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Use the ternary conditional operator in query strings

This guide will show you how to use the ternary conditional operator, also known as ternary-if, in query strings. The operator evaluates a boolean expression and returns the result of one of two expressions, depending on whether the boolean expression evaluates to true or false. It is similar to an inline if-then-else code block.

Ternary conditional operator (ternary-if)

The syntax for the ternary conditional operator is: condition ? expressionIfTrue : expressionIfFalse

The question mark (?) separates the condition from the expressions, and the colon (:) separates the expression evaluated when the condition is true from the expression evaluated when the condition is false.

The expression x ? y : z evaluates as follows:

  • If x is true, the expression evaluates to y.
  • If x is false, the expression evaluates to z.

The expression x ? (y ? 1 : 2) : 3 evaluates as follows:

  • If both x and y are true, the expression evaluates to 1.
  • If x is true, and y is false, the expression evaluates to 2.
  • If x is false, the expression evaluates to 3.

In the following example, a new column, Budget, is created. The column contains yes if the value in the Price column is less than or equal to 3.50 and no otherwise.

from deephaven import new_table

from deephaven.column import string_col, int_col, double_col

source = new_table(
"Type", ["Pine", "Fir", "Cedar", "Oak", "Ash", "Walnut", "Beech", "Cherry"]
double_col("Price", [1.95, 3.70, 3.25, 3.45, 4.25, 7.95, 4.10, 5.25]),

result = source.update(formulas=["Budget = (Price <= 3.50) ? `yes` : `no` "])

Nested ternary conditional operators

For more complex cases with multiple conditions, ternary-if statements can be nested. For example:

condition1 ? (condition2 ? value1 : value2) : value3

The expression x ? (y ? 1 : 2) : 3 evaluates as follows:

  • If both x and y are true, the expression evaluates to 1.
  • If x is true, and y is false, the expression evaluates to 2.
  • If x is false, the expression evaluates to 3.

Consider a home builder with a budget of $3.50/board-foot to purchase hardwood lumber. The builder would like to know what types of wood are within their budget. Nested ternary operators can create yes and no values based on whether or not a type of wood meets this requirement.

In this example, the Possible column evaluates to yes only if the wood is both hardwood and the price is less than $3.50. Otherwise, the wood is not offered as a possibility for the customer.

from deephaven import new_table
from deephaven.column import string_col, double_col

woods = new_table(
"Type", ["Pine", "Fir", "Cedar", "Oak", "Ash", "Walnut", "Beech", "Cherry"]
"Hardness", ["soft", "soft", "soft", "hard", "hard", "hard", "hard", "hard"]
double_col("Price", [1.95, 2.50, 3.25, 3.45, 4.25, 7.95, 4.10, 5.25]),

result = woods.update(
"Possible = (Hardness == `hard`) ? ( (Price <= 3.50) ? `yes` : `no` ) : `no` "

If hardwood is a requirement but the budget is flexible, nested ternary-ifs can be used to categorize hardwoods as budget or expensive and all other wood types as no. This is seen below:

result = woods.update(
"possible = (Hardness == `hard`) ? ( (Price <= 3.50) ? `budget` : `expensive` ) : `no` "

Python functions in ternary conditional operators

Using a custom method in a ternary statement is very straightforward. All you need to do is replace the condition with your method call. Make sure that the method returns a boolean value. Additionally, the function either needs a type hint or a type cast in the query string to a boolean.

The following example uses a function in a ternary operator to determine if the wood flooring options are in the budget.

def budget(price) -> bool:
return price <= 3.50

result = woods.update("Budget = budget(Price) ? `yes` : `no` ")