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Version: Python

Execution Context

An ExecutionContext represents a specific combination of query library, compiler, and scope under which a query is evaluated. It acts as an isolated environment within which specific operations and tasks can be run.

When Deephaven is started, a default ExecutionContext is created. It's used to evaluate queries submitted through the script session. To evaluate a table operation in a deferred manner, such as in a thread separate from the script session, an application must explicitly build or obtain an ExecutionContext. In such a case, a Python with statement should be used to enclose the query.

An ExecutionContext can be shared across multiple threads. Typical use patterns obtain the script session's systemic ExecutionContext and use it to wrap a query run in a thread created by the user. More complex usage patterns can use more than one ExecutionContext to keep certain objects completely separate from one another.


There are a few key benefits that the ExecutionContext brings to Deephaven:

  • Each ExecutionContext can have its own update graph, libraries, and query scope. This allows users to compartmentalize different units of code to work independently of one another.
  • The compartmentalization minimizes resource conflicts. For instance, an operation with a high computational cost can be isolated so as not to slow down other critical processes.
  • Multiple ExecutionContexts can run in parallel, enabling Deephaven to better leverage multi-core processor architectures.
  • In multi-user environments, each ExecutionContext can have specific authentication and authorization settings to securely encapsulate sensitive data and operations.

When an ExecutionContext is needed

An ExecutionContext must be used if:

  • A table operation takes place in a separate thread or context.
  • A table operation may cause downstream operations to occur at a future point in time after the query scope has had the chance to change.

Table operations in a separate thread

Take, for instance, the following code, which attempts to use a TablePublisher to write data to a blink table in a separate thread once per second:

from import table_publisher
from deephaven import dtypes as dht
from deephaven import empty_table
import asyncio, random, threading, time

coldefs = {"X": dht.int32, "Y": dht.double}

def shut_down():
print("Shutting down table publisher.")

source, p = table_publisher(
name="Publisher", col_defs=coldefs, on_shutdown_callback=shut_down

def when_done():

def add_table(n):
empty_table(n).update(["X = randomInt(0, 10)", "Y = randomDouble(-50.0, 50.0)"])

def thread_func():
for i in range(5):
add_table(random.randint(5, 10))

ctx = get_exec_ctx()
thread = threading.Thread(target=thread_func)

Note the following in the error message:

No ExecutionContext registered, or current ExecutionContext has no QueryScope. If this is being run in a thread, did you specify an ExecutionContext for the thread? Please refer to the documentation on ExecutionContext for details.

This occurs because add_table, called in a separate thread, performs table operations and isn't encapsulated in an Execution Context. A fix as simple as the following will allow the code to run:

from import table_publisher
from deephaven.execution_context import get_exec_ctx # New import
from deephaven import dtypes as dht
from deephaven import empty_table
import random, threading, time

coldefs = {"X": dht.int32, "Y": dht.double}

def shut_down():
print("Shutting down table publisher.")

source, p = table_publisher(
name="Publisher", col_defs=coldefs, on_shutdown_callback=shut_down

def when_done():

def add_table(n):
empty_table(n).update(["X = randomInt(0, 10)", "Y = randomDouble(-50.0, 50.0)"])

def thread_func():
with ctx: # Encapsulate table operations in the execution context
for i in range(5):
add_table(random.randint(5, 10))

ctx = get_exec_ctx() # Get the systemic execution context
thread = threading.Thread(target=thread_func)


Table operations that produce deferred results

Below is a block of Python code that contains a table operation that produces a deferred result. The max_date function is called in the transform method of a PartitionedTable:

from deephaven.execution_context import get_exec_ctx

main_exec_ctx = get_exec_ctx()

def max_date(t: Table) -> Table:
with main_exec_ctx:
return (
t.update_by([cum_max(["MaxTimestamp = Timestamp"])])
.update_view(["Date=formatDate(MaxTimestamp, timeZone(`PT`))"])

my_partitioned_table = (

A partitioned table transform can be a deferred operation. For instance, if a new partition is added to my_partitioned_table at a later time, max_date will be re-evaluated for the new partition. The query scope may be different then, so the ExecutionContext must be explicitly specified.

Systemic vs Separate ExecutionContext

For most applications where a single user runs Deephaven, the systemic execution context will be enough for their needs. There are more complex use cases where multiple execution contexts can be critical.

  • A secondary update graph can provide resource isolation, improved performance, and user-specific workflows.
  • Fixing variables that can be found in the query scope. Deferred table creation in loops must be parameterized correctly.
  • Multithreaded queries may want separate execution contexts for safe execution of deferred operations.
  • If multiple users are using the same Deephaven server, each user can keep their work completely separate from one another.
  • If a single user wishes to avoid any crossing of data between separate workloads, each workload can be done in an isolated environment.
  • Restriction of allowed operations in deferred execution (if supported by the AuthContext in use).