object elements.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, int, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Shorts.
This implements a timsort kernel for Shorts.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of short and int elements.
Iterator over short values.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, long, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, long, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, long, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, long, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, long, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, long, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, long, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, long, and short elements.
This implements a timsort kernel for Shorts.
This implements a timsort kernel for Shorts.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of short and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Object, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Object, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, Object, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Object, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, Object, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Object, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, Object, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Object, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, Object, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Object, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Object, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, Object, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Object, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, Object, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Object, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, Object, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Object, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Object, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Object, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, Object, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of short and Object elements.
A ShortRangeConsumer receives the ranges contained in a data structure.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Byte, and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Character.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Double.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Float.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Integer.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Object.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Long, and Short.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A simple circular buffer for primitive values, like java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue but without the synchronization and collection overhead.
Rolling formula operator for source short columns.
This operator counts the distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the set of distinct values within the source.
This operator computes the single unique value of a particular aggregated state.
For keeping track of incremental states of sorted values, we would ideally like to hold them in an Array or a Chunk; with parallel row keys.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Short, and Boolean.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Short, and Byte.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, short, and byte elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Short, and Character.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, short, and char elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short and Short.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Short, and Double.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, short, and double elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Short, and Float.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, short, and float elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Short, and Instant.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Short, and Integer.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, short, and int elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Short, and Long.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, short, and long elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Short, and Object.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, short, and Object elements.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Short, and Byte.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Short, and Long.
TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Short, Short, and Short.
3-Tuple (triple) key class composed of short, short, and short elements.
2-Tuple (double) key class composed of short and short elements.
Single value source for Short.
Sparse array source for Short.
Stamp kernel for when the left hand side is a sorted chunk and the right hand side is a ticking SegmentedSortedArray.
A SsmBackedColumnSource for Shorts.
A subset of a ShortVector according to an array of positions.
This implements a timsort kernel for Shorts.
This implements a timsort kernel for Shorts.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an int and add the specified offset.
Functional interface to apply a function to a single short input and produce a single int result.
Cast the values in the input chunk to a long.
Cast the values in the input chunk to an long and add the specified offset.
The primitive short type.
Processes a JSON value as an short.
See ReplicateDownsamplingValueTrackers for notes on changing this file.
A Vector of primitive shorts.
Base class for all "indirect" ShortVector implementations.
A ShortVector backed by an array.
A subset of a ShortVector according to a range of positions.
Categories that define ordering "groups" for serial execution during task invocation.
A single unit of work for shutdown.
This is a helper class for keeping track of one-time shutdown tasks.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.SignatureHelpContext
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.SignatureHelpContext
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.SignatureInformation
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.SignatureInformation
Codec for non-nullable byte arrays that does a no-op encode/decode.
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
Simple reference interface used by CachedReference.
A helper for managing a list of References.
Simple source table with no partitioning support.
Clock implementation for use with ClockFilter implementations to advance simulation time.
This helper class is used to generate only the header of an arrow list that contains a single element.
This interface is really a mixin to avoid code duplication in the classes that implement it.
A TableLocationProvider that provides access to exactly one, previously-known TableLocation.
ReleasableLivenessManager to manage exactly one object, passed at construction time or managed later.
ColumnSource implementation for columns of a single unique value.
RowRedirection that redirects all outer row keys to the same inner row key.
A wrapper for a boolean chunk that allows you to resize the chunk to a capacity.
A wrapper for a byte chunk that allows you to resize the chunk to a capacity.
A wrapper for a char chunk that allows you to resize the chunk to a capacity.
SizedChunk<T extends Any>
A dynamically typed chunk that can be resized.
Interface for ColumnSources that know their size.
Interface for ColumnSource implementations that are both SizedColumnSources and ContextualizedObjectColumnSources.
A wrapper for a double chunk that allows you to resize the chunk to a capacity.
A wrapper for a float chunk that allows you to resize the chunk to a capacity.
A wrapper for a int chunk that allows you to resize the chunk to a capacity.
A wrapper for a long chunk that allows you to resize the chunk to a capacity.
A wrapper for a Object chunk that allows you to resize the chunk to a capacity.
