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Version: Python

Use pandas in Deephaven queries

This guide covers the intersection of Pandas and Deephaven in queries. Pandas is a popular Python library for data analysis and manipulation that centers around DataFrames, similar to how Deephaven centers around tables. Deephaven's Pandas integration is used to convert between tables and DataFrames.



Converting between Deephaven tables and Pandas DataFrames copies the entire objects into memory. Be cautious when converting large datasets.

The deephaven.pandas Python module provides only two functions:

  • to_pandas: Converts a Deephaven table to a Pandas DataFrame.
  • to_table: Converts a Pandas DataFrame to a Deephaven table.

The following example creates a table, then converts it to a DataFrame and back.

from deephaven import column as dhcol
from deephaven import pandas as dhpd
from deephaven import new_table

source = new_table(
dhcol.string_col("Strings", ["Hello", "ABC", "123"]),
dhcol.int_col("Ints", [1, 100, 10000]),
dhcol.bool_col("Booleans", [True, False, True]),
dhcol.double_col("Doubles", [-3.14, 2.73, 9999.999]),
dhcol.char_col("Chars", "qrs"),

df = dhpd.to_pandas(source)

result = dhpd.to_table(df)

The resultant data types in the Pandas DataFrame and table are correct:

result_meta = result.meta_table

to_pandas and to_table can convert only a subset of available columns:

df_onecol = dhpd.to_pandas(source, cols=["Strings", "Doubles", "Chars"])
result_onecol = dhpd.to_table(df, cols=["Booleans", "Doubles"])

to_pandas, by default, converts a table to a Pandas DataFrame that is backed by NumPy arrays with no nullable dtypes. Instead, NumPy nullable and PyArrow backends can be used.

df_numpy_nullable = dhpd.to_pandas(source, dtype_backend="numpy_nullable")
df_pyarrow = dhpd.to_pandas(source, dtype_backend="pyarrow")

If dtype_backend is None, conv_null can be set to False, which will not convert null values to pandas.NA.

df_no_na = dhpd.to_pandas(source, dtype_backend=None, conv_null=False)

conv_null=False will result in an error if dtype_backend is not None.

Pandas DataFrames sometimes contain generic Object columns that don't directly translate to Deephaven column types. For instance, the following DataFrame has an Object column. By default, Deephaven calls pandas.DataFrame.convert_dtypes() prior to conversion. This can be turned off by setting infer_objects=False.

from deephaven.pandas import to_table
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1, 2, 3], "B": [1, 2.1, 3], "C": [1, pd.NA, 3]})

result_infer = to_table(df)
result_no_infer = to_table(df, infer_objects=False)

infer_meta = result_infer.meta_table
no_infer_meta = result_no_infer.meta_table