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Version: Python


The barrage_session method returns a cached Deephaven gRPC session (BarrageSession) to a remote server if one is available; otherwise, it creates a new BarrageSession.


host: str,
port: int = 10000,
auth_type: str = 'Anonymous',
auth_token: str = '',
use_tls: bool = False,
tls_root_certs: bytes = None
) -> BarrageSession



The host name or IP address of the Deephaven server.

port optionalint

The port number that the remote Deephaven server is listening on. The default value is 10000.

auth_type optionalstr

The authentication type string. Can be "Anonymous", "Basic", or any custom-built authenticator in the server, such as "io.deephaven.authentication.psk.PskAuthenticationHandler". The default is "Anonymous"

auth_token optionalstr

The authentication token string. When auth_type is Basic, it must be "user:password". When auth_type is Anonymous, auth_token will be ignored. When auth_type is a custom-built authenticator, auth_token must conform to the specific requirements of the authenticator.

use_tls optionalbool

If True, the connection will be encrypted using TLS. The default is False.

tls_root_certs optionalbytes

The PEM-encoded root certificates to use for TLS connection, or None to use system defaults. True implies the use of a TLS connection and the use_tls argument should be passed as True. Defaults to None.


A BarrageSession.


The following example creates a BarrageSession on a Deephaven server running on localhost at port 10000.

from deephaven.barrage import barrage_session

barrage_sesh = barrage_session("localhost", 10000)

The following example connects to a BarrageSession on a Deephaven server running on localhost at port 9999. This example will fail unless there is already a Deephaven server running on localhost at port 9999.

from deephaven.barrage import barrage_session

barrage_sesh = barrage_session("localhost", 9999)

The following example connects to a Deephaven server running on a remote host at IP address and port 10000. This example will fail unless there is already a Deephaven server running at the specified IP address and port.

from deephaven.barrage import barrage_session

barrage_sesh = barrage_session("", 10000)

The following example connects to a Deephaven server running on localhost at port 9999, with pre-shared-key (PSK) authentication. This example will fail unless there is already a Deephaven server running on localhost at port 9999, with matching PSK authentication.

from deephaven.barrage import barrage_session

barrage_sesh = barrage_session(