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Version: Python


The to_table method creates a new table from a NumPy NDArray.


to_table(np_array: numpy.ndarray, cols: List[str]) -> Table



The source table to convert to a numpy.ndarray.


Defines the names of the columns in the resulting table. This parameter must have exactly as many column names as there are columns in the source NumPy NDArray.


A Deephaven Table from the given NumPy NDArray and the column names.


In the following example, we create a NumPy NDArray and convert it to a Deephaven table using to_table.

import numpy as np
from deephaven.numpy import to_table

source = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]])

result = to_table(source, cols=["col1", "col2", "col3"])

In many cases, NumPy arrays are too large to manually enumerate all of the column names. In such cases, you may prefer to set column names programmatically, like so:

import numpy as np
from deephaven.numpy import to_table

source = np.arange(10000).reshape(100, 100)

# programatically name columns
result = to_table(source, cols=[f"X{i}" for i in range(source.shape[1])])