A wrapper for a short chunk that allows you to resize the chunk to a capacity.
Unchecked exception thrown when operations are invoked (directly or indirectly) that cannot be completed correctly due to size constraints on the underlying data structures.
Processes a JSON value by skipping it.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result byte columns.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result char columns.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result double columns.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result float columns.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result int columns.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result long columns.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result short columns.
ColumnSource implementation for aggregation result short columns.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SnapshotTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SnapshotTableRequest
This exception is thrown when ConstructSnapshot fails to successfully execute the data snapshot function in an otherwise consistent state.
The options for creating a snapshotting table with respect to the base and trigger tables of TableOperations.snapshotWhen(Object, SnapshotWhenOptions).
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SnapshotWhenTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SnapshotWhenTableRequest
Caching data structure for caching int (offset) to Object mappings.
Function wrapper that caches the result in a SoftReference.
Supplier wrapper that caches the result in a SoftReference.
This class makes a little "recycle bin" for your objects of type T.
Functions for sorting primitive types.
Represents a column and order pair.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SortDescriptor
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SortDescriptor
Protobuf enum io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SortDescriptor.SortDirection
An immutable directive to perform a sort on a column.
SortedBy operations sort the values in each of the buckets according to a specified column.
This will filter a table on an Instant column for all rows greater than "now" according to a supplied clock.
Helper class for managing the sorted columns attribute.
This is a simple utility class that wraps a map, and presents it as an IndexableMap.
Enum value for ascending vs.
Records sort operations to be applied to individual nodes of a hierarchical table for presentation.
A pair representing a column to sort by and its direction.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SortTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.SortTableRequest
PartitionedTable of single-location SourceTables keyed by TableLocationKey.
Basic uncoalesced table that only adds keys.
Factory for source table components.
A column source backed by arrays that may not be filled in all blocks.
A simpler version of that is guaranteed to preserve the original table's RowSet.
A splayed path is a PropertySet where the fully resolved file paths represent property keys and the corresponding contents of each file represents the property value.
Splits a String on a character ignoring that character inside quotes and back ticks.
Experimental SQL execution.
This is the main public entrypoint for converting a SQL query into TableSpec.
The SSL configuration object.
A ColumnSource that provides vectors of type T, backed by a same typed SegmentedSortedMultiSet.
Iterative average operator.
Iterative average operator.
A table operations adapter that mixes-in stack trace elements.
BasicDataIndex implementation that holds an index Table and does not specify the ColumnSources that were indexed, and hence cannot support StandaloneDataIndex.keyColumnNamesByIndexedColumn().
Map-based implementation, extending LivenessArtifact to manage the objects passed into it.
TableKey implementation for standalone tables that are created without a TableDataService.
TableLocationKey implementation for unpartitioned standalone tables.
Allows classes to register interest in receiving application level calls to System.out and System.err.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.StartConsoleRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.StartConsoleRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.StartConsoleResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.StartConsoleResponse
A statistic where each value represents a snapshot of the state of the system, and thus the sum of the values does not have any meaning.
Static versions of business calendar methods that use the default business calendar.
A non-static interface to the Stats component.
Collects statistic related to CPU and memory usage of the entire system, the process, and each thread in the process.
Drives the collection of statistics on a 1-second timer task.
Tool for maintaining recorded clock steps.
This interface provides type-safe authorization hooks for StorageServiceGrpc.
Shared storage management service.
Shared storage management service.
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service StorageService.
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service StorageService.
Base class for the server implementation of the service StorageService.
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service StorageService.
Common utilities to support stream ingestion to chunks, which is an important building block.
Chunk-oriented consumer for streams of data.
An interface for accepting failures from an incoming stream in order to propagate them to downstream tables.
Interface for "tuple" classes of variably-typed elements that support an alternative to Externalizable for writing in streaming fashion.
NOTE : This generated class can be safely deleted if installing in a GWT installation (use StringProvider instead)
Chunk-oriented producer for streams of data.
Re-usable abstract implementation of StreamPublisher for stream ingestion to column-chunks.
Thread safe re-usable reader that converts an InputStreams to BarrageMessages.
