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Version: Python

How do I dynamically update a Python DataFrame from a Deephaven table?

I have a Python DataFrame that I want to update automatically when my Deephaven table updates. How can I write a query that does this?

There are two basic ways to do this. The first uses a table listener, and the second uses threading to update the DataFrame at regular intervals.

Dynamically update a DataFrame from a Deephaven table

With a table listener

import threading
import time
from deephaven import time_table
from deephaven.pandas import to_pandas
from deephaven.table_listener import listen

t = time_table("PT1s").update("X=ii").tail(5)

# create a snapshot of the table every 5 seconds
tsnap = t.snapshot_when(time_table("PT5s").view("TSnap=Timestamp"))

# convert the snapshot to a pandas dataframe
df = to_pandas(tsnap)

# define a function to update the dataframe
def update_df(update, is_replay):
global df
df = to_pandas(tsnap)
print(f"Update: Value: {df}")

# create a table listener that listens for updates to `tsnap`,
# and calls `update_df` when an update is received
handle = listen(tsnap, update_df)

# define a function to terminate the listener
def terminate_listener():
print("Terminating listener...")
print("Listener has terminated.")

# create a timer to terminate the listener after 20 seconds
timer = threading.Timer(20, terminate_listener)

With Python threading

import threading
import time
from deephaven import time_table
from deephaven.pandas import to_pandas

# create a table that updates every second
t = time_table("PT1s").update("X=ii").tail(5)

# convert the table to a pandas dataframe
df = to_pandas(t)

# define a function to update the dataframe at regular intervals
def update_df(t, interval):
global df
while True:
df = to_pandas(t)
print(f"Thread: {threading.current_thread().name}, Value: {df}")

# Create and start the thread to update the dataframe every 5 seconds
thread = threading.Thread(target=update_df, args=(t, 5), name="UpdateThread")

# Let the thread run for 20 seconds

# Terminate the thread (in this case, forcefully)
print("Terminating thread...")
if thread.is_alive():
print("Thread is still running. Exiting anyway.")
print("Thread has terminated.")

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