How can I convert year, day, and minute to an Instant?
I have a table with columns containing an integer year, month of year, day of month, and minute of day. How can I convert these columns to a single Instant column?
The example provided in this page uses the ET
time zone. Adjust your code accordingly if you wish to use a different one.
Deephaven's query engine provides the necessary methods to convert integer year, month, day, and minute to an Instant in a given time zone.
from deephaven import empty_table
source = empty_table(1).update(["Year = 2024", "Month = 3", "Day = 4", "Minute = 720"])
result = source.update(
"Timestamp = LocalDate.of(Year, Month, Day).atTime(0, 0, 0).atZone('ET') + Minute * MINUTE"
- result
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