How do I create unrollable columns in the Python IDE?
Grouping and ungrouping (also referred to as "rolling up" or "unrolling") column data is a hugely important part of staying organized when working with Deephaven. However, since Deephaven's engine is built in Java, the ungroup
method only works on Java arrays - for example, the following query will fail:
offsets = [1, 2, 3, 4]
table = tabe.update("offsets = offsets")
The offsets need to be converted to a Java array for the ungroup
method to work:
from deephaven import empty_table
from deephaven import dtypes
offsets = [1, 2, 3, 4]
offsets = dtypes.array(dtypes.int64, offsets)
t1 = empty_table(10).update("X = i")
t2 = t1.update("Offsets=offsets")
t3 = t2.ungroup()
t4 = t2.ungroup("Offsets")
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