Client payload for the MessageStream.
Client payload for the MessageStream.
Server responses to the client.
Server responses to the client.
Adapter for converting streams of data into columnar Deephaven tables that conform to blink table semantics.
An implementation that delegates to print streams.
This creates an interface (with more permissive argument types, and generified return types) for most public instance methods of class String.
ObjectCodec implementation for Maps of String to Boolean.
Generic caching interface for Strings and String-like CharSequences.
Abstracts type-specific functionality for use by StringCache implementations.
Type adapter for CompressedStrings.
Type adapter for MappedCompressedStrings.
Type adapter for Strings.
Marker interface for CharSequences to be used in StringCache implementations.
Stores a dictionary of strings and returns their position in the dictionary, useful for encoding string columns.
ObjectCodec implementation for Maps of String to Double.
ObjectCodec implementation for Maps of String to Float.
ObjectCodec implementation for Maps of String to Integer.
ObjectCodec implementation for Maps of String to Long.
A set of static helpers to turn strongly-typed api arguments into their String counterparts.
Interface for sets of Strings that can be mapped to a 64-bit long bitmap.
Attribute that specifies that a Chunk contains long values which are StringSets endoded as a bitmask.
ObjectCodec implementation for Maps of String to String.
The String type.
Interface to make auto-keying by toString() safer and more flexible.
Processes a JSON value as a String.
A structured URI is an object which can be represented in serialized form as a URI; and subsequently, can be deserialized back into the same object.
Basic utility methods to convert Deephaven data-structures to Suanshu data-structures
The abstract implementation of Matrix.
The abstract implementation of Vector.
Implement optional subscription support suitable for multiple TableDataService components.
Array-backed set that stores generic listener objects, only enforcing hard reachability on listeners that are SubstitutionWeakReferences.
A ThreadMXBean-based ThreadProfiler implementation for use on Oracle and OpenJDK JVMs, adding support for memory measurements.
Tool for validating aggregation inputs to range join.
SimpleReference implementation that delegates to an internal SimpleReference which can be replaced using the SwappableDelegatingReference.swapDelegate(SimpleReference, SimpleReference) method.
Holds a handle on a table that may get swapped out for another table.
Holds a handle on a one click table that may get swapped out for another table.
Holds a handle on a one click table that may get swapped out for another table.
Interface for ColumnSources that can provide a Table view of their symbol tables, providing a many:1 or 1:1 mapping of unique long identifiers to the symbol values in this source.
This column source is used as a wrapper for the original table's symbol sources.
Return the rows with the highest commonly available ID from multiple tables.
Produce a map of synchronized tables, keyed by the name assigned to each input table.
Java proxy module for sys.
A marker interface for Clock that designates implementations as system clocks.
A clock based off of System.currentTimeMillis().
A clock based off of the current system time.
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) or the processor is the portion of a computer system that carries out the instructions of a computer program, and is the primary element carrying out the computer's functions.
An object that can report if it is systemically important.
If enabled, marks objects as systemically important.
Class to allow logs to receive sysout and syserr output.
A Deephaven table.
An UncheckedPermissionException derivative which indicates a table may not be accessed for one reason or another.
Adapter sub-interface of TableDefaults that allows implementors to selectively support an opt-in subset of the typical concrete methods for a Table implementation.
Used to collapse an output when the table operations and table type are the same generic type.
This exception is thrown when an update listener cannot be added to a Table because it has already failed.
Assert properties of a table.
This class creates a possibly-refreshing AbstractDataIndex for a table.
PartitionedTableHandle with an underlying table.
An encapsulation of the logic to return a labeled tables, when the table type is also TableOperations.
An encapsulation of the logic to create a single table, when the table type is also TableOperations.
An encapsulation of the logic to create a single table, when the table type is also TableOperations.
An encapsulation of the logic to create a single table, when the table type is also TableOperations.
Provides methods for building source tables.
Transform a table operation into a table.
Transform a table into a table operation.
Engine-specific implementation of TableCreator.
A "no-op" table creator impl, based on the QST structure itself.
Exception thrown by various sub-systems for data access.
