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Version: Python

Install and run Deephaven with pip

Install Deephaven without Docker

Pip is the package manager for Python and is the easiest way to install Python packages, including Deephaven. Using pip, you can install Deephaven with only two commands.


If you want instructions for using Deephaven's pre-built Docker images, see the Docker quick start instead. Developers interested in tinkering with and modifying Deephaven source code should follow the instructions in the build from source guide.


First, you will need Java 11+ installed and the JAVA_HOME environment variable set appropriately. See this guide for OS-specific instructions. Next, install deephaven-server using pip:

pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
pip3 install deephaven-server

It is recommended to install Deephaven in a Python virtual environment (venv) or a Conda environment to provide some isolation from the system-level Python packages.

If you want to use deephaven.ui, you must also install it with pip:

pip3 install deephaven-plugin-ui

Start a Deephaven server

From the command line

The Deephaven command-line interface (CLI) is a tool that allows you to interact with a Python installed version of Deephaven. You can start up a Deephaven server with the settings you want using this command. The CLI is include with the deephaven-server package.

With deephaven-server installed, run from your command line:

deephaven server --jvm-args "-Xmx4g"

The Deephaven IDE should open in your web browser. If it doesn't open automatically, check the console output for the URL to access the IDE.


The deephaven command is the entry point for the CLI:

deephaven [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Available options include:

  • --help: Show a help message and exit.
  • server: Start a Deephaven server. Additional options include:
    • --host TEXT: The host on which to start the server. Default is localhost.
    • --port INTEGER: The port on which to start the server. Default is 10000.
    • --jvm-args TEXT: Additional JVM arguments to pass to the server. For example, -Xmx4g to allocate 4GB of memory,
    • --browser / --no-browser: Whether or not to open a browser automatically. Default is --browser, which automatically opens your default browser when launching Deephaven.
    • --extra-classpath TEXT: Additional classpath entries to add to the server's classpath.
    • --help: Show a help message about the server command and exit.


Start a Deephaven server on port 9999 with 4GB of memory allocated:

deephaven server --port 9999 --jvm-args "-Xmx4g"

Start a Deephaven server with a custom pre-shared key PythonR0cks:

deephaven server --jvm-args "-Dauthentication.psk=PythonR0cks"

From a Python script

Alternatively, you can start a Deephaven server from a Python script. Let's create a Python script to use it.

The code below starts a Deephaven server with its standard configuration on port 10000 and 4GB of memory allocated:

from deephaven_server import Server

s = Server(port=10000, jvm_args=["-Xmx4g"])


Deephaven, by default, uses pre-shared key authentication to authenticate users. The above code example does not set a pre-shared key, so it will not be known. This does not affect your ability to use Deephaven operations from Python, but you will not be able to connect to the IDE via your web browser, as the required pre-shared key will not be known. There are two ways to get around this:

You can set your own pre-shared key by supplying -Dauthentication.psk an additional parameter to jvm_args when you create the server. The code below sets the key as PythonR0cks!.

from deephaven_server import Server

s = Server(port=10000, jvm_args=["-Xmx4g", "-Dauthentication.psk=PythonR0cks!"]).start()

You can also enable anonymous authentication, where no key is required to access the IDE. To do so, supply -DAuthHandlers=io.deephaven.auth.AnonymousAuthenticationHandler as an additional parameter to jvm_args.

from deephaven_server import Server

s = Server(

Anonymous authentication provides no application security.

M2 Macs

If you're trying to use pip-installed Deephaven on an M2 MacBook, you must add the argument "" to the jvm_args list, as in:

s = Server(port=10000, jvm_args=["-Xmx4g", ""])

Example scripts

  • The Deephaven server must be started before performing any Deephaven operations, including importing the deephaven package. This is required when using Deephaven in a Python script. Here, it is started on port 10000. You can choose another port if you'd like. To access the IDE after running this script, head to http://localhost:10000/ide in your preferred web browser.
  • JVM arguments have been specified to give the Deephaven server 4 GB of memory. You can change the amount of memory by changing this number.

The next part of the script creates three streaming tables. The first table (t) steadily increases in size, the second table (t_last) contains the most recent timestamp for each label, and the third table (t_join) joins the most recent timestamp onto the first table.

from deephaven import time_table

t = time_table("PT1S").update("A = i%2==0 ? `A` : `B`")
t_last = t.last_by("A")
t_join = t.natural_join(t_last, on="A", joins=["LastTime=Timestamp"])


You can run this script from the command line. Here interactive mode (-i) is used to keep the Python session up so that we can continue interacting with the Deephaven session after the script executes.

python3 -i

img img

This next script creates two tables: one for employees and one for departments. It then joins the two tables on the DeptID column.

First, start the server:

from deephaven_server import Server

s = Server(port=10000, jvm_args=["-Xmx4g"])

Then, run your Python query:

from deephaven import new_table
from deephaven.column import string_col, int_col
from deephaven.constants import NULL_INT

left = new_table(
"LastName", ["Rafferty", "Jones", "Steiner", "Robins", "Smith", "Rogers"]
int_col("DeptID", [31, 33, 33, 34, 34, NULL_INT]),
"(347) 555-0123",
"(917) 555-0198",
"(212) 555-0167",
"(952) 555-0110",

right = new_table(
int_col("DeptID", [31, 33, 34, 35]),
string_col("DeptName", ["Sales", "Engineering", "Clerical", "Marketing"]),
["(646) 555-0134", "(646) 555-0178", "(646) 555-0159", "(212) 555-0111"],

table = left.join(
table=right, on=["DeptID"], joins=["DeptName,DeptTelephone=Telephone"]

The Periodic Update Graph

The Periodic Update Graph coordinates table updates and its lock must be acquired before executing many Deephaven table operations. In Deephaven, the UG ensures that, when queries are updated in real time, the calculations are all updated consistently. This lock is automatically acquired when executing a block of code in the Deephaven IDE. The same is true in Python scripts outside of the IDE. UG auto-locking is set to True by default.

Automatic lock

When auto-locking is enabled, as in the example above, UG locks are automatically acquired when they are needed.

To disable auto-locking:

from deephaven import ugp

ugp.auto_locking = False

Explicit lock

Auto-locking is very finely grained. Each table operation is locked independently. Explicit UG locking allows more complex locking. For example, with an explicit UG lock, multiple tables can be initialized against the same initial data set before being allowed to update. Explicit-locking can still be used in conjunction with auto-locking to handle more complex cases, providing both ease of use and explicit control.

from deephaven_server import Server

s = Server(port=10000, jvm_args=["-Xmx4g"])

# UG lock must be held to execute many query operations

from deephaven import time_table
from deephaven import ugp

# Use explicit UG locking
with ugp.shared_lock():
t = time_table("PT1S").update("A = i%2==0 ? `A` : `B`")
t_last = t.last_by("A")
t_join = t.natural_join(t_last, on="A", joins=["LastTime=Timestamp"])


Use additional architectures

pip-installed Deephaven works for AMD64 and ARM64 Linux, Intel and Apple Mac, as well as Windows and WSL. Unsupported architectures can use pip-installed Deephaven in a Docker container. To do this, simply create a Dockerfile.

FROM python:3.7-bullseye

RUN apt update && \
apt install -y openjdk-11-jdk

ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/

RUN python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel && \
pip install deephaven-server==0.14.0

Then build a Docker image for either linux/amd64 or linux/arm64 (Mac M1 or M2).

docker build . -t deephaven-pip-installed

What to do next?