Basic Table Operations

This section will cover some table operations that appear in almost all queries. These table operations use query strings extensively, which are discussed in detail in the next section.

Table operations are integral to the Deephaven Query Language (DQL). The previous sections of the crash course used five:

  • update_view, which adds columns to or modifies existing columns in a table.
  • sum_by, which computes the sum of all columns in a table by a grouping column.
  • drop_columns, which drops columns from a table.
  • sort, which sorts a table by the given columns from least to greatest.
  • sort_descending, which sorts a table by the given columns from greatest to least.

Table operations are an integral component of DQL. You've already seen several: update_view, sum_by, drop_columns, sort and sort_descending. You can think of these as different transformations being applied to the data in the table. This section will outline some basic table operations that make up the backbones of the most common queries.

Many of the code blocks in this notebook use the following table, t, as the root table. This is a simple table with 100 rows and contains only a Timestamp column.

from deephaven import empty_table

t = empty_table(100).update("Timestamp = '2015-01-01T00:00:00 ET' + 'PT1m' * ii")

Basic column manipulation

Add and modify columns

update creates in-memory columns. An in-memory column is one where the calculations are performed immediately, and results are stored in memory. The following code block adds three columns to t.

  • IntRowIndex: 32-bit integer row indices.
  • LongRowIndex: 64-bit integer row indices.
  • Group: modulo of IntRowIndex and 5.
t_updated = t.update(
    ["IntRowIndex = i", "LongRowIndex = ii", "Group = IntRowIndex % 5"]


In this case, the three query strings passed to update are enclosed in [] - this is required to pass multiple query strings to table operations.

update_view creates formula columns. A formula column is one where only the formula is stored in memory when called. Results are then computed on the fly as needed. update_view is best used when calculations are simple or when only small subsets of the data are used.

The following code block adds two new columns to t.

  • IntRowIndex: 32-bit integer row indices.
  • Group: modulo of IntRowIndex and 5.
t_update_viewed = t.update_view(["IntRowIndex = i", "Group = IntRowIndex % 5"])

lazy_update creates memoized columns. A memoized column performs calculations immediately and stores them in memory, but a calculation is only performed and stored once for each unique set of input values.

The following code block adds two new columns to t_updated.

  • GroupSqrt: square root of Group.
  • GroupSquared: square of Group.

Because Group has only five unique values, only 10 calculations are needed to populate the two new columns.

t_lazy_updated = t_updated.lazy_update(
    ["GroupSqrt = sqrt(Group)", "GroupSquared = Group * Group"]

Select columns

select and view both create tables containing subsets of input columns and new columns computed from input columns. The big difference between the methods is how much memory they allocate and when formulas are evaluated. Performance and memory considerations dictate the best method for a particular use case.

select, like update, creates in-memory columns. The following code block selects two existing columns from t_updated and adds a new column.

t_selected =
    ["Timestamp", "IntRowIndex", "RowPlusOne = IntRowIndex + 1"]

view, like update_view, creates formula columns. The following code block selects two existing columns from t_updated and adds a new column.

t_viewed = t_updated.view(
    ["Timestamp", "LongRowIndex", "RowPlusOne = LongRowIndex + 1"]

Drop columns

drop_columns removes columns from a table.

t_dropped = t_updated.drop_columns(["IntRowIndex", "LongRowIndex"])

Alternatively, view and select can be used to remove columns by omission. Both tables created below drop IntRowIndex and LongRowIndex by not including them in the list of columns passed in.

t_dropped_via_view = t_updated.view(["Timestamp", "Group"])
t_dropped_via_select =["Timestamp", "Group"])

There's a lot to consider when choosing between in-memory, formula, and memoized columns in queries. For more information, see choose the right selection method.


By condition

where filters rows from a table based on a condition. The following code block keeps only rows in t_updated where IntRowIndex is an even number.

t_filtered = t_updated.where("IntRowIndex % 2 == 0")

Multiple filters can be applied in a single statement.

t_filtered_2 = t_updated.where(["Group == 3", "IntRowIndex % 2 == 0"])

A where operation that applies multiple conditions keeps only data that meets all of the criteria set forth. To keep rows that meet one or more of the specified criteria, use where_one_of.

t_filtered_3 = t_updated.where_one_of(["Group == 3", "IntRowIndex % 2 == 0"])

In addition to where and where_one_of, Deephaven offers where_in and where_not_in, which filter table data based on another table.

See the filtering guide for more information.

By row position

Methods that filter data by row position only keep a portion of data at the top, middle, or bottom of a table.

