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How-to guides
131 articlesStep-by-step guides to help you achieve a specific goal. Most useful when you're trying to get something done for the first time.
Conceptual guides
19 articlesClear explanations of core concepts to improve your fundamental understanding of Deephaven building blocks. Most useful for gaining mastery of a topic.
Important concepts
Reference guides
330 articlesTechnical descriptions of how Deephaven works, with examples. Most useful when you need detailed information about a specfic Deephaven API. For those needing deeper technical documentation, you can also refer to our API documentation generated from source.
Cheat sheets
9 articlesShort snippets and example queries. Most useful to keep open in a browser tab while first learning to write queries.
Useful cheat sheets
Deephaven Community Core is a real-time, time-series, column-oriented query engine with relational database features. Read the overview for a more detailed introduction.