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Version: Python

Import Parquet Files to Deephaven Tables

Deephaven integrates seamlessly with Parquet via the Parquet Python module, making it easy to read Parquet files directly into Deephaven tables. This document covers reading data into tables from single Parquet files, flat Parquet directories, and partitioned key-value Parquet directories. This document also covers reading Parquet files from S3 servers into Deephaven tables, a common use case.

Read a single Parquet file

Reading a single Parquet file involves loading data from one specific file into a table. This is straightforward and efficient when dealing with a relatively small dataset or when the data is consolidated into one file.

From local storage

Read single Parquet files into Deephaven tables with The function takes a single required argument path, which gives the full file path of the Parquet file.

from deephaven import parquet

# pass the path of the local parquet file to `read`
sensors ="/data/examples/SensorData/parquet/SensorData_gzip.parquet")

From an S3 server


The deephaven.experimental.s3 integration is currently experimental, so the API is subject to change.

Deephaven provides some tooling around reading from S3 servers with the deephaven.experimental.s3 Python module. This module contains the S3Instructions class, which is used to establish communication with the S3 server. Learn more about this class in the special instructions section of this document.

Use to read a single Parquet file from an S3 server, where the path argument is provided as the endpoint to the Parquet file on the server. Supply an instance of the S3Instructions class to the special_instructions argument to specify the details of the connection to the server.

from deephaven import parquet
from deephaven.experimental import s3

# pass URL to an S3 server, as well as instructions on how to talk to the server
drivestats =

Partitioned Parquet directories

Deephaven supports reading partitioned Parquet directories. A partitioned Parquet directory organizes data into subdirectories based on one or more partition columns. This structure allows for more efficient data querying by pruning irrelevant partitions, leading to faster read times than a single Parquet file. Parquet data can be read into Deephaven tables from a flat partitioned directory or a key-value partitioned directory. Deephaven can also use Parquet metadata files, which boosts performance significantly.

When a partitioned Parquet directory is read into a Deephaven table, Deephaven represents the ingested data as a partitioned table. Deephaven's partitioned tables are efficient representations of partitioned datasets and provide many useful methods for working with such data. See the guide on partitioned tables for more information.

Read a key-value partitioned Parquet directory

Key-value partitioned Parquet directories extend partitioning by organizing data based on key-value pairs in the directory structure. This allows for highly granular and flexible data access patterns, providing efficient querying for complex datasets. The downside is the added complexity in managing and maintaining the key-value pairs, which can be more intricate than other partitioning methods.

From local storage

Use to read a key-value partitioned Parquet directory into a Deephaven partitioned table. The directory structure may be automatically inferred by Alternatively, provide the appropriate directory structure to the file_layout argument using parquet.ParquetFileLayout.KV_PARTITIONED. Providing this argument will boost performance, as no computation is required to infer the directory layout.

from deephaven import parquet

# directory layout may be inferred
pems_inferred ="/data/examples/Pems/parquet/pems")

# or provided by user, yielding a performance boost
pems_provided =

If the key-value partitioned Parquet directory contains _common_metadata and _metadata files, utilize them by setting the file_layout argument to parquet.ParquetFileLayout.METADATA_PARTITIONED. This is the most performant option if the metadata files are available.

# use metadata files for maximum performance
pems_metadata =

From an S3 server

Use to read a key-value partitioned Parquet directory from an S3 server. Supply the special_instructions argument with an instance of the S3Instructions class, and set the file_layout argument to parquet.ParquetFileLayout.KV_PARTITIONED for maximum performance.

from deephaven import parquet
from deephaven.experimental import s3

# directory layout may be inferred
performance_inferred =

# or provided
performance_provided =

S3-hosted key-value partitioned Parquet datasets may also have _common_metadata and _metadata files. Utilize them by setting the file_layout argument to parquet.ParquetFileLayout.METADATA_PARTITIONED.


This example is for illustrative purposes and is not runnable.

# use metadata files for maximum performance
kv_metadata =

Read a flat partitioned Parquet directory

A flat partitioned Parquet directory stores data without nested subdirectories. Each file contains partition information within its filename or as metadata. This approach simplifies directory management compared to hierarchical partitioning but can lead to larger directory listings, which might affect performance with many partitions.

From local storage

Read local flat partitioned Parquet directories into Deephaven tables with Set the file_layout argument to parquet.ParquetFileLayout.FLAT_PARTITIONED for maximum performance.


This example is for illustrative purposes and is not runnable.

from deephaven import parquet

# directory layout may be inferred
flat_data_inferred ="/local/path/to/flat_directory")

# or provided by user, yielding a performance boost
flat_data_provided =

From an S3 server

Use to read a flat partitioned Parquet directory from an S3 server. Supply the special_instructions argument with an instance of the S3Instructions class, and set the file_layout argument to parquet.ParquetFileLayout.FLAT_PARTITIONED for maximum performance.