  • head: Keep the first n rows.
  • head_pct: Keep the first n% of rows.
  • tail: Keep the last n rows.
  • tail_pct: Keep the last n% of rows.
  • slice: Keep rows between start and end.
  • slice_pct: Keep rows between start% and end%.
# 10 rows at the top
t_head = t_updated.head(10)

# 10% of rows at the top
t_head_pct = t_updated.head_pct(0.1)

# 15 rows at the bottom
t_tail = t_updated.tail(15)

# 15% of rows at the bottom
t_tail_pct = t_updated.tail_pct(0.15)

# 20 rows in the middle
t_slice = t_updated.slice(40, 60)

# 20% of rows in the middle
t_slice_pct = t_updated.slice_pct(0.4, 0.6)

See the filtering guide for more information.


The sort method sorts a table based on one or more columns. The following code block sorts t_static by X in ascending order.

t_sorted = t_updated.sort("Group")

Tables can be sorted by more than one column.

t_sorted_multiple = t_updated.sort(["Group", "IntRowIndex"])

To sort in descending order, use sort_descending.

t_sorted_desc = t_updated.sort_descending("LongRowIndex")

To sort multiple columns in different directions, use sort with a SortDirection for each column.

from deephaven import SortDirection

t_sort_multi = t_updated.sort(
    ["Group", "IntRowIndex"], [SortDirection.ASCENDING, SortDirection.DESCENDING]

See the sorting guide for more information.

Group and aggregate data

Grouping data places rows into groups based on zero or more supplied key columns. Aggregation calculates summary statistics over a group of data. Grouping and aggregation are key components of data analysis, especially in Deephaven queries.

The examples in this section will use the following table.

from deephaven import empty_table

t = empty_table(100).update(
        "Timestamp = '2015-01-01T00:00:00 ET' + 'PT1m' * ii",
        "X = randomInt(0, 100)",
        "Y = randomDouble(0, 10)",
        "Group = i % 5",
        "Letter = (i % 2 == 0) ? `A` : `B`",

Group and ungroup data

group_by groups table data into arrays. Entire tables can be grouped.

t_grouped = t.group_by()

Data can be grouped by one or more key columns.

t_grouped_by_group = t.group_by("Group")
t_grouped_by_multiple = t.group_by(["Group", "Letter"])

ungroup is the inverse of group_by.

t_ungrouped = t_grouped.ungroup()
t_ungrouped_2 = t_grouped_by_group.ungroup()
t_ungrouped_3 = t_grouped_by_multiple.ungroup()

See the grouping and ungrouping guide for more information.

Single aggregations

Single aggregations apply a single aggregation to an entire table. See here for a list of single aggregators.

The following code uses avg_by to calculate the aggregated average of columns X and Y from the table t. No grouping columns are given, so the averages are calculated over the entire table.

t_avg = t.view(["X", "Y"]).avg_by()

Aggregations are often calculated for groups of data. The following example calculates the average of X and Y for each unique value in Group.

t_avg_by_group = t.view(["Group", "X", "Y"]).avg_by("Group")

Single aggregations can be performed using multiple grouping columns.

t_avg_by_multiple = t.view(["Group", "Letter", "X", "Y"]).avg_by(["Group", "Letter"])

Multiple aggregations

To apply multiple aggregations in a single operation, pass one or more of the aggregators into agg_by.

The following code block calculates the average of X and the median of Y, grouped by Group and Letter. It renames the resultant columns AvgX and MedianY, respectively.

from deephaven import agg

agg_list = [agg.avg("AvgX = X"), agg.median("MedianY = Y")]

t_multiple_aggs = t.view(["Group", "Letter", "X", "Y"]).agg_by(
    agg_list, ["Group", "Letter"]

Rolling aggregations

Most platforms offer aggregation functionality similar to the dedicated and multiple aggregations presented above (though none will work so easily on real-time data). However, Deephaven is unique and powerful in its vast library of cumulative, moving, and windowed calculations, facilitated by the update_by table operation and the deephaven.updateby Python module.

The following code block calculates the cumulative sum of X in t.

from deephaven.updateby import cum_sum

t_cum_sum = t.view("X").update_by(cum_sum(cols="SumX = X"))

Aggregations with update_by show the running total as it progresses through the table.

update_by can also limit these summary statistics to subsets of table data defined by a number of rows or amount of time backward, forward, or both. The following code block calculates the sum of the prior 10 rows in column X of table t.

from deephaven.updateby import rolling_sum_tick

t_windowed_sum = t.view("X").update_by(rolling_sum_tick("TenRowSumX = X", rev_ticks=10))

update_by also supports performing these calculations over groups of data. The following code block performs the same calculations as above, but groups the data by Group and Letter.

from deephaven.updateby import rolling_sum_tick, cum_sum

update_by_ops = [rolling_sum_tick("TenRowSumX = X", rev_ticks=10), cum_sum("SumX = X")]

t_updated_by_grouped = t.update_by(update_by_ops, ["Group", "Letter"])