For TableDataService and related components, this allows a simple implementation for subscription support.
A subscription token interface with cancellation support.
Static helper class for holding and building the shared instance.
"Null" instance, intended for unit tests and other standalone scenarios.
Service responsible for TableLocation discovery.
Sub-interface to capture default methods rom Table.
Table definition for all Deephaven tables.
Runtime exception representing an incompatibility between table definitions.
A set of differences that are skipped.
Factory for producing Deephaven engine Table instances.
Creator provider to supply the implementation at runtime.
A table handle implements TableOperations such that each the initial table handle and derived table handles are managed as exports.
A handle describing a table as well as the columns of the table that are needed.
A table handle manager is able to execute commands that produce tables, by accepting TableSpecs, TableCreationLogics, and more.
A table header is a list of column headers.
Representation class for per-table information stored in key-value metadata for Deephaven-written Parquet files.
An UncheckedTableException derivative which indicates a table was unable to be initialized for one reason or another.
Interface for opaque table keys for use in TableDataService implementations.
A registry for states keyed by TableKey.
Listener implementation for Table changes.
Interface for instrumentation entries used by update graph nodes.
Building block for Deephaven "source" tables, with helper methods for discovering locations and their sizes.
Listener interface for anything that wants to know about changes to a location.
Interface for TableLocation creation.
Interface for opaque table location keys for use in TableLocationProvider implementations.
Interface for TableLocationKey discovery with delivery to a callback.
Discovery utility for TableLocations for a given table.
ShiftObliviousListener interface for anything that wants to know about new table location keys.
This exception is thrown when a TableLocation that was in use by a Table is removed.
Interface for the mutable fields of a table location.
Tool for generic multi-field "atomic" get/set of state values for a table location.
Intermediates between push-based subscription to a TableLocationProvider and polling on update source refresh.
Intermediates between push-based subscription to a TableLocation and polling on update source refresh.
All generated TableLoggers implement this interface.
Common parts of the generated TableLoggers.
Accessors for Deephaven tables of instrumentation logs.
A "Table" object.
Table operations is a user-accessible api for modifying tables or building up table operations.
Sub-interface to capture default methods rom TableOperationsDefaults.
Produces a blink table from added tables.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.TableReference
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.TableReference
A table schema is used to refer to a schema.
This interface provides type-safe authorization hooks for TableServiceGrpc.
A default implementation that allows all requests.
A default implementation that funnels all requests to invoke checkPermission.
A default implementation that denies all requests.
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service TableService.
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service TableService.
Base class for the server implementation of the service TableService.
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service TableService.
A listener to replay the current table snapshot.
Data series that are backed by table snapshots
A table specification is a declarative description of a table query.
TableSupplier creates a Proxy to a Table with a list of Table operations to be applied when a filter method is called.
This class contains static methods to support conversions between various time types such as Instant, ZonedDateTime, LocalDate, LocalTime, and long.
This class produces Arrow Ipc Messages for a Deephaven table, including the schema and all columnar data.
Tools for working with tables.
Helper for coalescing and de-unioning tables prior to a merge.
SelectColumn implementation to wrap transformer functions for transformations.
Table update propagation structure, describing the rows and columns that were added, removed, modified, and shifted on a given cycle.
Implementation of TableUpdate.
Shift-aware listener for table changes.
TableWriter<R extends Row>
Interface for writing table data out.
For an Intraday restart, we often know that all data of interest must take place within a fixed period of time.
Iterative T-Digest and percentile operator.
Intentionally empty and is here for backwards compatibility should this API change.
Intentionally empty and is here for backwards compatibility should this API change.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.TerminationNotificationResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.TerminationNotificationResponse
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.TerminationNotificationResponse.StackTrace
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.TerminationNotificationResponse.StackTrace
Indicates that a particular method is for test purposes only and should not be used by client or production code.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.TextDocumentItem
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.TextDocumentItem
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.TextEdit
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.TextEdit
A simple method for generating a Thread dump for this JVM; it doesn't do all the stuff that the kill -3 does; but you can easily run it from inside the JVM without having to send yourself a signal.
