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Version: Python


The transform method applies a function to all constituents of a partitioned table.


transform(func: Callable[[Table], Table]) -> PartitionedTable


funcCallable[[Table], Table]

A function that takes a table as input and returns a table. The table operations applied within the function must be done from within an execution context.


A PartitionedTable.


This first example applies a transformation to add a new column to each constituent of a partitioned table.

from deephaven.execution_context import get_exec_ctx
from deephaven import empty_table

source = empty_table(5).update(["IntCol = i", "StrCol = `value`"])
source_partitioned = source.partition_by(["IntCol"])

ctx = get_exec_ctx()

def add_one(t):
with ctx:
return t.update(["IntCol2 = IntCol + 1"])

result_partitioned = source_partitioned.transform(add_one)

result_3 = result_partitioned.get_constituent([3])

This second example applies aggregations to each constituent of a partitioned table via transform.

from deephaven.execution_context import get_exec_ctx
from deephaven import empty_table
from deephaven import agg

import random, string

def rand_symbol() -> str:
return random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase[:5])

source = empty_table(100).update(
["Sym = rand_symbol()", "X = randomInt(0, 100)", "Y = randomDouble(-50.0, 50.0)"]

ctx = get_exec_ctx()

def apply_aggs(t):
with ctx:
return t.update(["Z = X % 5"]).agg_by(
aggs=[agg.sum_(["SumX = X"]), agg.count_("Z"), agg.avg(["AvgY = Y"])],

partitioned_source = source.partition_by(by=["Sym"])

partitioned_result = partitioned_source.transform(func=apply_aggs)

result_A = partitioned_result.get_constituent(["A"])