Additionally, calculations can be windowed by time. The following code block calculates a 16-second rolling average of X, grouped by Group.

from deephaven.updateby import rolling_avg_time

t_rolling_avg_time = t.update_by(
    rolling_avg_time("Timestamp", "AvgX = X", rev_time="PT16s"), "Group"

Windows can look backward, forward, or both ways. The following example calculates the rolling average of the following windows:

  • The previous 9 seconds.
  • The current row and the previous 8 rows.
  • The current row, the previous 10 rows, and the next 10 rows.
  • The next 8 rows.
from deephaven.updateby import rolling_avg_time, rolling_avg_tick

update_by_ops = [
    rolling_avg_time("Timestamp", "BackwardTimeAvgX = X", rev_time="PT9s"),
    rolling_avg_tick("BackwardRowAvgX = X", rev_ticks=9),
    rolling_avg_tick("CenteredRowAvgX = X", rev_ticks=11, fwd_ticks=10),
    rolling_avg_tick("ForwardRowAvgX = X", rev_ticks=0, fwd_ticks=8),

t_windowed = t.update_by(update_by_ops)

NOTE: A backward-looking window counts the current row as the first row backward. A forward-looking window counts the row ahead of the current row as the first row forward.

See the update_by user guide to learn more.

Combine tables

There are two different ways to combine tables in Deephaven: merging and joining. Merging tables can be visualized as a vertical stacking of tables, whereas joining is more horizontal in nature, appending rows from one table to another based on common columns.

Each subsection below defines its own tables to demonstrate merging and joining tables in Deephaven.

Merge tables

merge combines an arbitrary number of tables provided they all have the same schema.

from deephaven import empty_table
from deephaven import merge

t1 = empty_table(10).update(
    ["Table = 1", "X = randomDouble(0, 10)", "Y = randomBool()"]
t2 = empty_table(6).update(["Table = 2", "X = 1.1 * i", "Y = randomBool()"])
t3 = empty_table(3).update(["Table = 3", "X = sin(0.1 * i)", "Y = true"])

t_merged = merge([t1, t2, t3])

Join tables

Joining tables combines two tables based on one or more key columns. The key column(s) define data that is commonly shared between the two tables. The table on which the join operation is called is the left table, and the table passed as an argument is the right table.

Consider the following three tables.

from deephaven.column import string_col, int_col, bool_col
from deephaven import new_table

t1 = new_table(
        string_col("Letter", ["A", "B", "C", "B", "C", "F"]),
        int_col("Value", [5, 9, 19, 3, 11, 1]),
        bool_col("Truth", [True, True, True, False, False, True]),

t2 = new_table(
        string_col("Letter", ["C", "A", "B", "D", "E", "F"]),
        string_col("Color", ["Blue", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow", "Red", "Orange"]),
        int_col("Count", [35, 19, 12, 20, 26, 7]),
        int_col("Remaining", [5, 21, 28, 20, 14, 8]),

t3 = new_table(
        string_col("Letter", ["A", "E", "D", "B", "C"]),
        string_col("Color", ["Blue", "Red", "Yellow", "Green", "Black"]),
        int_col("Value", [5, 9, 19, 3, 11]),
        bool_col("Truth", [True, True, True, False, False]),

The tables t1 and t2 have the common column Letter. Moreover, Letter contains matching values in both tables. So, these tables can be joined on the Letter column.

t_joined = t1.natural_join(t2, "Letter")

Joins can use more than one key column. The tables t2 and t3 have both the Letter and Color columns in common, and they both have matching values. The following code block joins the two tables on both columns.

t_joined_2 = t2.natural_join(t3, ["Letter", "Color"])

By default, every join operation in Deephaven appends all columns from the right table onto the left table. An optional third argument can be used to specify which columns to append. The following code block joins t2 and t3 on the Letter column, but only appends the Value column from t3.

t_joined_subset = t2.natural_join(t3, "Letter", "Value")

t2 and t3 share the Color column, so any attempt to append that onto t2 results in a name conflict error. This can be avoided by either renaming the column, or by using the joins argument to specify which columns to append.

The following example renames Color in t3 to Color2 when joining the tables.

t_joined_rename = t2.natural_join(t3, "Letter", ["Color2 = Color", "Value"])

Join operations in Deephaven come in two distinct flavors: exact and relational joins and time series and range joins.

Exact and relational joins

Exact and relational joins combine data from two tables based on exact matches in one or more related key columns.

Exact joins

Exact joins keep all rows from a left table, and append columns from a right table onto the left table.