This example is for illustrative purposes and is not runnable.

from deephaven import parquet
from deephaven.experimental import s3

# directory layout may be inferred
flat_s3_inferred =

# or provided
flat_s3_provided =

If the S3-hosted flat partitioned Parquet dataset has _common_metadata and _metadata files, utilize them by setting the file_layout argument to parquet.ParquetFileLayout.METADATA_PARTITIONED.


This example is for illustrative purposes and is not runnable.

# use metadata files for maximum performance
flat_metadata =

Optional arguments

The function takes many optional arguments, many of which were not included in these examples. Here are all of the arguments that accepts:

  • path: The Parquet file or directory to read. This is typically a string containing a local file path or directory, or an endpoint for an S3 bucket.
  • col_instructions: Instructions for customizations while reading particular columns, provided as a ColumnInstruction or a list of ColumnInstructions. The default is None, which means no specialization for any column.
  • is_legacy_parquet: True or False indicating if the Parquet data is in legacy Parquet format.
  • is_refreshing: True or False indicating if the Parquet data represents a refreshing source.
  • file_layout: The Parquet file or directory layout, provided as a ParquetFileLayout. Default is None, which means the layout is inferred.
  • table_definition: The table definition or schema, provided as a dictionary of string-DType pairs, or as a list of ColumnDefinition instances. When not provided, the column definitions implied by the table(s) are used.
  • special_instructions: Special instructions for reading Parquet files, useful when reading files from a non-local S3 server. These instructions are provided as an instance of S3Instructions. Default is None.

Column instructions and special instructions

Column instructions

The col_instructions argument to must be an instance of the ColumnInstruction class. This class maps specific columns in the Parquet data to specific columns in the Deephaven table, as well as specifies the method of compression used for that column.

ColumnInstruction has the following arguments:

  • column_name: The column name in the Deephaven table to apply these instructions.
  • parquet_column_name: The name of the corresponding column in the Parquet dataset.
  • codec_name: The name of the compression codec to use.
  • codec_args: An implementation-specific string that maps types to/from bytes. It is typically used in cases where there is no obvious language-agnostic representation in Parquet.
  • use_dictionary: True or False indicating whether or not to use dictionary-based encoding for string columns.

Of particular interest is the codec_name argument. This defines the particular type of compression used for the given column and can have significant implications for the speed of the import. The options are:

  • SNAPPY: (default) Aims for high speed and a reasonable amount of compression. Based on Google's Snappy compression format.
  • UNCOMPRESSED: The output will not be compressed.
  • LZ4_RAW: A codec based on the LZ4 block format. Should always be used instead of LZ4.
  • LZO: Compression codec based on or interoperable with the LZO compression library.
  • GZIP: Compression codec based on the GZIP format (not the closely-related "zlib" or "deflate" formats) defined by RFC 1952.
  • ZSTD: Compression codec with the highest compression ratio based on the Zstandard format defined by RFC 8478.
  • LZ4: Deprecated Compression codec loosely based on the LZ4 compression algorithm, but with an additional undocumented framing scheme. The framing is part of the original Hadoop compression library and was historically copied first in parquet-mr, then emulated with mixed results by parquet-cpp. Note that LZ4 is deprecated; use LZ4_RAW instead.

Special instructions (S3 Only)

The special_instructions argument to is relevant when reading from an S3 server and takes an instance of the S3Instructions class. This class specifies details for connecting to the server.

S3Instructions has the following arguments:

  • region_name: The region name of the AWS S3 bucket where the Parquet data exists.
  • endpoint_override: The endpoint to connect to. Callers connecting to AWS do not typically need to set this; it is most useful when connecting to non-AWS, S3-compatible APIs. The default is None
  • anonymous_access: True or False indicating the use of anonymous credentials. The default is False.
  • read_ahead_count: The number of fragments asynchronously read ahead of the current fragment as the current fragment is being read. The default is 1.
  • fragment_size: The maximum size of each fragment to read in bytes. The default is 5 MB.
  • read_timeout: The amount of time it takes to time out while reading a fragment. The default is 2 seconds.
  • max_concurrent_requests: The maximum number of concurrent requests to make to S3. The default is 50.
  • max_cache_size: The maximum number of fragments to cache in memory while reading. The default is 32.
  • connection_timeout: Time to wait for a successful S3 connection before timing out. The default is 2 seconds.
  • access_key_id: The access key for reading files. If set, secret_access_key must also be set.
  • secret_access_key: The secret access key for reading files.