Extension point to allow threads that will run user code from within the platform to be controlled by configuration.
An abstract generic ThreadMXBean-based ThreadProfiler implementation, with support for baseline measurements available on all JVMs.
Interface for thread profiling utilities which may be platform or JVM dependent.
A pool that holds at least size items, creates size items in the pool immediately, blocks (busily) whenever the pool overflows or underflows, optionally clears the items given to it, and IS thread-safe
A pool that holds at least size items, creates size items in the pool immediately, blocks (busily) whenever the pool overflows or underflows, optionally clears the items given to it, and IS thread-safe
A pool that holds at least size items, creates size items in the pool immediately, creates a new item when the pool underflows, discards the item when the pool overflows, optionally clears the items given to it, and IS thread-safe
A pool that holds at least size items, creates size items in the pool immediately, creates a new item when the pool underflows, discards the item when the pool overflows, optionally clears the items given to it, and IS thread-safe
TupleSource factory for three column sources.
Represents an operation that accepts two input arguments and returns no result, declaring a possibly-thrown exception.
Represents an operation that accepts no input and returns a boolean result, declaring a possibly-thrown exception.
Represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result, declaring a possibly-thrown exception.
Represents an operation that accepts no input and returns no result, declaring a possibly-thrown exception.
Represents an operation that accepts no input and returns a result, declaring a possibly-thrown exception.
An opaque identifier that the service can use to retrieve a particular portion of a stream.
An opaque identifier that the service can use to retrieve a particular portion of a stream.
An opaque holder that represents a generic flight ticket.
A ticket table is a byte format that allows callers to reference an existing table via ticket.
Tools for reducing the number of ticks generated by a table.
TimeLiteralReplacedExpression is a query expression with time, period, and datetime literals replaced by instance variables.
A range of time.
This will filter a table for the most recent N nanoseconds (must be on an Instant column).
A TimeTable adds rows at a fixed interval with a single column named "Timestamp".
A time table adds rows at a fixed interval with a Timestamp column.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.TimeTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.TimeTableRequest
TimeZoneAliases provides a service to look up time zones based on alias names and to format time zones to their aliased names.
A boolean function.
Functional interface to apply an operation to an object and produce a byte.
A byte function.
Functional interface to apply an operation to an object and produce a char.
A char function.
A double function.
Functional interface to apply an operation to an object and produce a float.
A float function.
An int function.
ToIntFunctor<T extends Any>
A function that transforms a Chunk to an IntChunk.
ToIntPage<ATTR extends Any>
Describes the input token stream.
Token Manager Error.
ToLongCast<T extends Any>
A long function.
A function that transforms a Chunk to an LongChunk.
Listens to a table, mapping keys to values.
An object function.
This provides a translation layer from the parquet results into the appropriately typed Chunk's.
A function interface that allows for differentiation of primitive return types.
Functional interface to apply an operation to an object and produce a short.
A short function.
Defines the default aggregations and display for a totals table.
Enumeration representing valid aggregation types for TotalsTableBuilder.
Simple least-recently-opened "cache" for FileHandles, to avoid running up against ulimits.
SeekableByteChannel wrapper around FileHandle with support for re-opening the handle in case it has been closed asynchronously.
SeekableChannelsProviderPlugin implementation used for reading files from local disk.
RowSet that internally tracks changes and maintains a consistent snapshot of its previous state, valid during the updating phase of its associated LogicalClock.
Minimal interface for optional, opaque indexer objects hosted by TrackingRowSet instances.
Tracking, writable RowSet.
Classes that implement this interface are responsible for converting data from individual DH columns into buffers to be written out to the Parquet file.
Implementation constants for Table.tree(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) support.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.TreeRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.TreeRequest
Deliberately empty response, use /ObjectService/FetchObject to access the result_tree_table_id ticket as a HierarchicalTableDescriptor.
Deliberately empty response, use /ObjectService/FetchObject to access the result_tree_table_id ticket as a HierarchicalTableDescriptor.
Interface for the result of Table.tree(String, String) tree} operations.
Recorder for node-level operations to be applied when gathering snapshots.