Consider the following tables.

from deephaven.column import double_col, int_col, string_col
from deephaven import new_table

t_left_1 = new_table(
        string_col("Color", ["Blue", "Magenta", "Yellow", "Magenta", "Beige", "Blue"]),
        int_col("Count", [5, 0, 2, 3, 7, 1]),

t_right_1 = new_table(
        string_col("Color", ["Beige", "Yellow", "Blue", "Magenta", "Green"]),
        double_col("Weight", [2.3, 0.9, 1.4, 1.6, 3.0]),

t_left_1 and t_right_1 have a column of the same name and data type called Color. In t_right_1, Color has no duplicates. Additionally, all colors in t_left_1 have an exact match in t_right_1. In cases like this, exact_join is the most appropriate join operation.

t_exact_joined = t_left_1.exact_join(t_right_1, "Color")

Consider the following tables, which are similar to the previous example. However, in this case, t_left_2 contains the color Purple, which is not in t_right_2.

from deephaven.column import double_col, int_col, string_col
from deephaven import new_table

t_left_2 = new_table(
        string_col("Color", ["Blue", "Magenta", "Yellow", "Magenta", "Beige", "Green"]),
        int_col("Count", [5, 0, 2, 3, 7, 1]),

t_right_2 = new_table(
        string_col("Color", ["Beige", "Yellow", "Blue", "Magenta", "Red"]),
        double_col("Weight", [2.3, 0.9, 1.4, 1.6, 3.0]),

In this case, an exact_join will fail. Instead, use natural_join, which appends a null value where no match exists.

t_natural_joined = t_left_2.natural_join(t_right_2, "Color")

Relational joins

Relational joins are similar to SQL joins.

Consider the following tables.

from deephaven.column import double_col, int_col, string_col
from deephaven import new_table

t_left_3 = new_table(
        string_col("Color", ["Blue", "Yellow", "Magenta", "Beige", "Black"]),
        int_col("Count", [5, 2, 3, 7, 6]),

t_right_3 = new_table(
            ["Beige", "Yellow", "Blue", "Magenta", "Green", "Red", "Yellow", "Magenta"],
        double_col("Weight", [2.3, 0.9, 1.4, 1.6, 3.0, 0.5, 1.1, 2.8]),

join includes only rows where key columns in both tables contain an exact match, including multiple exact matches.

t_joined = t_left_3.join(table=t_right_3, on="Color")

left_outer_join includes all rows from the left table as well as rows from the right table where an exact match exists. Null values are inserted where no match exists.

from deephaven.experimental.outer_joins import left_outer_join

t_left_outer_joined = left_outer_join(l_table=t_left_3, r_table=t_right_3, on="Color")

full_outer_join includes all rows from both tables, regardless of whether an exact match exists. Null values are inserted where no match exists.

from deephaven.experimental.outer_joins import full_outer_join

t_full_outer_joined = full_outer_join(l_table=t_left_3, r_table=t_right_3, on="Color")

Time-series (inexact) joins

Time-series (inexact) joins are joins where the key column(s) used to join the tables may not match exactly. Instead, the closest value is used to match the data when no exact match exists.

Consider the following tables, which contain quotes and trades for two different stocks.

from deephaven.column import datetime_col, double_col, int_col, string_col
from deephaven import new_table

trades = new_table(
        string_col("Ticker", ["AAPL", "AAPL", "AAPL", "IBM", "IBM"]),
                "2021-04-05T09:10:00 ET",
                "2021-04-05T09:31:00 ET",
                "2021-04-05T16:00:00 ET",
                "2021-04-05T16:00:00 ET",
                "2021-04-05T16:30:00 ET",
        double_col("Price", [2.5, 3.7, 3.0, 100.50, 110]),
        int_col("Size", [52, 14, 73, 11, 6]),

quotes = new_table(
        string_col("Ticker", ["AAPL", "AAPL", "IBM", "IBM", "IBM"]),
                "2021-04-05T09:11:00 ET",
                "2021-04-05T09:30:00 ET",
                "2021-04-05T16:00:00 ET",
                "2021-04-05T16:30:00 ET",
                "2021-04-05T17:00:00 ET",
        double_col("Bid", [2.5, 3.4, 97, 102, 108]),
        int_col("BidSize", [10, 20, 5, 13, 23]),
        double_col("Ask", [2.5, 3.4, 105, 110, 111]),
        int_col("AskSize", [83, 33, 47, 15, 5]),

aj joins row values in the left table with the closest in the right table without going over. To see the quote at the time of a trade, use aj.

result_aj = trades.aj(quotes, ["Ticker", "Timestamp"])

raj joins row values in the left table with the closest in the right table without going under. To see the first quote that comes after a trade, use raj.

result_raj = trades.raj(quotes, ["Ticker", "Timestamp"])

More about joins

Every join operation presented in this notebook works on real-time data. Don't believe us? Try it for yourself! For more information about joins, see: