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Version: Python

Does it make any difference if I separate table operations or chain them together?

I have a query in which I create a series of tables via various table operations. I only really need a couple of the resultant tables as output. Does creating tables I don't need along the way affect performance?

The short answer is most of the time, it does not. We actually encourage users to create intermediate tables during query writing, as they make debugging significantly easier. The following hypothetical queries will be similarly performant:

t1 = some_table
t2 = some_other_table
a = t1.where("X")
b = a.agg_by("Y")
t_final = b.natural_join(t2)
t1 = some_table
t2 = some_other_table
t_final = t1.where("X").agg_by("Y").natural_join(t2)

Chaining table operations like in the latter hypothetical example is mostly beneficial for those who prefer it stylistically. A notable exception to this rule of thumb is update_by, which optimizes multiple operations that are chained together:

from deephaven import updateby as ub
from deephaven.time import to_j_instant
from deephaven import empty_table
from random import choice
from time import time

def get_id() -> str:
return choice(["ABC", "DEF", "GHI", "JKL", "MNO", "PQR", "STU", "VWX"])

start_time = to_j_instant("2024-03-01T00:00:00 ET")

source = empty_table(1_000_000).update(
"Timestamp = start_time + (long)(ii * SECOND / 10)",
"ID = get_id()",
"Volume = randomDouble(0.0, 500.0)",
"Price = randomDouble(10.0, 100.0)",

cumsum_op = ub.cum_sum("TotalPrice = Total")
cummax_op = ub.cum_max(cols="MaxPrice = Price")
rollingmin_op = ub.rolling_min_time(
ts_col="Timestamp", cols="RecentMinPrice = Price", rev_time="PT60s"
rollingavg_op = ub.rolling_avg_time(
ts_col="Timestamp", cols="RecentAvgPrice = Price", rev_time="PT60s"
rollingmax_op = ub.rolling_max_time(
ts_col="Timestamp", cols="RecentMaxPrice = Price", rev_time="PT60s"

start = time()
result1 = source.update(["Total = Volume * Price"])
result2 = result1.update_by(ops=cumsum_op, by="ID")
result3 = result2.update_by(ops=cummax_op, by="ID")
result4 = result3.update_by(ops=rollingmin_op, by="ID")
result5 = result4.update_by(ops=rollingavg_op, by="ID")
result6 = result5.update_by(ops=rollingmax_op, by="ID")
end = time()

print(f"Total time elapsed: {(end - start):.4f} seconds.")
from deephaven import updateby as ub
from deephaven.time import to_j_instant
from deephaven import empty_table
from random import choice
from time import time

def get_id() -> str:
return choice(["ABC", "DEF", "GHI", "JKL", "MNO", "PQR", "STU", "VWX"])

start_time = to_j_instant("2024-03-01T00:00:00 ET")

source = empty_table(1_000_000).update(
"Timestamp = start_time + (long)(ii * SECOND / 10)",
"ID = get_id()",
"Volume = randomDouble(0.0, 500.0)",
"Price = randomDouble(10.0, 100.0)",

cumsum_op = ub.cum_sum("TotalPrice = Total")
cummax_op = ub.cum_max(cols="MaxPrice = Price")
rollingmin_op = ub.rolling_min_time(
ts_col="Timestamp", cols="RecentMinPrice = Price", rev_time="PT60s"
rollingavg_op = ub.rolling_avg_time(
ts_col="Timestamp", cols="RecentAvgPrice = Price", rev_time="PT60s"
rollingmax_op = ub.rolling_max_time(
ts_col="Timestamp", cols="RecentMaxPrice = Price", rev_time="PT60s"

updateby_ops = [cumsum_op, cummax_op, rollingmin_op, rollingavg_op, rollingmax_op]

start = time()
result = source.update("Total = Volume * Price").update_by(ops=updateby_ops, by="ID")
end = time()

print(f"Total time elapsed: {(end - start):.4f} seconds.")

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