Performance tables cheat sheet
Deephaven makes several performance log tables available.
The word "log" in this context refers to the append-only nature of these tables, not to log files in the traditional sense.
These tables track various metrics across Deephaven, and in normal circumstances will be populated with raw performance data pertaining to your running queries and server state.
import deephaven.perfmon as pm
upl = pm.update_performance_log()
qopl = pm.query_operation_performance_log()
qpl = pm.query_performance_log()
pml = pm.process_metrics_log()
pil = pm.process_info_log()
ssl = pm.server_state_log()
qptt = pm.query_performance_tree_table()
qoptt = pm.query_operation_performance_tree_table()
- upl
- qopl
- qpl
- pml
- pil
- ssl
- qptt
- qoptt
Several derived tables are defined on top of them, typically by removing the suffix _log
from the name; these derived tables
accumulate data and present it in more user-friendly column types (e.g., time units in fractional seconds instead of nanoseconds for
CPU time metrics), and as such are more useful for dashboards, where the _log
tables are more useful as sources of raw data
for user-defined computation of performance statistics. For the derived tables in the list below that are related to query performance,
the functions that create them take one query evaluation number id as a parameter to show results for a particular query (where the _log
tables show data for all queries).
import deephaven.perfmon as pm
qup = pm.query_update_performance(1)
qp = pm.query_performance(1)
qop = pm.query_operation_performance(1)
ss = pm.server_state()
- qup
- qp
- qop
- ss
Barrage Performance
Barrage is the name of our IPC table transport. There are two sets of statistics. The subscription
metrics are recorded for ticking subscriptions. The snapshot
metrics are recorded for one-off
requests such as via an Arrow Flight DoGet
Tables are identified by their TableId
and TableKey
. The TableId
is determined by the source table's
. The TableKey
defaults to Table#getDescription()
but can be overridden by setting a
table attribute (withAttributes
import jpy
from deephaven import empty_table
t = empty_table(0)
table = jpy.get_type("io.deephaven.engine.table.Table")
attr_table = t.with_attributes({table.BARRAGE_PERFORMANCE_KEY_ATTRIBUTE: "MyTableKey"})
The web client applies transformations to every table that it subscribes to. If a table is also subscribed by a non-web
client then statistics for the original table and the transformed table will both appear in the metrics table. Their
will differ. Most transformations clear the TableKey
attribute, such as when a column is sorted or filtered
by the user through the GUI.
Here are server-side flags that change the behavior of barrage metrics.
: record metrics for tables that do not have an explicitTableKey
: the interval to flush aggregated statistics (default:60000
- once per minute)
You can access these tables as follows:
import jpy
bpl = jpy.get_type(
subs = bpl.getSubscriptionTable()
snaps = bpl.getSnapshotTable()
- subs
- snaps