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Version: Python


The partitioned_transform method applies a transformation function to two partitioned tables in order to return a single partitioned table. Typically, the transformation function will apply one or more table operations before joining the two partitioned tables and returning the result.


If any table underlying the input partitioned tables change, a corresponding change will propagate to the result.


Each pair of constituents is processed independently of all other pairs, so care must be taken to ensure that join keys are consistent. For example, if you partition by column A, but join on column B where some values of column B are in one partition and other values in another partition, the Deephaven engine does not match those rows.


Table operations applied within the transformation function must be done from within an execution context.


other: PartitionedTable,
func: Callable[[Table, Table], Table]
) -> PartitionedTable



The other PartitionedTable, whose constituent tables will be passed in as the second argument to the provided function.

funcCallable[[Table, Table], Table]

A function that takes two Tables as arguments and returns a new Table.


A PartitionedTable.


Basic example

The following example shows how the transformation takes two partitioned tables as input and returns one. It uses partitioned_transform to create a new partitioned table. The returned table, however, is just the first one passed into transformer as input. This example is not practical - it is only meant to show that the transformation function takes two tables as input and returns one.

from deephaven.execution_context import get_exec_ctx
from deephaven import empty_table

t1 = empty_table(10).update(["X = i % 2", "Y = randomDouble(0.0, 100.0)"])
t2 = empty_table(10).update(["X = i % 2", "Z = randomDouble(100.0, 500.0)"])

pt1 = t1.partition_by("X")
pt2 = t2.partition_by("X")

ctx = get_exec_ctx()

def transformer(t1, t2):
with ctx:
return t1

pt3 = pt1.partitioned_transform(other=pt2, func=transformer)

result = pt3.merge()

Join two partitioned tables

The following example uses the same tables as the previous example, but this time, transformer joins the two partitioned tables before returning the result.

from deephaven.execution_context import get_exec_ctx
from deephaven import empty_table

t1 = empty_table(10).update(["X = i % 2", "Y = randomDouble(0.0, 100.0)"])
t2 = empty_table(10).update(["X = i % 2", "Z = randomDouble(100.0, 500.0)"])

pt1 = t1.partition_by("X")
pt2 = t2.partition_by("X")

ctx = get_exec_ctx()

def transformer(t1, t2):
with ctx:
return t1.join(t2, "X")

pt3 = pt1.partitioned_transform(other=pt2, func=transformer)

result = pt3.merge()

Inexact join

The following example creates a trades and a quotes table. The partitioned_transform applies pt_asof_join, which performs an aj on the two tables on the Ticker and Timestamp columns to find the quote at the time of a trade.

from deephaven import new_table
from deephaven.column import string_col, int_col, double_col, datetime_col
from deephaven.time import to_j_instant
from deephaven.execution_context import get_exec_ctx

trades = new_table(
string_col("Ticker", ["AAPL", "AAPL", "AAPL", "IBM", "IBM"]),
to_j_instant("2021-04-05T09:10:00 ET"),
to_j_instant("2021-04-05T09:31:00 ET"),
to_j_instant("2021-04-05T16:00:00 ET"),
to_j_instant("2021-04-05T16:00:00 ET"),
to_j_instant("2021-04-05T16:30:00 ET"),
double_col("Price", [2.5, 3.7, 3.0, 100.50, 110]),
int_col("Size", [52, 14, 73, 11, 6]),

quotes = new_table(
string_col("Ticker", ["AAPL", "AAPL", "IBM", "IBM", "IBM"]),
to_j_instant("2021-04-05T09:11:00 ET"),
to_j_instant("2021-04-05T09:30:00 ET"),
to_j_instant("2021-04-05T16:00:00 ET"),
to_j_instant("2021-04-05T16:30:00 ET"),
to_j_instant("2021-04-05T17:00:00 ET"),
double_col("Bid", [2.5, 3.4, 97, 102, 108]),
int_col("BidSize", [10, 20, 5, 13, 23]),
double_col("Ask", [2.5, 3.4, 105, 110, 111]),
int_col("AskSize", [83, 33, 47, 15, 5]),

pt_trades = trades.partition_by("Ticker")
pt_quotes = quotes.partition_by("Ticker")

ctx = get_exec_ctx()

def pt_asof_join(quotes, trades):
with ctx:
return trades.aj(quotes, ["Ticker", "Timestamp"])

pt_new = pt_trades.partitioned_transform(other=pt_quotes, func=pt_asof_join)

result = pt_new.merge()