How do I solve a `hash table exceeds maximum size` error?
If you see a hash table exceeds maximum size
error, it means that your table has too many keys for Deephaven to handle - without reducing cardinality. Fortunately, this is easy to do.
To get around this problem, simply use partition_by
to create subtables with a lesser key cardinality. Take this example with 100 million rows:
from deephaven import empty_table
t = empty_table(100_000_000).update("key = randomInt(0, 10000000)")
# will cause a "hash table exceeds maximum size" error on very large tables
rst = t.count_by("Count", "key")
This can be reformulated using partitioned tables into a form that has lower key cardinality that will avoid the error:
from deephaven import empty_table
t = empty_table(100_000_000).update("key = randomInt(0, 10000000)")
# partition the table to reduce key cardinality
rst = (
t.update_view("Partition = key % 100")
.count_by("Count", "key")
Additionally, working with large data amplifies any inefficiency in your code, so make sure you're using the correct join and selection methods for your use case.
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