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Version: Python

Powerful Python Integrations

Deephaven empowers Python developers by providing efficient integrations with popular Python libraries. This section covers some highlights of Deephaven's Python interoperability as well as the inherent limitations of static Python data structures.


The deephaven.pandas module is the gateway to Pandas interoperability. The module itself is simple, containing only two functions: to_pandas, which converts a Deephaven table into a Pandas DataFrame, and to_table, which converts a Pandas DataFrame into a Deephaven table.

from deephaven import pandas as dhpd
from deephaven import empty_table

t = empty_table(10).update(
"Timestamp = '2015-01-01T00:00:00 ET' + 'PT1m'.multipliedBy(ii)",
"Group = randomInt(1, 4)",
"GroupMean = Group == 1 ? -10.0 : Group == 2 ? 0.0 : Group == 3 ? 10.0 : NULL_DOUBLE",
"GroupStd = Group == 1 ? 2.5 : Group == 2 ? 0.5 : Group == 3 ? 1.0 : NULL_DOUBLE",
"X = randomGaussian(GroupMean, GroupStd)",

t_df = dhpd.to_pandas(t)

The appropriate column types are automatically inferred.


Pandas operations can be applied to the DataFrame and the result can be converted back to a Deephaven table.

t_df_group_avg = t_df.groupby("Group").mean()
t_group_avg = dhpd.to_table(t_df_group_avg)

Using DQL to do this particular job would be more efficient, but this example demonstrates the flexibility of the Pandas integration.

Note that Pandas DataFrames are inherently static. Converting a ticking Deephaven table to a Pandas DataFrame snapshots the table at that moment in time.


NumPy is one of Python's most popular packages. It implements arrays and array operations. Deephaven's deephaven.numpy package, like the Pandas package, contains only two functions, to_numpy and to_table, for converting to and from NumPy arrays and Deephaven tables, respectively.

from deephaven import numpy as dhnp
from deephaven import empty_table

t = empty_table(10).update(["X = ii", "Y = X + 2", "Z = sin(X + Y)"])

t_np = dhnp.to_numpy(t.view(["X = (double)X", "Z"]))

t_np_transposed = t_np.transpose()

col_names = [
t_transposed = dhnp.to_table(t_np_transposed, col_names)

Note: in this example, the X column is cast from a long to a double. NumPy arrays can only contain a single data type, while Deephaven tables can contain one data type per column. To create a NumPy array, all columns must be the same type. For example, the following conversion will fail.

t = empty_table(10).update(["X = ii", "Y = sin(X)", "Z = Y > 0 ? 1 : 0"])

# This will fail - a NumPy array can't have more than one data type!
t_np = dhnp.to_numpy(t)

The deephaven.learn library

Aimed at ML/AI practitioners, deephaven.learn provides a general-purpose framework for efficient data interchange between Deephaven tables and Python objects such as NumPy arrays, Torch tensors, and more. deephaven.learn is fundamentally geared towards machine learning applications, as it enables models to be applied to real-time data.

deephaven.learn utilizes a gather-compute-scatter framework:

  • Data is gathered from a table into a Python object.
  • A computation is done on that object, possibly producing outputs.
  • The results of the computation are scattered back into the table.

NOTE: deephaven.learn currently only works on append-only tables.

A simple and effective example of machine learning in Deephaven is Iris flower classification. It's an effective introductory problem in machine learning. The objective is to build a model that accurately predicts the class of Iris flower based on four measurements. This code will do so with a K-nearest neighbors model.

from deephaven import read_csv
import numpy as np

iris = read_csv("/data/examples/Iris/csv/iris.csv")

classes = {}
num_classes = 0

def get_class_number(c) -> np.intc:
global classes, num_classes
if c not in classes:
classes[c] = num_classes
num_classes += 1
return classes[c]

iris = iris.update(formulas=["Class = get_class_number(Class)"])


To gather table data into Python, use deephaven.learn.gather.table_to_numpy_2d. The following code block calls it in two functions: one for doubles, the other for ints. These will both be used shortly.

from deephaven.learn import gather

# "gather" functions for double and 32-bit int data types
def table_to_numpy_double(rows, columns):
return gather.table_to_numpy_2d(rows, columns, np_type=np.double)

def table_to_numpy_int(rows, columns):
return gather.table_to_numpy_2d(rows, columns, np_type=np.intc)


Machine learning applies models to data. Models typically produce no outputs when training, but do produce outputs when applied after training is complete. The following code block defines two functions. The first trains a K-nearest neighbors model on data, and the second applies the trained model. They will be used shortly.

import os

os.system("pip install -U scikit-learn")

from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier

model = None

def fit_knn(x_train, y_train):
global model
model = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3), y_train.squeeze())

def use_knn(features):
if features.ndim == 1:
features = np.expand_dims(features, 0)
predictions = np.zeros(len(features))
for i in range(0, len(features)):
predictions[i] = model.predict([features[i]]).squeeze()
return predictions


In this case, scattering Python data back into a table is simple. Since the model produces scalar outputs, a scatter function only needs to return the output at the correct index.

def numpy_to_table(data, idx):
return int(data[idx])

Put it all together

The deephaven.learn.learn function is the final piece of the puzzle. It takes the table, model function, and gather/scatter functions to both train the model as well as apply it to the table data.

First, train the model. Because this is a supervised learning model, two inputs are required: the features and the class labels. The training phase produces no outputs, so none are given.

from deephaven import learn

["SepalLengthCM", "SepalWidthCM", "PetalLengthCM", "PetalWidthCM"],
learn.Input("Class", table_to_numpy_int),

With the trained model in hand, apply it to the table data. This time, an output is produced.

iris_knn_classified = learn.learn(
["SepalLengthCM", "SepalWidthCM", "PetalLengthCM", "PetalWidthCM"],
outputs=[learn.Output("ClassifiedClass", numpy_to_table, "int")],

For more information, see the deephaven.learn guide.