Apply filters to a tree source table, preserving ancestors.
RollupTable implementation.
The trust material configuration.
The unsafe trust that will trust all certificates without validation.
The trust material from a certificate(s).
A custom trust configuration provided via Certificate.
The trust material from the JDK.
A trust materials list.
The trust material from the system properties "", "", "", and "".
The trust material from a trust store.
The trust material from the system.
Interface for classes that know how to export the elements of a given tuple type.
Factory to produce immutable tuples from a long row key.
Factory for TupleSource instances.
Factory for producing Deephaven engine TupleSource instances.
A "tuple", where an JsonValueTypes.ARRAY is a known size and each element has a defined type.
TupleSource factory for two column sources.
A type.
When type is either a primitive type or a boxed type, enginePrimitiveType is the type used by the engine to represent it -- that is, Boolean for either boolean or Boolean results, but the primitive version of all other primitive/boxed types.
A common function interface that allows for differentiation based on the return type.
The TypedHashDispatcher returns a pre-generated and precompiled hasher instance suitable for the provided column sources, or null if there is not a precompiled hasher suitable for the specified sources.
The TypedHashDispatcher returns a pre-generated and precompiled hasher instance suitable for the provided column sources, or null if there is not a precompiled hasher suitable for the specified sources.
The TypedHashDispatcher returns a pre-generated and precompiled hasher instance suitable for the provided column sources, or null if there is not a precompiled hasher suitable for the specified sources.
The TypedHashDispatcher returns a pre-generated and precompiled hasher instance suitable for the provided column sources, or null if there is not a precompiled hasher suitable for the specified sources.
The TypedHashDispatcher returns a pre-generated and precompiled hasher instance suitable for the provided column sources, or null if there is not a precompiled hasher suitable for the specified sources.
The TypedHashDispatcher returns a pre-generated and precompiled hasher instance suitable for the provided column sources, or null if there is not a precompiled hasher suitable for the specified sources.
The TypedHashDispatcher returns a pre-generated and precompiled hasher instance suitable for the provided column sources, or null if there is not a precompiled hasher suitable for the specified sources.
The TypedHashDispatcher returns a pre-generated and precompiled hasher instance suitable for the provided column sources, or null if there is not a precompiled hasher suitable for the specified sources.
The TypedHashDispatcher returns a pre-generated and precompiled hasher instance suitable for the provided column sources, or null if there is not a precompiled hasher suitable for the specified sources.
The TypedHashDispatcher returns a pre-generated and precompiled hasher instance suitable for the provided column sources, or null if there is not a precompiled hasher suitable for the specified sources.
Produces typed hashers (e.g.
Static functions used by Typed Hashers.
A type-discriminated object is a JSON object whose fields depend on a specific type field.
A holder that represents a Deephaven ticket and accompanying type.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.TypedTicket
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.TypedTicket
Contains the necessary information to convert a Deephaven table into a Parquet table.
Utility functions to convert primitive types.
ClientResponseObserver implementation that can map results into a CompletableFuture.
Reinterpret result for many ColumnSource implementations that internally represent Instant values as long values.
Reinterpret result for many ColumnSource implementations that internally represent time values, such as Instant, as long values.
Reinterpret result ColumnSource implementations that translates various Time sources to long values.
The root of all Unchecked Deephaven exceptions
An UncheckedDeephavenException that indicates an issue with permissions.
A generic unchecked exception for problems related to Table operations.
Abstract class for uncoalesced tables.
Interface for ColumnSources of vectors that allow retrieving single elements by offset.
An Ungrouped Column sourced for the Boxed Type Byte.
An Ungrouped Column sourced for the Boxed Type Byte.
An Ungrouped Column sourced for the Boxed Type Character.
An Ungrouped Column sourced for the Boxed Type Character.
An Ungrouped Column sourced for the Boxed Type Double.
An Ungrouped Column sourced for the Boxed Type Double.
An Ungrouped Column sourced for the Boxed Type Float.
An Ungrouped Column sourced for the Boxed Type Float.
An Ungrouped Column sourced for the Boxed Type Integer.
An Ungrouped Column sourced for the Boxed Type Integer.
