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Version: Python

Why aren't my date-time table operations working as expected?

I'm trying to do downstream calculations on a date-time column, but everything I try throws an error. What's going on?

This is a fairly common issue that users run into when writing queries in Python, and it's usually caused by the existence of a PyObject or Object column existing in the table. Take, for instance, the following query that creates a one-row table with a timestamp at midnight on New Years' Day of 2024:

from deephaven.time import to_j_instant
from deephaven import empty_table

source = empty_table(1).update(["Timestamp = to_j_instant(`2024-01-01T00:00:00 ET`)"])

That worked, so what's the issue? Well, trying a downstream operation on the Timestamp column doesn't work:

result = source.update(["MillisSinceEpoch = epochMillis(Timestamp)"])

Here's part of the error:

r-Scheduler-Serial-1 | .c.ConsoleServiceGrpcImpl | Error running script: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error in Python interpreter:
Type: <class 'deephaven.dherror.DHError'>
Value: table update operation failed. : Cannot find method epochMillis(java.lang.Object)

This error is caused because there's no query language method epochMillis that exists for a java.lang.Object column type.

The fix for this is simple: do not use methods found in deephaven.time in query strings unless it's absolutely necessary. There are a huge number of available methods in the DateTimeUtils Java class that can do the same thing. That class is auto-imported into the Deephaven Query Language on server startup, so you can call them with no imports at all.

from deephaven import empty_table

source = empty_table(1).update(["Timestamp = parseInstant(`2024-01-01T00:00:00 ET`)"])
result = source.update(["MillisSinceEpoch = epochMillis(Timestamp)"])

This principle is true for operations outside of date-time libraries as well. For more information on this topic, see the following guides:


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