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Version: Python

Navigate the GUI

The Deephaven user interface (GUI) offers a comprehensive suite of advanced tools to manipulate and transform data and tables with ease. This guide shows users where to find the primary context menus and tools in the platform.



  • Console: The console is where you can type and run code. Most of the work you do in Deephaven will likely be done in this panel.
  • Log: Navigate to this panel to view your Deephaven instance's complete log.
  • Tables and Widgets Dropdowns: These menus list all of the tables, plots, and other widgets in your Deephaven instance. Click on a table or widget to view it.
  • Console Options: This menu contains options to change the console's behavior, such as whether to auto-launch panels or automatically close them upon a disconnection.
  • File Explorer: Here you can upload and download files to and from your Deephaven instance.
  • Command History: This panel shows a history of the commands you've run in the console.
  • Controls Panel: Here you can add and remove filters, create widgets, and access the Linker tool.
  • Panels Panel: Here you can search for panels in your Deephaven instance, as well as import and export layouts.
  • Settings: This menu contains options to change global Deephaven settings, like time zone, integer precision, string behavior, and the theme of the UI.
  • Viewing Area: This is where you can view tables, plots, and other widgets in your Deephaven instance.
  • Table data context menus: Right-click on a cell in a table to reveal the cell context menu. Here you will find options to copy data, filter, and more.
  • Column Header menu: Right-click on a column header to reveal the header menu. Here you will find options to freeze, filter, sort, and more.
  • Table options menu: Click on the hamburger icon in the top right corner of a table to reveal the table options menu. Here you will find tools to organize columns, perform conditional formatting, perform aggregations, download a CSV of the table data, and more.
  • Plot menu: Hover over the title of a plot to reveal the plot menu. Here you will find options to save the plot as an image, zoom in and out, and more.