An Ungrouped Column sourced for the Boxed Type Long.
An Ungrouped Column sourced for the Boxed Type Long.
An Ungrouped Column sourced for the Boxed Type Short.
An Ungrouped Column sourced for the Boxed Type Short.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UngroupRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UngroupRequest
A union object represents a boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float, double, or Object.
This class manages the row key space allocated to constituent Tables for a UnionColumnSource, so that we can map row keys from an outer (merged) RowSet to the enclosing constituent Table.
A server object that is neither ObjectService.Fetchable nor ObjectService.Bidirectional; the server does not have an object type plugin registered for the referenced object.
Exception thrown when a requested partition value cannot be found because the partition key is unknown.
Attribute that specifies that a Chunk contains unordered row keys, which may be in any order or be duplicative.
This will filter a table on an Instant column for all rows greater than "now" according to a supplied clock.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UnstructuredFilterTableRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UnstructuredFilterTableRequest
A live table that allows add, remove, and modify.
Interface provided to updater functions that allows RowSet changes to be recorded for propagation.
Updater function interface.
This helper class will process the update by clauses and organize the operators into windows that can be processed together.
An interface to control the behavior of an Table#updateBy
Reusable options for the UpdateBy delta operation.
Reusable options for the UpdateBy delta operation.
Reusable options for the UpdateBy exponential moving operations.
Reusable options for the UpdateBy exponential moving operations.
Directives for how to handle {@code null} and {@code NaN} values
Defines an operation that can be applied to a table with Table#updateBy()}
An operator that performs a specific computation for TableOperations.updateBy(io.deephaven.api.updateby.UpdateByOperation).
A context item for use with updateBy operators
A factory to visit all of the UpdateByOperations to produce a set of UpdateByOperators that UpdateBy can use to produce a result.
Create a table with the same rowset as its parent that will perform the specified set of row based operations to it.
Create a table with the same rowset as its parent that will perform the specified set of row based operations to it.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByCumulativeMax
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByCumulativeMax
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByCumulativeMin
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByCumulativeMin
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByCumulativeProduct
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByCumulativeProduct
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByCumulativeSum
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByCumulativeSum
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByDelta
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByDelta
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByEma
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByEma
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByEmMax
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByEmMax
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByEmMin
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByEmMin
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByEms
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByEms
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByEmStd
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByEmStd
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByFill
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByFill
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingAvg
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingAvg
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingCount
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingCount
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingFormula
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingFormula
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingGroup
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingGroup
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingMax
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingMax
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingMin
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingMin
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingProduct
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingProduct
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingStd
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingStd
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingSum
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingSum
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingWAvg
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOperation.UpdateByColumn.UpdateBySpec.UpdateByRollingWAvg
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOptions
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByRequest.UpdateByOptions
A Specification for an updateBy operation.
The basis for operators that participate in an updateBy operation.
Reusable window scale message for the UpdateBy rolling operations.
Reusable window scale message for the UpdateBy rolling operations.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByWindowScale.UpdateByWindowTicks
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByWindowScale.UpdateByWindowTicks
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByWindowScale.UpdateByWindowTime
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.UpdateByWindowScale.UpdateByWindowTime
Helper utility for coalescing multiple updates.
Tool for allowing cleanup at update cycle end as a TerminalNotification.
Tool for allowing cleanup at update cycle end as a TerminalNotification.
Lock class to support UpdateGraph.
Instrumentation interface for recording lock events.
Provides a "DEFAULT" named UpdateGraph.
Logs data that describes what a worker spent time on during its data refresh cycle.
This tool is meant to track periodic update events that take place in an UpdateGraph.
Holder for logging details that are the same for every Entry in an interval
Calculate the size of the chunks needed to process an update.
Update source that combines multiple sources in order to force them to be refreshed as a unit within the update graph provided at construction.
A QueryTable that acts as an update source within the PeriodicUpdateGraph, with RowSet changes queued externally by a single producer.
Common interface for classes that can register and de-register update sources.
Installs the URI resolvers.
A URI resolver resolves URIs into objects.
Extracts a key-value partitioned table layout from a stream of URIs.
Base ImmutableTableLocationKey implementation for table locations that may be enclosed by partitions and described by a URI.
Codec for non-nullable Strings from UTF8 byte arrays.
Landing place for general purpose utility functions.
The base configuration for JSON values.
could also inline this to each place that uses it
Value.Builder<V extends Value,B extends Value.Builder<V,B>>
could also inline this to each place that uses it
A base Value where the implementation has a clearly defined universe.
Attribute that specifies that a Chunk contains individual values.
A base Value where the JSON value represents a single value.
Wraps all values in a given Y column when downsampling and apply operations consistently to supported column types.
Logical data structure representing an ordered list of elements.
This class wraps an inner ChunkSource holding a Vector.
Repository for constants used by the column-wrapper vector implementations.
Utility methods for converting vectors to native arrays.
Factory for wrapping native arrays as Vector instances.
Helpers to fill various field vectors from arrays or collections.
Utilities for creating VectorSchemaRoot.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.script.grpc.VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier
Indicates that a method or member is visible for testing purposes only.
One-shot NotificationQueue.Notification that can be delivered when a set of dependencies are satisfied.
A weakly-held CleanupReference.
An open-addressed identity hash set that only maintains weak references to its members.
Thread-safe implementation.
A helper for manging a list of WeakReferences.
SimpleReference implementation created to interpose a strong/hard reference in place of a weak reference, with reachability subject to the continued reachability of the wrapped referent via the wrapped reference.
Weakly-held SimpleReference.
Helper class to bridge the gap between Jetty's Graceful interface and the jakarta implementation of the supported grpc websocket transports.
Each instance of this type represents a single active websocket, which maps to a single gRPC stream.
Interface for individual filters within a where clause.
This exception is thrown when a where() filter is incapable of handling previous values, and thus needs to be executed while under the UGP lock.
Users of WhereFilter may implement this interface if they must react to the filter fundamentally changing.
Given a user's filter string produce an appropriate WhereFilter instance.
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.WhereInRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.WhereInRequest
A Select filter that always returns an empty RowSet.
Adds a Boolean column that is true if a Timestamp is within the specified window.
A table operation similar to TableOperations.where(String...) except that instead of filtering the rows in the table, it appends new columns containing the result of the filter evaluation on each row of the table.
A Pair of (Column name, Filter) for use with Table.wouldMatch(String...).
Parses strings of the form "Column1=expression" into a WouldMatchPair (or array of them).
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.WrappedAuthenticationRequest
Protobuf type io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.WrappedAuthenticationRequest
An object that can write itself to a byte buffer.
WritableChunk implementation for boolean data.
Reinterpret result ColumnSource implementations that translates byte to Boolean values.
WritableChunk implementation for byte data.
WritableChunk implementation for char data.
Data structure for a contiguous region of data that may be mutated.
WritableChunk implementation for double data.
WritableChunk implementation for float data.
WritableChunk implementation for int data.
WritableChunk implementation for long data.
WritableChunk implementation for Object data.
A ColumnSource that provides a redirected view into another ColumnSource by mapping keys using a RowRedirection.
A container for a Row that supports the concept of release, as well as access to the row itself.
Writable RowRedirection.
Factory for producing WritableRowRedirections and their components.
This is a lock-free implementation of a WritableRowRedirection.
RowSet that may be mutated (that is, have its contents changed in-place).
WritableChunk implementation for short data.
A writable source that allows parallel population.
DataSeries with two numerical components, x and y.
XYDataSeries based on a function.
XYDataSeriesInternal based on a function.
XYDataSeries based on a function.
DataSeriesInternal with two numerical components, x and y.
An XYDataSeries with error bars.
Dataset appropriate for an XYErrorBarDataSeriesInternal composed of indexable data.
An XYDataSeriesInternal with error bars.
Array-backed ColumnSource for ZonedDateTimes.
Reinterpret result ColumnSource implementations that translates ZonedDateTime to long values.
Array-backed ColumnSource for ZonedDateTimes.