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Version: Python


The input_table method creates an input table, which allows users to manually add data via the UI or programmatically via queries.


input_table = input_table(
init_table: Table,
col_defs: dict[str, DType] = None,
key_cols: list[str],
) -> InputTable



The table from which the input table will be created. If used, column definitions must be None (the default value).

col_defsdict[str, DType]

A set of column definitions that define the column names and types in the input table. If used, an initial table must be None (the default value).


One or more key column names. The default value is None, which results in an append-only input table. If not None, it becomes a keyed input table, which allows for the creation and modification of pre-existing cells.


An InputTable, a subclass of a Deephaven table in which data can be manually entered by clicking on cells and typing values.


An input table supports the following methods:

  • add: add data to an input table. The added data must fit the schema of the input table.


The following example creates an input table from a pre-existing table by using the init_table argument. It does not specify any key columns, which means the result table is append-only.

from deephaven import empty_table, input_table

source = empty_table(10).update(["X = i"])

result = input_table(init_table=source)

The following example creates an input table from a dict of column definitions. It does not specify any key columns, which means the result table is append-only.

from deephaven import input_table
from deephaven import dtypes as dht

my_column_defs = {"StringCol": dht.string, "DoubleCol": dht.double}

my_input_table = input_table(col_defs=my_column_defs)

The third example creates an input table and specifies a key column, so the resulting input table is keyed rather than append-only.

from deephaven import input_table
from deephaven import dtypes as dht

my_column_defs = {"StringCol": dht.string, "DoubleCol": dht.double}

my_input_table = input_table(col_defs=my_column_defs, key_cols="StringCol")

Data can be added to an input table programmatically using the add method.

from deephaven import empty_table, input_table
from deephaven import dtypes as dht

my_col_defs = {"X": dht.int32, "Y": dht.double}
my_table = empty_table(5).update(["X = i", "Y = (double)(2 * i)"])
my_input_table = input_table(col_defs=my_col_defs)

Data can be added to an input table manually via the UI.

